k us K- ear At.'- Tie But Mr M s, Satutday Morning, July 17. 1S80. The' Grant C. unty News is reois- TEItJ-D AT THE PoST-OFFlCB AT Ca.V- yox City as skco.nd class mail matteh: acordixg to law. 0NYON f;iTV LOIXJK. NO 31. A. l a- d A. M., bolds itn r irular Ci-muiuiiicati mis on the Satux'iay ce i iuy of or rn-xf pivcecdmg the iu 1 ui.mri in e.ich mouth, at seven and half o'clock P. M. HOB VII LODGE No. 22, 10 0 F , uu et every T'mrslav ive -ii nj a' th- ir Ldo It m in I'a'mm Cry. Via. ting brothers an it utel t" nt c-itl. By Ord roI'N. G. cr m:vPAtv rrt?r TrmiM 3oI (). 0. F.. IV.i.e Citv, 0 e m . ts ev.rv .-VurJav Ev.-, ih-uv dvs of the r r ar. invited m att!d. By or !er of th N. ( J. Tiast Saturday we took a seat in the bugg'y with B. C. Trowbridge, P resident of the Grant County A fx xicultural Sjcietv, and started fo. Mt. Vernon to attend a meeting cf said Society. As usual B. C. had a 'spanking fine h-am" and we werj soon ab the fair ground j. We took a drive around the new made track, and we are pleased to say that we bavc been on no track in Eastern Oregon or Washington Territory that pleases us so well as the Mt Vernon track. It is a full mile, wiih the finest home stretch imaginable. It was laid off by Mai. Magone and he considers it by far the finest trad; in Oregon, and lie lias laid many of the Oregon tracks. The meeting was called an 1 after fthctii:g J. J. Cozartaiul .JoelJodscn directors to fill vacancies, the Presi dent appointed R. Damon, Chx-. Dn-itiu, Sr. and Joe Ilodon a com- mittee to draft a premium list to be j oiicrod by tne Society at tiieir urst j Auiiiuu Fair, which will be hold on the 15th, 3 0th and 17th of Srpt., 3 380. Thti li.?t embraces nearly ov ary department of iudmlry and will appear in print soon. rlhc purses If o - the rri'-ss arc vary small, but as it is tiie year and the society in 'tends to pay iu full, :J1 puraoa and jrcmium it could ntt well be olh isrwiFc. Ii is the intention to mrJ:e the first c -:liibiE.vn a gr:iad success, and therefore, no roslrictions arc placed on the purjes or premiums, in fact Baker, Wasco, or Union coun ty people are p&rfecily welcome to carry oil all of then: if they can. The thus set for the fair givjs the horsemen from adjoining counties ample time to come bore and get their horses in good ilx for the races. The Society prcpoi?:s to irca'; nil with the best at hand and at the name time It will allow no ,ljucke--ing' or unfair play and hope by so doing to gain a reputation that will be a credit to older Sooietier. Take Wakxisc It U a weli known fact that the citizens of the towns in this county are extremely careless in regard to money, watches, an l val uables, hence, "gentlemen of the light lingered gentry" have but lit tle trouble in ascertaining who has valuable; and also where they are kept. Now, we propose to warn our readers that at the present ti ne this State is cursed with tramps and Grant County hasher full share, and around each town are what are com monly called "vagrants," and par ticularly do they abide in this town. Therefore, our citizens should be over watchful in the near future and lock the drors before the thief gets in. Our duty as a journalist com pels us to put the people on their , guard, and wo hope "a word to the wise will be sufficient' 1,500 cords of wood has been sold j ii chis city during this .and last month. . Miss Frey is in the city for the present. , Mrs. Grannis is visiting friends in this vicinity at present. A Good OrrEtt. We are informed that Messrs. Ktihl, Muldrick & Co. offer to extend their pipes down Main Street to Masonic Hall, and j hi- county i- w mb, in a I the iutei fjrnish water and -CO feet of rubber i c -u.o of ie ait trade, something lik hose ft r the purpose cf extinguish ing fire, for the very low sura of $1, 000. Considering that insurance is so high and, in many cases, nono can be taken, we think that the proper ty holders alonnr said street would do a wise aet by taking advantage of this liberal oer. A i:i2eting of the persons concerned should bo called forthwith and close the bargain with the Lb jve ccmian'. Itememlc that d Jays are exceedingly danger our these drv times. "Wo hate to write this local, but in justice to those that furnish us ink, pajjer, labor, &c, &c, we will have to ask all persons owing for last I' cr.pt.onto The News to ' piease can or send in ana pay up We are proud to say that in all our lavj3 1? there are less tlnu 23 that nave no; paid last year s susjnp- 10 i. A n e '.v side walk now graces the front of Phil. Metsch&n & Co?r. stare, Misonic Hill. M. Du '.tin's o. fi jo, and the houses belo'i'n to Simuol Ilillis, ujed bv Un Ci vHo- t2l ai lud riii-r rooms L.t the good work go on. We have re- e'.ved fc'erl cipies of a paper called the "Town T.JkV' published at Walla Walla. 1 y d'Heirry and llarri . It is a "nij per' ' and seems to be backed tip by the Walla Walla pcopb. Long may it "Talk." Wlion it co tit it.! v I'diJor. whn is Stnioinir nhuur tri!o- Ink x .p....... . ...... t .. i.. . I O O 3 ruiso n Uiriro fhnsilv :in.l litiil:! u;i a tnr t n an incotm of live hundred dell t! :i vo:ir. di coy-t-rs th:.t a hto bii'l jiiLdjct lruii:s in v tlion.san.l dnllars .for the e:iSin, it niako- him ii dow.i oil a ro'.l.-r box a; ill jjink. (Ja-Jas- A. i'.'i.st-i'L le.'c A. 1ir .;'. she p B.u.oh about Ma. 11! (;J 1 i . :u -ompay i h li'. :: w, n :as j.s e :vct ;t -I I ad in hL jiRS Ss nn bout '-' J'y at i! r.-di? m yel ow h r v. He In.- n h;t n bear I ! - n-' a d :n i forainu m a.-, in I i-; wiim-about: vl 1 e tU-.-nkfn ly nt svi-d by h.s f ; h.j , J. A. A'd-u-n. Of. Th.- na.s iiitui at Praiiio ' !t V aTC ;tt!V.'HU'il r 1 . adid v n (iiM iiusi: !:-Uon fr in Mi. Iv.tld win iVirni Put t : : : 1 1 ! . The ih'v iiLsSnmiu its fr the Brass Hand, al th'.? place, aiv on the r'ad be: wee. t hunj ami Portland. ri he the thi-mum -tor indiea". n.d ICO i i tii .-ha le hero. Two Government tmrveyiug par ties are now engaged in surv-jyinf 9 townships between Sjuth Pork and the Itcservatior. Col. Curivy and family will d -part, in a few days, for Yamhill County to spend the Summer. The Col., however, will canvass the State while his family visit. About a week ago Chas. JJclshaw was thrown near his wagon and run over and injured very seriously. 0. P. Cresap ami wife lock their j departure for their new hmj at Si. sanville, last rhursda;-. Having has commenced on the Mdheur Bosrration anl still the Plutcs "don't was happy." Mr. Austin Birge, wife and Miss Shepherd made U3 a pbaiant call last Tuesday. Mrs. H. B. Sels and daughter have gone below to visit for a fcwT weeks. To-morrow, Rev. R. C. Hawn will preach his farewell sermon at this placo at 11 o'clock and at John Day at 3 o'clock. Miss Shaw has been visiting in this vicinity for several days past T. B. Meiry, of die In'aid Empire, 2i r The j.)Ui-s, yys, in syeaki g uf the VV h 1 ! cr murder niti: -T o s.-np of in'!.five ce ts mi the d -Il.ir. Tli L of Gum- Coiu'y, Ir tn which we niust uxj cct io In r itiibui:i d f- r ihe c at his rl:i', i.s w-ith about forty ti o. I tii..t county s't tii'." ii" m erlal djiw-b.ick- ii: i tit- next w yen, we may jet p iid for this tii I about Juy No'.v. B . Merry las been 'os 1 inf i m. d as r -j.u ds Jram C u ' v rip, or e'se he in'1' ti n illy d- s ir oun y u-ie t inj'i.-tii'e. CoU ty cr p f i In.- c 'tiiit'. se ls 'h yar im.nl foi (75) se i; i'y-fivi e t- cn tin d ll ir i g d c in and pn-t nf tic rr i r nin -y;a dmn ri-sidi in this town ti a 11 t av Mr. M riy or I h ii.foru ant .")5 ( ts per dullar f r w am .ttnr. b Gfiir Countv c p h t they cm p'" iu-e a d, in fa', will nt lvftiso it at 7.) c;it. We ho,.- t'-e Ei'jir. uili j l-t ?t to hps iS'O that (irailt ri.Unt -:ip i'.J as vain bii as ; n j UOUi ty MT-j n this Stato. I i . 1.0. 0. ?. INSTALLATIONS. Ti'P 1 cd I vin: ollicers f Bbt Momi -tain L d Iso. 11. e n-ti 1 d ou tin? evi i itu of Ju y lit!-, ai Ca y n ity: j. . Wh5'ma-, X G.: W. S. Smitl-w-.r It, V. (J., M rtin 'u dlacli .vf'u. ! I'. W. i-.. , xt-M, Treas.; A. IT. C ot!-, W.; G. i. Muz bine, li. S, o N. G.; V. P. C (--a: . I. G. J u v 10. l:i M it tain Vu w Lod-, No. oo, ai 1'iair'e Ci : F j. V:.!t..iv, N. G.; I hmi L u aue, '. (i ; J. I. S-diii-s. St , t .; J. . (!..!, Tr as.; M. Ii Mo, W.; I la. Ill il 11-11 I, I i Oil Li'J mv '!( ii. . t N .. Liii i c. I . S. jo N. (i ; V I'. 1 mi., 1 ; M. A. :Ivdi, M.S. to V. 0- i: Dju-Joff L o V. G. 'I h :.bovi T s'a'h ioi were mad,; by Phil M tca, B. W. Pc-I i.t-.v iiMMti hi.t-i of ii e Ci ran I LoI.m: oi 0 ciii'H. EABEIT H2TAL. We Iiavaalargrc ot of eih: class 13a it Motal rlr sa e. Sa.7 mill iiiss.miil pa-.n, nii w is,reah ii. r!i:a;her, take n-oiic?. c haveio s n it io make rccm ltm i.cw typ:. Hfc wall iii. A bro htr of Geo. Itigdon met with a Lor'ons, if not fatal accident, on tli j lieserA ition. last Monday. It seems that he was hauling hay and the team took fright a:id ran away, throwing 5h lligdon to the ground and under the wheels, which passed over his back and other parts. ALcDonald was after Dr. Dcdson, Tuesday, and reported lligdon in a very critical conditior. A fishing parly consisting of the Porter V, Lucj's, Win. Wiley and M . Si roul, str.rtcd on ;.n oxcursici. o Pox Valley last Thursday. May hey catch many hah and have a jol ly time is our wish. Sj:ue of Elwird Chidsev's fam'lv are now bothered with thj cliilb and fever. Died. Jn Long Greek, July 3d, a son of Mr. Shaw, aged about 7 year. Ma. DeLer.na, who has been sick for seme time, is now confined to his bed. Mas. Olmsted is able to bo out again. M. Bouham has been having the cLiliH for some weeks par . Picbt. Lockwood is still very sick. Mas. Woolsey is still very sick. pi:ks,-.a... Tns following persons have cither subscribed or renewed their sub jcrip-1 tion to The News since last issue: ' A Hupprich, A. B. McCallum, ; Chr. Prey. New ones, J. W. Gregg-j ory, 3 copies Chas. Ccoley, Kuhn k King, and Dist. Atty. D. W. Bai ley. '-What cm- 1 for the vvi rl a d it.- 0)'i 4A 1 i io( pold il at glitter-, ' F r my Imalt'i aid ha pin".s oven I defend upon D n 'clion B tt rs." jJiggSiibscribe for the- News. Couxtr Court convened last Mon- day, with Judgj Hazeltiiic, commis- sioners Hamd:on and Thompson present. Warrants were drawn in iavor of C. M. Foster for 1,101 8G cent3. It was ordered to establish a rood from the summit of the mountain on iio Canyon City road noith qi Bea. alley to Camp Harney; aLo aroa-. from John Day to Fox Valley. Tne i23orts of thj county officer, were approved and the bndj 'of the new officers accepted and qualified. ! Ifc appeared that J. J. Wash had col beted $2,1G2. 75 cent , daliaquon taxs since last court; he was cred ited with said amount. Their.ojo3.tija o: T. D. Do' z, 'o furnish the county offices with woog was accc )t;d. After transacting some other bus iness court adjourned. 0. W. B-rge, while hunting i?) Bear Valley, last Siturdav, treed two cub bears anl shot th:m; o shooting the la'jt one it yelled and the old boar hearing iti cry tojk a: ter Birge who shot her in the lnad, but not fatal. A running fi rat then took place, and after running and fi n-x f r some di .t n t, M . Blr re was aid id bv the d )g ;, but not to: soon, a ; he wai about given out and only for their linnlv aivival wauld havo been cauli'j by tho carat d beas. He sent us a fore paw of the she beir anl sli2 wai a iargD one, nua raring 7 f 2ct long. TI12 Long Ciook people intend to have some raciirr on the 10th of Au ust. Sevjral ra?es will be run fo $100 a side, and one race between a two-vear-ol.l of Henry Black well's I -T L -IT - P T.l- -T "ll- iwu-jeai-oiLi oi jjl. iiioinc s. I ur olo a siac. jboiiT u.e&K ji p:io -. r fv i f . i ti i lie has good r.v c stock and the boys ire not afraid to bet on.t'ieir. Ira Venator returned home from Boise City, last Thursday. He re porw a splendid drive wlih their ;heop They onlv lost 20 head ou' oftheu.OCO. Two were drowned in the Malheur and six in the Gwvhe . Ipe says that Grant County is ahead vet. Mn. Ptirint;!! S'lent several days in Bear Valley last week and while there killed his first antelope. IL .'firno from Muine not many mon'.hs :;ineo. notice rc-R public atio:t Land Office at La Grvxdk, ) Go:;.. Ji-ly 0, 1880. j" NjtL'c is h rjby given that the following-named settler has filed no ice of his inteiuion to make final iroof in suoporb of his claim, and -ejurc final entiv thereof at the ex uration' of thirty d ivs fro n the d itc of tlii-; lutice, viz: Alexander Mur ray, Homestead No. G 73. Proof will bo madj before G. I. Il-izeltiue, Con n fv Jud re, at Canyon Citv, Grant Coun'y, Oregon, on August t(i. 1S80, for the SSh Sa-a. 4, T.' 13. SR 273, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Ely Lester, 1 L. Wood and Burt Saow, of Dayville, and J. N. Bracke'.t. of Canyon City, Grant County. Oreg.m. HENHY W. D WIGHT. nlo-nlO Begistor. Stolen or iiy d I'r- in near J-u'dn'--'-'' in s. G ai t C r-, () eg n. 1 o t-e n Hp G li :.n.l ' h oM-i i, 183). 7i) lied nf .-h e; A bb.r;d vewa d vi 1 bt fKii l :or t5 c dp iv ry if t o dj vi liiM'ji, o- fr ii fo mat u'i tl at nay lead to cirroc v r . S-'IIMf D ik -I KNK1N Ca-ynn y, duly l-r), W nl"-". Pom Sale. 'ed ut 'o-'s: 'W' h rsn5 of 'h" a of f ur ar d ihr- e yi'.s, o-" m r 9 -v M. ne filVy 0 ft ye.ir , as. .m onc s.c'-iLr Coh t e yonrl-iur nd i-nh an. B'i" M-ut. an tc- The in r i- n I'ini'ado a d B. lb m m, tie t o h 'S "to John ny M'tTi -ti.ck Tm a bo s "flc w" b -old on i ne ;;n I no p y fb'd' " 1 Han:: ck & 'A'r I. a-o ic d P c i doiu i: iid V'c Pre i eiir- f- HKNRY IK)Di0'NT. .cp.-. L;nf -'n. Tu nor :'d M ri n tro nitutsof M.atiai county lute 11UV pupuhtioa. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATitfS? Laxd Orncs at La Ghasde, 0.:e3ox, July 2d, 1880. ) Isotise is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intentidu to make final proof iu support of Ids claim, and secure dual on:ry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the datet iff this aotice; viz: Bracket Johnscff, H'ome ; .e.td No. God. Proof will be made oeiore the County Judge of Grant uaa'v an Canyon City oil Monday; V.u -ak Uth, 1530, for che WJ- NWJ 5E'i NWJ and SS7 8E Sec. 22, T 3, SB 3J, and nairfes the following is his witnesses, viz: H9nry Mclii :re, Tila Pruitfc, Jams3 Pruitt and William Olp, all of Prairie City;' .Irant County, Oregon. HENRY W. D WIGHT, nl4nl3. Register 3'OTICE OF FINAL ETTL'EMEST.' T e ui'd- i-s-i; d Admini-ti'c-r .hi at- - f Bbye l Maupin, dice-s d;l lining li 'd in tho (J.iiiiity (Ji-itrt o( Jrai t Cointy. ( :rei!itf' bis Enid kc .omit is said i.-ta e, rmd rl e cuit havi a fi cd tie 7th day i f S temb r, 18S0. at 10 oV ock, A. M. of s id d.-.y .irilcho rng t!ie"cof. AU ersoua ntere-i d n : i 1 c-t -t arem-tifiel td iptar i'i sa:d court mi aidday at Can on Cit, Ure-jon, at 10 u'ebiok, A: M: h teof, a-d show r u p, if any. why neb ac m 1 1 e in t nil wed. Ai.d that;' f' mi bje t on-? be li'e I to th a'low mce of .-aid a ci uh', the Saiife vsilf be 1 omit 1 H'lirei't. il ! IS WILLIAM A HAMS, Adn3iiiistriit"r." 3 i yon C ty, Oon, July 7h. 1880: DISSOLUTION NOTICE" Th1- Co-patnership beret"fore exit. ubetv-en Henry Ft-lw-r and Au- just Kut-n, d Ins busi'iis iu Grant oun , 0 o.i:mi. in the fin. nme and tyU f K hn Ki-.h r a'd ingijrd u .-he p rai i ir ' i d wo 1 L't wljr. is" hi- dav itisso-v-'d by mutual crtn.f hv il p rs n hii'.iling idiim? agirs Mlid i w: wV please pre .t th- sune, for jayi.. nt w tboufe delay. n I all p tsO'iS ir er by not.Oed th .t n- futther lia )ili ics ait r this dj.tt wtb bo incu-rs n byiiiiM'ni s id -par'ne'shh. KL'UX, FISUKU & CO By August Kuhn. rod July 8ib, 1880. nH-nlS The Little Jiker- f? FT RI'ADV TO TiL'Y THE TITTt.E JOKER SJ" W s er, tbo- only perfect Washing Maehn-p or m d;. McC mas and McPanitd, A tent.- for B.kcr and Grant Counties. Au 9-h. 150. U:f. AI-MI2IIST2AT0p;S NOTICE; Tht- ui diiin d, Win. G, Schubkeg-t-1. ha iiii; bi. n ipp:.n-:d adtuints'ra r of the otav of Phd"p Keller, d-iftits-'d, ab erson- bavii.i: claims oijainsV i ii ostav nut t prtsetit thn samt w:fh sno-O" voi:o!-i!is Hi t lie undersigned at ()i y(in Citv, G ant (n-unty. Oin., ah'ii ix urn' th.-s fr -m thy die hfrt- I", .Ju-y 8'ii. 1S80. 'wis. g. scnnniiEGEL 14-:ii8 Adii i is -aion DISSOLUTION NOTICI?.' Th Co j) rt'n-r-h p her t-ifoi'i exists; n b tw eu tin- un 'o-siti'ii'd, nnder th fi m am! f Howard k Cobb, in t lu c' or bushes at .Mn Bay", G'a-1 () i nty Cr una. i? tht- day dis- 1 veil In iiiutud con en. Tbos. Hnw-' ml a-smiimr a::d tigrt u.to i-ay a'l law" fid ill'ts and ihniand-i due bv Bad unr, a or.-o s k owit: tlvmselvpa i uh b d to t! o ab-.vu lima w-11 ph-ase onifi foi'ard ami Fc'-h' w th TI oa. Howa:d. TH(K NOV AKD nPJ- I'd. CIIAS CUBB.- d b . D.y, dune 22 I, 1880. AD3I IMSTR ATOE'S NO f ICF The -snd r ia. el, L' visN- iVn1irr bi on :p i ted a lining? r .t ) or f e es- ;a'o f Htr v B rstow. d.c aseJ. Alf p r on- l.avi g "'a ins a a'rsj s id es- tat iiiiw j r se t iPir sanie with pi p r v .iirhp s o th u.d r.-titip . a l.sres-ir d n4c at Crau C u y, 0n, within six u.o'iils'f tn t due hereof. LEW IS NEAL, Jnn15 1880. Administrator, nll-nll Ihcfurv )or-of h Oregon HWiU" v a" Cn , li ii t d, are i ow at worl" " fr-m Biowt.tvillo nor:h,- tow' BftT' ban ou. V 4' .. . S4 1 -' ' " ' " '' , T,: s' -a .Ayict'iL. Jwf. v A 1 - "-1 irW i1 K