ni CBltT News Saturday Morning, Oct. 30. 1880. The Grant County News is REGIS TERED AT THE POST-OFFICE AT CaN- yon City as second class mail matter; according to law. fT OB AH LODGE. No. 22. I 0 0. fl F , meets every Thursday evening at their Lodge Room in Canyon City. Visiting brothers ore invited to attend. By Order of N. G. MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE, No. 83. 1. 0. O. F., Prairie City, Ore jrnn, meets every Saturday Evening. Members of the order are invited to attend. By order of the N. G. TAKE NOTICE. "Wo hereby give notice that all debts due us must be paid by the 20th day of November, 1880. Ac counts remaining unpaid after that date will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Atten- ' tion to this notice will save costs. SNIDER & STEVENS. Camp Harney, Ogn. Oct. 27, 1880. The Grant Cotwrv News is the only paper published in Eastern Ore gon that gives the general and, un hinsed political news, miscellaneous reading, general and home local news. It is read all"Jthrou'di bv the intelligence of the land thereby mak ing it a paying investment for its advertisers. Mr. "V. E. Garretson is spoken of bv all of our citizens as the finest and best watchmaker that has ever located in this town. His work j stands the test and when he fixes your watch, clock or jewelry you may depend that it is a good job and will Pitor. Balimvin, wife, mother and sister arrived in this ,rit v a week a-ro last night. Thev were serenaded bv the Brass Band at the City Hotel on Saturday evening, and on Sunday thev went to Prairie City, where thev will reside. CAB I). By invitation, the Canyon City Brass Band visited the Cffim'tv Fair Grounds on the second day of the late Fair and ttid. their utmost to furnish music for the visitors there at, -without charge or compensation. Yet no notice of their appearance was taken by the Association none of its' officers acknowledging their services, either in public or private. It seems that the presence of the Baud and the'r music was an annoy ance to the Association manipula tors, and that they had not time or inclination to extend to it the simplest courtesies, though there was ample time and inclination for the officers to advertise the auction of a wandering sheep man. We therefore most respectfully ask the pardon of the Agricultural Associa--tion for our intrusion. In this connection we desire to tender our heartv thanks to Mistress Trowbridge and Herburger for the delicous dinner furnished us on the dibove named occassion. CANYON CITY BRASS BAND. We were somowhat surprised- that no thanks were tendered fclie band by the officers, as a certain person told us that he had never failed- to raise a good purse for a band; but, perhaps he forgot the boys on this occasion. After cheers had been given, for private men and other mat ters and no notice taken of the band ive spoke to C. W. Parrish, Mr. PaIuier,N Thornton and others of the cooluefis and then proposed three iheers for the Brass Band which was given with a vim. See the advertisement of H. C. Jarrell, the liveryman of John Day, Oregon. "Hank" has some good travel a?:s rand is up with the times. " Canyon City is improving more this Summer than for years past. J?he Merchants are all very busy in this county. F. C. Sels has been making im provements about his brewery. Mr. "Wm. McDowell is building a two story residence in John Day. M L. Olmsted has built a neat wood shed on his premised. Miss May Mack is visiting her uncle's, Judge Dustin's family. Phil Metsehau and W. F. Stevens have returned home. Frank Mc'Bean now boasts of a bran new buck-board on his daily stage line. j Jacobs & Basford are rushing the City Hotel up in a hurry. They have five men at work on the house. Mr. S. Lofton laid some very fine potatoes on our table a few days ago. By request of our several Eastern Advertising Agents, we this week publish our advertising rates. The proprietors of the City Hotel are adding 14 new rooms to their house so as to accommodate their numerous guests. Tony Haehoney will soon have to build a new store house to get all of his goods in. He is doing an im mense business "V. S. Southworth has put up a new building near his residence. We understand it is a barn for' his mill horses. The first storm of the Winter sea son, in rant County, visited us on last Thursday. It was quite a rain and snow storm. We notice by the Idaho World that C. W. Ban has arrived in that place. He went singly and alone as the "hired girl" referred to by the Empire, is still at the station. Mr. E. A. McCoy has purchased the property on the opposite side of the creek, latoly owned by John Kuhl, and will level the tailings down and enlarge his lot. Ua. G. Porter also raises verv fine potatoes and, in our opinion, are as good as any that have been brought to Canyon City this fall. He will accept our thanks for a sack of the beauties. PIe::se Take Particular Notice. Thera appears to be a doubt of E. ?. Simms having the right to gather up Mires' cattle. On the first Mon day of Court last, myself and two other persons read the correspon dence between Simms and said Mires. We read the writings that were drawn between Mires and Simms, near Boise, Mires giving Simms a perfect right to gather up all the cattle he bad left between Camp Watson and Boise. We rend five or six letters from Montana from said Mires written to Simms. Tin contents of those letters corresuond- ed with the first written contract. Mires stated in his letters that he had received letters from certain per sons in this vicinity saying that Simons was acting verv bad about the cattle having gathered up about 125 head of cattle and disposed of them. Miros stated that he had been inforincd that Simms had re ceived the money for chose cattle that are now in law. Why should persons gave Simms his orders not to take another one of the Mires' cattle. Simnis gave me the names of those persons who did this, but I will omit them.- E, M. TownSend, his grandfather, and I, his grand mother, have raised Simms. I am bound to believe that all this dis turbance has come up by persons wantinc the cattle left on the limits I given to Simms. ! It is said that the love of mora y is the root of all evil, they may -ay :i :.. i r i t :. : t it is i lie iuve oi xioraes. jl suy it is the love of cattle in this case. N. B. Two months since- Simms called for his clothes, saj'ing he was t going off for he thought he was in danger of persons up the valley. MBS. JOANA TOWNSEND. Beautiful weather now prevails iv this section since the- snow stor. . FasMoift Her, THE DALLES, ORC'N. I would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Canyon City and vicin ity that I have just received from SAN FRftNCISCd, DIRECT, The finest and best Assortment of . Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Sashos; in fact everything in my line fchtffc has ever been brought East of The Cas-! cades. I duplicate Portland Prices and fill all orders promptly. Plain and Fancv Millinery, Child- ftj ren's readv-made Suits, and Ladies Supjriies constantly in stock. For good and stylish goods send orders to ' Mils. M. GLOVER, The Dalles, Oregon. CLARENDON hotel, PoKTL A X 1), 0 li KGO.Y, ZE1IJEU&KN0WLES,-- Proprietors. ' Situa'ed opposite all the Ihiilrond Hti Steamship Offices. Street cars pas the Free Couch (o and from the Ho'ise. Street Car Ticket Free to Guests. STRA "7ST 23 33.1. 3FL "ST FLOUR TNG- MILLS, MOREHEAD & CLEAVER PROPRIETORS. This long established and well known Mill is now running under the super vision of An experienced and aecom plished Miller and is producing a qual ify of Flour iVu.d to the production of any Mdl in Eastern Oregon. Orders f'-r Klmir, Graham, Chops, and Mill Feed, filled promptly at all limes at Reasonable rates, and Satis faction G uaienfeed. t ash paid for Merchantable wheaf. The patronage of the Public is Res pectfully Solicited LADIES EMFORltlM. Mrs. Junieq Cleaver would announce to the public that she has just received for the Eall and Winter trade the most stylish assortment of Misses and Child rens hats ever offered in this market. Shu silso knps a full stock of Ladies, Mi.-scs and Children iSlmes. L-ulies woolen v srs, Jackets and Nubias; just the ty!e for winter wear; Ladies Un derwear, Corsets, Laces. Embroideries and Ribbons. Triminini' silks and fringes; Table and Pocket cutlery, Sil ver ware and Jowelcry, Chandeliers, Crown Lamp"', Office and Parlor Lamps, and L-unp Fixtures and notions for the Holiday trade, too numerous to enumer 'tt and fi'r sale at the lowest, possible rates, for cash. The patronage of the public is respectfully si.' rod. IEAND BAL A Grand Ball will br given at the Masonic Hall, Cauvon Citv, on Thursday, Xov. 25th, 1SS0, for the henetit of the Crant County Agri cultural Societ v. 4. Committee of Arrrangcments: C. W. Pariish, L L. Olmsted, C. TodhuiiLer, Peter Kuhl, "Win. Armstrong, R. E. Damon. Floor Managers: M. L. Olmsted, C. W. Parrish, E. A. Braekett. Tickets, without sujjper, $2 00. Good music has been secured. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The (luestion now asked is "how A. can some people keep house for a ; i -l ill .i whole vear, and only buv one cord , -j ot wood while other citizens buy ( .1M , i .j,, n from .?() to rA nnrrlu n v&sir? (TilfiKS . .- . j they steal the rest, xouheap sabee. Girl Wanted. A good girl can find employment to do general housework by applying at the resi dence of- the editor hereof, immedi ately. She must be good to chil dren. Read the first page for editorial and locals. CLARK, CLARK; PEACE AND PLENTY FOR ALL THE P E O GOODS BOUGHT AMD W. H. . , , . j Just having received ti large j it at the" Yery Lowest Figures, I am determined to sell them to my customers at (he lowest cash prices. BEY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS and' CAPS, CROCKERY. And Everything riefeckd in this Country, for' the sustenance of life. In order to sellCiieap I must have my Cash so that t can buy Cheap. In return for Goods I will take all kinds of Country Produce, Yis: Grain of all kinds, Butter, Eggs, Furs, Eides, Ect., Ect.- W- EL CLARK, GANYON!CITY, ORECOrf CLARK,- CLARK, CLARK, CLARK, CUREY0UKBACK ACHE And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wear- inr tno IMPROVED EXCELSIOR. KID NEY PAD. It is a Marvel of Heal ing and Relief Simple, Sensible, Di- RECT,PAINLESS, POWERFUL. It Cuues where all else fails. A rev elation and revolution in Medicint. Absorption or direct application, as op posed to unsatisfactory internal medi eines. Send fer our treatise on Kid ney troubles, sent free. Sold by drug gists, or sent by mail, on receipt of price, $2, addhbss This is the only WATSON it CO. Original 122 1 14 Market Street, and Genuine Kidney Pad. San Fiianciscc, Cal. Ask for it and Westeun Agents, tako no other. n r, ; Mrs. C. G. 3 rov, a sister to the . , . , . -, Berry Boys of this place, arrived on J ' . last Thursday evening. She is from ' ..... T n .1 1 ' ' n oy cue way ux j:ii,riiuv . Next Tuesday is election day. Many bets have been ma'de and-some one is sure to win: See the advertisement of Geo'. Gundlaeh &Bro. in another column. They are thorough business men and. are always up with the times. ! Go see them. CLARK, Clare, P L E. SOLDIFORICASH ONLY! CLARK ONCE MORE HIMSELf, c. , p , r0 Stock of all kinds of Merchan- ' Cures by ABSORPTION Nature's MLUNG DlfSEAES, THROAT DISEASES BREATHING TROUBLES. It drives into the sviiem curative agents and healing medicines. It draws from the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Thousands Testify to its Virtues. Don't despair until you have tried this Sensible, Easily Applied and R A D l-r CAL LY EFFECTUAL Remedy Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail, on receipt of Price. $2.00, by Send for Testimo- WATSON & CO.; nials and our 122 & 124 Market Street, book. "Three san Francisco cal Millions a Year" Sent free. western agekt'sv Mr. J. Y. Phillips, of this city, had some pears in our office last Thursday Shat he warrants to stand the climate here. He calls them the Chinese' Sand pear and had. just picked them from his trees. They were" iiiee ones. V. S. Southworth Iras a planing machine at hm mill now in f uU blast and is furnishing dressed lumber at only a small advance over the usual price. He is in a pcndtioii now to offer better term? to builders than any mill in the County See his ad-' ertisement. YoncaiiDe KM