ihiiiiii.iiw - wi.i l 'IWH - V '-J ".'..,1 HJTTTTr. 'II ..r. V. P. Gray & Bro s. ' tH Street, CANYON fUTY, OKKHON, GRAY BROS., 3EP r- o 2p 2r i o o x ss DE ALE RS IN FRESH MEATS, ft 3 7 Ti By VhoIes.'.le :::nl I! dsn I. Orders Filled on S!b. ort I-uotico. HOWARD & COBB, J! EAT il AHKET. J9HF1 DAY CITY, QREGGH- "VFe keep the best qualities of VEAL COKXiSD BEEK, 'BJ5I5K, BUTTON. PORK, HAM, BACON LARD, SAUSACfi, etc., ETC. Conslanlly on hand :inl for sale at the LOWEST MARKET R XT ICS. John Thy Oc. IIOili, 1S79. STRAWCEvTRY VALLEY FLOURING- MILLS, lUOKECEAi) & (H.EAYER PEOPEIETGES. Manufju'turers and dealers in Flotll" Of tllO Best Brahll. Gm- ! liain Flour. Corn Meal, Hiorls, Bvim and I-YcmI. For a Superior Article of FLoni !o the Stnuvljcrrv Mills, i'he.-o .Mil's arc located in Strawborrv Y;dltv. in (he upper John Pay Yalley. Oram j County. aK Accommodji I lions a specialit y. Heasonithle j prices. Give us ;i call.'cf ! B1LL1HEBY m DRESSSARI8G. i M. L. ctG. II Douihit would res)ecifullv inform the people of Canyon Citv and vieinitv i that they are prepared to do sewing of al! kinds. j CUTTING A2TD SITTING ! a special. ly. Also that they ! will soon have on hand a full a-' sortment of Millinerv uoods. and small artied- s, such as but tons, thread, emdroidery, dres triminiiiiis. etc. Your patron age is politely solicited. Miles' Made from the best bras firing wire, with a complete and perfect protei lion for die point, m the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet brass, the whole being Sifkel Plated and handsomely finished. This Pin is a perfect 020 and the bost !Q tllO market. We also control the sale of f CLE'S l'ATKXT I1AT AXD COAT HOOK. -These Honk.- aie made from the best Swedes Iron Wire, fiattened.with points barbed. They are easily driven and give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of the above named Pin and Hat and Coat Hook. Correspondence solicited. DOUBLE POIATRD TACK CO., 108 CHAMBERS ST., New York (Jity. aeon j, n. woon. J cnuncn. ."WjOODtt CHURCI-T, LIVERY STABLE AND COK'R L, and FEED STABLE. Good buoy teams and nice ! Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or nijjht, at : reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to hoarding and irroominir transient stock. ENTRANCE On Wtsn anil Washirgtan Sts., Ganvo.v Citv, ,1' Jist vnwusey. i;o. hou.skan. ! W0OLSEY&HOUSFAN CAETf ON CITY, 0E3GOH. rfn'iK BATi is snppHnd 'nth pure Winn? an Liquirs. Ilar. Ale, Kilters and Cinnrf. I.TXE IHIXIARB TABLES la lb Sa'ros. . 3fiivc us a cull. 3ASES CITY AliVEHTIKEMEHT !. ELMEi "Watclnnaker and Jeweler, 15AKE11 CITY, OUEGON". All wnrk il' a1 j7ricc t iy, rd warrcntrfl to jttomtfertrii"?!. Has o. rtftaitly o:: hand a J full ad u.,)'o toel: f VV.-.:ch, GlnU so J j Has O'-rtftant'y o:: hand a .lewasrv. for m' Choae f;r Ca5h. AM !:fU3 vrrencsU r"p?r.iir:J. Wefobrs n:il al! other rir?? for Tpi:rs may ba 'f' tri?h I 6 II. Sbiphcr.i, w'i j will ntlend to rw r!ior nun QOTTUinTJ T O 30" O 2: 3? 75T MILK-MAN. The Lest of Milk fumislicd to -Jie citizens of Can von Oily ev 2v nio'iing, l)y the Dillon or guart: at reasonable rates. i idiAillllD jjlUUillllil . . ."i:v bTtsr.r. :md xr.w ;oo;:s. CAMYO N aolocti7i of FtuMiiinve in tSi-Ix Cmtnty Uol'sk. Sign and Caiujiagk painting neatly executed, tit reasonable rates: TSI3 SEST I? Unmakd in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OF BCSflO "HC I3E5T OyJSICATZIS QUICKEST SElLZ.SPiG, ' Mcsfe Perfect Sewing Kachine era the worldo Jno grer.tpcpylaniy ox (ho White la ihe most con Vincfng tribute io lis cxcci'.sr.co and superiority c.vepolhar machines, r.nd in submitting It to tho Srade we put i! unon Its merits, and in no instance has it cvrr yet failed to satisfy any recommendation i;i iii idtur. The i demand forihaVrr.'lehas increased to such an extent that tvo arc hcv compelled to turn oui tile die-- -o s-o-pplT t?.tvt mmmUTlm ..1 n 1 r.s;iy iiiai.unt; io war.sjntu ior o years, tinu soldfor csii at ii!;er.-J discntmts. or unon easv paysie.nts, to suit tho cenvenienco ol customers. BAGZITSS UAlTTSn TnTfiECnPIETl T3HT1IT357. tfWrf 5f MACHINE CO., Hi 253 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. mm ft mm $ - - -. A W T ll nr, J fJflll 0. CSTTT7 h DtiD i ft mill u OflSMEn Prairie City, - Oregon, I I I! M ! 111!!!! Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that they have received a large stock of FALL & WINTER o-ood, and keep constantly on i ? , n r i ' 1 hand a full line ol choice J ami- ly Gnocziui-s, DRV GOODS, 11 ISA DY MADE CLOTHING, HATS ami CAPS. 500TSand SHOES, HARD WAR B, OKOCIvERY, GLASSWARE, CIGARS ami TOBACCO, SCHOOL-BOOKS, STAT I ONER Y. PATKXT MKDICINKS, OHiS, PAINTS, NOTIONS, &c. We keep a l:sre ami v.'ell pe'ectod ptoe'e of Geaoral Mi-rcliandise. Call 1 and see for yourpclvcs. i LAUBANCE SIIISABEB. Prairie City, .Inly B-7D. nHJtf. Watchmaker and Jeweler, W70VLD rc-p ctfil'lv inform tlio ci ti yfins ,, Th(. j3(.s s,r.,j sl!,TOuud- in rountrv that he h;s just received a full Now Sii.clc of r:c;v(rv? Wr.R'hoSj CSockSj Etc., Fjo'm Sufi Francic', whiuli lie will soil at the very luWfsr living prices Hu lias miivi'd in?o his (MEW STORE, on StH'ond Stnet, near "W-lnnfon. wlicre lie w'll lii pleased to fee li's many frii-nds ml customers. The Ballcs Out. J5th, 1S79. JOHff SCHMIDT, Cak'.'KNtkii a:!) "Waco:; AFaki:.. Canvon Citv, - - Op'i'on. Dealer in Iaki)wo;-d3 Si' ok.es and Felloks, Fuunituiie, On a ins, Paints, Glass, and "Window-sash. IIKNRY SIEGART, Fash i on al de Pa rber , VASIirNnTON" ST., opposiio City Brewery. IATRCUT-(J:STrAYTXG,!f gjjf fWAMll MM 01 fflfi f Ofll J AND SHAMPOOrXO, HOT AND n LI ) HATI155 AT ALL TIMC?. THE GREAT FH&LISH RER1EDY. i ('n. fur N.tvous $W i'-'l ility,Exi.nw:st,i 'k'wSsxi ittj'Th(-i. LOST iiAN- :umd, I inpnfuney. l':ir:ilysis,5ir.(l::ll tho Um n. u- I'iH'ci- l " S If A 1 ?(!, VMiit.L'ful j liiliii'.s. .mi1 excess in r :iJuivryc:irs-such iis Lss (1' -Memory, Lassitude, Nnctiirtinl Eniissit u, Aversion in Society. Dinmes j of A'ision, Xti-o.- in the Head; the vital lluid jKifwiuir unoh-erve 1 in the ! urine, and n.anv other disease that le-al to insanity a:,d deutl) Dk Mi.vtik will am ce to forfeit Fivi ! rirxDitKii i)u.-.i!s fnra ease of this ' kind the vital jikstohativi: (under Ins ; sieeial a Ivice and treatment) will not I . . eurc or fereiiyrhin- impure or ii.juri- ous found in it. )u. IircTiE treats alf Private Diseas-s successfully without mcrcurv. Coxscltati.-x fiiek. Thor- i eurc merourv. CoNsrhTATI. :; Kltl-K. Tlior- . . onuii examination and advice, inelndini; an-tlvsis of urine, So 00. Price of Vital i ..vrnn amm vr. 0() a bottle, or four ; times tlio quantity. S 1 0 00; sent to any ! udilress on ieceiit of price, or C. O. I.., si cure from ol sm vation. and in privrte name if desired. hy A. E. Mintie.M. 1). ; i 1 E it.' x kaaiu.-, , , . c, O . I,' . i)R. MlNTIE'S JUDNEV K K.M EH V, NEPH- KKTicMjiLciires ll kinds of Kidney and jhtdder Complaints Gonorrluvn, Gleet, i i. i.- i u.. ..li .1- :,.... i.oueorrnajii, tui u .m u,s'-aa. , ,. ill i r or. i in SI 00 a b.'ttle.six bottles lor bo 00 jjIXTIfcs dandelion pills, are ! fJn lir.cf nwl idipjmnst 11 VS1KPSI A mid ijilioUS care in the market. For sale by Hodge, Davis k Co., Portland, "Whole sale Agents for above remedies. n40yl. 0?E10L! & MULDEItSK Can von Citv, Oregon, Are Receiving their Heavy Stock of Fall k Winter Goods J COMPRISING pry goods ukooeries, hard. AVAllE, R 1SADY MA J)K CLOTH- J NO, it ATS, CAPS, BOOTS ' 1 ; Ouk Stock is complete and inexauf-tn- ble. ALininsr Camp Supplies in endless quantity and at reasonable prices. i New Goods of Every Oe- A full Stock of CROCK EIiY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT iIEDJCINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATION KKY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. AYc have the best selrcted and larg est Stock of Cencral rderehandise in (Irant, ( o;jnty. ErC;tll and see fur yonrsolve. OVHRKOLT & ttfUkDRICK. Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, FAMTLY GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CI 1 0 OK K P. Y . G h A SS W A R E5 GENT'S JUSNISEIISG GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE iv SSORTM EXT OF THE Latest Sty I e Hats, Al.-o a well si-lecti'd .t(ck of Ladies' aiul Goats' Scots and Shoes. CANDIES A.'! NU TS. S'VINH MACHIXK NFKDLI55, axi on-, na n.s. axic-, HOP 15 AND t'lTT r KEKY, To fact p. th .d ofs-r n!--!-s ti curccrouf A b-n AK' r roR the Life Xr.surance Ccinpany CAI.IFOltiMA. Proprietors o!' tho John Day MUk Ranch Will fnrris:-Ii pco-jJe :(' John Iy and 'anvo.'i Cities with milk hy Hit; u-jiil'iii or (jnart. 3Vt'(; sell ilw I)?St f HlifJf, iv.ul QllV diaries arc reijsonabip. CINCINNATI, OHIO, TOP B1'GIES AE3 FHEATOIfS, Best material, good woncmanship, handsome styles, strono; and durable vehicles in evcoy respect. Manufactured by EiEKSO, FiSEi? & G are now in use in American Continent. . They o-ive unfailing satisfaction. All their wonc is warrante - :Thev have received testimonials purp0rt similar to the following, . , . n . nv. n m -subject to inspection iiiiii'i-i. ill t'l iiiiii Messrs. Emersox, Eisiieii k Co.: 1 have used one of your Top Buggies in my livery stable, and they have given stant use. i i .... stain ue. : Iessrs. CorrocK & JoiixsoN.: j Dear Sirs. I have been usinir the Emerson & Fisher Buggy I bought frriu ' vnii :; rnurldv I suimosc jis any one could. I had a fast horse, drove him at ft). I speed, sometimes with two grown ladies and myself in the buggy, and it is to-d worth all the money I paid for it. I say the Emerson & Fisher Buggies will d A. Al. TEAGUE, Farmer. I . . ... i rni.n fn,rnrnhlft rnontn.tion the 4 wiim.rt tilov honn nsnrl for spvnr.il -"-J " " J " ' - J i - 1 and others requiring hard and constant use, has led to an mcreaV- ccl demand from those localities, to meet which the manufactufo . ... i .i i i t i x i i i ,P mi htiPR nr tncir mammn . h 111 muiii.vi x' - tended, enabling them now to hhjbt e. sels, Dealer in General Merchandise, Would most respectfully announce t! the Public in general, that he has just retvivvd and will keep constantly on hand a full Hue of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fui nishinq Goods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT RsEDBGBNES OILS AND PAINTS, ''SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONER r AND NOTIONS. All orders for Goods will he, as usual, lilled promptly and satisfactorily. N. ! Store will be c'osed hereafter ai noun on Sunday's. H.R.Seis, Cakvon Citv, Orkkok. A. HUPPRICK, EA SHIQITASLE BOOT AKD SHOE MAKER, CANYON CITY, OREGON. . ' -'7. . TS ir.lly prepared to tarn out first-class work out ol the very best material and finest finish. SjTKcpHiriiig nearly and cheaply done C, W. DAGGETT, I'K.Vl.KI IN 1JOOT3 AN 0 SHOE?, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GRO CERIES, LIQUORS A.vn Miners' Goods iu a nt CoiwTY. Oregon. We also keep a Hotel, where t he tvearv can find rest, and plenty to eat. rzr- . . ". C .'-1 i.rn aere every part of the from all parts of the country hundreds of which are on fiR M im Galva, Ills., three years, and three of me perfect satisfaction OSCA11 SA Galva, Ills., July, 16, 18 1 of thera two yeai and are in coi ifi'.iir .11 1 4 . v vuiiuxu Newberry, S. C, July 17, 18m f. i Jl . Oarriares have made inlocalitiiR 0 ( voars hv Tjivervmen. PhvsiRiafi estaDiisnmeni nave Deen et- - turn out in good stde, ) Sim 7