General News, Tt? la' new f oiu South Amerca fell-of a g et vie-rp won by tc Chil li in ver ile A I 13s, dr'ving fiem fr- m a s r ng pinoti and t Ai g p session of Tacua. Lo-ses l.evj o.i buth sidis. W. Pt Gray & fiios. Canyon City lit lam French ri(.Z'n- ae maki? exto-i-eive arrangj m nts to cslel rate be ai niver.sity of the cap' urn of tha Basii'e on the 14ih of July by a piocis i-n, i literary exercises and a fute at Woud "ward's Garde- d. It is thought the North P C'Gc will be coniKtepto Spekati Falls by next November. Washington Street, CANYON CITY, UK KG ON, GRAY BROS., Proprietors DEALE R3 IN FRESH MEATS, Cha'le Sw gle ut .t em, ha'' b' u:' t the Whitman Farm LOir Walla Walla fur SI 2,000. Th". lu'est ;rom b'git is ibat n the 17h ;n.t., a young m n mime 1 Joh JPierc0, from Mitttna, fell fr m a'pivc ipice ih the moun'ain cil i to 'Cm yun creel, a distance of 25 fve, and was drowned. ams, B aeon Tue Olynu ii Transcript s:iy: Tw deer Wijre killed by the officers f the Mers n$rer, on her f'ip up the S und Thur-day T-ey e"n on tle bric'i near Ltlch's Pa-sae, and w re shot from the strain it. Robrr S. Ge r:e c ptnr d a ynung elk alivp in Powder Kiver V.illey. Tho Oiympia Ta smp' has bon shi.wn a letter from F. M. Buic, vh claims tf h"ve found g od Lold prn peels tomeuhere in 'hi Bos br( hills. In me of the iru'ehcs his pirty s-nk a sh ft I'iuht fret do-p and ruck a liv er btd. but did not ;o tu tiie b d rock. The Truiwript say.-: Some of our citizens of Oiympia who w ro ut to th Blacr; H!h last Wiek, ju'0p3::bi fir celd. phc-""s, havii return-d, nn I iv p rt fair projprcts in several place. Thvi bad weather and hih wter pic vented a'tberough esatLin ttion. "TP" Larc , .By Wholesale and lielail. Orders Filled on Short TXT oo. i. n. ron j w church wood a- cnunon, LIVERY STABLE a v n COR 11 Ii, aid FEED STABLK. Hood buiriry teams anl n'co Saddle limves funiishel ji t all hours of the day or n'ght at reasonable prie s. Particular a! tent ion paid to bo sr ?ing and fifrooniina transient stock. 0 v.- KNTHANCK On Main and Waghingfoo Sta., Canyon Citt Ori o x C. W. DAGGETT, BOOTS AN!) SHOE5!, I1AHDWAKE. CHOIUCKKY, GRO CERIES, LIQU01W AND Pgllners' Goods Y V ... h rr. ; e t E.OSIS O W VITjIjE (ittv.sT County. Oiimiun. We also keep a Hotel, where 1 lie weary can find rest, and plenty to eat. to Blacfsffll Slflj, C.W. Bculiam Proprie'or, CAN VON CITY, OUEGON. Edwin B-oth has made 3300,000 Finee his bankruptcy. The New llav-n Bfpip'er 'liinks he isn't sueh a mein chtdy Dane. Why is hungry man w itine forhi breakfast willing t be mad" a m -rtyr ? Because he lo's to ir to the steak. The Commercial repmter publishes the fuLowing tele gram: Josto.v, June 30. Sales of Wool for the pist wee argiv pite 2,000 it s. The appeus to be cheeke.l and thei e is a firm r feeing pie vailing. Hepois from the co'n ry i idlcat h'.jher prie he ma. kef. is quo abl 1 as ftd lows: Oregon V,.llev. choice A I and A2 38 aud 30c. Valley avenge Al and A2, 30 and 33c, ai.d 1'aste.n njeo-!, choice Al and A 2. 29 and 31c a-tern Oregon average Al and A2, 27 tlnd 29c. 'I hes quotations are or less nominal as there is uo stock in market. A young ladv playful'y th'cw her arm around th w of a lady iritnJ, and a pair of Ecissors hanging therefrom sev ered an artery in her a-m a id sheneaily bkd to death. i his i Will furnish the people of John Bay accidt-nt should teach ounz l.i- "nn Canyon Cities with milk by the dies thai throwing anus ! ffalloncr quart. the female waUt is a danger us scl1 t,lc bMt,?r miIk and cnr r . . . 1 0 1 , charges are reasonable. nie.e 01 business that sh u d be performed frolely by the mal ; sex. fihe latter ate strong jind brave, and don't mind Laving an ai tery severed now ana then for the good of the cause. A small bov was iioeino; corn in a sterile field bv tne read side up near Bethel, hid ana when a passer-by bt pped a ,d said: ''Tears 10 me 3 our corn is rather yaller." "t'eriain y, we planted the yaller kind.'' ''But it looks as if 3011 wouldn't get more than half a cn p ; "Uf course nt," s.iid the boy, "we planted her on shares. Mafh'nerv. Wairons. "Bugiries. Plows and all kinds of work in my made and repaii-ed in a woi kma- 1 k. m inner at reason able prices. Si ceial a tie 'thm paid to t' e .-h einj: of inte fer ine an 1 unruly hoie. I uih bn fui'i oi osite W od it Church's li:ven .vt ble where hors s wi l I b c red for :it 1 as acle mvs. Gve me u c 1 . C. W. Bonham. J. OLLIVER & CO, TroprieJors of the John Day filk Ranch IMMENSE r.EBUCTIOKS! At Wholesulo Factory Prices TOR NEXT . A. . 0MLYSCS.,ThjsbcantifalOrcn, CO DAYS. Pi ""LJ3Q niDCD may bo found on fllo nt Geo. r HlO rArtK P.owHt & Co- Newspaper At Tertian Uureim iiOhunifC St.). whi-r j nil-pnlslnj . IN NEW VOlill. tonu-acis ujy bo uiauo lor I . annw 9440 6 OctiTCS, 3 uw,k toxa or roeas, is stops, A . Fo'.iil walnut case highly 2 iiii-auuuit iiitiicBlIIKU, m t8inLhesuido,24inches 3 deep)..:th Stool CO C g nndBik.ouly2JO W rr.ntod for 6 jrenrs. 2 t pptidonlBdays'tost. g 1 oifI()NEYrcuuin:d jintilyon n.-ofal.yB-t;s-i fied. F-o:t;ht charges pnidbotUwavsifuhsat- ? 1"".'j: and BSBAT. S120, including ttool and Zk. OrdT direct from this advorti-cneiit. piving t s rHfrn e rny Itnk. Banker, or liriiujs Firm. ET'CUIae i'lLLL Addx63 the Laauu.'.cturer, JAM Co T. PATTERSON, T. O. Drawer 12, Bridgeport, Ct., U. S. A Jlention Paper uhrre Ihtt AdveriUnntnt it tcn, and vt ii out. LA1ANCE & SHEARER Piairie City, Oregon, I I I It I I I fl I f M 0TEEIL1 & MlDffl, Canyon City, Orf.gon, I jive n ht.d he Jarf-t, b s and ia..t c mpl'.it' s ck f loo 's ovi r 1 r ulit tl is couii v, which wr' Would most respectfully an- b n-iu FOil 0 vSII, ami t e cfore will b' ndd lovT than the lowest. We invite i'jee ion of. ur .-tock, comprising SPRING- ND SUMMER dry goods gijocerie?, iiakd. irttUNU aUMMJU WARERKADYMDB (SLOTH- goods, and keep constantly on j ING, II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS hand a full line of choice fami- Jk SUOKS ETC. KfC. ounce to ihe Public that we ,iave received a large stock of ly Onocr-KiFs, PPtY GOODS, Ye have nl.-o d cd t our" a'ready imme'e .''i1! r men, a la',arid w ll HEADY MADE CLOTHING, select d st rk or Ilan-s, SucMis, FTATSa-dCAl'S. 1300'lSai.d snoE, I1AHDWAEB, CUOCKERY, GLASSWARE, CIGARS and T015APCO, SCIIO( L-i:OOK?, STATIONERY. I ATENT MEDICINES, OILS. PAINTS NOTION'S. Sec Wo kep a liirge :nd vr II fc!ectd Ftnp.k of (Jcoeal M rebuild se. Call uiid sec lor voir.e ves. L TJI?ANCE& SHEAREIJ. P.arie Cits duly 3d. 1870. i.l3f. B idles mi I Cinides, New Goods of Every Dc ! scription S1D1 & STEMS, DEALERS IK DRY GOODS AND Clothing, BOOTS AND S1I0KS,GR0CERIES HARDWARE. CROCKERY, LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GO rS Of Every Description. CAMP 3BCua-3EUKTJtJ T Grant County, Oregon. ill Fnrmmre Eponii NEW MTOHE and NEW GOODS. JS3lIW2."0"2I!3j Q CD CD D IIKNRY FIKGART, Fashionable Barber, WASHING 'ON FT., npros'to City B'ewerj HAIR CUTTLXU, SHAVING. AND SHAMPOOING, HOT AND COLD RATHS A'T ALL TI ME" A full -li.i-b CROCKED Y. GLASSWARE, PAT. E.NT MEDIC1NKS, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. 01 hand. We a-o de'e minetl to d u-b st t k'" p str'ta will le wound t" none in E -st rn O.on; aiid ly -doing wi iit- tmdi fiom a Mf;n,r-e. JOHN DAY HLLST- JAMES NORMAN it Co Pr pmto s .Jniiv Day Citv, Oreoon. Having ,c pa red 1 0 pains or expensi in ercting a Mmii Mid which is ecoi d u in ne on this oast. f( r pn ducinr ,i ood flour, we would now respectful ly announce o ti e Tublic lhai we are pivi a ed to (i'l Ordors HP oz? ihe bet quality of Whit Flonr, i frahani and Mill Feed A.l goods guaranteed to give sa'i laeti n at d to be second to i one, made froiri the same cla:-s ol wheat. i RV FAIR DFALING, gocd Cn ods and strict atten t'on to buiness. we expect to ine. it a idiare f th public pa tronage. Orders left at the M.U, as well as with Geo. Gund ach & Ii-o.. wi 1 be promptly attende 1 to. .Respect full v, .T.!F NI1 fn. NOT FA TT, t in fur mir 1'rlrt 1,1st fI 1830. KlfK to biij :ulil!fik up'in 'V fillcnilnn. 'it'if.ilm clMcrliitlnim of HTery lli ii n-imln 1 f'ir pfTso'ialu: fatnllr ., with over 1 200 lilnstr.i ion. UV he I n'l Polat vhole.i'f prii-i-a In qtiantlt'en to u! tli- piin-li ixrr. The only ItiKtliiitlim in Ainrrlra wh m !( ihl 'h r IuihIiios. Andreas. SIONTCOAI Kit Y W.AIU & O.. & 'i'VJ Wabutth Avw., Clicao. Ill CANYON CITY, Has on hand the Largest and Finest selection of Furniture in this County JJocsE, Sign and Cakhiage painting neatly executed, at I reasoi able rates; Frank McCallum's Variety Store, John Day City, - - DKALER IS Oregon. CHOICE OROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, STATIONERY, NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. V uld rri"ctfslly solicit a s' ae of he pa'rninie of the ji'izens of oho ; d sutrmii.dini.''ry. MAIN STREET. JOHN PAY, - - - - OREGON. miKiEnni'o dheslswaiihc L:i ie- des rinir ' purchase Spring II t- will do well to ciill & M. j. l)"Utl i .Milinary St n, sinto she has just uc ivt d FHOM NEW YORK, i f n 1 asMirtnc nt of Lidi s, Misse3 ard t Jlnldren'-Hits, also the latcsi trloi T ini mi !).. She nls k' p a l-rie a8ortment of Ladiu-' Undei wear. Ktt.bioidiri s, laco iiOM and -maU m tic?eM nf t-vcry do criji ion, of t! ho-r qua'i'y and rea son hie prices. No ciedii allmvfd. The patronage of all is politely olic-tel. GEO. SOLUM, J? JST TT O 1ST OITIT M1LK-HAK The best of Milk furnished to J.e citizen of Canyt n City ev iry nio,'iingI by the gallon or pi.irt; at reasonable rates. Tie Breat BarniisB MtfacMi Hois of tie orlj THF RVT FNdLISH REMEDY ..- a e er-iai'm-j 'nr l r Ne veils' Oi-i il t,Kxhus' d Vu. lity, Seui nl vWjtkness, rna tO'iliOC , LOST MAN' IIOOD, lmp"'cy i a als'', nd all the iu f Al u v t" fnl I I ies, mi ''. i u a nr I'ar.-such as Iss I M"iiiory, ha-si'ud". NT,,cri rn I Km ss n, Aver.-ion ni S ci t . D nines- f Vi inn, Nnise in tin lie dj th vi'.-d fluid passing nnoh-erve I in thr urn e, a d n any o' enlis ad-a that led o i sanity d ae-ith. I r Mini'ie uiil ajee t forfe't Five Huxiireii I'llks a ei.-eof t''i kind i ho vital restorxtive (u d r h s EMERSOil FISHER & CO., CLXCiNNAT?, OiJIO, TOP BUIi:S AND FHEATONS, Jest material. ro(.d worKimuihip, handsome styles, strong and durable v'ehiehs in eveoy respect. 70,000 Carriages Manufactured by EMERSON, F3SHER & CO.f are w in use in e very part of the Amencan Continent. They rive unfa hiir, satsfaetion. Ail their worK is warranted They have reieived t siin.onia's Irom all parts of the country of nun oit s m' to thj IV. llovinr. hundiedsof which are ou lile speciat a an-i ) wid n. t sjecl; to iui Cetioli: cure, or f r ny hin mt tire or i j.i'i- J 1 o... I".,.l in t. Di Min'Tik .r,..' Ul( M n r. Bjibb, X'.smeu & C .: Galva. Ills . uk. 10. 1879. l mi i ii e ' O' e or oiu: xoj) ouiil'i in'ee years, a one r v.n in two yeara in iiiv liveiy stahle, and ihey hae g'veu me perfect s tsf.i'tion and ar in con-?tant'u-or OSOAR SMALI.EY. Messrs. Corr.-rK k Johnson.: Newiurry, S. C, .In'y 17. 179 D ar Sits I hivi t ie.. u?iiir tt e Kmersi n & Kl er BnLy I tiouht f om y ii as o'iihlv I -iippo-i s m on - cuii. 1 h d a fwt hre, cln vt him at lu 1 -ft e 1 . m-nn es tn r. wn n-dies and mvilt in ih hiijy, and it is wo. tli all it v money I paid for i. 1 any ihe Em r-nn Jb Fislier Bnjiiii's will do. A. M. TEA6UK, K.nmr. The favorable reputation the Carrages hae made in localities where they been u-e I for several eais by Live ynien, Physicians and otheis requiring hard and co: s ant use, has led to an increas ed demand from tl.oe locahtii s, to m et whim the manufactuie ing iaeilit'es of their n amnioth es ablishraent have been ex tended, enabling them now to turn out in good style, 3 6 0 Carriages a Week! emersqn, fisherTco.'s ; Jarrmges reThe1est. Priv te Diseas ncc- Ut y wthout m rcur. 0nultati n frek. T-or-on. h I'Xiiino ation and advi e. nudu in- an i'ys' of nrif, 85 00. Pi ice nf Vital Rest m ati ve, S 00 a l t-le, r f-ur ; tin es th qnaniity, 810 00; shm tu a y addifss on leceipi or i r c-, or k . u o., cure friuii o' seiv.-nion ad in pnrfo nann- i desire y A. K. Mintie,M. 1 1 KE RNY StUEKT SAN FRANCt"C",( 'al lR. MlNTIE's KlONl-y R- MFDY, NhPlJ- reticum," uies -di kin s nf Kidney ni H dder ( mp a nt, ijmiiiirhoe", G eer, I.eucorihoDi. l''nrale by a'l drug.'ist?; 81 Od a h tfl.-x h- tths I' r S5 0. Oh. .Mint Ik's danihlion pills, aie the best nd cheapest dyspepsia -nd bilious cure m tl e ma k t. For sal b HodiT--, Dav s (3n., Po-tlan Who'e ale Amenta for above remedies. n40yl.