- - .. J Jj 0 Ev ..... .. ... . .. ' ', f. VOL. 2. NO. 23. CANYON CITY, OREGON, ;SATlRDAY,- SEPTEMBER 11 l8$0.' .. TERMS: $3: PK YKJ?R. 5 'Professional gauds.- -4 C. W. Parrish. .. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon, . i M.. L. OLMSTEAD,' ;. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Okegox, Geo. 3?. Cuuiiey, , at Xj.xt Canyon City, Oregon., t M. Dustin, ; Attorney at Law, , . Canyon City, Oregon. " F. C.. HORSLEY, M D. Graduate of tub university of L'E.xn Jrylvatiia, April 8, 18-18. Canyon City, Oregon. Office in his Drug Store, Ma:n Stieet Orders for Drugs promtly filled. No professional patronage solicited unless directions aie s'rictly followed. J. W. HOWARD, M. D.7 Canyon City,- Grant Co., Oregon. 0. M; DODSON, M. D., , Prairiei Oi-fcy,, C&'xx N. H. BOLEY, JfcSrDetital rcMus first dour south of Ih Hnvnrd's Drug Store. Canyon City. Oreoon. .1 G. L HAZELTINE, . IiotograpliLor, CANYON CITY, OREGON. PHIL METSCHAN & CO. . . Announce that .tliey have' re ceived a full and well assorted Stock of . . ... , GENERAL MERCHANDISE, wliicli tliey offer; . Having bought for Cash , we ' J I ne-prepared to sell our Groods ( "heaper tlian the' were ever l.efore sold in this Market. Canyon City, Jan. 10. 1880. The cheapest place to Imy , PA I NTS, OILS, TURPEHlTINfi, GLASS, , PUTTY, VARNISHES And Af ALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired's, opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City. Oregon. nl2tt J-H!f WOPtSKY. GBO. JIcUSHA.N. WOOLSEY & HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OREGjJ.' f TUE BAR is Bapplied with pare !Wines and A' Uiquors, Beer. Ale, Bitters and Cigars. FINE BILLIARD TABLES In tho Saloon. Give us. a call. , Mcdowell & eaf PROPRIETORS JOHN DAY SALOON JohniDay . ;. .'.;'. Oregon. t The, Jlfiuppliedvith pire wineg, Xiciuors Beer, Aley: Bitters and Cigars. :A fine BILMARD TABLE;in the.Sa- (iiVe iis a call.'4 ' Hotels. H, Groth, M. V. Thompson. CiTY HOTEL Canyon City, Oreqon, GROTH & THOMPSON - Proprietors Beg leare to inform their friends Aiid tli6 Public Generally That they can he found at tho OLD STAND, And(are alwaws ready to famish good Board and Lodging AT MODERATE PRICES. A fire and burglar proof safe has been placed in the house for tlie accom modation of guests. Change Hotel. I'RAIRIE CITY, OREGON, J. IL Hard man, Proprietor. ' The accommodations at tho above Hotel are jnod, and every care will bo taken to muke guppel :i hnrae. j-ComfoNatye beds, and as good a table as tbo market affords furnished at reasonable uatcfl. hArsvey HOTEL, Oregon. Fort Harney, W. W.JOJIXSOX, Proprietor. Having completed my Hotel I am prepared to entertain the traveling public w;th care and comfort. The table is supplied .with the lpest, the market, aflbrds. The- beds are neat and clean. Hotel And Restaurant, JOHN DAY, - - -' OREGON. If . KfeJLIY, Proprietor. The Table-is supplied with the .best the inark.ot uffcrds and evcrv atte't'- tion aid fur the con) fort of guets". f, Alva's sir a1!, hour?. Board, 8.7 per nvoI:.' single nieal o0c6i. DALLBS AND KXKEIt'CI'LT STAGE LINE, Yaile & Co., Proprietors Departs from Canyon City for Tli DjiIIc.s and. B:ker City, Daily. Arrives from the same point?, Daily. JI..U. ."Williamson, Rup't. CANYOK CITY & McDHRJHT STAGELIXE, PRANK BIcBEAX, - - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City for Ft. Harney. McDermitt aud Winnemucca Dally. Arrives1 from same points daily. 1380. SPRING. 1880. Mrs. James Cleaver would announce to the public that she is just receiving from San Francisco, the finest assort ment of Ladies and Misses Hats, ever opened in Grant County, and they will .be sold, for cash, , at prices that defy com petition She riko keeps a full stock of Em broideries, Lace', Corsets, and Ladies' Underwear, Which she sells lower than, those who soli at cost and( freightex planatioiij sie-buys exclusively far cash. i The-bet assortment of Jewejry and Silver. Plated . Ware .ever offered in these mountains. Terms Cash.-' Gall, esaiiiine and be convinced. f lifQ DiDCR may ha fotlncl on fllo at 0.: P. contracts jnay bo inadoforit IN XEWYOKK.. vertisinc Bureau flOSDruce StX wherr ndvertlfclnff avc FIRST ANNUAL PAIR OR MEETING OF THE G-'-lANT COUNTY AGltlCUL TURAL ASSOCIATION, To be held on the Fair .Grounds at Mt. Yernon, on Wednesday, October 13.th, 1880. ' First Day's Programme. Pi ust Running Jttace, half mile heats best 2 in 3 for 2 year olds. Purse, f)0; first horse 3i5t second $15 third savf'S entrance. Second Single Dash one mile, free for all 3 year olds. Pnrse 350; First 35, Second 15, Third saves entrance. EXHIBIT. Re9t Stallion of any aire or breed,-s25 First 15, Second $10, Third .saves en trance. Rest Brood Mare and foal .$25; 'First 1 315, Second 310, Third sves entrance. Best Bull of any age or breed, $25; First lo, Second 310, Third saves en- taancd. Best Milch cow; so; Jiirst S15, Second 5510, Thire saves entrance. S:mie Day, Annual Addrefs. 1 SECOND DAY. Rack Running mile heats best 2 iii 3; freii a'l. Pur.se 375: First SoO, Sec ond 25, Third saves entrance. Trotting Rack Fre for all !3 year olds.- Purse 350; First S;35,Second 315, Third saves entrance. Walking Race free for all. Purse $50; First 385. Second 315. Third saves outran cp. EXHIBIT. Best spam of draught' hhrseii by ac tual test Premium $25 IJirst 3.15, Second 1'0, Third saves entrunciv SlEEI rJ3est Itam of any age or breed. Bromium 325. Fiivt. 315, 'Sec ond 310, Third savo en'trance: Rest Ewi! and lamb, .310 , Rest of o sl,CCp Prcmiuni 1-5 First 310, Sec ond 5, Till i d .sav'ea entrance. Jjost display of Mechanical works ,of aWkmds. Premium 325. Fiivt 315, Second, 310, Third savqs 1 'ltraucc. GUain Rfst bushel of Spring wheat S5; First $8, Secoml 32. Best bushel t.f fall wheat 35, First 33, .Second 2, Third savrs nntniuce. Rest busliel of barley 5; First 83, Second '32, Third saves entrance. Rest bushel of oats, s-mio as Wheat. Best, bushel of Timo thy seed same as grain. Resf 2 lbs of butter ' with- process of making, 35'; First ''3 eco' d, 32, Third saves entrance. Rest loaf of bread with jlrpcefs of making, 35; First, S3, Second, 3, Third sJvOft eutrancp. Bust sack of Hour, 35; First, 33, Second, 32, Third saves entrance. THIRD DAY. Ri:.xiNC. Rack, free for all, 3100; First, 375, Second, 325, Third saves entrance. Siugle dash or one mile. TitOTU N o. ; Best p in 5, free for all, 100: First, 675. Second, 325, Third saves entrance. EXHIBIT. Rest boar hog of any breed, 15; First, 310, Second, 35, Tnird saves en trance. Best sow and pigs of any breed,'315, Fi'ist, 10, Second, 85, Third saves entrance, Best lot of 0 hogs or more, 315; First, 310, Second, 5, Third saves entrance. Poultry. Rest pair of chickens, 35; First, 33, Second, ' 2, Third: saves entrance1. Best pair of ducks, 5; First, 3, Second, 2, Third saves entrace.. Rest pair . of geese, '5j First, 3, Second, 2, Third saves entrance. Rest pair of Turkeys, n' Kirsf. 3. Spflnnn . 2. 'J hird saves entrance. Best display of poultry , 1 ' - -J ri. FiVsr, 3, Second, 2, Third saves i en- 1 Vegetables; Best display of. vege tates, 1T); First 7,Seco!id, 3,' Third sa.ves entrapce. 3es display, pf truit, ' 20; First, '13 Second,- 7, Third eaves entrance, . . ' Beat displny of needle work, 10; First, 6, Second, 4. , Rest lady equestrian; 25; irst 15 Second, 10, Third saves entrance. Entraccein all cases to be 10 per cent, of premium. Allf entries to be made with the Secretary by 9 o'clock on the day before the exhibit Or face. RULES ' 1st AH 'races shall be rah' b the' rules of the Oregon Sta'e Fair. 2nd. Season Tickets, $2, day tickots,l. La dies free, and boys between the age" of 10 and 14 half price; 3d. All members of the Associa tion shall puy an annual fee of l,which admits members of their families be tween the ages of 10 and 16 to the rounds of the association. 4th. The annual meeting of the ,'s sociation shall commence on the 13th of Ofitober, 1880, and continue three days' 5th. The election of officers shall be held on the fair grounds on jthe second day of the fair. Ry order of the board of directors. B. C. TROWBRIDGE, President. W. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. 4 GRANT COUNTY. Aii Unpredjudiced Review of What the Empire Man Saiv in a Ten Days' Tisit to Canyon City and John Day. From T. B. Merry. Wi'h the above mentioned water poA-erj for crushing and choap timber for shafts and winzes, there is a profit of 20 per cent, in rock that wih crush five dollars per ton. Grant county has vast ledges of undiscovered mineral and will yet make a good showing. The failure, or temporary embarrass, merit of the Monumental argues noth ing; the best. leJges Ate to-day not ouly Uii worked, but undiscovered . Notwithstanding the cold winters necessarily consequent upon her high altitude, Grant county is getting up qui'o a reputation in farming aud stock raising. The John Day valley is quite fertile, but narrow until about the mouth of Pine creek, four miles above John Day town. Then it widens out into a splendid expanse of rolling coun try, something liki! the Umpqua valley at Rp.acl.urg, but on a grandor and loftier scale. All kinds of vegetables grow here in very high grade, the corn and tomatoes being peculiary notice able. Wheat of excellent grade is pro duced oh these bench lands, and I nev. er saw better flour than Li produced from the bolting-chests of Norman's mill. Fourteen miles above Canvon City, lies a little villiage once called Dixie, but now enjoying the ni'Te dig nified tittle of Prairie City. It is kept up solely by agriculture and stnek breeding, and the Empire has already a half-dozen subscribers there which will be doubled in number before the year is ended. Giant county probably exported 30, 000 head of beeves and sheep in the past year qnd her stock growers wifl feel the good of it in different watys. First, it gave thera more ready cash than they had in the past five1 years; second, it gives rest to their overstock pastures and enabled much of the bunch grass to go to seed, thus- guarenteeing improved pasturage for the next two years at least, A better diary country never laid out of doors, for every gulch is a water-coursv In a ten ra.ilo ride Dbtween John Day town1 und 'Indian creel;, Saturday last, I was sidfe b'esjido with flowing springs that trikeledotPt f . are few dairymen at . w.or.k, bu . those who do make'gobd butter aref rapidly J; getting rich. ,lt; is, now, wbrt f$0 cWts per poind, and often goes tb SO y in: winter. Spring chickens readily sell for 75 cents lach, and turkeya are H-f to he had at any figure, t ?or is G rant county to be anp2ed; at in the production of hones of find' size' and rkre quality Som yan Hgd" Wiii; Bigham, who waa to Oregon what' did Un leJiily'Bdlufd wae to Kn tuck, werit Euat aiid brodgnt ut the5 thoroughl red sta'lbo'nt,- Foster, Luthei and (George Wilkes.- The1 latter wui a' chestaut, pltmifally sprinkled withH gray hairs and wa Dy Astrold, Oui pf Emma Wright (the dam of Molly Jack son) by Imp. Margrove, who ran the Derby of 1833. This hdrtfe Wilkes ia bred from the stoutest trains of blood in America, and the only onfc of his get that qq of tir bp "Cried is Portia' Knight, the best mud-horso that ever saw Oregon, excepting Wiuter's per-" haps. Wilkes is owned by J. J. Co- zait, of this enir ry, who is" breeding" his blooded fillies to trotting sires. He . has one two-year-old filly sired by Gen eral (Champioo) Knox, out of a mafa by Dr. Lindsay, and if this big bay' filly don't turn out to ba a, second Lady Thorn, there is nothing in, blood or form. P. J. Martin, of Portland,.. has-, a threeyear-year old by Champion Knox that can beat 2:40 alreadyj Another gieat feature of tb'a portion of Grant county is its flow of1 mmsral waters, chief of wbioh ttrtf the Soda Springs, situated in the canyon of Sil vies river soma thirty miles from hare' on the road to Fort Harney- There ure two spring, situated about forty ' feel apart, both bubbling up from the solid rock and highly charged with gas. The upper spring is tho more palatable,-. but the lower contsins the greater per.- -cent of sodium and chalybeate of iron1 The moment 1 drank it I excIaimeJ "why, here's the old pavillion spring at Saratoga." Dr. IiarsTey and other gen-. tleinen of my acquaintance have filW noticed; the similarity 1?ot ttty Owtf part. I have drank Apbllinaris water for the pust two years fcreatly pre -fer ifis Grant c'ourity riledicint. Cotrf ing back through lear Galley we came1 upon a White sulphur spring as strong as those of Calistoga or St.-Hdena, but cold as ice. I was told that the tub1 near the springs wcra ustd for sheep dipping. Yesterday I took a bath ifl the Lime Rock springs twelve miles above here and was never more delight fully refreshed than by this tapid wa terj Which is very much like th Ber kerly Springs in Virginia. Indeed I do not know of another spring like it oo the Pacific coast. The waste water from this spring is used alse by the shepkerds for curing the scab, so prey- alent at this season. Its temperature is 66 degrees. Mv SMUT WHEAT. Ed. News: As mttioii difference of opinion exists as to1 eniutty wheat begetting snmity wheat,-1 will stat positively thai it does, This spring, not having snfficient clean wheat to bow; the field in full, I used some that was smutty, although I used plenty of vitrol on it; the conse quence is, that where the smutty wheat was sown the field shows it very plain; no smut appearing on that part sown with clean wheat Any person that will take the trouble to visit the ranch known as Dr. Horsley's can see for themselves. I give this information for the benefit of the farming community that they may not be influenced by fr.ienda aW. I wasy being' told that it naade no1 difference "that smut.woul apt be--, get smut." ' ' Respectfully, Ftiwrie City, Aug.30thi 1880. .7 ; ..J ( - -id J ' -' I 1 mi I