Tie Grant County Hews. ONLY PAPER IN GRANT COUNTY. Official Paper For Grant County. Ufioyon City, Saturday Sept. 4, 1880. P. H. Smepuerd, Editor IS THE PROMISE FULFILLED ? This week we make our politest "bow and refer our readers to the promise made in our first issue. It was that before live years we would furnish to the people of Grant Coun ty a paper secoiid to no weekly in Eastern Oregon. ' How well that jjromise has been kept we desi.ie the people to inspect this issue and con clude for themselves as to the faith fulness of the pjomise. Ve now make another promise to-wit that as long as The News receives the support it is now receiving and the editor hereof can set 8000 ms per day besides attending to the other business of the office it will retain its present size. By industry, economy, persever ance, sweet oil and some cheek we have worried through and have now got our paper on footing that assures us that we can issue it to our patrons at its present size for the usual old price of $3 per year. Of course we will make but a living, but we will have the consolation of knowing that it is a paper large enough and con tain enough reading matter of great enough variety to suit all classes as well as all sexes. In return for our extra outlay and desire to please all of our patrons only ask your contin ued support and good will. Several communications are hung on the hook till next week. Mrs. Catherine Smith has gone on a visi to friends and relatives in the Willamette Valley. Rev. A. Eads and wife took their departure from this city on last Mon day for La Grande where he is sta tioned for the coming year. Mr. R. C. "Williamson made us a pleasant call last Thursday. He in formed us that T. B. MeriT would accompany him to Baker City on the following day. Chas. Dustin, apprentice in this office the past several months, has secured a position in Inland Empire office at The Dalles, where he will go in a few weeks. Ve wish Char lie success wherever he may go. "Dickie" Clark will deliver Tiie News to our city subscribers hcraaf- ter and if he should miss any one we hope they will inform us of' the omission so they will not be passed the second time. Mr. Carlos Bonham has caused to be erected in the rear of his Black smith shop a fine stone furnace to be used for heating tires in b the way it is a pretty good calaboose it is a good institution and just the thing. Born. In this city on Tuesday Sept. 1st. 1880, to the wife of Thos. Poindexter a son. "Tom." says he tried to play it off for a girl but as he couldn't do it he will call it Poin dexter No. 5. Born. In this city on last Sunday to the wife of R. E. Lockwood, a gurt- Peter Kuhl's new house is going up quite rapidly and is to about the fin est house in the "burg", so we are informed by the carpenters, Jacobs & Basford. Col. Currey, Republican Presi dential Elector, was in the city yes terday. Our Subscription Agents. The fol-o-entlemen are authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions to The News: G. C. Clark, Grant County, M. T. Nolan, The Dalles, James W. Gallagher, News Agent on the boats between Portland and Cascades, N. O. Brown, News Agent on the O. R. R., from Portland South. The High Water of 1880 Did not reach a point equal io that of 1876, but it was high enough to do a deal of damage. Time, how ever, will repair this, but time only makes worse every case of disease of the kidn ty3 and urinary organs which a single box of Cragon Kid ney Tea would cure. Sold by all Druggists. The Schools of this city will open on next Mondav. Mr. N. Rulison has purchased the business of John Schmidt in this town and may be found at the old stand next door to Dr. Howard's Drug Store. His advertisement will appear in due time. Senator Slater is stumping the State for Hancock & English. He made his opening speech at Prairie City last Thursday evening and also spoke here yesterday. 'Uncle" Eli Lester, Alex. Murray and others of their section spent last r-i i i mi ounaay in town. iney were return ing from the Land Office at La Grande. J. VAN BEURDEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler, IMPORTER AND DEALER-IN AMERICAN" WATCHES, Dianionds, Jewelry, Solid Sil ver and Plated Ware. No. 107 Fir5t St. - Portland Oregon. (Formcly J. K. Gill's Book St-.re.) Jewelry Manufactured To Order. Special attention j)aid to Repair ing Fine Watches and Diamond Set ting. HENRY SIEGART, Fashionable Barber, wasuinqton st., oppos'to citj Bowery, HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, HOT AND COLD BATHS AT ALL TIMER. JOHN DAY MILLS, JAMES NORMAN &. Co. Proprietors John Day City, Oregon. Having spared no pains or expense in erecting a Klour Mill which is second to none on this Coast, for producing good flour, we would now respectful ly announce to the Public that we are prepared to (ill Orders !Por the best quality of White Flour, Graham and Mill Feed All goods rruarantecd to give! satUfactirm and to be second to none, made from the same class ot wheat. BY FAIR DEALING, good Goods and strict atten tion to business, we expeet to merit a share of the public pa tronage. Orders left at the Mill, as wrell as with Geo. Gundlach & Bro., will be promptly attended to. Respectfully, JAMES NORMAN & Co. NOTICE. Notioe is h- rehy giv. n that the bo:ir I of cq ui'izat on lor Gran C un'y, State of Oieg n meet at the olHce uf the County Cleik at Can) on Ciy, in .cnid county, on the 30th diy of August, at 10 o'ch ck A M., of said dsy and publicly cxamii o the aj-8PS5ment roll of said coin ty, for the year 1880, and will c unt all i rrors in description and valuation of proper y, if anv thore be. J. 15. JOHNSON, nlS-n22 Ajses?or For Sale. The Ranch and stock belonsrinff o o to John G-. Nealen, situated 55 miles below Canyon City is now for sale on good terms; also numerous town lots in the cities of Portland and Vancouver are offered for sale by the same person. Address JOHN G NEALEN. Canyon City. Aug. 27, 1880. ISSIGNEE'S SALE. The stock of Goods lately belonging to W. EL Clark of Canyon City, Grant County Or egon, will be sold off AT Until further SfotieoTEBMS CASH. Particular attention is called to the Stock of Children's, .Misses and Ladies Trimmed Hats from 50 cents up to $5. Summer Goods at 15 ceiits per yard. All parties indebted to W. U. and Setile at Once All Notes unpaid on Juae 1st, 1SS0, will Canyon City, May 1st, 1 SSO. ?qr Sale' Granary and Stable across the cre-k. y Piffi Main Street, Canyon City, Oregon, J. W. HOWARD, 'M. P.. - - FEOPEIITOE. Having recently received a full and carefully selecied stock of Drugsand Medicines I am fully prepared to furnish every thing usually kept in a First Class Drug House, at reasonable Prices. Also a lull b'tock of the Standard Patent Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and ee. and buy of my fresh goods. Also keeps on hand a full stock of imported Wines. Brandy and Liquors, for medical purposes, and sold in quantities not less than one quart. J. W.'HOWARP, M. D , Proprietor. f Ml Ji !.. JJ . - 1 1 1'J.L.IJUI-L-.m.T.W.LT Is still at lii s pdst at j inpr out the ver7-choicest Groceries;, als. keeps a full stock of j Boots, Shoss. Clothinir, Calico, Ware, fancy Cups and Saucers, My Store is. aKvays welcome ' to buy or merely to see the goods. FINE CARRIAGES o: U3STIir03R.M EXCELLENCE. SAVS your SZONEY, write for Cataiojao and PRICE LIST to Also SOLE Manufacrnrcra of Urn eelobrated Uustox BuccaoAr.D or HUERAY WAGON. The 'ortlanrl, .Coronas and all the Mexican Rodtaiing article known &nd at prices tha' defy cumpetit'on. Also full vari.y of liht and heavy harness Send 3 cent ttamp for Illustrated ICE Clark are warned to come in (due) and nccoui.ts that may be be sued without further Noiice. 15. N. BAl NKTT, Assignee. 8 lea ft 9 John Day City, deal- Thaeco, Crocker', Granite- and 'General Merchandise to everybodj whether the- come AND ROAD WAGONS Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONU. I E V SHINDLER & GHAOBOURN. 5 MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, 3)culrs in FURNITURE, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, Et . io First Street aiul 107 Front Street near 3Iorrisoi:. Furniture Factory four miles fiom Fast Water power used. Tlieolilet! .ind largest Stuck in Oregon. "Wholesale knock flown Furniture a speciality. Patent School Desks made to order. Portland. Ogn., Sept 1st. lSSO.if FRANK, AT 'i 1IE Dalles.. Ogn., WHILES tE& E Alt DEALER In Fine iradd'es, Bit is a d Spurs. A 1 stc from tli- lilne-t Jockey to the heaviest Vacquero b'addl-s always oi har d in large varieties. The, hues stock of tin s-i g ods on the P.-iciQ Coast. Hackimores, Maqunnies, Lari e!ts, Q-.irt, Reins Head-tails, lia tnond Cinch. s, Tapidaros, Chape ejos, catalogue nnd price list L. D. FRANK. The Oregon Kidney Tea. Read the following testimonials, not fi om persons 3,000 miles away, whom no one knows, but from well-known and trustworthycitizens of Oregon, whose ruiu.es, written rith their own hands, can b seen at our officp: y,.N City, Guast County, j Ojsn., July 28, 1880. j To my friends and all others whom thi- ni:iy c-ncern: I wish to say that MiVr sulloiinir Tor a long time with vie backache and rains in the loina :.nd kidnow I w..s induced to tiy a bot tle ot tin- Obf-gox Kidney Tea, and to my iire.-it surpri.-e, as well as my Fatis laotion I w s entirely cur.-d -f my coui phiinr. 1 do mot earnestly reccom me-.d it to all my friends who niny he sulh'rini; from similar troubles, believ ir..r ns f do that it THE CHIEF of Jill Kidn. y lvnird'es. CHA1UES A GRAY. Warm Springs, Grunt Conntv. Oirn . July 15,1880. j Mnm-s. Hodge, D.vict Co.: Pea-Sirs. I have been troubled for :ihiur o years with a sever- pain in the back, loins. nd hips, o that, at times T uii'tVo t ri-i' or Jo anv k;nd rf lk u'i r. I' ' ')" :$:' Tie u . !' ! t'i - ot' ' I c Oiegon iud ncj T. a. I oi tau u I one jmoKaue, a d though 1 hG not us d ll of it, yet X :im h nfw man. and feel like reccom in ndii g it io my afflicted fiiendf. nI5-3m THOMAS HOWE. In the Circirt Couit of the State of Ore.L'Oi:, f i theComny of Gxnvt. Jmsi'I'Ii W. Ke.-r.ey, jdff. "J Jn-i'ph K. Hen. tl-fr. ) To .Ioi pti K. Heio, 'el't., in thiMiame ..f tin Stnte f Orenp, you are heieby r. quired to appear and answer the com pliant of the pliK, now on file in the of ficp of thiM-brk of s'lid couit. On or In ion' thf fi'Stday of ike next regular trm th! i of. f.it: t!) 20' h day f j pr., IttJ, :v d -fywi !ail to fiV ai-swer ih lvm. jnff witi taki- judf inent a-.'!i"-t V3'J for .'lie n m of Si)44. 8Gi:f.. with c ts a-d ifshnr-ii'iiwr t ani the lbri cl"urc nf ;i ien -er for h in idft's ofrphii- t. Pobli-h' d hy nnfer nf Hi n L. j. r'-Ar-l'ijr. .J;de of mi id contt. Da An.-. ft. io: M.L OLMFTEH nl'-24 iMfiV Att. i-.nv THE BEST OF ALL j?o? ha:t ai;d beast. For more limn a Ihinlof a century tho ! Iexlcun .TI ust ant? Tinimcnt lias been i t lit) only salo lvlianco lor tlio relief of i Known io nm.ioiiM j ii (v-r urn worm ns i nccKlents v.:v pain. Jl a nicnicmo nbovi' i)' iei :itic ijniir ;hc brt ol its nimi. i 'or . . ry luiui ot external nam tne ilustnn? I i ii:nort i v i u r.t rn cnuul. It j)t-.ctr.tlfs 13c ?i v.znl x:jtsclc to tlu ery Uoiie mahi i:f lli eoutinu- u"''j ).dn nl inll:unati', i;np'sib'( I riVer' uu n lltunan J-loMi n''il tlri liiuin frtation uro cnually wonderful. 9 Tlio IMexieun Linini'TS is j clcl hy tonteboily in. very liou. livery C.av hi injra i:eva of tho nsjojiy of :iri nxx'S i.I at sild or l,ur:i Mibduesl, of rliciu:jMt:c ninrtyri rc sri:o l. or a c: ox ia-.vl by th I.e-.iii. ;r .ovt. r in'tiii i i ;1 whicli speedily enros Mich ailments of i the HUMAN t'LEIl I1!m; uitintlsm. fr.TVclIiugs, SUiTJ .Jollies. ozUr.ieCi il r.izy.clcs, Ivurws ami s -aiUfs, Ct:t:, uvumcs and Sprnin;, lofr,o:aous Bites nut! bunt;. StiiVrios;. Ir.mcness, Old bores. Vict im. J Vosli:ica. t hilblahis. Sovo :"kiiil. fi, t acii Jlrcnst. and hitlccil everv fcrra of external cnic. if. twals xviiIitMf scurf. l'or Uio IJisj.tk C::::atio.v if urc3 Siirahw. SiviiiTi-- HiifT .It At it 1 FouimIit. nTnritffrt'ynrc'i, Hoof lis- i c i.f, Foot Ilo', Wrvev ; om. ScalJ nollou- l(rn. fjriT.tcIies, wind nllsi, Spavin, Tlirusli, I?int;l)ouo, Old Sorcn, I nil Evil, Film upon the Sight nnd every other ailment la which, tlio fjccnpants of the Stable nnd Stoclc Yard are liable. TllO Mexican Mustang Unlment iviwuya C4irea mm nuver uisuppumuj. ana ic is, positively, THE BEST OF ALU LINIMENTS POR MAN 0E BEAST. No Certificates of Publication for Summons, Final Settlement, Sheriff Sales Laud Notice or any other Legal Notices, will he given till the Printers- ' Fee is paid. Remember the aboTC. mmmm