Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 03, 1880, Image 3

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    TI8 M Coin Mews,
Saturday Morning, Apr. 3 , 1880.
IThe Grant County News is regis
tered at the Post-Office at Can
yon City as second class mail
matter; according to law.
1 1 A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
iVuimunications on the Saturday eveo
of or next preceeding the full mooo
in. each month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
HOBAII LODGE, No. 22. I. 0. 0.
.P., meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge .Room in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
By Order of N. G.
-I"!"1 in.!. wmiBii m.1
33. I. 0. 0. P., Prairie City, Ore
gon, meets every Saturday Evening.
Members of the order are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
JOHN D AY LODG KNo." 80, I. 0.G.
T., meets every Saturday evening at
their Lodge Room in Canyon Ci'y, Ogn.
"Visiting member.s are invited to attend.
By order of the Lod:e.
Mil J. II. Bates, Newspaper Ad
vertising Agent, 41 Paik Row (Times
Building), New York, is authorized to
contract for advertisements in The
Grant County News at our best rates.
15, 13, 14.
We can furnish all new subscrib
ers to the News for cash in advance,
the Grant County News and the
San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for
$4 25 j)er year, or the two papers
mentioned above and the Chicago
Weekly News for $4 75 per year.
Or the Grant County News for $3
per year; any way to suit you.
Miss Alice Settlomier returned to
her home last Sunday. She has
been in our city for several months,
and made many friends. She will
be missed in our city.
We received a call from Mr. Set
tlemier last Tuesday He is the gen
tleman that paid two years in ad
vance for the News.
M. L. Olmsted has returned from
Lis trip to Harney Valley and Camp
Currey. He says that the loss of
cattle in those sections will not be
more than five per cent
v Kuhl, Muldrick & Co. have been
laying pipe for some time past and
the water works will soon be in
working order.
Yankee Cough Syrup has saved
thousands from a Consumptive's
Cepii. Hepdonstall has returned
from San Francisco.
Remember the Republican Pri
mary meeting to-day.
Eggs, butter, wood, potatoes,cash,
grain, silver and gold will be receiv
ed on subscription at the News of
fice. New buildings are going up in
this city and we hear of a number of
stockmen that desire to build here
and move their families to town
that their children may attend
school. Can't a plan bo inaugera
ted whereby more building room
can be secured ?
In regard to Money order exchange
the post office in this city ranks next
to Pqrtland. Canyon City is mark
ed as follows: A, B, C, G, X.
The weather for a few days past
lias been stormy and warmer than
usual and high water may be looked
for soon.
Our people will no doubt see a
better year here this season than for
years past. The cattle are general
ly sold already for cash; wool will
"be an immense crop, and the price
high. The miners are booked for a
prosperous season. Election comes
off, and everything tends to make
money plenty.
Go "to the debate at the court
louse next Monday night.
Read the new ad's in- this issue.
Mrs. Wm. Luce will please aecept
our thanks for a ham of dried venison
sent to us this week. Mrs. Luce al
ways holds "the poor printer" in re
membrance when she hos a choice
sample of anvthiog to bestow to her
friends. It does us good to know that
our labors are appreciated by our pa
rrons and more especially when such
appreciation is shown by the Ladies.
We attended the debate at the
court house last Monday evening end
was pleased to see the interest taken
by those participating. The question,
"Resolved that the savages have a
right to the soil," was decided io favor
of the negative. Major Magooe read
an eesay and as it will do our readers
good to read it we will publish it next
Gone Below. Judge P. C. Sels,
Wm. McDowell, E. Schutz and M.
Dustin have gone below. The former
! one goes to attend the meeting of the
j board of directors of the Monnmental
i Mine and the three latter go to attend
the State convention.
It was ordered at the Agricultural
meeting last Saturday evening that the
board iostruct Maj. Magone to put
the track in ood order. The Major
will put it in "tip. top" order for the
Fall races. Some stock was taken and
other business transacted. Another
meeting will be held April 15th.
Hon. Jas. II. Slater and Hon. Jno.
Wliiteuker have placed us under obli
gations to them for seeds, documents,
etc., sent us recently.
Mr. Jno. Heuburger is having
rock deliverad preparatory to building
a stone cellar in the rear of his butcher
shoj), in thi-j city.
Mr J. J. Cozart was kicked by his
horse in this city on last Sunday, but
we ure pleas?1 to siy not serious.
The Brewery suppotts a new sign
Enterprise in Oregon.
There is considerable of it shown
in Oregon in the way of building
mills, railroads, and other needed
requirements of the present day, but
no enterprise has yet been started
that will hold a light to the many
cures elected by the use of the cele
brated Oregon Kidney Tea. Ask for
it and use 20 OTHER medicine.
This is an Oregon production, com
posed of herbs.
The following persons have either
subscribed or renewed their subscrip
tion to The News since last- issue:
Laurance & Shearer, Alex. Mur
ray, Wm. Wright, P. Wilson, T. H.
Meador, J. Deasy and J. W. Mack,
also Sam French, D. W. Jenkins,
C. W. Jennison, Wm. Luce.
Mrs. Nellie Murray and Miss Stel
la Pond, accompanied by Mr. Green
well, of Dayville, made us a pleas
ant call last Saturday. They return
ed home last Sunday Call again
ladies. We also acknowledge a call
from Mrs. H. E. Sels this week.
She brought an "adv" for a musical
A gentleman who susj)ected that
some one was looking through the
key-hole in his office, prepared a
squirt-gun with jjepper solution and
shot it through the key-hole. On
going home next day ho was inform
ed by his wife that a stick of wood
had hit her in the eye.
Milt Stevens, of Granite creek,
purchased of J. Helmandach of this
city, 100 head of mutton sheep this
week. "Steve" will take them to
Granite to kill for the market in
that district.
Many of the cattle that have perish
ed recently in Lake county came to
their death by miring in pot-holes aud
swamps, where they have wandered
after gross.
Shearing cf sheep will soon com
mence in Jackson county. The severe
winter will cause a decrease in wool ex
ports, though the price is much better
than it was last year.
Mr. E. P. Iticbardaon, of Jackson
county, is initiating the sugar growing
and making by sending for seed, and
will put up a mill to grind the cane.
This is a new move in the right direction.
Fashion Notes.
Yellowish shadas of color will bd
popular in laces, millinery goods, dres3
fabrics and wraps for spring.
Druggists, Grocers, and all deal
ers sell Dr. Mott's celebrated Dan
delion Bitters.
Pearl elnbroideries and passemen
teries are much employed on toilets
of white satin and delicately-tinted
Heliotrope, a peculiar shade re
sembling lilac, represents a new
color in silk and woolen goods for
spring wheat.
Black chip for hats and bonnets is
much used in Paris, and chips in all
colors promise to be a favorite ma
terial here.
Many new dress buttons present
concave surfaces. Cut steel and in
laid tortoise shell are among the ma
terials used.
A novelty in crepe lisse is that
known as "snowflake." It is dot
ted at refmlar intervals with small
black or white solid spots.
Casaquins embroidered with beads
so that the silk material of the gar
ment scarcely appears represent one
of the fancies in favor in Europe.
They are made with brilliant sap
phire, emerald or ruby-tinted beads.
Some of the articles of linen under
wear offered in the shops of Paris are
trimmed with Valenciennes lace, and
are so exquisitely fine and soft in text
ure that when crumpled in th hand
they occupy scarcely more space thau a
pocket handkerchief.
The newest muffs are fanciful, not to
say lantastic, combinations of velvet or
silk, and satin, luce flowers and stuffed
birds. For ini;ance, a muff of shirred
satin has ruffles of embroidered lace at
the ends, and on cue side the head of a
lophophorc within a nest of lace, while
a bunch of rosebuds peeps out from the
inside of the muff.
School Exhibition.
PiiAfiiiK City, ApriHsr, 1880.
Kditok News: The Public Schnoi
of this place gave an excellent entet
taininent lust evening that was attended
by 323 person?. Among tlie.n we no
ticed several persons from Canyon City,
a r. d from John Day Town; from Can
yon City we noticed our worthy Sher
iff Mr. J. J. Wash and Mr. llulison,
and from John Day Town, Messrs.
Gerald, Pan and Wol linger.
All the scholars did well for new he.
ginners and 5one could not be beaten
even by old professionals.
The best piece 8 was a recitation by
Miss Amanda Starr, entitled "Little
Red Jacket, or a llecurer by a fire
man." Mis Electra Laurance did well in
her recitation of My Mother's BiDle.
Faith, Hope and Charity was render
ed well by the Daly, Shaw and
Settlemier. The Rock of Ages by
Miss Effa Mack besides other pieces
too numerous to mention
"We had some very good vocal and
instrumental music, among the pieces
sung was, Kissi ng through the liars.
Whvn my ship comes in, and My
Grandfather's Clock, which was our
closing piece. Then all wishing sup
per repaired to the two Hotels where
was found splendid suppers awaiting.
After supper a great many returned to
the hall and tripped the fantastic toe
unttl day-light. We had splendid mu
sic furnished by Professor Hagert as
sisted by J. H. Davis and Draper
Our worthy teacher, Mr Kellog, ex
erted himself to please his audience
and met with success, we think.
Yours in Haste,
Notwithstanding fears of light crops
this year in Jackson county, oats are
selling at 35 cents, wheat at 60 cents
and barley at 50 cents a bashol, which
piices would be quite low at any sea
ion of the year.
The Lake county Herald says the
difference between Goose Lake valley
and the valleys of Summer and Silver
lakes, close by, is that while tht former
has mercury almost down to zero, the
latter see it at 50 to 60 degree! abov.
The Democratic Convention met in
this Citv last Saturday and aftQf pe
maDtly organizing proceeded to ballot
for the following nomioeesfor delegates
to State Convention: The vote was,
M. Dustin, 37, T. J. Smith, 41, E
Schutz, 36? M. S. Hell man, 37, "Wm.
McDowell, 26, S. H. Shepherd, 23,
Jas. Robinson, 14, T. W. Poindexterj
12, G. Clark, 11, F. "Wallace, 8, J. J.
Cozart, 6, M. FitzGerald, 1. The first
five were chosen s delegates.
Were then nominated as follows: E.
Schutz, Eli Lester and S. H. Shepherd,
and the vote resulted, E. Schutz, 28,
Eli Lester, 2,S. H. Shepherd, 23.
Came next and J.J. "Wash was nomi
nated by acclimation.
For Clerk
W. S. Southworth, J. Roy and Jas.
Robinson were placed in nomination,
whercupoo Jas, Robinson withdrew
and the ballot stood Southworth, 38,
Roy, 14.
For Treasurer
The name of W. H. Clark was with
drawn and E. E. Turk was nomioated
by acclamation.
For Commissioners
J. H. Hamilton and T. H. Meador
were nomioated by acclamation.
For Assessor
J. Marshall received 26 votes, H H.
Davis, 8, J. B. Eddinton, 4, White,
2, S. H. Abbott, 6, W. Greenwtdl, 5.
no choice. 2nd ballot, Marshall, 35,
Davi, 9, Eddinpton, 2, Grecnwell, 2,
White,l, Abbott. 3. Marshall was
For Superintendent
J. W. Mack received 46 votes and H.
Dodson, Jr., 6.
For Surveyor
W. R. McFarland got 26 votes and
Geo. Kniesley 22.
A Central Committee and a coroner
was also selected and the convention ad
journed. General News.
Beef cattle are scarce ita Yamhill,
says the Reporter.
The Falkinburg made the run from
Astoria to San Francisco in three days.
Gen. Jo. Lane will lecture in Rose
burg in June, on "Philosophy of Gov
eminent. Somebody tried to blow up the steam
boiler of the new flouting mills at Lav
layette, recently.
McMinville has a new band wacon,
and lately loaded in and drove around
to serenadt the town.
A subscription is circulating to raise
money to repair the road betwten
Rosehurg and Canyonville.
Frank Suitor's store at Coburg was
lately robbed of $200, while Mr. S. was
off hunting with bis gun.
The Guard says sales of horses have
recently put 10,000 into the pockets
of Lane county farmers.
Caro Bros, of Roseburg, says tho In
dependent, purchased 12,000 pounds
of wool from a Jackson county wool
Five solid men at Silverton happen
ing at the post office were found to
weigh 1080 pounds. The lightest tip
ped at 200.
The PJaindealer has entered upon
its 11th volume and asserts that its
prosperity is evidenced by its list being
doubled within a yeai.
The Astorien says the doors, win
dows and partitions were torn out of
the packing house at Tongue Point,
and carried off by some thief.
Williard E. Rinehart, former gradu
ate of Willamette, has returned to Sa
lem from graduating st Bellevne Med
ical College, New York.
At the mouth of the Siuslaw, the
Guard fays, there is a settlement with
one hundred voters that has no pollir g
place or preciact organization.
Starve out Creek, Douglas county,
has been mined since '53 but is com
ing out again now and furnishes good
sized nuggets, and promises well to
Lou, Jaokson's cabin, near Patter
son's mill, in Douglas county, was
burned on the 23d, causing a loss of
$250, as blankets and grub for 10 Ben
Delegates going home to Trout cfaek
from the democratic couuty conventioa
at The Dalles were upset on a down
hill grade, and had a roughJand-tnm
ble time of it.
The State Journal snys that Mr. Al
Powers tthose feet were baily frozen
while trying to carry mail across the
mountains, will probably escape with
the loss of one of hit toes.-
On the McKLenzie, March lff a son
of Mr. Matt Sporrs was knooked senses
less and robbod of the little chango in
hi p-'ckfts, by unknown men, who
attacked him while doing of tho chores-'
in the evening
We were .shown a very fine
piece of quartz taken from the
bed of Canyon creek by an old
miner who has bepn prospect'
ing for several months In that
vicinity. The specimen show's
free gold, and will assay $20
000 to the ton, and is what ig
known as float quartz. We
"would like to own the ledge
from which it calfie. News.
Is hereby given that the undersign-'
ed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Grant County, administrator of
the Estate of "Win, M. Hiatt decease
ed late of said county and all per
sons having claims against said es
tate or claims against the firm of
Hiatt & Brackett, of which the dej
ceased was a member, are hereby
notified to present the same duly
verified as by law required to the
administrator at his residence in
Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon f
within six months from the date
hereof, and all persons owing said
estate or said firm are notified to set-'
tie forthwith.
Dated April 2d, 1880. n52-4.
Is hereby given that the Undersigned
has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Grant County, administrator"
of the Estate of M. A. McNeal late of
said county, and all persons holding
claims against said estate are re-
quested to present the same verified
as b law required, to the undersign
ed at his residence near Camp Wat
son, in said county, or to C. "W.
Parrish attorney for said estate at
his office in Canyon City, Grant Co.,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof, and all persons owing
said estate are notified to settle the
amounts due forthwith.
Dated April 2d, 1880. n52-4.
A light chesnut sorrel mare, 6
years old branded 69 on left shoul
der; a white strip down nose three
feet white half way up to hock joint.
A reward of ten dollars will be given
for the delivery of said mare to mo at
Canvon City
A Musical Entertainment will ber
given by the SineriDer School of this
city, at Masonic Hall, on Thursday
evening, April 15th, 1880. Admis
sion Fifty Cents.
A Benevolent Ball
Will be given at Masonic Hall, Can
yon City, Friday, April 9th, 1880,
for the Benefit of Mr. J. Koker, wha
lost his hand at Mr. Southworth's
mill last fall.
Committee of Abiunsemesi's,
Wm. Overholt, Peter Kuhl,
A. C. Dore, Cash Macy,
Clay Todhunter.
Floor Managers.
M. L. Olmsteed, C, W. Parrish.
Tickets 1: 50. Supper Extra;.
A general invitation is extended io
WOf itfAIX. to aantf
for oar Price List for
1880. Frzb to any
address upon ap
plication. Contain
descriptions of eyerr-
personal or ramilrtue,
with oyer 1.200 Illustration. We sell all
goods at wholesale prices In quantities to suif
in purchaser. .The only institution 1b America
who make this thiMr special business. Address.
337 A 339 Wabufe At., Ulleago, I1L
Farmers desiring seed trheat can
purchase the- White Australian of
the undersigned. It is No. 1 wheat'
and seeders should secure their seed
while it is to be had.
weie destroyed,