i- ft Grant Mr News. Saturday joining, Aug. 23; 1880. Tun Grant County News is keg is. teued at tiie Post-Office at Can yon City as second class mail matter; according to law. 2 HOB AH LODGE, Ko. 22. I O.O. I, meets every Thursday evening ni .their Lodge Room in Canyon City. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. By Order of 2sT. G. i in n -toMMMijumm a: .,Ajjjaajumrnj.'juiui.ji MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE, No. 33. I. 0. 0. 5, Prairie City, Ore gon, meets every Saturday Evei-ing. Members of the order are invited to attend. Ry order of the N. (1. HIE NEWS WILLENLAIKiE ABOUT SEPTEMBER 4T11. Ed. News: Permit me through your column, to return the sincere thanks of the President and Officers of the Grant County Agricultural Society to the citizens of Canyon and John Day, for the liberal man ner in which the7 have responded, l)y furnishing lumber, nails, awl money to the Supt. for the purpose of improving the grounds. It only remains for farmers and stock raen to do as well, and the success of the 3f air is assured. J. MAG ONE, Supt G. Co Pair Grounds. Accident. Last Sunday while T. 13. Merry, C. lilacy, Tom Lord, Dan Reamer and Clias. Han were pro paring to take a ride, the horses started uj) and threw Msrry, Macy and Lord out backwards to the ground. All three struck on the r heads and shoulders and were badlv bruised. Mr. Merry had his shoul der blade broken ami will be detain ed in this city for a few weeks vei , The other Ixrys arc getting along all right. "We are informed that R. C. Wil liamson, Hie Supt. of The Dalles Stage Lino, purchased, a few days since, 8-1 hr.ad of Spanish hci683 for . the line. If such is the cafe we may soon see the ' otming stalls rush in to our citv in advance of tlio new wagons, which are now about ready to turn out of the shop at The Dalles. The DaiVs is -quite a lively place for free fi jht-i. One kaock down took place in front of March bank's stable, on Sunday evening, and an other fight occured on the beach be low the Umatilla House, on Iilonday morning, in which one man was bad ly used by his opponent. A Stabbing affray took place in the Dalles, on last Saturday morning, "between two men named Thompson and Jacobs. The quarrel grew out of ioalousv for an old fancy." Tnoinp son was killed and Jacobs was not expected to live. Eggactly. As we passed by Mr. PefTer's Ranch, on Bridge Creek, last Tuesday, we were shown an cg that was produced on their ranch, that measures (the egg does) 7 by inches in circumfrence. Eev. Wilcox will hoid devine ser vice in the M. 35. Church in this city, morning and evening to-morrow. He is the new minister and all should go out to hear him and give him a hearty welcAme. A band of about 20 Gipsys are on the way to this city and will tell for tunes, &c. . &c. , They are well fix ed and will, perhaps, be in John Day in a few days. Next week an extended account of the Editor's trip may bo looked for; also several new advertisement? will appear and the paper enlarged. Married. At the residence of P. Thomas, this county, by M. Dustin, on Aug. 24th, 1880," Mr. J. TV. Blackweirto Miss Parkenson. Born. To the wife of Mr. Ruder, f- of South Fork, on Saturday, Aug. 21st, a son. Read all of the new "ads." to- -.ivjday. Following are the appointments for he Presiding Elder. W. Gmimis: Baker City, Sept. 4th and 5th. Weiscr, Idaho City, Boise City, Silver City Middle, ton, Payette, Willow Ctoek, La Grande, Wallowa. 7th 11th 12th. 13th " 25fch 19th. 26th 3d 10th 17th 2-ith 31st. 7th Mth. Oct. 2nd " 9th " IGtii 23d i 30th Soiumsrviile Nov. (Stli Union, s 13th 11 Social Gathering. Lui Monday evening the young people ol the. city assembled at Mr. J as. Ftu guson's for the purpose of welcJisiing into tluir midst, M'hs Sutltemier, of Canyon City who is i.n a vi-it to friends in the city. There were about twenty persons pres ent all of wlum seemed to enjoy them selves by participating in the amuse meats and partaking of the sumptous repast j repnrod. and i was midnight befoiv the party bisdc; their young friend J goo.l night and dcpirted for their re- sp live home?. Bedrock Democrat, Aut'us? 25. T 770 BURG-EONS " " rro'n til X;it;o ;d Surgical Institute, liulianipo't?, Indiana, will vi.sifc Prt I u(i. Oivtron, ar St. ( Inrh's Ift-tei, I Septum lusr 7th, St' arsd Otii, 1880, pro video vdlh a complete and expensive outfit ot'apparii'Ud designed to treat pv ry for.-K uf Soiunl Discus-, Hip and Kne-'J i)ise . Cr oked 1uubs, Club Ket. i'araly &c. Piles and Fisula cmainly rurfd. This institution has an i;npquljd reputed n i i the hic--eessful treatment of ail of aboe uis crisaa. It.tre-t'd pardrs should not fail t- s- iluw urj.-cuU'. HfturHiug homo, overlaid, ihy v.-.l! st-p oil' Se.? tftuhpr 1 1th Hnd 18th t Kugene Okv, 10th at lv..(i'.-urgs aud lSUv mu) 20th at ,!;tckso vill. O.Coh Ok hearing that 3Dr. Tanaer eom tcmpnltes a visit to Oregon, the sa loon men of Portland held a secret caucus and resolved to sei no inoi free lunche-'. - Th4i Prie? of Wkmi. The bountiful Jiarvcst in both this country and Europe will no doubt range wheat to rale very low this season, but this will not lessen 'the (bmand for the Oregon Kidney Tea. as every man or woman who lias a backache or any trouble with the kidneys or urinary organs, will try ihis well known remedy eyau if wheat should be only fiOa per busJaei. Sold by all dragkta. Sevor .1 or the citizens of this plase ar :rw or: ;-h;j rick list. IX'. Hornb y is slili tks. Mrs. Turk m some better. Mr. Trowbridge is also very s: ,k. The balance of the sick folks arc on the mend. LIahhie:.. In Itik city, Aug. Mth, ISS0, Mr. Chsa. Thomas to Mrs. Lulu Wood worth . 1 mn; to (blot of job work and a rush of advert iaeraen ts we are a few hours late with the News tiiis week week. The Portland and Dalies new advertisements will appear next week. Mr.. T. B. MEiiBY, of the Empire, will please accept our thanks for ! favors shown this office during our absence. "We are truly sorry that "Tom." has met with the accident he has in injuring his shoulder. Rev. G. W. Grannis and wife took their departure for Grande Rondo, last Thursday. Bv referring to another column you will find the advertisement of the "Clarendon Hotel." It is use less for us to say anything in praise of the above house as all know it is first class. In fact, every body stops there from Eastern O.iegon. "Mamma has suffered for years, j nothing helped her so much as Dan- delion Bitters. 'V--- In 1879 the United States exported to Europe 170,000,000 bushels of grain. This year it will exceed that amount. Durhg the month of July 13,000 emigrants arrived in the United States from Europe. This is 5,000 more than arrived for the same time last year. "FitOM Cai;yox City. Mr. S. H. Shepherd ari-ived in the city last ev ening on business. He is proprie tor and editor of the Grant County News, which is one of the "most flour ishing in the State, and has in pro portion more advertising patronage than any weekly on the North Pacif ic. Mr. S. is a thorough newspaper man." Daily Evening Telegram. Major Magone informs that John J. "Wash has also subreribed 1000 feet of lumber to the Pair Grounds. Nov.- all those that have teams can aid the good work by hauling the lumber as their part. The Daily Bee of Portland has la telv been transformed into the Bull etin. Mr. Emiie Schulz has under the weather for .several days past but is now improving. Improvements arc steadily going on throughout Grant County, and the xeople are happy. Mr. Jack "Woolsey is spending a few davs at Granite Creek. Some good man (he must be a Cf rustler"') can secure a position as canvasser and corespondent in this county for Tdc News. 7o paper on the Coast pays as high commission to agents as does this paper. W. H. Clark took his departure for Portland on lust Thursday to at- tend to business, and on his return will place in hi store a full niid well selected stock of foil ami winter sroods. Last night this Tallev was visited by an abundant rain, and i.he stock men rejoice, and the stage drivers and teamsters are happy, but the rain men are bound to sutler more or less cm account of the crain down. For Sale The Jianeh and stock belonging to John (t. Nealen, situated 65 miles below Canyon City is now for sale on good terms ; also numerous to'n lots in the cities of Portland and Vancouver are offered for sale by the same person. Address TORN O. NEALBN. Canyon City. Aug. 27, 1880. 2fr. S. H. Shepherd, edite and publisher of the Grnt County Nkv.s Itavje us a call on ilonday morning. He is a pleasant and agreeable gen tleman, and thoroughly wide awake. Be left for Portland Tuesday uiorn- 113 V. -Mountaineer. NOTICE. $everal months since I sent out dniis to people in The Dalles, Inde pendence and Canyon City, for sub scription due the Bedrock Democrat which I took in settlement with that office. Some have denied ever tak ing the paper, others say they have paid the bill and out of the several hundred dollars only about v-oO has been paid. Now the accounts as I received them were drawn oil' by J. M. Shepherd, the very one that did know whether they were paid or un paid, just or unjust accounts, and to place myself in a right position for future action and for the purpose of saving cost to innocent persons I do and hereby reouest all those whom I sent duns to to write forthwith to J. M. Shepherd, at Baker City, and get a release from the account if it be:iu their power. I do not wish to sue an unjust bill, neither do I intcmd to be swinddled out of several hund red dollars of hard earned money. All pei-sons concerned will govern themselves accordingly as the one that owes me must pay it, and for that purpose suit will be commenced soon. S. H. SHEPHERD. An experiment was made a short time ago with Chinese labor in a boot and shoe factory at North Ad- ams, Mass., but proved a- failure, white labor being substituted. The Sioux Indians, that several years ago went over into Canada, have returned and surrendered to the officers at Fort Keogh , Montana. Sitting Bull is not with this hand but remained iu Canada. NEW TO-BAY. , CLARENDON HOTEL, Portland, Greg on, ZEIBER&KNOWLES, - - Proprietors. Situated opposite all the Railroad and Steamship OiHces. Street cars pass the house every live minutes. ! Pree Coach to and from the House. Street Car Tickets Free to Guests. PSOTiCE. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. The Co-Partn.-rship existing be tween the undersigned, under the name of Stcmme & Co., at idonumental, Grant County, Oregon, is this day dis solved hv mutual consent. K J. "V7. STEM-HE, C. S. MILLED, S. 13. PAHKTSH, I. KAUPMAN. Monumfriitnl, Grant Co. Oregon, July 28. 1380. The undersigned hereby give notice th:U- they have purchased the Chns. Siuky Haneh, situated in Grant Coun ty Ogr... fur $L4U0, having paid $400, piior to tnis notice, and will pay $400 on tho 1st of Sept., 1880, and on De cember 1st, 1S30, 9G00, fcwhich is the last payment. All persons interested will pUiusc notice. AH. CHUNG-, AH ITCNG, Alt YOU, Ail GUI, ii21-53 All SOU. NOTICE, ; A GRAND BALL "Will he given bv the undersigned in his New Building in John Dav City on the Evening of Monday, Septem ber oth, 1880. First eltjHS music will he furnished i;or the occasion. 1'loor Managers ; John WoUinffer. F. 0. Sols, Irank I. ilcCalluni. Tickets "without Su ipor $t2.i50. MAX IvLETSCHAN. PiTin.iC Ri'KAKliG. If on. Jumes H. ?iaer nviH adt ress the eirizens of Ov.-int County, on the poliucal issues of the ir, at the f'diowin times and placos: Prairie City, Sept. 2nd 7 A o'clock p. m. 0n von City. S pt. oVlock p. m. f Scii L Fcxn. The aim iu nt nppor ti 'ned to ilii Oountv. of"Srat fund i 0793 10. Of (.'. nuty ymal S7G7 GO. Total 1,530 70. Divided among 1030 po.t&ons i i fehoVl :;o uivt s (o each 1. 53466. BLSS!LTJXI02F NOTICE. The (lo-psirinership heretofore ex isting hctwucii the undesigned, under the iinn name of Hulirfun it 'Jro'h. in tne lintel .Businp.ss in Can von City, (.rant County, is this dny dissolved hy inutird it(nrnt. All persons owing .slid firm will please call and seith: v.-nh eithcrof the latM partner'. Canyon C-iy, Au. l-t, 1S:0. N.RULLSON. nlOn-i1:: A. il. GKOTIf. NOTICE FOR rUliLICATlOK. Land Of::. cm at Dalles, Oon., August 10, ISW. Notice is hcrebv sdven that the follow-ing-natuod .settler has filed notice of his in.'entiori to make final proof is: support of hi claim, and .secure final entry there of at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Pre emption entry, No. by Cyrus B. S: might, before the UeL'ister and Ro eiver of the Land Cilice, at The Dalles, Oregon, n Monday. October th? 4th. 1880, for fhcS of SEj Sec. VI, and NE.l SK Sec. L:l, 'J'. 9, SI?. 2GEast. ai.d nam-: tlto foMuwing s liis witiiasBBs, viz: Rlert Gil more, Wm. Neal, Sand. W. Franklin and Lewis Neal, all rf rdonumcnt, Grant (o., Oregon. L. COFFIN, n20-iilU Pe-ister. 5ADDU8Y i HilllS. V. A N UFAOTUKE D r,Y JOHN BAT, - ----- OREGON. n, ,i -i , liepainng promptly clone and Satisfaction guaranteed. CITY BREWERY AND Saloon, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregorf F- C- SjELS, - Propt'iv Constantly on band and for sale, Xjiagor Boer Superior to any in the Slate. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS' ALSO, MALT, MALT VINEGAR, AND' CHOICE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAGER I3EER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LIQUORS AND WINES, For sale in quantities less than FIVE GlAl LONS. THOS. HOWARD? MEAT MARKET. JOHN DAY CITV, OREGON- We keep the best qualities cfl VEAL, CORNED BEEF, BBKF, MUTTON, PORK, HAM, BACON LAUD, SAUSAGE, ETC., ETC. Constantly on hand and for sale atthe LOWEST MARKET RATES. Frank cCailum's Yariety John Day City, - - Oregon- nKAJ-EIt i.s CIIOICK OKOCEUIKS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, STAT I ON Kit Y, NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY ETC., ETOV Would respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the citizens of John T)ay and sm rounding country. MAIN STREET, JOHN DAY, OREGt'N If Til FICE K. HALL, -T3 33 33 jEX. X 3XT vStationary, Spectacles ana Eye Glasses, Candies, and Fnts Subscriptions taken, at Publishers'" Rates, for all the Leading Papers and Mgozinc9 published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew dors. Albany, Oregn. Watches Cleanj ed and liepaired. JG-Watche, Clocks and Jewelry" repaired promptly and satisfactorily. HILLINERY fiD DRESGWllHG. Ladies desiring to purchase Spring Hats will do well id call at it. L. Oouthii's Milinary Store, sinco she has just received FROM NEW YORK, a full assortment of Ladies, Misses aad'' (jhildren'fl Hats, also the latest styles' of Trim minus. She also keeps a large assortment of Ladies' Underwear, Embroideries, lacea hoe and mall articles of every de scription, of the be-t quality and rei sonable prices. No credit allowed. The patronage of all is politely solici ted. 10. SOLLMJEE, JIST E 1ST CITY MILK-HAN. The best of Milk furnished to uhe citizens of Canyon City ev 3iy mo-iing, by the gallon or quart; at reasonable rates. So Certificates of Publication for Summons, Final Settlement, Sheriff Sales, Land Notice or any other Legal Nofiees, will he given till the Printers- Feclswaid. Kcmomhcr the abore. ! ijSubseribe for the Newsv Hi 1