Ad v J i '&C V iX C ttl rmt VOL. 2. NO. 22. CANYON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1880. TERMS: 3 PER YEAR. i m n i i i ii ri i i r - r v -n l i i I II 111 I I IHII 111 I IIM IWI III IWIM II BUM I II1BH j I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. W. Parrisii. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon. M. L. OLMSTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Okeoon, Geo. B. Cukkey, Attornoy &rt Xitw, Canyon City, Oiiegon. Vi. Dustin, Attorney at Law, Canyon City, Oregon. F. C. HORSLEY,M D. GRADUATE OF THE UMVEUSITY OF PENN- s-yl vanisi, April S, 1 8-1 S. Canyon Oby, Oregon. )fhce in his Drug Store, Ma:n Sti-eet Orders for Druus prointly filled. "No professional patronage solicited uu?ess directions ate s rietly followed J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oukon 0. M. D0DS0N, M. D., Frnirio City, -N. H. BOLEY, 33 JE1 ISTsT 1ST, ET Dental to -in-! first tliM-r south of Pi Howard's Dru;i Store. Canyon City. Oreoon. (. I. I1AZELTINK, Flioto5ra,pl2.or, CANYON CITY, OREGON. PHIL MITSOHAN & 00, Annouiicc that tliey have re ceived a full and well assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, which tliey ofter Hiivnm; bought for Cash we ,ie prepared to sell our Goods (heaper than they were ever I.efure sold in this Market. Canyon City, Jan. 1G. 1880. The cheapsst placs to "buy PA 1 6MTS, OILS, CLASS, PCJTTY, And AALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s, opposite the M. E. Cliurcii. Canyon City. Oregon. ni2tt CKO. H OSMA.N. WOOLSEY&HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OREGON. fflViE BAR is eappliod with pure Wines and Liquors, Beer. Ale, Bitters and Cigars. FINE BILLIARD TABLES In tho Ssloin. ST" Give us a call. Mcdowell & ran 9 ritOPlUETORS JOHN DAY SALOON, John Day. Oregon. The Bar is supplied with pure wines, Liquors, Beer, Ale, Bitters and Cigars. A fine BILLIARD TABLE in the Sa loon. Give us a call. Hotels. A. II. Gkotii, " M. V. TnoMPwiN CITY HOTEL Canyon City, Oregon, GROTH & THOMPSON - Proprietors Beg leave to id form their friends And tho Public Generally That they can bo found at the OLD STAND, And are alwaws ready to furnish good Board and Lodging AT MODERATE PRICES. A fire and burglar proof sifo lias hern jI,mc il in the lio'iefur the acconi modaiioii of quests. G-"ange Hotel. IMtAlltlK CITY, OKKOON, J, IL Tardnian, Proprietor. Tho ancnoimodationfl -'t the above Hotel are eoml, and nvery cure will be taken to make (ju,v''' (f,tt n home. J?-V Cum fori f.b'e bodp, and as tood a tnolp aR thu market HlFvirds furnished at reasonable aatep. HARKEY HOTEL, Fort Harnsy, Oregon. W. W. JOIIXSOX, Pro?pietor. Having completed my Hotel I am prepared to entertain the traveling public w;th care and comfort. The table is supplied with the best the market alVords. The beds are neat and clean. Hotel And Restaurant, JOHN DAY, - - - - - OUECO.W KEIjT.Y, Proprietor. The Table i Mippliel with the best t his tnatket aflcrds and every nf op tion jiaid f'i the comfbrt of ue-ts. iM-a-sar a'l ho'ir. ionl, S7 per v'(!k. single ujal 50cts. DALLKS AND HAKELNCITT STAGE LINE, Vaile & Co., Proprietors Depart-: IVmmi Canyon City for Til- Duller ami Baker dtv, Daily. Affivtw IVoin the same points, Daily. Jt C. AVii.mam.son, Sup't. CANYON CITY k McDEPHT MIS STAGBLLE, PEAIO: McEEA.V, - - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City for Ft. Harney. McDermitt and Winnemncca Dally. Arrives from same points daily. 1SS0. SPRING. 1880. Mrs. Jnnie-5 Cleaver would announce to the public that she is just receiving from San Francisco, the finest assort ment of Ladies and Misses Uats, ever opened in Grant County, and they will be sold, for cash, at prices that defy competition. She also keeps a full stock of Em broideries, Lace-, Corsets, and Ladies' Underwear, which she sells lower than those who sell at cost and freight ex planation, she buys exclusively far cash. The best assortment of Jewelry and Silver Plated "Ware ever offered in these mountains. Terms Cash. Call, examine and be convinced. ' Hf S PADCR may bo found on Clio at Geo. P. nlO rHrCll itowcll & Co's Newspaper Ait vcrrismp Hrcnu (111 .Spruce SU. whore advertising . -ontraas may Lo madu for it, IN NEW YOItli.. ' - FIRST ANNUAL FAIR OR MEETING OF THE G tANT COUNTY AGRICUL TURAL ASSOCIATION, To be held on the Fair Grounds at Mt. Yernon, on Wednesday, October 13th, 18S0. First Day's Programme. Fihst liunning Hace, half mile hea's best 2 in .'J for 5 year olds. Purse, $50; first horse 835, second 15 third saves entrance. Second Single Dash one .mile, free for all o year olds. Purse 850; First $35, Second SI 5, Third saves entrance. EXHIBIT. Bet Stallion uf any aire or bre?d,$25 First S15, Second 10, Third saves en trance. Best Brood Mare and loal 825; First SI.!, Second S10, Third sves entrance. Uest Bull of any age nr bieed, $25; First 15, Second S10, Third saves en taance. Bet Milch cow; $25; First 815, Second SlO. Thire saves entrance. S ime Day, Ammal Addre.-s. SECOND DAY. Hack Running mile heats best 2 in .; fie a'l. Puree 875; First S50, Sec ond 25. Thi'd sives entrance. Tii"TTi.o Rack Fie for all 3 year olds. Pure $50; First 835,Second $15, Thin! sive etitranc. Walkinc Back free for all Purse 850; First 835. Second $15. Third saves entrance. EXHIBIT. Best spam of draught horses by ac tual test Premium 825 Firt $15, Second $10, Third saves entrance. SllEKl' Best Bam of any age or breed. Premium $25. Firt $15, Sec ond $10, Third saves entiance. Best Kw.' and lamb, $10 Best p n of 5 .sheep Premium 15 First $10, Sec O'ld 5, Third saves entrance. Bust display of Mech-iuieal works -of ill' kinds. Pmnium $25. First $15, See-K-d $10, Third save- iMtrai ee. Chain B -st bushel of Spring wMieat $5:First 3, Second $2. Be-t bushel .. fall wheat 85, First $3, Second $2. Third sav:s entrance. Best bushel of hurley $5; First $3, Second $2, Third saves out ranee. Best bushel of oats, as "Wheat. Best bushel of Timo thy si-od same as grain. Best 2 lbs of butter with process of makinu', $5; First 3 .-ceo' d, $2, Third saws entrance. Best loaf of breul with proces-s of making, $5; Fir.-t, So, Sccund, 3, Tli it il save-, entninc". Best sack of II .nr. $5; First, S3, Second, $2, Third saves entrance. THIRD DAY. RirNNiNO Rack, free, fur-all. $100; First, $75, Second, $25, Third saves entrance. Single dash or one mile. Trottinc Best 3 m 5, Iree for all, SI 00; First, $75. Second; 825, Third ates fn'rancp. EXHIBIT. Best boar hog of any breed, 15; First, $10, Second, $5, Tiird saves en trance. Best sow and pigs of any breed. $15,, 10, Second, 5, Third saves entrance. Best lot of 5 hogs or more, $15; First, $10, Second, 5, Third saves uitranco. Poultry. Best pair of chickens, $5; First, $3, Second, 2, Third saves entrance. Best pair of ducks, 5; First, 3, Second, 2, Third saves en trace. Best pair of geese, 5; First, 3, Sceoud, 2, Third saves entrance. Best pair of Turkeys, 5; First, 3, Second, 2, Third saves entrance. Best display of.poultry. 5; First, 3, Second, 2, Third saves en trance. Vegetables. Best display of vege tables, $10; First, 7, Second, 3, Third saves entrance. Best display of fruit, 20; First, 13, Second, 7, Third saves entrance. Best displny of ueedle work, 10; First, 6, Second, 4. Best lady equestrian 25; First 15 Second, 10, Third saves entrance. Eutrancejn all cases to be 10 per oent. of premium. All entries to be made with the Secretary by 9 o'clock on the day before the exhibit or race. RULES. 1st. All races shall be run by the rules of the Oregon State Fair. 2nd. Season Tickets, $2, day tickots,$l. La dies free, and boys between the age of 10 and 14 half price. 3d. All members of tho Associa tion shall p iy an annual fee of 1, which admits members of their families be tween the ages of 10 and 1G to the "rounds of the association. 4ih. The annual meeting of the : s sociation shall commence on the 13tb of October, 1880, and continue three days 5th. The electi.m of officers shall be held on the fair "rounds on .the second day of the fair. By order of the Inard of directors. B. C. TROWBRIDGE, President. W. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. GRANT COUNTY. Aii Unpredjudieed Review of What the Empire Man Saw in a Ten Days' Visit to Canyon City and John Day. From T. B. Merry. 1 My last letter, if I remember right, left me alighting from the stage at John Day City, where I am still the guest of Dan Reamer and Tony Hachenev. The town is an old one, set clear down to zero until about two years ago, and then began to shoot ahead under tne propituous in fluences of agriculture and stock-mis-ing. It lies on a broad Hat between Canvon Creek and the John Day River, which has been cooked over several times by white men and is 'now being washed out again by Chi nese. The picture was odd one to mc as I first beheld it, to see these swarming pagans hoisting earth out of their claims by means of spar der ricks operated by overshot wheels of about 18 feet in diameter. Scarcely n white man can be found at work on these ihits, which have paid rich er and more continuously than any other placer diggings on the Pacific Coast, but at Marysville, some three miles from here, a hydraulic com pany is tearing down the vast boul ders and rending the hill-sides in search of ore, with fair success. This place has two stores, one kept by the genial and sport-loving Tony Hacheney and the other by Frank McCallum, who is also rjostinaster. Harry Hepinier, who formerly work ed in the O. R. N. Co's. shop at The Dalles, is the village vulcan. Ho was in partnership with Dan Ream er until a few days ago, but Dan is about to return to his old home in the Empire itate, and hence the dis solution. William Kelly, at one time bar-keeper on the Mountain Queen keeps a neat little hotel and sets an excellent table. Charley Ran and Billy McDowell have a sa loon where claret and ice can be had during these heated days. Hank Jar rel keeps a liven and feed stable, from which I have driven out sever al times with as good wagons and horses as our own town can boast. But the business feature of the place is a water-mill run by a thir-teen-inch turbine wheel and provid ed with a single run of stone, though its capacity can be double at a trilling, expense. It was built under the supervision of Major Joseph Magone for James Norman of this place, who has now a fine piece of proper f which will increase in value as the county increases in population. Canyon City lies up Canyon creek, two miles above John Day, and is just at the very bed rock of its in dustrial and financial condition. Ten years hence will see it the most flourishing mining town in the entire State of Oregon, in my belief li my twenty-seven years residence on tnis coast, I have seen no other pla cer mining camp that began to last with it. Yreka was worked out in sixteen years, Rabbit creek in four teen, Horsetown in twelve, -La-Grande in eight, Buckeye in ten, Columbia in twelve, Shasta in four teen and Auburn in sixteen. Look at Canyon City, it is eighteen years last May siuce gold was struck on Hog Point, and yet Canyon Creek fa worked for nearly five miles up and down. My own belief is that Canyon mountain contains the greatestledger of quartz on. this cofist, second to nothing in Grass valley or Sutter creek All the indications go to- prove that the rich diggings between Marysville on the and Blue Gulch on the west are the bed of an ancient river whose course has been changed by volcanic action. The day is not far off when the mining talent of the coast will abandon stock-gambling" in the California metropolis and go to work. Then we will hear from the great quartz ledge which fed the still unexhausted diggings about this old and fast decaying town. The location of Canyon City re sembles that of Gold Hill, the south ern suburb of Virginia City, Nevada The buildings are mostly old and show the wear of time, but the old California spirit sticks out tlirough all. It ia four bits for a shave and two bits for a drink, just as in San, Francisco twenty-seven years ago. Even the cheap and tonic in fact, I must say Teutonic beverages of lager beer costs two bits1 per glass, but I must say it i a superb article brewed upon the Yreka formula Everything about here partakes of the style of Northern California, Dave Overholt and Phil. Metschan came here from Sierra connty; Wil--liam South worth and John "Wash,, who fill the respective offices of Clerk and Sheriff, are former Tesi--dents of Shasta. Dr. F. C. H&rsley,. the brother Sels, Robert Lockwood, arat a doz n others whose names have slippy ed my memory just now, came fioru Yreka. Hence the traveler who come here need not he surprised at finding a California colony de sui generic planted away up here in these adamatine hills. My own predictio i is that whenever the mother ledge of quartz s ioundr the old and half ruined town will iqual Gras Valley in less than live years. My foundation for this belief is based upon the magnificent water powtr o Canyon creek, which can b tnadV. to ran a thousand batteries of lr ittnp each between Cnnyon City and John Day town, thus saving at least one dol--larperton on the reduction of ore. Pine wood here costs from 84 50 to per cord, the latter being the dead-of-winter figure. Over at Virginia City it goes from 8 to 14 dollar-, according." to the season, while at Grass Valley the same prices prevail as here. But at neither Grass Valley nor Virginia City, can be found such water power' as aOounds at this place. Again, at Vii--ginia City, shaft and tunnel timbers cost about 45 dollars per thousand feet, while here they will be delivered on the ground at 18, all you want. Hence my belief is, that whenever Quartz , i. struck on Canyon er$ek you will see greater dividends on that branch minimr, and lower grades of rock work ed with profit, than in any other past or the Pacific Coas'. Concluded next week, -arc-pi tl r- 7. --v.' ark mm nK T ft; in mim i ii mm in i witowiiiMWfmirrT ' 8wfr-tf"'g