Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 24, 1880, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Apr. 24, 1880.
The Grant County News is regis
tered at tiie Post-Office at Can
yon City as second class mail
matter; according to law.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even,
ing of or next proceeding ihe full moon
in each month, at seven, and half o'clock
P. M.
F , meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Rnnm in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to at'end.
By Order of N. G.
33. I. 0. 0. F., Prairie City, Ore
gn, meets every Saturday
Members of the order are invited to
attend. By order of tin N. G.
JOHN DAY LODGE No. 80, 1. 0. G.
T., uie'ts every Saturday evening ut
their Lodge Room in Canyon Ci'y, Ogn.
Vhiiing members are invited to attend.
By order of the Lodge.
Mu. J. II. Bates, Newspaper Ad
vertising Agent, 41 Paik Bow (Timcj
Building), New Yoik. is authorized to
contract for advertisement in The
Grant County News at our best rates.
Gold Yet. On last Thursday Mr.
Hacheney showed us a gold nugget
that was taken from the claim of
Smyer & Co., of Susanville that was
in value $2G0. He also had one
that was from the claim of Sam Hil-
lis, of Marysville, that weighed $50.
2;1. They are beautiful specimens
and show that there is gold here yet.
. By referring to our advertising
columns 3011 will find the Democrat
ic state and county ticket. The lar
ger portion of the ticket are men
that arc now holding office and have
given general satisfaction in their
Keveral official positions. The can
didates are well known and the Dem
ocrats are willing to abide results.
A G-uaxm Ball will be given at the
Masonic Hall, Canyon City, April
vJOth, for the Benclit of the Canyon
Citv Brass Baud. Committee of ar
rangements, E. E. Turk, AVm. Over
holt, Peter liuhl, A. C. Dore, Cash
Maey, and C. Todhu liter. Floor
Managers: C. "Y. Pamsh and E. E.
Turk. Tickets, $2. Supper extra.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
She put her arms around his neck,
And slyly glancing, titters,
'Darling when vou come to-night
Bring me Dandelion Bitters."
Serious Accident Last Sunday
while Benny Phetteplace was hold
ing a young horse it by some means
7nanagcd to jerk him down and kick
him on the head, inflicting a severe
wound. Dr's. Dodson and Howard
were called and we are informed by
Dr. Howard that the boy is getting
aloner remnrkablv well.
Miss Douthit has just received a
fine stock of millinery and ladies fan
cy goods. She is selling cheap, and
can suit the most fastidious as to
style. See her advertisement
A little child of J. W. Lee's, of
North Fork, was scalded to death
recently by falling into a pot of hot
water that had been left in the little
one's way.
Sociable. The Ladies monthly
Sociable will be held at Masonic
Hall, in this city, on Thursday, Ap
ril 29th. Supper to commence at
six o'clock P. M.
Mr. Frank Swoetzer has returned
to this place after a winter's visit to
San llafael. Frank is a married man
Born. To the wife of Charles
Cobb, at John Day, on Sunday, the
18th inst. , a daughter.
Mrs. "Woolsey, of this city, is still
very sich We LoAoe to n jte her con
valesant ere many weeks.
Kemember the celebration and
Ball at Prairie nest Monda'. Tick
ets are only Two Dollars.
D. G. Overholt and Major Magone
are attending the Republican State
convention at Portland.
Fort Harney, April 16th, 1880.
Editor News: Considerable ex
citement prevails in the southern
part of this county over a reported
outbreak of the Piutes who have
been roaming between "Whitehorse
and Fort McDermit
The reports and cause of the ex
citement which have reached here
are so varied and contradictory that
I do not care to "father" any of
them. But from all accounts the
devil is getting into the Piutes again
and doubtless they will resume their
old business when fine weather sets in
"The troops must go." An offi
cial communication to the Ass't. Ad
jutant General, Dep't. of the Colum
bia requesting authority to burn de
cayed lumber which had been lying
around the Post here was returned
with the endorsement that it had not
been decided yet whether the Post
i would be abandoned, but the ink
was hardly dry on the endorsement
j when the following official telegraph
ic despatch was received which ex
plains itself :
To Com'dg. officer, Fort Harney,
Oregon : The Secretary of "War has
authorized the abandonment of your
Post as soon as condition of roads
permit. Detailed orders and in
structions will be sent later.
A. A. Or. Dep't. Col.
Happy Valley was the scene of a
stabbing affray a few days ago
which came near ending the career
of one of the participants.
Albert Edward Bolenbauh and
Edward Evert Kyger, two young
bucks who "Winter" in Happy Val
ley, were compelled by stress of
weather to "go outJUafter a load of
wood at that place recently. It
seems that Albert Edward had been
boasting of his conquests among the
fair sex over in the John Day coun
try, fromawhieh!place he had recent
ly returned. 'Upon their return with
the wood young Iuger, in presence
of a largecrowd, "pitied the poor
girl that would" have to depend on
Al. to get wood for hur." This
made Albert "hot" and he forth
with commenced to maul the stuff
ing out of Kyger, whereupon the lat
ter drew a knife and stabbed his ad
versary threGwtimes infiicting pain
fulthough nodangerous wounds.
General verdict of Happy Valley
peorne: "Hope they will have sharp
er knives next time. T.
1819. I. 0. 0. F. 18S0.
The sixt-Iirst Anniversary of Odd
Fellowship in Amiricawill be cele
brated at Prairie CiLy, on Monday,
April 2Gth, 1880.
Procession and Or.ition at Two
O'clock, P. M., to which the public
is respectfully invited.
By order of Mountain View Lodge,
No. 93, I. 0. 0. F., Prairie City,
April 10th, 1S80.
All Kinds of Fre-h Garden and
Flower Seeds at Gundlach & Bro's.
The Garden Seeds from Salem, Ogn.,
the latter direct from Mr. Reids Floral
Gwdt-ns, Jtrchester, N Y. We al.-o
haw recked a few more Plows, which
we oner che:ip. 'It.
A Piety Fl it man went home late
Tuesday night, and as he ''hollered"
himself into bed hi wift aked him in
a shrp tone whrrc he had been. ''So
.shatin wi'h caud;da'c froffis," Miid he.
"Seems to me," she replied, "that from
the sheep dip and poison oak snietl of
your breath you must have promised
all of them your vote 1" "Yen (hie)
mndatue. I'm ttmmitted; don't try to
influinsh mo. Less go to shhep."
The following persons have either
subscrihed or renewed their subscrip- J
tion to The News since last issue:
M. V. Thompson, J. A. Shelly,
J. Brodie and H. Sweek.
Those Who Suffer
Fr-"m nervous irritajion-, itchinjr, un-eaines-
and the di comfort that follow-
fp-m an enfeebled and disordered
tate of th" system, should take DK.
and cleanse the bled. Purg out the
lurking dEteruper that undermine the
h alth, aud ooastitutional vigor will
The Dalles, Ogn., April 12, 1880.
To The Editor of The News:
Th Grant County News was raisin
formed as to the character of Harry
Burst-w, who was killed by Gid
We the uderpigne 1, from acquaint
ance and by reputition, 10010 of u-
having known him for eight years or
more, do Wtify that Hary Burs'ow,
lata of Grant County, Oregon, ahhough
a man of courage in defence of right,
would scorn t take advantage of hit
fe'low-mao or do a mean act even to un
N. B. Sionott,
A. Jackson,
Jack Iluin,
A. H. Bonzoy,
S. M. Gil more,
W. M. Hand.
John Baldwin,
J. Frzyerald,
D. M. Ilandley,
H. L. Comfort,
J. A. Campbell,
II. Kerris.n,
N. B. Hnwn,
E. L Grimes,
Tim Baldwin.
The Coos Bay News says: Tom Hall
and his brother Alex, Were examining
the complications of au improved Smith
tfc Weati.n n-volvt-r; while in the handu
of Alex, the weapon was mysteriously
disclntrfd, the bull entering TumV
right nidf, striking !.d following a rib
to within about a ba'f an inch of the
sjjinal column, where it made i's ex t.
The fall m 't ng of the Baker coun
ty Agricultural Society, will commence
Monday. Sept. 27th, 1S80, and continue
one Wtek. The most lib ral purpes
have been offered fur both running and
trotting. Th toiil amount of purses
offered is 3i.250.
A. B. Hairy, of Lnfayette, has a
li ttle cn-ek full of trou, -r rather he
made a poi.d in connection, and tck
caie of than und the result is that
three vcars nf'er he has trout for the
The Siatesman say.: Chief Cnirinaer
Hulbert nrrivtd in the city yesterday
ft.rcuocn from Prt5and, and the re
maining engineers ate expected up to
morrow. Irnnii'diafoly U.on their ar
rival wink will bo commenced betwe-n
the depot and Kinnery' mill a'ong th
different r nitcs s'igg;ted for the lay
mg of the idd track.
Sena'or Slater, of Or gon, h is intro
duced a hill which provides for grant
ing the right of way to the Astoria and
Winnon.iu'ea Railroad c-inipiiiy through
the Willamotre Vuliey and Southeast
ern O egon to Winnemucca. The bill
proposes to pay the company 81 an
acie for all buds disposed of by the
Government in even Foctions within
the tract, bounded eat and north by the
Willamette a-d Columbia rivers, west
by the Pacific Ocean and s:iuth by the
base line passing tlnough Portland.
Payments are t be made as fast as rail
road fcet'ons of 20 miles each are com
pleted. The lands aiv subject t ordi
nary homrst:ad and pic-emptinn entry
Mid also to priva'e entry at 2 50 per
acre, in qumt ties not exceeding 160
acres to any one poison, except moun
tainous and timber lmda, of which 320
acres may be purchased.
New York. April 9. The Publio,
comparing business lor the last quartrr
with the corropudiug period of 1879,
shows the agg egate gain in exchange,
outride of New' York, to be 40 p ;r cei t.
notwithstanding a decrease in San
Francisco. The gain in tho aggregate
at all cities is 55 per ecur., no part of
which is due to activity of speculation
here. Comparing last month with
M;irch, 1879, the following shows the
per cedtage of gaius at the principnl
cities: New York, 84 1; Boston 46;
Philadelphia, 50; Chicag . 64; St.
Louis, 33.9; New Orleans, 33.8; Cin
cinnati. 3G.b'; Bahimo;e, 40.8; Louis
ville 28.5; Pittsburg, 37; Clevelai.d,
47.1; Kansas City, G8.3 San Fran-is
ci shows o loss durh'g tho,
comjared with March, 1879, of 10 p-r
c nc., aid during the qmncr,
comparad with the firt quner of
1870, 9.1. As the increi&e in average
prices has been only 20 per cent, the
istiuns from evory ci'y except Sm
Francisco aud, indicate n in
crease in quantities of produce exchan
ged. Blafk Deedd for sale at this
Republican Ticket.
For State Senator,
For Representative)
For Sheriff,
lor County Clerk,
For Treasurer,
For Assessor",
For Supt. Public Instruction,
For County Commisioners,
For Surroyor,
For Coroner,
A Social Ball will be given in Odd
Fellow's Hall, Prairie City, on Mon
day Evening, April 26th, 18S0.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public.
Committee of Arrangements.
Geo. Shearer, Geo. Dollina,
Wm. B. Davis.
Honorary Committee,
Phil. Metschan, N. Bulison,
S. H. Shepherd, G. I.Hazentiuo,
E. E. Turk.
Floor Managers,
N. W. Thornton, James F. Cleaver,
"YV.B. Davis.
Tickets without supper $2
The Oregon Kidney Tea.
Read thef-dlowin testimonials, not
frni pfitons 3,000 milfH away, whom
iki one knows, but from well-known
Hnd trust worthy cit:zens of Oregon,
whose names, written with their own
hands, can be seen at our oilice:
EiL'.ne City, ()-eon. Oct. 20, 1879.
I hereby eeitify that 1 was .-uflcring
from an attack of backache so severe
that I went about duub.'ed up, and
could not .sfiaky!it"ti up. I u-ed one
1 ackage of the Oregon Kidney Tea,
and I am fully persuaded thai I was
n stored bv i:s he'p.
IIarrirbUrg. Oun., Deo. 3 lit 1879.
I have used th Oregon Kidney
Tea fur pains in the back, and 1 am
satisfied with its c-ffec s, and do n-t
esitate to receonimoiid it sis a mild and
safu remedy. Z. T SCOTT.
Five-Cent's Worth of Opinion.
I have been asked several times, my
view in regard tocittl, what I thought
they would do a a business, profitable
or otherwise; while I havo been asked
th,se questions cattlo hare ben at
their lowest prices and that was the
reason. Why Because man in any
kind of bu-dno-js unprofitable i like Ihe
dying man grasping at itraw. Any
relief they may net is benefit. The
pinion can do no harm. I havo al
ways answered that citda baing ona of
the necessaries of life md the ciihi
vatir2 ol the land on western frontier
drives the free access of jirazitig beforn
it. and having some knowledge of th
vast amount of emigration that is set
tling up this coast (and the only coun
try that will support tha bovino rrbh
out, I might say, any eare whatevcrr,
Summer r Winter) it is easy to .iee
that there wdl be a corner and with ho
prospect of railroad enviro s that now
surrounds us I think the gap is nearly
ch'scd and the cornor not far off.
One. of tho reat troubles 'ii profi s
of cattle is in selling be f. In. the first
pi ice ibry are so'd too young and have
been too low for profit and n ) system
ab ut the bu-iness. The butchor buys
cattle at the sell-r's pr;ce. V'y be
cause he gets them on tin ?ind f an
he C'mm nccs to sell on tinv. because
he thinks he can 'tun! it if the other
tVllows can, and so it goes. Ifndtr
this system it ia a detriment to the
whole commuiii'y. E tablisb a price
of 5its., cah, and it wi l b-a betttfit
t t''e men thai have got I ebf ca'tlc to
soil and a protection to the butchers.
Farmers desiring seed wheat can
purchase the White Australian of
the undersigned. It is No. 1 -wheat
and seeders should secure their seed
while it is to be had.
Democratic Ticket
For Congress,
$ot Supreme Judges,
For Judge of tho oth Judicial Diat.f
Prosecuting Atty for 5th Jud'l Blst
Fur Representative
For Sherift
Fr County CKrSr,
W. S. SO U Tli WORTltr
For Co:in'y T e-3u:cr,
j? ir Connty Cooiiiiiasloae,
or" Assessor,
For School Superintendent,
For Sun-eyor,
w. r,McFai;land.
hi the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Grant County,
Ellen V, Gideon, Plaintiff,
J. M. Gideon, Defendant
To J. M. Gideon, defendant:
In the name of tho Stato of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear in tho above named court and
answer the compliant tiled against
vou in the above entitled suit, on or
before thef 8th day of June, 1SS0,
that being the first of the June term,
1880, of said court, and if you fail
to so appear and answer, the xain
tiff will apply to said court for a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the
iD'aintilf and defendant and for oth
er relief as iu said, complaint pray
ed. This summons is published by or-
der of the Hon. Li. Li. MCiirtnur,
Judge of said court made April
1880. C. AV. PAKKiSH,
n3-n9 Plaintiff's Attorney.
Land Offick at Dalles.
Oregon, April 24th, 18S0. f
Notice is hereby given that the f.d
lo'Aiug named t-cttter has filed ujtsce of
his intention to make tiaal psocf insupJ
port of Ii is claim, and secure h'ual en-r
1 ry thereof at tho cxp;r tion of thirty
days 1 torn th- date ot litis no icv, viz;
Marshall A. Mi-Ned, Homestead No
730, before the Uegisrer and Ileceiver
oi the Land Ofiice, no Suturdny, June
19th, 1880, for the t-f 2sTW and
K EL 0f M V-J and N U'J- ol N E
Sec. 22, T 12, S R 23, E, and nametf
the lblioini as his witnesses, viz: All
en lCni-ljt, Tie DkIIc.., W aco County,
Ogn., aud Jnhn ?. Smith of The Dalles,
W-tsco County, Oirn., and Hugh Glenn,
of The Dahes", Wasuo County, On ,
and E. W. Watorman, ol Tho Dalle?y
Wasco County, Ogn.
Ladies dsniring to purchase Spring"
Hats ill do well to call at M. L.
Douthit'a Milioary Stor since she ha?
just received
a full assortment of Ladi-s, Misse3 and
Children's Hats, also- the latest .styles
of Triuiuiings.
She also keepi a brge assortment of
LadUj1 Underwear, Eniiroifitrics, lacei
hose and -.mail twticles of f vry de
cri)iou, of tnc e-t qna:i y rea
son bte pistes. No cieui' aliowed.
i he patronage of alt 13 polite'y solic
el. In the reroi t of me HoA of Htmor,
lat vr ek, furnished us by Mr IL Ii.
B mham, the names of Ge. Currey
und Ueorne Slhni:er veie omitted.
Mr; Pe er Fre .en, uf Wa acr valley,
made our town a flying visit this vr olc.
Mr. F. id juat fro u 0.iif.rnia, vliei'u
he had bejii sinca last .lauuary, but
through oo of the hasds fr.m his
stock ranch at Warner valley he learns
that ti e Ijsji of st ck here will bi very
g.-ea', Ho estimated it at neatly one
half. S ow is ahundayfc aou th v'th
ley coveted with icu to a cousuioiabitf
dapfch. Examiner.