Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 10, 1880, Image 3

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Sdtiirday Morning, July 10. 1880.
The Grant County News is regis
tered at the Post-Office at Can
yon City as second class mail
matter; according to law.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next preceeding the full moon
in encli month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
U F , meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Ripm in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to at'end.
By Order of N. G .
ill 33. 1 0. 0. F., Prairie City, Ore
g'n, mets evory-Saturday Evening.
Members of the order are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
Report of Canyon City School, for
the fourth month ending July 5th,
M. N. Bonham's Department
No. enrolled, 25.
Time lost by tardiness, 2h.
Per cent, of attendance, 84.
Mrs. Bonham's Department
No. enrolled, 33.
Time lost by tardiness, 5h. , 39m.
Per cent, of attendance, 72.
Enrolled, 58; time lost, 7h, 39m.;
ler cent, of attendance, 78.
following are the names of the
pupils which were neither tardy nor
Anna Overholt,
Mamy Overholt,
John Hownad,
Thomas Lucas,
Thomas Smith,
Albert Sollinger,
Maggie Chidsev
Nellie Gray,
Charley Gray.
Look Out for the "Little Joker !"
Messrs. McComas & McDaniel, of
XJnion county, have purchased the
exclusive right to sell the ""Little
Joker" Washer, in this county, and
they will soon be in our midst with
what is reccoinmended to be a per
fect Yvr ashing Machine. We know
of no piece of machinery that should
be in more demand than something
that will remove the terrors of wash
day. The "Little Joker" washes by
compressed air, is said to wash with
wonderful rapidity, any child can
use it, clothes are not damaged by
it and it is within the reach of all.
All the- ask is an opportunity to
.show its perfect work, and as for us
we say let 'em come and if it will do
what thev claim for it 'we'll buv one.
On account of the sickness of the
teacher and pupils of the Canyon
City School, we deemed it for th in
terest of those concerned to close
the schoof for a few weeks. We
would therefore recall -tlie notice of
the Exhibition givea. in last week's
paper. ' M. N. BONHAM,
I H. Wood, we. McParland,
Wm. McDowell and others returned
from viewing a road between here
and Ft. Harney a few days ago, and
report that the new road will save
About 15 miles travel between the
two places.
While in Prairie City last week,
we noticed that Laurance & Shearer
had a fine stock of goods on hand
and they report business good.
We met Jules Le Brette and bride
at the Warm Springs, last week.
While 2r, Gideon got n excellent
husband, Jules :got "Gideon's
Band." May they always be happy
Bqnj.vIn this city, on July 4th,
188Q, 'to the wife of N. Eulison, a
son. jhe boy weighs 9 lbs. All
afcfcrmj along well, especially Mr.
flpn, as. it js tne nrst doj ana ne
now has a Jr.
There will be meeting at theMt.
Vernon race track on Saturday, Ju
ly 10, at 1 o'clock, to make prepar
tions for the Fall Fair and races.
A full attendance is earnestly re
quested as much' business of vast
importance is to be transacted.
The picnic at B. C. Trowbridge's
on last Saturday was a grand gather
ing. The declaration was read by
2aj. Magone ancl an oration was de
livered by Col. Currey, and, although
the Col. is a Presidential elector, not
one word of politics was mentioned
by him, and his address was through
out a fine speech. The crowd was
peaceable and everything passed off
harmoniously and lively. The net
proceeds to the church amounted to
The people of this county have
had lots of fun this week. The Ball
at Prairie City, on Monday night,
i was a grand affair aud 62 numbers
were sold. On the same night the
people of Long Creek had a, dance
at Mr. Blackwell's and 32 tickets
were sold. On the same night there
was a ball at John Day and also at
W. Carsncr's; we have not heard
from the balance.
Mr. Chas. Cooley has our thanks
for the present of a box of nice
strawberries. They are the finest of
the season and were delicious. He
will be in next Monday or Tuesday
with another load, so look out for
About 50 people assembled at the
Warm Springs on Saturday and had
a general good time. A free dinner
was set by Mrs. Armstrong and it is
spoken of as a splendid repast.
Wood & Church fed out about 4
ton of hay, last week, at their stable
in this place. How is that for liv
ery in Canyon City ?
E. Hall has just received the fin
est assortment of candv ever brought
to this town. Also blank books,
&c, &c.
R. D. Johnson, of Indian Crock,
had the misfortune to lose the only
team he possessed by drowning a
a few days ago.
The cattle men of this county, that
were called to Portland recentlv,
and "cinched" so unjustly, Returned
the front end of this week.,
The now County Board qualified
and took their seats last Wednes
day. Dennis Murphv lias been released
on $5,000 bail. Ho informs us that
he will return to Devine's Ranch.
The people of North Fork enjoyed
themselves on Monday by horse rac
A Daricfe was given in this placo
la?t Saturcfay night
Remember the Quarterly meeting
in this city, to-day and to-morrow.
J. J. Wash returned home from
Salem, a few days ago.
'There's hfr father and mothrr, and
her nis'er and her brother, all use Dan
delion Bitters."
Miss Xora Mood spent several
days down the river visiting friends.
She arrived home the first of the
G. 6. Clark has been under the
weather for a few days past.
The picnic on Pine Creek was a
pleasant affair we are told.
Rev. Bads' and wife Were in town
last Wednesday.
Mr. Andross lost a fine horse, re
cently, by having his leg broken.
Green peas, 'Haters," berries and
"sich" have been in this market for
some time.
'We understand that there was a
picnic at the "Hall Ranch," on last
Saturday that was well attended.
Frank Fisk is quite sick from
rheumatism. We hope next issue to
report him well.
Will our wool growers please in
form us about the amount sheared 1
We were informed last evening
that Mr. John Luce's residence w&g
destroyed by fire during,the day.
- List of letters remaining in he poa
"office kt"C&nyoH Cify,'July 1st, 1880: 1
k D. Albee, 2, P. H. D..l&nd,
J. Eichher,
S; M. Johnson,
H. Kiser,
R. R. Leigh,
Mrs. J. McCrei,
Harry Pugh,
Mis. E. Roberts,
Auron Starr,
Matti Williams,
L Hogan,
J. A. .Judy, 2
O. R.' Lvan?,
L. L Ltusdon,
EO. M"gon.
W. H. Rice,
C. C. Ridgway,
R. N. William,
Robt. Weaver,
E. HALL, p. M.
Joe. Bateb and one or two others
complained to us that they failed to
get their papers at Harney. We do
the Harney papers up in single
wrappers and no officer, soldier, or
other person has any right to take
them out unless with the consent of
the owner. It injures us as well as
our subscribers and jve hope we will
hear no more complaint.
According to the census enumera
tors of this county, the population is
as follows: Caiyon City, John Day
and Middle PrecinctsX,362. Ma
rysville, Union, Olive, I)lk and Gran
ite, 1,537. Beaver, WaVner, Curry,
Harney, Dunder & Blitzen, Alvord
and Malheur, 4l. South Fork,Rock
creek, Hay Stack, North Fork and
Long Creek, 900. Total county,
New Dresf. We have sent for a
new dress for the News and also
other material and paper, and, of
course, it cost us considerable mon
ey, but then, we know that our sub
scribers will not be slow to pay up
their subscription and help us out
in the payment thereof.
We will have to apologize to our
readers for the appearance of the pa
per for a few issues. The warm
weather has demorolizec the roller
and the material for a new one was
not to be had till a few cays ago and
hence, the old one had to be used.
In a few days we will have a new
one out of the moulds and then
well, you can read the News.
Quite a number of our citizens
are anticipating a visit to the Warm
Springs. All you have to do is to
sond word to Mannin & Howe and
they will come after you and bring
you home free of charge. We omit
ted to mention that fact last week.
Found. A small pocket album
containing 4 single photos, and 3
double pictures. It was found near
Prairie City. The owner-can have
the same by paying for this notice.
The following persons have either
subscribed or renewed their subscrip
tion to The News since last issue :
John Schmidt, L. M, DeLerma,
and P. Thomas.
StocK men that are subscribers to
the News can have their brands or
or marks inserted therein, one time,
free. We do this for the benefit of
our patrons and hope they will avail
themselves of the free offer.
The Dalles has been flooded for
some days past, but the water is now
on a stand, or perhaps receding.
From The Times.
On Wcdn'sday afti-moon, the large,
two story brick buildimr on the corner
f Fn.nt and Court, belonging to Judge
Savage, fell with a" crash. The build
ing was nearly completed, and would
have been occupied in two or three
weeks had it not been fur the accident.
The loss is estimated at from $3,00l) to
S4,000. Fortunately there wns no one
around at the time. Several causes
have been assigned for the building
falling, but we think the mortar had
notdrii d sufficiency, and the water had
a natural tendency to softtn it, and
caused the brick to fall from their po
sition. The foundation was the first
part to give way, and no doubt that
was caused by the iftening of the
nortar as above stated.
MESSRS. lJauiley & Sinnott, of the
new Ooratilla Houst, itill keep their
lights ban. ing at the old stand. They
have a raised walk down Union street
to the hotel, and every night a weloome
rfcy of light Btrsai&g out from their
front door to the weary traveler in
qest of board and lodgmg.-
TW TO-DAY, ' '
Land Office at La Gbande", )
Oregon, July 2d, 1880
! 1.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim', and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration
of thirty days from the date of this
notice, viz: Bracket Johnson! Home
stead No. 6o5. Proof will be made
before the County Judge of Grant
County at Canyon City on Monday,
August 9th, 1880, for the W NW
SEj NWi and SW NE Sec. 22, T
13, JSR 38, and names the following
as his witnesses, viz: Henry Mcln-
tire, Tila Pruitt, James- Pruitt and
Herman Olp, all of Prairie City,
Crrant County, Oregon.
nl4nl8. Register.
The undersigned Administrator of
the estate .f Boyed Maupin, deceased,
having filed in the County Court of
Grant Ceuutv Oregon, -his final ac-
count in said estate, and the court hav
ia fixed the 7th day of September,
1880, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day
for the hearing thereof. All persona
interested in said etatc are notified to
appear io said court on said day at Can
)on City, Oregon, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
thereof, and phow cause, if any. why
5uch account be nut allowed. And that,
if no objections be filed to the allow
ance of said account, the same will be
domed correct.
Canyon City, Oregon, July 7th, 1880.
The Co-partnership heretofore exist
ing between Henry Fisher and Au
gust Kuhn, d-ing business in Grant
County, Oregon, in the firsn name and
style f Kuhn & Fisher and engajjf-d
in sheep rai-ing and wool "rowing, is
thi day dissolved by mutual consent.
All persons holding claims agiinst said
firm will please present the. s-ime, for
payciicnt. without delay, :nl all persons
are her by notified that no further lia
bilities after this date will be incurred
on behalf of si id Co-partnership.
By August Kuhn.
Bated July 8th, 18S0. nU-nl8.
The Little Joker.
Wnslier, the only perfect Washing
Machine ever made. McC"inas and
McDaniel, Agents for B iker and Grant
July 9ib, 1880nl4tf.
The underpignrd, Wm. G. Schubkeg
el, having been appnirued administra
tor of the estate of Philip Keller, de
ceased, all persons having claims against
said estate must present the same vrith
proper vouchers to the undersigned at
Canyon City, Grant County, Ogn.,
wifhin six months from the dale here
of, July 8th. 1880.
nl4-nl8 Admifds raior.
The Co partnership heretofore exist,
ing between the undersigned, under
the firm name of Howard fc Cobh, in
the Butcher business at John Day,
Grant County, Oregon, is this day dis
solved bv mutual consent, Thos. How-
ard aFsnminir and a-greesto pay all law
ful debts and demands due by said
fiimtivnd. persons kn.owing themselves
indebted to the above firm will please
come forward and seMle with Thos.
nl2-t16. CHAS COBB. Day, June 22d, 1880.
The officers elect of this county
have filed their bonds, and will take! sas." If the lady ifi-afe gifted in
possession of their positions to-day j profane history as some male'
or Monday.
The people of this city seem to be
fixing up more this Spring than us
ual: i. e., painting, building, paper
ing, &c, &c.
FURS The Dalles price'ishers,.
$7; grey foxes, 85(a)6; commn foxe?,
$1 25; good beaver, $21h; wild cats,
75c; cats, 50o; otters, 835j' doyotes,
5075e.-;.uBkrat, I2$c.; bear' skin,
Th Warm and Ctl'l Sulpnur Sfiiopf
are situated on the John DaRiver 10'
milea above Prairie (Siif and 2;1 from
Canyon City, Grant Coun'y, Oregon.
It is tfrtt fines SUMME'R KESOR1
in Ea-ttern Oregon.- Plenty 'of Game1
and Fishing near by:
Invalids derive more' D'enefit from
bathing in the nb6Y rfpfiog ihetn any in
Oregon. A hack always fn "readines
for the accommolaifott of g'tfest.
Berries and fruit- itf $eaon Our'
charges are reasonably.
gPThe above" plac' wilf be ibid on
good terms; and any one wislrin'g sXich a
business, or a Dairy Farm, cannot firicJ
a better plac on this coast.
nl 3-4 as Pi oprietorV.
We keep the best qualities oi
Constantly on hand and for sale nt the
Tlie Oregon Kidfie'fea.-
. .
Read the following testimonials, not
from persons 3.000 milea away, whbuf
no one knmvp, but from well-known;
and trustworthy citizens of Oregon,
whose names', written with their 6wn?
bands, can be seen: at iU'r 6ffice:
Astoria, Ogn., Doc. 28, 1879.
I take pleasure in testifying to the
merits of the Oregon Kidney TeA
For the pat three years 1 have. btfn
-ufferinir from Kibney troubled, add
during the time have tried nearly every
imd of Kidnay mediaine mthe sharker
a most without any relief. Having
heard that. th Oregon Kidney Tea p6s'
s sed wonderful properties, I purchas
ed a package, and from the first doss
obtained relief, and bp the use of tb
ooo package feel completely cured.
Silverton, Opn , March 27, 1880.
1 have been ahlcted with kidoc
trouble for twelve years, dirriug which
time I used almost every kidney reme
dy I could hear of but obtained no1 re-
ief until I tried the Oregon Kidney
Tea. I am much better and have no'
hesitancv in reccooimending it as a
pleasant and safe kidney remedy.
W. B. COX.-
The undersigned, Lewis N 1, hating
been appointed administratoi of the ea-
afo of Harry Burstow, dec jased All
persons having claims es
tate must present the sanae with proper
vouchers to th undersigne i at. his resi
dence at Grant C'ut.ty, Ciin, within
six months from the date hereof!
June 15. 1880, Administrator
A -woman's jourtial fcays thai
Miss Jones; for a 'number of
years a compositor in & Chica
go office; "has secured the ap
pointment of notary public,- arid-
now does most of the swearing
ifor tne village of Collyer', Kan-
composiiorff, sue mignt include
the adjoining county in her'
territory without feeling over
worked. Ifrouj th tp'irt of the cehiuf filter"
6f this city, jast filed, w Itarn the f .;
lowing: Number of pgrso'oa residing' in'
fie'otty limits, 2,250; number on- th
Dalle Military Reserve, 250; otbe
penon? in tb preomot 650. Totsl1
the pfeeinct, 3,250.