Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 09, 1880, Image 4

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    Is Grant iorty Hews.
Official Pap or For Grant County.
iVym City, Saturday Oct. 9, 1SS0.
8. H. Shepherd, Emtor
The trial of M les and Sally came
off on last Tuesday and resulted r.
their discharge and an orler from
the court for the restoration to thei
of "the horses taken from them I
the parties that arrested them nea.
Harney last spring.
The Sarmons preashe.1 in this city
by Rev. G-. E Wilcox, are spoken o
as the most profound of any ever de
livered here. He has, perhaps, no
superiors if any equals as an idealist
on this coast.- The house is well fill
ed every time he preache-.
Capt. Hedges and Maj. Rinehart
made us a call yesterday.
At the kind'solicitation of Mr. Pal
mer on last Monday Xve in company
withC. "NV. Parrish, and Judge Dus
tin took a ride to the race track, and
t the -first stable found Martin Mc
filure with "Lost Boy," a beautiful
sorrel. 3 rears old. with four win to
iaA wWtanHA VUn "Bnn,m Taken UP bv ihe undersigned on
2 jear old,rrol with white hind or aboufc the llth of September.lSSO,
feet. Both were sired bv Wilks. one aaiK uorse' Iour 3enrs ul
' t f i. ,i i t m .t i.u
and you can bet money on them. &ut 111 L" u A "
Next is "Web." Anderson's stable nShfc thigh; is a vicious ndglin
is next and where will bo found a 0ne bav horse with wllite stri-J clown
.-i.rtn;rt r ,n the nose, four rears old, branded'J
tine iron orev.Rtallion. l rears old. ' J 1
and shows cood care. M. S. Keen- . K' . "u,"' lulc 1UUL
ev is the man that owns the beauti- and left 1311111 loofc wlnte UP to Pns-
ful chesnut sorrel which ho calls n Jom I'f s,oa mvD1"? 11,0
(tt- A t- 1 1 tt . .11 auu V C O LUC IV ill tllULU Ul LUC
aua wm ruu loruiuuu. jLuenuxt .
, c j u i,n u tr i i Uork. IVlonuniontir. U., urantCoun-
atable we find to be McHaley s, and ' ' ,
n2o-29. Street, Canyon City, Oregon.
TTnvins: recently reeeiverl a full ami carpfnliv selccled fori
of Drngs, and Me licini-s 1 am fully prepared to hm ish eve-y-.hinir
iiusi 11 v kept in a First Class ! rnr Umi e. nt iv:.f o, nl'le
Prices. Isn a lull .K t ck of the Mandnrd Pan nt Med;c;is on
han l. Call, evtn uny. ;,ik1 .-e.-. ami buy of my fn sh n- d.
Also k- ej- mi a d a fuil stock ol' inipo.-te-l " i es Hia d
and Li(!i r-.l;r meucal pmpr ses, an I suld in quautit.e not ,(s.
(Jian one quart.
J. W. HiJWAKP, M. ) , Piopr eK r.
Test Trial.
A 13 Stop Orgar
there we found "Biddy McGee", or
the Blackwell mare, two years old,
sorrel, three white feet and a strip
down her nose, and she is a'fiver
Also a 3 year old bay, one hind foot
white, and might be taken for a
thoroughebred. He also has a bay
mare, "Maid of the woods," 4 year
old, two white feet. She is a genu
ine beauty. J. H. Hamilton's mare,
ju8t'arrived on the ground and we
took a look at her. She had only a
few days previous won a thousand
The Oregr n Kidney Tel.
Read tle f ll"vi.n; fihtimon;n'a. not
ft oni peiso'j 3,0' 10 in les hwhv, U
n-i ine krow.--, but i otn w. Il-kn n sunl
trn-t wiirdiy (m,;Z( s of 0"-g n, wJ tf
r-a'iis, wdttMi itli their mvn .: da.
t-t ii b' seen ittir ollic :
Is still at his post, at Jolin Pay City, deal-
in'r out the very choicest mciTies als , keeps m full stor k !
H;ots. Shoss. ( lo'hiii, Tabco. Tnbaceo. Troekerv Granite-
ar. lanev ups nnci :aucers, and lieneral Merchandise 1 Mcto--o':,eutfsfiS5ic. r-
' Ci MC liUU,US W.'K'OlilC U) everVOiK V W het hei t OV con o in.'ir-v.:c-U lr.:rn
. ' , , J ivniv-i ii m v v;u i Bvv.n Tac:.r:o of lis Or-r:3 ii bcauiif"! as-l
to Duv r me elv to see tin no s.
- - ---
r '... .. lU"ii,M.'fl.:L,'J. lacaso:t o; f 1. 1
"-lrrr. ; i ic-'v 1 wif'.i l-.:id-
t mv.u yZ K'.'.ti V-:k!i Wa!"''; I'srdj. r-lii'-li. 1 Jr r
a r jr.
n::t of(i.n. TLo t-:;i in i-:nr.r;:sl.!o fr pur it;"
an I nr:oct:"iOT, ccrrMncl v.iili a cV.:rio, vr
rkty ni ). V7' T.':2n::':i i cxife'r,
j e'T'O" r.i'sc ' i. V '", r I. i i t.ict. ilj J -h"io-ia?'rit:nci:t.
i: -tL-z o: I i.-.j cw j j-on!rfto
of t..cru;it i . Tffiv P. rl r Or,;in. js.'Ko tef--trv
cr;'" n r bo iu-c'-ascd fcr far'.fly
r.itcv - i :.""v Irrtcd i. j?t yct:!-
O' uJiom J..i. . It x.otnMix-;'::m. '
' itrtr.rc -K;i' I; Il.j fr:..':!it bo Iiivr-i:..rh
ir.r'.mroTt Lcrefl c. I .'rtivt rr :1 r n cir.i fcr
c ' :
Ca.y n City, (Jit t Cuxtv.
0n Ju y 2, 1S0 )
T' iy lrinrt. a' rt u ' nlnrs v li m
Jim:ivc nc rt: I wish o s.-iv t! at
dollar purse at Heppner. She is a Jift-r sullt- inir for h lon- rimi win. s- -
dark chesnut, about 14 hands high , v'-4 ImcKacl.o hhI i in tu Ions
weighs probably 900 pounds, and is ,,In,, k,;,,,e'- 1 w s l ,iu (d v; UJ 1 ot"
, . , , , tie m lh.: OnEOoN KlDM-Y '1 EA, l0
supposed to be the fastest half .mile . . .
nag known. She is six years old. fw. t;0n I w s en ir.rtx cm- d f nn cor...
At the next stable we found "Pill plain. I do m -r e.-nne-ly m:co"
Box", owned by N. Olivei. He is a '"o rt it to all my fn'eiP-'s l m y I
beautiful bay, hind feet white, star siff rit g from -i mil n.ii.k-s -
in face, 4 years old and fhe "Blre T ,,,Jfc ' i- the 'Uief nl!
Bell" has got to kick d.'rt immeLse Kiin y r m d-ps.
to get away with him. H. Workins CII IS LKS A 0 RA V.
nlso has a 5 year old. sorrel, one Warm Stnrvr. a- nt f'n.i. f, 1
hind foot, wliitn. t.Jinf. ik 7int. to ho T..1.. j ; iccm i I
" 7 " 't l I I 'I'V. I
overlooked at the "pool box." A Mcrs. Hodr0. D vi 'ct ('.
little son-el mare, 4 years old, owned I) a Sirs. I b ve Leon trouS. m! fm
by Chas. Kiley, named "Pic-nic," is Htinv 8 v;.ra w t't i -n-.r. n -n in f
going to surprise the people in her back loins, mi I v -o thu- a t o
race. All the horses having been 1,, n.b! t-.ti.-oo a-n' kd f
juuu u.u r . ouvu w v,i wm; witl'Ir Wll!if. Vii I If, iiiir I In, lr
xjisriir'oM: excellence;.
Xji 23.t ! G3tylir3v. i -S7S7'-ax-T-rt2-ij.i
SATU your SIOICT, writo for Oatala-ia and PBlJRilST to
AIpo fanafactllrc8
of t!tn ecl bnited Itoaru
B":oii -.oaisii or
1 rr. t r;-ur Cl. '. . f . f . "3. $F0
f ". C . ?'CJ f J. su.l r:- '. v: h
iir - n r.: r.. o:i.r, .::dt cr-
. Cv?r-"-w.T.. r: f ci.e 1 ZZ. t Ti . r. A-
'Vie d f i In v. tn o' ' O ego K d
n'i Ti. T d tsi'i o ' "ne pafKn u d
' h'Hicrh 1 I or "S d 1 f I', v J
m ji n w tnM. ft". fel like icc n-
tii ndig it to my fftli-ted H. nd-.
grounds; found an abundance of the
finest kind of water; fine stables and
other buildings in course of erection.
"Nothing unusual occurred on our
return home, save an incident that
happened on the road. It occured
to Sheriff Wash that it was mete and
proper that he should be ahead, so
after charging Mai. Magone to hold
v., p iu jAMES NORMAN & Co Pr pri. tors
uio uu: oto t umi -i u laxtuii uxiu.
bridge; our term instantly started, John Day City, Ohecon
and hue for the presence of mind of r.:ivin spared v.o pains or
jVIr, Palmer, in circling our team un . . i m
over the hill both wagons would ??Penf. ,,n. C,n 51 MnUr
have struck the bridge at once and M 111 wiuoii is j-econci to none on
the consequence would have been, this Toast, for producing joocl
broken arms necks and la. Mr.. fi()Ur we w()ll(l now re. nect fill-
tears it would cost Mrs. Wash, and lv announce lo the Public thai
that he wanted to spare the Major to " G re prepai eo ro nil
pick stones on the track, hence he Orcierrs 2P1 ox-
gave them the road and spared their the best qu ilit v of White
lives. While excitement was up it Floor, (rnhnm nnd Mill
was suggested by Chas. Parrish that a h a i
he would write our wills. Th Jc AH goods guaranteed to give
tor forthwith handed out seven short Pat' cti n ai d lo be second to
pencds, a collar button and 33 duns, none, made from the same
vnm me remark- "here, hovd, 'tis all class nt wi1(,ftt
icnat i can ao. maimer passed out
sjihdls & mmmm,
MAMrAU'l UA'v :;. Or Mm Mil
Z3e 'f- i is
Vi First St roe. a:nl 1117 n-oiit .irrcf j.fsr alurrisoii.
rm-i-ini c Factory four mi'c f om ' ast
r 1 nd. . ;jfer j owe usd. '1 1 c ol e t
linn ;iu ! Ia L'es: k n re. o . W 1 o osale
I : 1 1 tl, u . I. i i t...v .. . . . ,
" ' ' " v . i l , II I 1 1 U . 1 (I I I .
Fa em Sch u ! e I; ma 'e t - rr'er.
i'oi t and Uiri - oft UO.'t
or ALL
I po?w ili:t a:;d ssast.
K For mora than :i t hinl of a century tho G
ll.vl.ii, i..:... A I 1 fc
W known to llll! 1 i. r th v ,,,1,1 u W
KS? 1 intl. Funury !kiii ot'c.xU r.ial nuiu Jn'
:jast:i:i a I :rii:aer f i i !ir ut equal. ? 1
it ti-i;eir.iaN In- , it. ni. x;iisi toft.
PS Tj yvsy i)onc ; ilv con: :u:-F
1 Tcr up, n I.'mivn ll.h n-il t!i
p I'.mit! Cr-atlon arc t ;:;.;; y w ouUcrfal. Hi
v X ,
At ii;-.
in Ftnti ' a ! at II 'b s
- t V i'n in I li. i v :
'on it-at r !or -a'!'!
i .
1.4.,. . ,
I. K
ha d i.i '.'ir' v riftit-s.
1 I sl.n ::1. i; i ly hnm-!)CKy in
v y I 1 1- I.V vy C-.i '. I. i ;. ;., ui. i
; v.-tl by th j !.uuli..' power 1 1 1 hi i
C;.n 1.6
1 1
4 J -
KiOfk of t. 3 ,! ON
Q i . L-: in . H ::! Ul ?
(J; h s Tm;,) n, !
C !,!! V I) . r
ii n
s5' f. Si t? Mr. &3 fey
Bjsa i :;u il ct a .IXi. :-r
f . 1 1 s, at
fgwliicli ppcrUi'y rtir. fuch cilmcuta of
v. ii viki jl lit., ' t il
Hliounintl'im. f-:.Tci:i3sr. Kfr
l.Joliii i. on.fjii-Cccl riiu.clc.s, JBur::y
j.utC t altlM, Cut-, J-ii-ulso s and H
ViT oro .l,),lts, a.c.l lire as;, anil
un: cl ever form of cttcnul
.ayc. It l-n! M.Isont na,v:.
l'or the Urmtv. Ci:i. vnoN i' uitj
prnl'iH. Sumiiy, tJ'.n J ...its:
11 HY rli(:,KT.
FasS.i.u al le Iai l)er.
jaeveral red and white checks, a full
deck and said, "here, Lord, is my
-wealth, my hope, my all." Parrish
said, "save the"cigars." Dustin re
marked that "it was time to
sue fi vjarrant for the arrest of Wash
f. or a Attempt to commit murder."
Several have asked us if The News
would stQl be furnished at the same
riet per year, $3 ? Yes, we are ex
tremly glad to say that Grant Coun
ty now has a paper second to no
country weekly in Oregon, and what
'we are pleased to denominate as tho
Trill still be furnished at $3 a year.
Last week, owing to a rapid in
crtasi in our circulation, we had to
miss a few of our exchanges also a
UUmbtr of our complimentaries.
.v . - in v.. ,
I" P.
roodO(ods nnd strict atten
tion to business, we expind to
merit a share . fth- public pa- 11AIH I TMM'J. SH A VIX(3
tronage. Orders left at ihe
Mill, as wen1 as with (ieo.
Gund'ach & Hro., wi 1 be
promptly iitte ded to.
For Sale.
HOT AN ' tbl liV'filS AT
A'LTi E-'.
The Ranch and stock belongin
to John G. Nealen, situated 55
miles below Canyon City is now for
j) jsr o citit
Mil K-MAN.
The best of ilk fum'shed t-
U china er a d .;e !e .
! P.f Ltl AND I'LAU.:. 1
AMKUIC.W w Hi..-.
I) ni n 's, .J( wel. y. : ol d i
ver and 1 l.ited vare.
No. li'7 i i t St. - I '"'thin '
(Foi-uselx J. K. G H' B-ok S
.. . . . 7 ' - inn
II, n C.Sm9.4- ..... ...1 .. . i
r, .wt. ... . m-. v o.tiri.- aiiincut
tviil'tt (sc it:i'";iis cT tlxo
fax .'itnllle nd S,,c7. nvd ern
P .Th0 flifxl'-asi J.Ii:4.its Liniment
K.jj.uw..ya uinrs .n,t rover tiisannolnta :
Jewelry Knnuractiircil To Order.
Special attention paid to Repair
in Fine Watches and Diamond Se'-
All persons tbnt ha e so fr '0ro't
sale on good terms; also numerous t,P citi'en of 'V v n f "it v ev- t n that t'ic accou s w.e- ill Hnp i
town lots in the cities of Portland .v n,0.nil ir bv the -allon or t,fc c ,,ml r ilieil lv'11 co,,!er 4 f- '
aim yuuijuuverare onerfic fnr Qoi . . iv en Minimi " i' ft- k
by the same person.
Address JOHN G NEAIy3N.
Canyon City, Aug-. 27, 1880,
,u t: ai rca-oi able r ties.
I' mile S jhufcz is in town. "We ac
knowledge several pleasant calls
from him while here.
i p i g the Siim v i-i ut i y.
4Jobu Day S. pi. lOthjlin.
V rtiilrates of Publication for
umnions, Final Settlement, Sheriff
Sale 1 and Notice or any other Legal
Yoticos, will be given till tbe Printers
ce is paid. Kemcmber the above.
Our Subscription Agents. The fol
g 'ltloinen are authorized to receive
an 1 rejeijit for subscriptions, to The
NTe : (4. C. Clark, Grant County
M. T. Nolan. The Dalles, James V.
Gallagher, News Agent on the boats,
between Portland and Cascades, N..
O "R-rnivn Ws A rrpnf. r-n "U f- T
E., from Portland South.