Dllkl A I rvrrr-Ti r- lr - a xi icrcv. live csgj. rmtt County JfetttBL VOL. 2. NO. 11. CANYON CITY, OREGON, S VTUUDAY, JULY 10, 1880. TERMS: $3. PER YEift PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C W. PaRRI -II. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon Cm Oregon. M. L OLMSI'KAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Canyon City, Oregon, Geo. B. Currey, A ttorney atLaw, Canyon City, Oregon. M. Dustin, Attorney ai LaV, . Canyon Citv, Oregon. T. C. HO US LEY, M D. Graduate of the u iver;top penn-fc-ylvuii., April 8. 184S. C.inyi n Cry, Or jpn. Office in his lrujr Nto'e, Man Street ()He-s for Prtus prom',y filled. No prole si n:tl patri:!ie solicited unless directions ae s ric'y followed J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Ca, Oregon. 0. UL D0DS0N, UL D., DFr-rxi3rio City, - Ogn. N. H BOLEY, 33 23 ZNTj-X1 1ST,' Xt&Penta! o in first cl r south of 1 r Howard's Drii Stoie. Canyon City. Orkgon. U. I. II AZRLTINK, 3?liotosrapli.or, CANYON H IT. OREGON. PHILMSTSCHAN&CO An-ioiuice that they have re ceived a full and weT assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, which they offer Ilaving bought for Cash we e prepared to sell our Goods heaper than they were ever l.efbre sold in this Market. Canyon City, Jan. 1G. 1SS0. The cheapest tlac to buy PA I NT3, " OILS, TURPENTINE, CLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES And teVALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s, cpoosits the M. E. Church. Can 7011 City, Oregjn. n!2tt. J BR WOOL8KT. GEO. H I'SUAN W00LSEY Sc nODSM AN, CANYON CITY, OREGON. T BAR is applied with pa'e Wlnm au Liquo'S, B;er. Ale, Bitters and Cigars. FINE BILLIARD TABLES In tba Sa'o 9Give u a call. TOMATOE Put up expressly for Family tJse, in thtee pound cans. Wan anted, finer, better and cheaper than the Impoitel To matoes. ByG W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Met'schan & Co., Gundlach & ro.nd the Proprietor. s Hotels. N. Rulisos, A. II. Groth. CITY HOTEL Can von City, Okeciox, , RTJLISON & GROTH, - - Proprietors B l-v to ir furoj b;r frieadj And tlio Public Generally 2 hit thf3 040 be fouo-1 at the OLD STAND, And are n'waw ready to 'urolah good Board. and Lodging AT MO I K K ATE PltlCK A fire a-d luKn'ar pro f sf- has hem p!ae d in tlio lo J?e fur the ucco.u mo:ia i mi of gu sts. Change Ilotel. PRAIRIE IJITV, OREGON, J. IL Ilardman, Propiietor. Tbe acotnraodttriofl nt th ahve II itel rt iod. and rvery care will bo Ukeo to m k gu" fpe' a ham tT'Cnmfor'ph'e hedc, and a good a t ,M. 48 the market affirdd furoisbeJ at rrasooab r HARNEY HOTEL Fort Harney, Oregon XV. W JOIf .SO, P.oir.vlr. n.ivi' g completed my Ilotel I sun piepared to entertain tl.e tia'i. lui: pnl lie W'th ear a?;d o.nlort. The taLle issnpp'ied With t lie best the market nilnnls 'i he beds :u e neat -and clean. DALLAS AND 1 KER CITY STAGE L!XE, Vail j & Co.. Proprietors Deptnt"! Irn'ii Ciinvon Cty fur 'J'ij DiIc- and Lalcur 0 t, Daily. A rive.s from the same poi f., Daily. Ft C. WlIJ.IAMSt.N, Sup't. CANYON CITY McDEUMir trim Ir STA(xSLl.'E, PUANK McBEAX, - - Proprietor Poparts from Cany n City :n Monday, Thursday, and ra urd.-i' )f each week. Arrives at Cany-'m City on Sun I y. Wednesday and Fri day of each w e J. 1SS0. S1MUNG. 1880. Ms. J-irne Cl-awr v u'd annou- on ii f pnhlit: that .-he i- jst iec iving f iiti S" Fraiifi-co 'he fin -t ass r. MM'f'l nf L:(lli Ml I M-v-eS Hat-, 'VT peneii in (ian' County, ami ti.ry will be "l 1, for c.usli, at pi ices 1 1 afc d f cmm y i i n. Slst ls-lcep1 a Ail! stoi-k of Em b'"ilerie'1, L ce-, I'ors ts, arid Ldic"' t'n lei wear, w sli e 1" lwer fan ih e wlin h-11 a' cos an I Aeiilit x pl in-nn. he bny-exeluve'y f r cash T'ie b'.sf ;i.-S'tr'irent i-f.Jj'Wily a d Silv. r I1! ted Ware v r e.fTon d in th se monn'ain.-'. T ri s Ca?h. Cad, examine and be eunvidc. d. A. TUTPIUCI1, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHCE MAKEE, CANYON CI 1 Y, OKRGUN. IS fully prepared to turn out first-c!as work out of the veij best material and finest finish. kBepairing ntatly and cheaply done J ... .u r.m.cr. . The Exodas of the Piute Indians. For some ti e p st wp ncc M-"' ally heard rumors 'I'a' the P ute lnd aus, now at Fori S inco , cont M.p'.-ite 1 r turn to tl eir iiwm country. . Wo aL. h'ird h rum r t'lat an sci'i't w: s nr fered fu nished t th. 111 bv tli Sii-re-ary, who had g antd th-m p-'iiiissi- n t r um bat fiat th $ mt i"n iej t imcot, wli t -rem d tnt wish the lnHun.4 to 1 ae, though jouio in il:i nc. hd t e or.l -r revoke! for an esco-t. Vhehr t'vs i true or o we do not know but e rta:u, it is that the PiUtes j re g';i. e i-ortor tm 5--o t. i a fixed far;, an I that, too, in p te f 'he in !uu -m nss had out to Sarah U'm'i uiu ci an I -'het i'h dr 1 i - r es of thetii'e to influence t'u-I'iut-s t say. 0 F'l-'av f : wet k, Sara'', ii cuipmv wi'h lu r tm ti r, Lee Win o mil -ca, ca e I n up n us and bt sou h' -ur u'd to h iten of iif rm n: 'l o p pie ! Ea t e n 0a.on a d Nevada th t ih y a ginr to t urn 'o tkei owa c -unt y. S rie- h ve b n to d to her t at 'h' p - p'e of E ft-n (Jreg .ul kil he people if fluty a scd tluotitrh hat c unt'y. I liL- .-he do'.i n t be e c, but if if is triiH, the P u.s now Ii.-n will even if on y :o mef dnat , h pr f rrinir to m et rim de tr y (pi ckly 1 i'h'r th n menu ier an er se s m of linireii ir death t'F' t Siui t-e. Si ah his the p ruiL-i n f th Se retuy of fie Inf-r c l-r lur and hei pe- pie to return She 1 as leq leM.d u t- sat- that fhev will 'o th oug' he e- un'ry 1 anied jbove with peacea 11 ... 1 1 1 uie m: n , us nim to nioi'Si 10 o . or 10 be m bste''. We pioui'sei ! ad I er t the iro t of .u p -wo- by a-k ng "ur beth en : f th" p-ess o iv van inn t the people. She pleue. hi r ow n life f o- th eacoi'le i'tn 'ions a -d d c 11 1 net f !o:p enple a d hi'pO' her wh te h o he s and is te f will no' m-'ie't th m. They will b oin ell d 01 th Yin-' of uiirch t" - op occa;io allv aid hu g me fo suIh teucc. lie' ce he wi h s that n alann should le !e t b th whites. A S irah ha- always h-eti the fiitn f icd of the wh t .s .n m ne than one ryin O'casioe, we hope for the credi of 'he white r ce that th j e p'e Est r Oregon and Nev i I t ill tre-U 'h'" Indiana wi.'h tii oidiineis. S e -ipits'ed us to -tit fi't e th if f'-e Hestii at'o 1 i- Ciinp McDermi't. i No va a. Tli's will not l e c' a' -d tin e-K t' e A'jent at th-- Ma h ur II setvati n will m 1 1 tht'in on the p.id hettvj mi The DalleH an I Cny.m C 'y with up pi es. in which case it i more probable tla they wi I o on that r-.-evati-n e h pe, 'hetefmo, our bretneu ot the press wi I :ive ti e long ini an ex tensive circulat on. We iut.ivi wt d Sa-ah a,- to th c use w' icti h i 1 d t fiis re ua kab e ex 1 dusof iho Piutes. We iprj e t-d h r to embody I er vi xcs in a C m-nn en tion. This h has d m', and t e 1 t t r is s'gi ei by all the head men ol th Piute-, and is 11s follow: "We, i.c Piutns starred I'ere durln.' the Wo ter .f 79 and a-rive! 011 ih- 10 h .! F-- I iuay, IS79. Oiir eojde i'e all w L -npili-d wi h c'o hes t'.c hilmi t.- ecial ly w t such clo'h s as they had oh taii e I of th so'dw'N at t'mp Ua ney. Oici n, bef re we 'cf- We wee h re but a shcut tunc when some of my ppoide w nt to woik for the tndi n livinj: hee. Th y w nt tn work n the promi.-e -ln the r wmk wool 1 b pai! lor in h 'ises. Th" were 'o work noui 5 to 10, 1"), 2) and -s h sih a 3tl d ys 4br a h .rsu. T iey went o wo k, and s -me werw paid and others imt Thos-t at w re n t pnid weio told th -t they had ta'en the moun n' wo k they ha 1 d hp. Tho e f at did. et pa'd s. n.e other Lidim w u'd com n'd take th- hos s away ftd'ii them. A good 111 ;ny f our pmple have bough: h rse with thir awn blanket and saddles which they ha1! when ihey camehert. They have'been'takeQ too. Sumip of our b3t h'sefl which b o'l ht In iv ha e als bee' 'kcn. Al; th s a bee to d to Mr. Wilbur and -til h c.n't h lp u-. Winn we go to chucl our Mank"t-an I ropo are takrn vhde w- are i sidi. All th s h-is been d- n-i 'o us s'nctf we h-iv; b eo h'r' and to day we are p,or r thao when we can e. . Y-s, p o er in cl t es. Pooret in h .rs s. Pu rer in v c uf-ds; in even thin.'. We have lost (.) 53 head of hor.:es, an! have 1 ft 237 ea Our sick h v b -en p.-orly cared for, and many hav di d f .. rwunt of s m -t iwz t at. Now, e n ay one Id-m u t r waning to :o back to our own cou try 1 I h 0oc' r w-8 'eding n e that a'l welmvelial lad- njed tithe Iniims heio Th;i i- b ef anl fl r. Taw i e iioternii.e it I a I mt r've 1 v a. h n . ardi tod is t'vit he wa- i sm el 10 h e 01 r y i 1 Wash nton. 151 Uo rl, Taere is so bin he enow wlm-h h' s.i)s ii ours, lot hidi liu- ;.l e d be u p id to those . ' o h -v- w o k d. What is i ? Lt us I e 1 t' e w ho e tory - E . Ki-cord "Oh, we, on- hi d all pay f our whi 0 I r ers o n -t -e -o hard -he:. rt ed jin t us. Wt al w.m to go 'iac, in I wiil 1 ave Fort Simcoe on h ;id o1' d ul . V e l-m't know what tim we wid (r t t) The D I s and o! ma y of us w 11 hive to a " T!i ab v- is siii-d by Sarah. L- e nd Fiank inn.m ice , Ch'ef Le -ens, Pa-Id y Two Ciiiffand PiuteJo. s to en p n'oti, we ''have not f a ti cu at d..u' t of S nli's story. Ne t o-r !is i-ny e I er.' who ii at all conve --nit wi'h lnd. an affairs i thi -ocalit-. A e -hi'l pmbablv have sonething n- I t:ona' tisiy upon this ubjeet in the fu me. S 1 c 1 he ahove was n typo we ljar 1 tint Fa her iluur and S rah had a I I k. It Wis the into iti m of S rdi to ve a 1 it ir- he e in nrd-r to raise .11 ne to I e'p d-fr i h o own an l p o A 's 1 xi-enses to T.ie O ills. At the a k S .rail tuld U ilhur s'-o in e ide I to opeak hetv, w'n-r at h w s wroth. Mid s id shit rouul no g , te. Sarah pi -tedl fol 1 h ni -Iih a- uo n a d f r 1111 to 1 el 1 hiins lf if he co ill. F -n 1 y wh n ' e foil d he was deti ruin. ul 10 co'ue h i" a' the invi .ton of our pe p an I de iver a I e me, I 0 p-'Opo -u.l o ta'c he to T e D les IV f e arge to keep hot from ta-kint to u ' ha am i'dk ' no d-ubt f. ari g Sarah m i-h let out s him t'. in: which th j" ople ' h dn'i iiu h'er" know U .t we have o h st ny d wn pr t y li eatijwiv, and it' d c d d y rich. T kiep he p o e Si-rih de i:ed 'o go to 'I ho Pain-, a-ol on W dce-day left S uic. She will fin m at The D lies u tl her p op'e arrive, and f'Om thenco wil ace mpay thi m eithc t the Malheor Age cy ur to Camp MtiT5 r mi- After h r dpati e, and n 'I h is lay even ng, J en Winn -m coa. C!ii--l Leg oi a -d sov ral th r Lad n' men I t5,e PiH'e , calh d up n us, an i t Id hi orcuTid, blinking a letter Irom Sarah. 1 1 ihe le ter a e ates -h'.' ha left re tai l lbfcs i t! e c.iiv of tho w II, we know wl 0. Tne let eis we e I r us, aid at a cir'a n 1 tine we wnt. them Uoii-ual e3br a have been put f r h t inuce the In-dim.- t lemain by the auth r.'ies i t Si ncoe. L e .-avs st. r es havt b ti told that our p-.i, 1.. w uld s''0 t th joi he monen' thi y lef the re erv..tion, a d jiq peop'e over at (io den hie would mas ae e tl em. W- said o pay no . t 11 io t i-udi st oies; th t the p1 op'.e h 0 w ml I 1 1 t mol st thi in, and wo .1 1 be only to g'a l to ee . v ry in j dian an 1 th -ir white "ti licim""o 1 t' e r serati u "iri-t un a d dust." We old 'f lie an I ' i peop e hidia ! t em se ve-, s-n ! we t t r ugh Klickit it e. uuty d'-turhiim otii g b long g t t eir wi te Ire'Lreii tiny would pa th 1 on-ill u d s mbe.l. With i!i as sn ance h mi 1 hi- pr'y se nn-d much relie eil. T l.ei wsh g ill III Gd spred o he r ijoui-i ey shi ok bauds uud paitad. Yakima Kccci'd. A ublt iaf inn fet. A pace in tl r feet; A fath ucfi is tlx feet; ' A pilm in tree inches. A Ua uc ii thrte mib s: A grent 6u'hi is 11 fe t: A fpan in 10 I-'2 i.eh s. Th r- are 2 750 1 niiing- s: Oats, 35 p iinda f.. bu. beh Bfiu. 85 p u p'r bushel. Harley, 48 pounds per bushel: A d j h j .. Mf k 33 1-8 milei . ' ' T.vo per 6 k di- e rv sc.nd. A quar ui'e co-tnn 640 acr; A t b of wavr w g is 8 1 p. und: Bickwheat, 52pni,iJ pr bushel: A s'nriu' b ows 30 11 i -p 1 e I o ir Co 1st; a. It, 85 iiuJ bti hel; Tl.e averse I ii n n !if : i 21 ari: A barrel 6r nee we 600 poun p. An ce c t it s 4,S40 -q wfvd: A firio f hut er -e 5! pouu.l-; Abre! of fl ut w ig i- 1 ) ind A tiarr 1 of ptk w ig-ia ivJJ po in I. Slow r;ver flow fire md s pir h-1 i. Timoth) i , 45 pin ds pt-r Ijis t . A hi.ni (hi ra uiea n e) is fuur inch- 8. A h'utricate ujovi 80 mills per' hour. A rill 3 bad mov s 1.000 mifii p2r hour. lU,id rivera flow i:Tn miles per hour. KUctrici-y into i 228,00 ni lei per hour. T -e fit luciftf mitoh wa m 3e in' 1329. Gold wa !rt drcoTied: in C litor-' ni. in 2818. The fftst ho sie raTrotd wxs built in 1328-7. A mi e is 5,2) feet, or 1,730 yard? in r'ng'h Co n. 1 ye a -id flatbt'', 26 pouncU' p-T bahe'. T e fiisr itf&mlo'at plied the Hudson' 11 1807. A moderate wind bio aA seven milcV per hour. WliH-it, bean aid cloxer at d; 60 lbs. per bushel, Tn - 6rit u- of a loco tot ir in thii co int y was m ;h- fiit a'mtn c wu printed bjr (le -. r.n I u-hach m 1640. U i' 177d cotto apinniig wu per-" forme 1 br e ha d' " i n'n'' whiel. Tin: ti rt s ca 1 n ine on th conti-" u nt was brought fiom England in' 753. New Y uk dun 11V Whrat de-: pr-8"dfor fu uro hut lairly active' tor sp tat SI 17 J per buhel. flour dull bur Lot 1 wcr. Pro.'siotJi quiet' with priors in f .? r hujr rg. Hnjg" fi'-ir. Salrn i fir n a 9t 55'. Su.af a t ve. Coff e -m rove I but quiet. Twanty ladiea 1 ch pped in" and houg'it f-oni" lot'ery ticke s, 0 of them to d he. 11 ini.stcr. and he waV ah -eked. My d-r mad m he ex- laimed, -'do y u t ot kn w that- is gambling ?" She ratt ed rig t albiijif as if she hadn't herd him: --Ve-y V aie uoin t draw he 10 000 prizV and if we do t'ien we'e j.11 agreed ti give ym "55,000 of it '6; the new ehu ch orjian.' "An exceli-nt iley my dear mudimi-, and I d'evoudy tti-t ou may iu i . ' Pan Francisc6; JiVne 30. High a-kins priT3"S;checIc bu inets in Wool, a slight coucess i n. it is claimed, will leiidbus- iness Ct-nipiireil Wi;h lust years WoU from ymr seciiim iu e p o4 &c. The blilk received goes'ijilo waVehouHe Salm n! unfavorably afflicted by East-' e' 11 an i "Kuropeari" advices. Hre a,lvin::jd und.r lisrht stocks Bas in f ir inquiry aV.d firm. Sujf ir ajtivv Out- fee improving. Svraj acth'd5 and firm, iralt quiet. "- : - -V- - - r ! - - - f , , 4 - .