CHIMES. I have read in some German legend, Far back in the olden lime. Of exiles wno beard over ocean, A bttll'd mysterious ehlme. The mornlnjr was made melodious By that, mystic mu-Ic'.s hpoll, Ami the evening air whi haunted With iw tveird and teimor swell. While that tremulous f.r oft" ch.ming Stole softly iuf' their dreams, Till memo y'.ssky w. s shining. With radlaut, rosy gleams For they traversed time and ocean, sweet horn, and frienu were nea:: And r.hey prayed and praised together Ah the viliue oell rang clear. And o there come to me accents, Float! ii o'er memory' sea; DitHiit. ow h d perpetual, Whlop'rijig of home and of thee. Saved by Sheer Luck. I had been up counting the sheep, and left the hut at dark on my road home. The distance before me was about six teen miles. I rode along, my mind oc cupied with conjectures as to the best disposal of my sheej during the trying i drought. Lhe road now turned down ijto tiie river bed, and, picking his way iho best he could, my horse cheerfully jogged on his homeward path. The mountains towered in shadowy gloom on either side abovo me as I rode along the side of the river, which, although con siderably shrunk by reason of the sum mer drought, churned and foamed as its rapid current forced its way through the length. addressing me rapidly at great From his manner I guessed he was friendly to me for some cause or other, whv I could not make out, lftit I deter mined to take advantage of the turn in made signs mviavor. jalv uui ujcuu uuv that I should dismount ; this I did at once. I had made up my mind to trust and poles laid on six feet above the twenty savages, minted grotesque fashion, were along ground the forks about About in the most seated all this rail. Their loner hair was tied tightly in a knot on the ton of their heads, from the middle of which rose a tuft of cockatoo crests. The soft myprotectorimplicitly,audatanyratenot white down from the breasts of the same to show fear. 1 was by no means easy, however, as my sable friend led me through the scattered fires, surrounded by a number of blacks, who so far as I could guess, seemed to coincide with his views concerning me. Most of the mob had depaited to the tires which appeared behind mo when I first came upon the natives. I found that there were two camps at a distance of about 200 yards apart, and my people belonged to the small camp. We arrived at a tire which, from the signs made, i iound was owned by the tall fellow with me. He made a series of gestures, by which I understood him to intimate that I was to partake of his hospitality. The only word of English he knew was "white fellow." This he repeated several times. Sometimes he pointed to me, then to himself, patted his breast and smiled ; then he would jjointto the distant camp, and shake his bird clung to their eyebrows, mous taches and beards. A red fillet passed around the forehead and encircled the head. Their bodies were painted with pipeclay to imitate skeletons. Boomer angs, stone tomahawks and knives hung from their girdles. Holding their el bows close to their sides, they moved their forearms and hands in a segment of a circle from their waist to their ears, first the right, then the left, in time to the barbarous chant. Beyond those, the chief figures in the assembly, stood a dense crowd of tierce-eyed sable warri ors, leaning on their spears. Looking around I found the men of my party had assumed the same attitude, while the women had taken a position a little apart, In spite of the feeling of insecurity for I knew that all jn-esent would think nothing of knocking me on the head if the whim seized them I felt rather amused at the absurd climax of their A Russian Despot 200 Years Ago. head and frown. Sometimes he pointed preparations, and its monotony soon got I to himself, imitated the sound of a shot, pointed up the river, then again to me, looking eagerly at me io see whether I comprehended him or hot. ' I knew not rnfL-.ltniMol olionnoi n.,.acinn,.iiv fi.. . what he meant, but 1 feigned to under- track led through clumps of river-oak ' stan" nlm ana nodded, smiled, patted saplings and bushes, emerging from whicli l could discover a bare patch of sand, and beyond that shadow. My horse knew the road, however, and I cared not. Half my time was spent in similar lonely rides, and I was not ner- vious. was getting mightily hungry. him. and repeated the word "boodgeree" two or three times. He at once caught tiresome to themselves. Jumping down irom tneir percu, tne painted savages cleared away their posts and rails and commenced one of the usual corroborreo dauces of the country, in which they were joined by many others, who had taken no part in the first performance. My tall friend, spreading his rug on up the word and pronounced it distinct- the ground, planted a spear at each cor ly and seemed much pleased. Things her and sat down motioning me to take i now seemed on a much more satisfactory a place besides him all the others fol- looting. ALv entertainer produced some lowed ins example. The dance was most black-looking kangaroo met. which he vigorously piosecuted, and it carried however, besides which the mailman was i warmed on the hot ashes ; then tearing with it a certain amount off a jnece with his strong teeth, he of- effect. Issuing from the of dramatic dark back- exnected at the station. I loncrnd to . ... - ' .- -- i , -rr- i .1 r i .i ji. ... e mv if imp inf.fpvs. iiv iinr': aiinoc ierea it to me. lvnowing now necessary gruuuu ui suiciuu gioum, uio mass ui clattered against the stones as I stuck it was to keep up the terms of friendship, vague dusky shadows danceel the lr way my spurs into his sides to ure him on- -1 accepted it cordially, and, tliougli mo circic illuminated uy tne me. waivl almost sick, managed to eat a portion ot tneir naucis neia in irontoi tneir ureases I W 4. I A sudden turninir in the road showed the dirty-looking food. A drink of honey after the manner of the kangaroos, their - . -, , i . i I 1 T ? 1 . Til. . . p L I ;.. . and water was now ottered me in a coole- uouies uenc anci tneir ieec stamping, as road showed me a number of small nres glowing ahead. But that they were stationary I should have been inclined to think them caused by tire-fiies. On my left there were more. The sudden turning of the! river had placed some in front and some bhind, and hitherto the thick groves of flooded oak had hidden them from my j sight. On my right frowned an over-j hanging crag. I drew my rein. Perhaps, their I lis- rushing. (for blacks often chatter loudly in camps) they ha I not heard me. tened. Sota sound, save the rumbling river current. It was. after all, perhaps, only the remains of a bush fire. Some of the logs were still alight, and the night air fanned the embers into a glow. Again I listened intently. If blacks really were in the camp they must man, whicli I also p'olitely accepted. After the repast a number of the abo riginals from the neighboring fires gath ered around me, and from their language seemed to be making fun of me. One fellow especially seemed a great, wit. The slighest Avord of his sufficed to sot the others in a roar of laughter. Still it all seemed to be of a good humored nature. Presently 1 pointing my tall acquaintance, over to the other camp, made there was a corroborree to be danced. I understood and nodded. Then he gave me to understand that he and I would go together. To this I also as sented. Soon after this came a long, clear cry from the other camp like signs that have heard me coming : no doubt thev mr-r-r-r-r. A oreneral movement now had barred the way ahead and behind. 1 took place among the men and women of The broken trusting to Hi T A 1.1 "1. T -f-v 11 f M . i i ii -r- xoi uiree mnes away lay poor Jjonneiiy, to loot in a possum-skm cioaK. l arose their victim, in his cold grave of wet ' with my host, who bestowed on me a sand. AVhat was his fate then might be cloak, and we took our places a little on they got near the tires, which divided them from the orchestra, the singing and dancing became more energetic, till at last a brilliant blaze having been pro duced by means of dry leaves kept on purpose, the whole culminated in much stamping, quivering of legs, and shak ing of heads, winding up. with an almost instantaneous disappearance of the whole party into the surrounding dark ness. This was repeated for hours, and I thought thev never would leave oil'. At last all seemed to weary, and my tall friend and his followers returned to their own ground, taking me with them. Here I found my horse ready. After a good deal more of talk and many gestures he that I might go. I stripped myself almost naked in making presents. Then seizing his weapons he called on a river channel forbade my ' the camp in which I was. They gathered f rKml to accompany him, and both came ght. What should I do ? in a body, each one covered from head me as an eovt' 1 hLad lltfcle vuiby in puroiuuuiig mum iu pruuuuu uu mine m a few minutes, I determined to keep still, and wait for what might turn up. Prcsentlv I heard bushes rustling some signal one side ol the rest. An other arose from the distant camp, and, as if in obedience to it, my neighbors com commenced to march slowly forward to distance behind, and the voice of a black: ward whence the sound proceeded. Slow fellow uttering, in the strange tone in ly, silently, solemnly they marched, which the wild savage first m-onounees their bodies bent almost double, whose English words. "Boodgeree." and again. position my friend signed me to observe. "Boodgeree, white fellow," (good, good . There was something very unearthly in white fellow). The sound startled me. ' tllG phantom-lik noise- glided midnight ke procession. The dusky, indistinct, muffled iorms lessly forwaud through the woods, sometimes entirely lost in the shade of a large tree, and ing, to be lost again. I'cars began to take possession of mo. "Why was this singular method of approaching the cor- ' roborree ground observed V I had heard of ceremonies of a dark and secret char acter being practiced among those tribes at which no white man was ever present.. AYas such a one now to take place? My blood began to curdle and my fiesh to creep. I thought of flying, forgetting for the moment the utter impossibility of getting away from the nimble-footed, sharp-eyed savaiges. My tall friend, however, seemed to divine my intentions, for he patted my breast, then pointed to himself assuringly, then to the large camp of natives which we were uearing, and shook his head, spitting with appar ent disgust, and once more patted him self and me. I could not exactly tell what he was driving at, but it seemed to indicate frit ndly intentions toward my self, and the other camp was occupied by a hostile tribe. This I afterward learned was the case. "We had approached with in about a dozen yards of the dim fires toward which we had been making our way, when a similar signal to that already given was uttered by some one in the other camp. Upon this my com panions, still retaining their bent posi tions, turned their faces toward their own camp, and remained waiting, and of course I followed their example. An other cry succeeded, and amost immedi ately a bright tire followed, illuminating the dark woods in a ruddy circle. Fling ing off their coverings and turning sim ultaneously round, the crowd of blacks about me gave vent to a general 'Ah!" of wonder and surprise, not unmixed with a superstitious fear. thnir canm. And now. for the first time. I J- understood it now. The tribe were I could see the faces of my captors : and ! bemS initiated in a corroborree they had I drew my pistol. Some of them should have daylight through them, I inwardly vowed, if it 'came to a tiniil struggle. Now I heard their low, rapid utterances, in various excited tones, in front, be hind and above me the words " white fellow? being repeated often. Escape was hopeless. There was one chance for life in the iiiconsistenc' of their behavior. I determined to put a bold on the matter, appear at home, laugh and talk with them, anil if the worst came, sell my life as dearly as possible. Accordingly I shouted, i-Hey ! Come on Boodergee you, my boys, come along!" and a great deal more nonsensical talk, which they could not have understood, but which served as well as anything else to show them the sonfidence I tried to gull them into believing I yet possessed. The effect was magical. A simultaneous shout came from those nearest. All around in fifty different places as many voices broke into an unintelligible jargon , while from the camp the noise of wo men's voices could be heard as they shrilly inquired what was going on ami tendered advice or admonition. Knowing how useless it was to do any thing else I sat still on my horse, and in a few minutes was surrounded by a dense crowd of dark, savage-eyed wild meu, all fully armed with native weap ons. Moi'i kept coming. There was a perfect B.ibel of sounds. The gloom was so great that I could only distinguish the dark, moving figures and longspears, or occasionally the glint of a pair of tierce, glittering eyes shinning out of a paintrbedaubed visage. Now they felt me all over. On feeling the pistol, which I had returned to my belt, the man who discovered it said somethiug to the others, who became still more excited. They now led me, still sitting on my horse, across the ford of the river to wild and devil-like they looked as their fires threw their light across them. Thick masses of curly black hair, low fore heads, short noses, largo white teeth, and short beards on the upper lip and chin, seemed to strike me most ; their eyes never seen belore. At the same time it commenced. A half-circle of tires burned brightly in front of us. Between us and the fires were seated rows of women, across whose knees were stretched lightly their 'possum cloaks. They held boomerangs in their hands, whicli thev rrlimtinrl in flip firo-hlnw lifcp. hnrnincr - , coals. A tall man, looking at me earn-1 uwiiiugeuiei ui uB, ,c-cpmg pne estly for some minutes, now commenced , osfc exacfc time occasionally varying J i i i . ! the accompaniment bv beamier on tnn r v o Trxt nni'iiiiiriiM inn mii'm i.i i m . i j a - vw ...... o j jt, the way, and they were so much pleased with their treatment that they asked permission to bring their tribe in, which they did, and we had no more difficulties afterwards. In sir. vtix si ii.imji tn mv f.hjif. nti"- nigger," said Fitzgerald. "Did you ever find out why he took a fancy to your "Oh, that was all a mistake on his part it seems that when up the river in pur suit of the tribe which killed poor Don nelly, he happened to be among the tribe we attacked. He had hidden him self under a log I had taken my posi tion on. He said I had kept looking at him and allowed him to escape, and it was in gratitude for this supposed ser vice that he had saved my life." "Then you did not know that ho was under the log?" asked John. "Not I. It would, I am afraid, have ben a bad day for us both had I." A timorous hidy in Providence, who is til ways looking under the bud for u man, went to the post ofiico the other day with a friend to buy some postage stamps. As they stood there one of them noticed a man standing close by, but she didn't think he looked suspicious until afterward. She ordered what stamps she wanted, and, taking her pocket book from a chatelaine by her side, she paid for them and stepped to the opposite desk to attach them to let ters. In a moment more she went back in a very excited manner and inquired for "that man who stood here." Ho had gone. t; Well," said she. "he has taken mv pocket-book and all there Ms in it," and she pointed ruefully to the open, empty chatelaine, "liow much money was there in it?" asked the clerk. She was too excited to tell, or for some reason didn't wish to do so. " Vv hat s that in 3our hand?" inquired the clerk. Lookinir at the hand desig nated, she replied, "Oh, my, that's it." But the commands of this slightly vexatious despot (Ivan) seemed at times to have puzzled his most faithful com missioners, for on one occasion, having sent for a nobleman of Casau, called Piesheave (which is, being interpreted, Bald), the Vayod, mistaking the name of the word, sent for 150 bald-pa ted old men. More than eighty or ninety, how ever, he could not get together; so he sent them up speedily to the palace with an apology that he regretted he could find no more in his province, and de sired pardon for the short measure. The Emperor, astonished at the sight of so many old bald-headed pates, devoutly crossed himself. At last one of the chief men delivered the letter, and the Diack showed His Majesty the copy of the leiter he had sent to the Vayod, and the mistake being found out, the bald- pates were made drunk for three days and sent home again. On one occasion Ivan Vasiloidg nailed a French Ambassabor's hat to his head for presuming not to uncover in the Im perial presence. Sir Jerome Boze, the English Ambassador, coming shortly afterward, nothing daunted by the tale of his unfortunate friend, nut on Ins" hat and cocked it right iauntily before the tin re was mightily pleased with this fello-p'j and at parting changed caps with hiiP mailing mm meet mm next morning the Dravetz, a place in the Court whe the Emperor was accustomed to-pass bjf! "And there." said he, "will I bring thfee a good cup of aqua vit:e and bre; Ine next morning the thief was the! and being discovered by his Majesty, v called up, admonished to steal no moi preferred to high dignity about Court, and appointed Chief Comm sioner of the Detective force. Haverly's Singular AuOTeiicc. Ife, Kr an r 13- At the invitation of Commission! Brennan and Hess, Haverly's negro mi strei troupe, numbering some fifty p SsUllK. viSlteil VHsrprilsiv r.hP nuh in ivc tutions on BlackweH?s Island. The ban" of the troupe accompanied them, alncl when the party arrived at the Charffr Hospital serenaded the patients fromlr grounds on! side. After passing throu the penitentiary the company caruo the Female Almshouse, where- th) amused the paupers with solos ' choruses, passing on to confer a similat male paupers. At the rs Br- Jti- blessing on the Workhouse the hand again played sev eral airs and performed some curious ev olutions under the direction of the cor Emperor, who sternly demanded how he goons drum-major, Bohec. On the lawn; dared so to insult him, having heard how north of the Female Insane Asylum a he had chastised the Frenchman. SSir platform had been erected and seats" Jerome was a match for the Emperor, placed for about eight hundred of tliej and replied that he (the Frenchman) patients of that institution. After lunch i had onlv represented a cowardly King of 800 female lunatics were marched intoi the inclosure and seated with an order and precision really admirable. . After an overture by the band, Jim Mcintosh sangthe "Silver Slipper," in the chorusj of whicli the entire troupe joined, plac ing on bones and on tin plates in lieuf tambourines. This roused up manyf the audience who had before seenj sunk in apathetic melancholia. Lei Brown sung "Little Blossom" to cc them. Bangs followed with "Yes, Meet You," the entire troupe joining the chorus with much effect. Then U lowed the amusing imitations of a std saw-mill, bos viol and steam-whistle! Hunter, and the "Bogtown Sextet i 1 A 1 I 1 It J I ngiiiea tne audience greativ witn ctitt gs and comic antics. Wallace Kb the tenor, sang 4,Sallv Horner." Ik saniis saug 'iveep in the Middle of w Road" and the "Gospel Raft." and the. at the request of Mr. Brennan, the bak' played St. Patrick s Day m the Mor: Fiance, ,lbut J," said he, "am the Am bassador of the invincible Queen of England, who does not veil her bonnet nor bare her head to any priuce - . . and if any or her mini ters receive auront. she is aoie to revenge hr own quarrel." "Look you there," quoth Ivan Vasiloidg to his attendant Boyars, "there is a brave, indeed, that dares do and say thus much for his mistress; which booby of you dare so much forme, your master? mi it 'v This made them envy bir Jerome, so they persuaded the Emperor to give him a wild horse to tame, which he did. and so successful he broke and tired him out that the horse fell down dead under him; and upon this asked his Majesty if he had anv more horses to tame. Our friend adds that after this the Emperor much honored and loved such a dar fellow as he was, and a mad blade to boot." mi r i -r i rne LiOve me, love my dog prin ciple seems to have something to do with this, if wo may believe that our his tonan relates, that this queer tyrant actually courted the virgin Queen with a view to matrimony, and once, upon a suspicion of treason, fortified Vologda, and gathered all his treasure there, with the intent of escaping to England ivpon extremity. If we may believe the following story the aucient family of Sopotski owed its wealth and position to the following quaint fancy: ing. This seemed to delight the pa tients immensely, nearly all of thei keeping time to the music with thei hands or feet, while man' got up and danced. The entertainment v;as con cluded by a grand walk around by the entire troupe. During the entertain ment the faces of the audience present ed an interesting stndv. Some few be- - j came unduly excited, but were promptly and quietly led off without disturbing the rest. It wis easy to see that in near ly all cases only pleasurable emotions were excited: nearly all wore smiling faces, and many laughed heartily at tb more amusing parts of the performance - , , . , more amusing parts oi tne periormance When Ivan went through the country Tlie physicians say that such entertai ments are of great benefit to the patients, : dispelling the melancholia which afflicts most of them. The minstrel troupe vol unteered its services and the expenses of I the entertainment were met by Commas-j Hess personalll JNew lorrc yestel he was in the habit of accepting presents from the poor and rich. There hap pened one day to be in his route a good honest bask-shoemaker, who made shoes of bask for a copeck a pair, but when the "171 1 i 1 Ximpcror came no was quite at a loss sioners Brennan and Wmit 10 give. HIS Wile, a Woman Ot JTiinn cnminr lmlr tn ready wit and reserve, suggested a pair tlay the troupe stopped at Bellevue H oi sopKyes, or oasK snoes. "mere is no ital aiul entertained the patients the rarity quoth the man; "but we i have a hvith songs and music JV. Y. World. nuge turnip in the garden; well give him that and a pair of sopkyes, too." Great was his success; the Emperor was delighted, and made all his followers bup sopkyes at five shillings a pair, and wore a pair himself. So began the says necessity is. Most penitentiaries eif'n- wheel ot good fortune to turn 'for the ploy their prisoners in steady work, at sopotskies, for he soon drove a thriving trade, and left a great estate behind him. And in memory of this gallant it is the custom of the Russians to throw all tneir old sopKyes into a tree which stood mere is at present contined m tlie by the house. There was a gentleman. Maine State Prison, at Thomastown.I a v. r- s What a Prisoner Made. rtontiuie seems to ue the mother oi n jjVUlHU! t fell 1 1 1U TUU UUU IVO I'JLLU IJi v V JJj id for few confined men woulld use of lonely ceil mentioned did life of wisely, too make so i l i t tne convict nere scant play time. There is at present confined m as is r- &a Prison, at Thomastown, however, hard by, who, seeing the turnip young French Canadian, who is incarccfr so graciously accepted and generously ated tor the murder of a woman. Dii rewarded, bethought him of a like suc cess, and offered the Emperor a brave horse. But the Emperor, seeing through his motive, gave him nothing in return but the aforesaid great and turnip, for which as seems not probable he was both abashed inland on several times, then pointing up the river, ' skins, producing a drum-like sound. On . imita'ted the sound of a gun being fired, the far side of the fire a row of forked x nn,i ?hn firnRhnd bv stakes had been driven into the ground, The tightness of a lady's dress the other day at a garden party won from me such surprise and admira tion that an old dowager, whom 1 have known since 1 was a 'child, chided rne gently. "But it is most surprising, 1 maintained; "now can she get her dress on over over her other things?" :tIt is not difficult," replied my interlocutrix. "I hap pened to be in the cloak room with her iust now: she was having a stitch put in somewhere, and I found that her 'other things' consisted in a tight flannel fersey and a pair of you know." dence ended. And there the confi- laughed at Ivan following the habits of so many Eastern despots, delighted to go about in disguise, ana test and witness the feelings of tlie people toward strangers generally and the Imperial person in particular. One night, in disguise, he sought a lodging in a village near the city of Mos cow, but in vain, for no one would let him in; but at last one poor fellow, whoso wife was momentarily expecting to become a joyful mother, opened his door and admitted the apparently ex hausted beggar. In the course of the night the child was born, and the vagrant getting himself gone, told the man he would bring him some god-fathers next a is d. of a ing his leisure hours, with nothing bu pocket and shoe knife, a file and wlufct stone, this prisoner has manufactured clock which keeps accurate time, ailid mighty which is a great mechanical curiosity. It has a rooster on the top who fia his wings on the hour being reachc There are also figures showing the day! tlie week and mouth, underneath is wide, containing two hundred and for ta li ve figures of men, birds and animails, etc. These objects go through various performances, as small springs are touched, and a music-box pla3s tunes at the same. A mouse is made to run out from its hiding place, and is quickly caught by a cat. A beggar approaches a man for money, is impudent, and after a tussel is knocked down. A snake glides stealthily over the floor, and at the door a sentinel stands with a small tin cup in his hand, who takes off his hat and politely bows when coin is dropped into his cup. Among the ol- day. Accordingly, the next day the Em- iGCts uru companies of infantry and cavalry, whicli come out and go through luu manual oi arms very finely. The clock is exhibited by the prisoner while n hi.s cell, and many are the odd dimes be receives from visitors. The Portland (Mn V. ood for them to try relating the above, , says: At the present was to be put out of 11U1U uuuuiur convict m the same inRHfn- peror and many ol his nobles came and presented the poor fellow with a hand some largess and set fire and burnt up all the other houses, in the village, play fully exhorting the inhabitants to char ity and the entertainment ot strangers and that it were how excellent it doors on a cold winter night It was his custom to associate with thieves and robbers in disguise. Once Iiq went so far as to recommend them to rob the Imperial Exchequer, "for," said he, "I know the way to it." But upon this, in a moment one of the fellows up with his fist and struck him a nearby good blow on the face, saying, "Thou rogue! Wilt thou offer to rob his Majesty, who is so good to us ? Lot us go and rob some rich Boyar who cozened his Majesty of vast sums." Ivan tiuu is making a verv ninrlcnn ,iii house, with four rooms, the furniture all being in miniature style. One set is trimmed with red satin with b ue. It is intended as a present for the lady who has played the prison w"tui lui &uverai years. If Spain doesn't anol ing the American flag we can ruin the" navana .cigar mdnsbv l ,hlS ! n.?,ibrown W aua cage leaves to, ii