THE WARM SPRINGS. The Warm an J Ctld Sulphur Springs are situated on the John Day River 10 miles above Prairie City and 25 from Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon. It is the finest SUMMER RESORT in Eastern Oregon. Plenty of Game and Fishing near by. Invalids derive more benefit from bathing in the above spring than any in Oregon. A hack always in readiness for the accommodation of jruosta. Berries and fruit in season. Our charges are reasonable. l"The above place will he sold on good terms; and any oue wishing such r. business, or a Dairy Farm, cannot find a better plae on this coas'. THOS. HOWE, MINNIE MANNEN, nl3-4m Pi oprietors. J. OLLIVER & W, Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Canyon Cities with milk by the gallon or quart. We sell the best of milk, and our charges are reasonable. Lot No. 108. Legal Notice of the application of Milton Stevens for a United States ' Patent f:r Placer Claim, No. ICS. Notice is hereby given that in pur- j suance oftheMiningLawsof f lie United Slates, Milton Stevens, of Grant coun-' ty, Oregon, claiming twenty (20) acres of placer mining ground, designated as Lot No. 108, being Mtuated in Granite Creek Wining Distiict, said County and State, has made application tj the United States for a patent to paid claim -which is more fully described as to mets and bounds by the official plat herewith presented posted and ly thp ield notes of Survey thereof nowon file in the Office of the Register of the District Land?, subject to Mile at La Grand, Oregon, which field nores of survey describe .said claim in relation to a natural object, as follow.4: com men- .cing at a bluff of rock on the south side of Granite Creek, the same heing a permanent and natuial object, thunce nmning the line of survey noith 32 J deg. E, 2 chains to the midsection of Granite and Bull Run Creeks, thence " in the fame direction 4 and 50 chains to a mineral monument, being a rock marked M M, thence in same direc tion 3 chains to a rock marked S W C being the south west corner of claim and described as ro JBoundaripe as fol lows, Commencing at said rock marked S. W. C. extending thence 8 70 deg. E 10 chains to a rock marned S. E. ing the Southeast corner of sa'd claim, thenco N 20 deg. E 20 chains to a rock marked N. E. C. being the north east corner of said claim thence N 70 deg. W 10 chains to rock marked N W C, being Northwest Corner of said claim, thence S 70 deg. V, 20 chair.s to place of beginning, containing twenty acres of placer mining ground, lituated -within tho angle formed bv the confluence of Granite Creek and Bull Hun Creek and with reference to said creeks being on the North side of Bull Run and on tho East side of Gran ite and within the above described line of surrey with magnetic variations of 19 do?. E, Surveyed March 12th, 1880, ad th location of said claim bsing of rtcord in the offioe of the County Clerk fsr th County of Grant, State of Ore gon. Any and a'l persons claiming ad versly any portion of said placer mine, or any part of said described mining ground, arc requested to file their ad Terse claims with tho Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Office at La Grande, State of Oregon, during the sixtv days publication of this notice in the Grant County News, publish ed at Canyon City, Oregon, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the Statute. This claim being known as the Milton Stevens placer mining claim and with im adjacent mine near the same. H. W. DWJGI1T. nl 8-2 G Register. NOTICE. All those knowing themselves in debted to Reamer it Heppner, will plea?e call and settle, as we have, by mutual consent, dissolved ));irtnerhliij Jmo HENRY HEPPNER, Proptr. John Day Blacksmith Shop. John D;.y, Aug. Gth, 1S30. W. P. Gray &Bros. 1, Wh Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OREGON, GRAY BROS., E ALE RS IN FRESH MEATS, Tl liy Wholesale and Retail. Orders Filled on Sliort JXTotico. i. n. woon. j w. cnuncii "WOOD & CHURCH, LIVERY STABLE AND CORR A L, and FEED STABLE. Ooocl buy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and ; proomino; transient stock. ENTKANCK On Main and Washington Ste., Canyon City, Oregon. Haw BlacisiltS Stoj, C.-W. Bonliam 'Proprietor, CANYON CITY, OREGON. Maehinery. Wagons, Buggies, Plows and all kinds of wojk in my line made and repaired in a workmanlike manner at reason able prices. Special attention paid to the shoeing of interfer ing and unruly horses. I will bo found opposite Wood it Church's Livery Stihlo where horsi-s will lo cared for at n-asonacle rates. Give me a call. C. V. Ijoxiiam. STRAWBERRY VALLEY FLOURING MILLS, MO 11 EH HAL) & G LEAVER PROPKIETORS. Manufacturers and dealers in Flour of the Best Brand, Gra ham Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a Superior Article of flour go the Strawberry Mills. These Mills are located in Strawberry Valley, in the upper John Bay Yalley, Grant County. Accommoda tions a speciality. Reasonable prices. Give us a call. STOVES TIN WARE BY METSCKAN, OAK YON CITY, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand a goodas sortmbnt of STOYES AND TINWARE And euch other articIrB uauaily kept in a Urst- clasi Tin Establishment, AT MODERATE PRICES. I5ABBIT METAL. We have a large lot of first class Babbit Metal for sate. Saw-mill men, mill men, mowers, reap ers, thrashers, take notice. "Wc have to sell it to make room for new type. So call in. Blank Deeds (or sale at this office. Ciji City leal Mot J3 r w. o. a HI TV UJ Prairie City, - Oregon, .L.UL.Ui-4-MINI J.4-.U.U.U4..U 'i i t i i i i l l I I l I I Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that we have received a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER goods, and keep constantly on hand a full line of iami ly GuoczitiEs, DRY GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CUOCKERY, GLASSWARE; CIGARS and TOBACCO, SCHOOL-HOOKS, STATIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, - PAINTS, v NOTIONS, etc. LA1MGB k SHEAESK Wo keep :t largo Jnd "well selected ; none in Enstvrn Oregon; and by so stock of General Merchandise. Call doinr we invit- trade from a distance, and seo for ynuro!vps. j OVSRHOLT & SViUuDRCCK. LAUIL'VNCMiit R1IEAREK. i Prairie Citv, Julv :id. 1S7J). nlSif. U f II - II I 1 L ' Ui At Dealers in General Mcrchan- disc, have just received new Assortment of BOOTS and SIIOICS, NEW PRINTS, SUMMER H'ATS, SCYTHES, CRDLAES, PITCH FORKS. BARLEY FORKS, HAND RAKES, FORK HANDLE-. A full Assortment of Cartri- dires. A lot of Colbv's Wash- inir Machine-;: the best in use. and nntnv other seasonable Goods. Call and sve them before ,)iir ehasinii: elsewhere. Orders for Flour and Mill Feed promptly filled. Canyon Citv, July 23. THE GREAT FNGUSM "REfflEDrT v nr.1 h' r iM'rou Di'l iiity.ExIiaustt'd Vitality, Sem:n.-1 Weak nits.-;, Spci'jna- i: .. : .. . Jtorrlma, lust man hood, Jmpofency, RarulysiaiKlnll tho temule otkurt i f S'lf Ahusn, youtliful j n,.t. ,iv,...v.; , , i,t iiiiiii rt, mm ai i i ui 1:1 j rill nut. u : as Loss i if Memory, Lassitude, Nocturnal Emission, Averhion to Society, lnnnes of A'i-ion, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing nnohsorved in. the urine, and n.any other disea&eo that load to insanity and death. Du "Mixtie "ill airree tn forfeit Five IIundked I)'Llaks for a ca?e of this kind tho vital kkstoiiative (under his special advice and tieatineut) will not euro, or for ntiyrhing impure or injuri ous found in it. Dr. Mintik treats alf Private Diseases successfully without mercurx. C'OxSslltathx free. Thor ough examination and advice, including analysis of urine, 85 00. Price of Vital Restorative, $8 00 a bottle, or four times the quantity, S10 00; sent to any address on icceipt of price, or C. O. I)., secure from observation, and in private name if desired. by A. E. Mintie,M.,D. IIKearny Strekt,San Francisco, Cal Dr. Mintie's kidney remedy, kepu reticum, cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhcca, For sale by all druggists; SI 00 a bottle,six bottles for S5 U0. ' Dr. Mintie's dandelion pills, are the best and cheapest dyspepsia and bilious cure in the market. For sale by Hodgo, Davis it Co., Portland, Whole sale Agents for above remedies. n40yl. The Little Jaker. eET READY TO BUY THE TITtVe JOKER Wasiier, the only perfect Washing Machine ever made. McComas and MeDaniel, Agents for Baker and Grant Counties. duly 9th, 18S0. n!4tf. OTBRHOLT k IBM, Can von City, Oiikcox, Ilave on hand the largest, best, and most complete srck of goods over brought to this county, which were bought FOR CASH, and theteforo will be sold lower than the lowest. We invite inspection of ur stock, COMPRISING DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD WARE. READY M A D K CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS & SHOKS ETC. ETC. We have also added to our already immense assortment, a. large and well .selected stek or Haines?, Saddles, Bridles and Cinches. New Goods of Every De-i scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. We are determined to do our best to keep a store that, will bo second to C. W, DAGGETT, 1KA!.BI IN 1300TS AND SHOES, 1 1 All D WAKE, CROCKERY, GRO CERIES, LIQUORS AND Miners9 Goods ROBISOKTVUjLjS ( i r a nt County. Oregon. AVe also keep a Hotel, where! the Aveary can find rest, and plenty to eat. A. 1IPPPRICU, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE CANYON CITY, OREGON. IS fp.lly prepared to turn out first-el ass work out o( the very besr material and finest finish. SS'jpairin; n ;uly ;nifi cheaply (h-ne 'irmrinnrnrmi'i nr i rn nnirm n u n umiiim Tlis Ml OBrriio liliictiiriM Honse oftlielM 9 CINCINNATI, OHIO, TOP BUGOIES A1W FHEAT0IST8, Best material, good worKmanjdiip, haiid.vwnne slvic.-, strong and durable-vehieh s in oveov respect. 70,000 Carriages Manufactured by EER8Qs3, & GQ.f are nw in use In every part of the American Continent. 1 They give unfailing Satisfaction. All their work is warranted Thev h ave received testimonials tiom ail parts of the country of purport similar to the following, hnmheds of which are on lilo subject to inspection: Mes-ra. Emersos, Pjsiieu & Co.: Galva. Ills., July, 16 1879. 1 huvo used one of your Top Bugaies thrcu ycurs, and thiee of thorn two yeard in my livery stable, and they have given me perfect satisfaction ami aro in con stant u?0- OSCAR SMALLEY. Messrs. Coppock fc Johnson.: Newijeiiuy, S. C, July 17 1879 Dear Sir?. I have ucen using the Emerson Kishcr Vuy j bought from you as roughly I suppose ns.any one could. I had a fast Im-zc, drove him at full speed, sometimes with two grown ladies and myself in the bu'rV and it is to day worth all the money I paid for it. 1 say the Emerson & Fisher Busies will do. A. M. TEAGUE, Former. The favorable reputation the Carriages have made in localities where they been used lor several years by Liverymen, Phvsiciai.s and others requiring hard and constant use, has led to an increas ed demand irom those localities, to meet which the manufacture ing facilities of their mammoth establishment have been ex tended, enabling them now to turn out in sood style . 0 ' lIrAa: e s a W e e k ! EMERSON, FISHER & CO.'S UJ IBIMSNSS RBDUCTIOKj PUMSMttttt At Wholesale Factsry Prices TOR NEXT ,J 0M5.Y535 ThtabeanHfo; DAYS. BOOK CVrL' , (MiItdTCnlnutcsif llnihhctStMtQtlj 5 deophAWthStcr mid Book. J ia.ppedoal5d 2 .oMONEy ca Tjatiljroasroft in ia farter?. FX, S 120, including rfoonndtA-. Order dii thw alvcrtiscnont, piviug as reference ei zak i JBariRer, or mtf a Firm. C-7Citiloguei flilSK! AUdresj tho i.auu.-cturer, I 'liSH JAIHES T. PATTEHSOi? P. O. Drawer 12, Bridgeport, CfSE Mention Taper tchere this AUtrrthcmtnt la sane cut it out. t ATOE! Put up express! v for Fnii 1 n tl:- potii'fl cam Wan antrd. (iier, better- cheaper than the I mportejih inatoes.J By G. W. tHbusj (.'an yon City, Oregon. I faleby Phil. Metschan 'Ssi Iriincllacli & Bro and thcfl pnetor. SABDLBRT k Iffli id MANUFACTURED M W. O. CSEKTKT, fl JOPINDAY", - ORE Bejjairin o; promptly done I Patisluction iruaranteed. F H j Miles' Patent Safety Sfel r. . Marie from the bc.-l binci spring wis a complete and jerfcet protection lor the j in the shape of a round shield, fannerffil f. sheet lirass, the whole being Sickcl VfattyjMCf j handsomely finished. j I TKiq Pi.i i n PPrfp.ff CM xn iht hwi'M j roarktt. I Wc also control the sale of COLE'S PIlfSST j HAT AXD COAT HOOK. -Thee Ho,jki'are i adc from the best Sweclc Iron Wire, flattened, vith , points barlK-d. They are easily dnveki and ; give excellent sal i. fact ion where they 1 : in ' use. We are the exclusive manufactulu ; of the above named Pin ami Hat and Coat fe ok.- Correspondence solicited. I DOL'IILK POIXTED TACICO 08 CIIiJIRKRS STM .ew York Ijltj. nnmiiii-t 9i iiJU CARRIAGES' ARE THE TeSTV T jC