Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, March 20, 1880, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Mar. 20, 180.
The Grant County News is -registered
at the Post-Office at Can
vox City as second class mail
matter; according to law.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next proceeding the full moon
r in. cjcIi month, at .seven and half o'clock
P , meets every Thursday evening
:ii their Lodge Room in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
13y Order of N. G.
33. I. 0. 0. R, Prairie City, Ore
nifCts evorv Saturday Evwiing.
Mem hers of the order are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
T., meet? every Saturday evening sir
their Lodge Room in Canyon Ci'y, Ogn.
"Vising members aiu invited to attend.
Ry order of the Loli:e.
couwt"st isriiijr.
The Lying Club Proceedings.
The Canyon City Lying Club met
at the drug store of Dr. J. W How
ard on the evening of March 13th,
1S80, and elected the following
named ollicers of the club for the
month Of March :
J. W. HOward, Chief Liar;
John Muldriek, Sub Chief Liar;
G. W. Parrish, Lving Scribe;
S. H. Shepherd, " Treasurer;
R. Lockwood, " Chaplain;
The iirst question under consider
ation was the securing of a suitable
"building to meet in. Dr. J. W.
Howard offered to deed to the club
the upper story of his drug store.
This proposition caused considerable
discussion and the proposition was
finally rejected, for to accept might
lead the outside world to think that
the doctor had bribed the members
of the club in order to get their pa
tronage. Tho Chief then insisted
on each member of the club accept
ing a present; of a box of sugar coat
ed pills, no doubt expecting liu to
work better, but tho club refused to
accent sniv olii'ix wh:idi iiivtm-. ln-il
A , o"w -
to bad results.
The Sub Chief arise and stated
that he was building a two-storv
stone building and that he would
rent the upper story to the club at a
reasonable figure with the under
standing that the amount paid for
rent would be bv him donated to
school house for the purpose of
liquidating that debt. This being
more in accordance with the chari
table views of the club the proposi
tion was agreed to, and the Sub
Chief onf.erpfl infn !Hi nrrnfTinnf. in
tl I rlwi Tir-t5i fi mi
j It was ordered that the cbib meet
at tho drug store of J. W. Howard
on Friday evening of each week at
7:80 o'clock, P. M., until further
Upon motion the Lying Scribe was
ordered to draw an order on the
Treasurer for the sum of $300 00 to
ho forwarded to Ireland as a dona
tion from this club to the suffering
poor of that country.
The meeting then repaired to the
residence of the Lying Treasurer
where they partook of refreshments
specially prepared for the occasion.
Through the kindness of Mr.
Woods of the firm of Woods &
Church, we were enabled to make a
ilying visit to John Day last Wed
nesday. John Day is improving
materially this Spring. Several new
houses have been erected and Mr.
A. R. McCallum is building a dwell
ing house to rent. Max Metschan
is also jTeparing' to build a new
stone store house.
The Public School opened in this
city last Monday, and now have in
attendance 63 scholars.
Miss Mack, of Prairie City, has
been in the city for a few weeks
The Democratic Primaries for this
county were held last Saturday and
the following delegates were elected
to attend the County Convention
to be held in this city next Saturday:
Canyon ?ity Precinct.
H. R. Sels, t J. Smith, M. S.
Hellman, M FitzGerald, John
Riggs, A. C. Dore, Cal. Berry, M.
Dustin, Robt. Neece and John Cam
eron. Union Precinct.
John Marshall, Geo. Shearer, Eu
gene Daly, Win. Wright, Thos.
Flinn, T. H. Meador and Isham Lau
John Day Precinct.
G. I. Hazeltine, P. V. Middles
worth and Wm. McDowell.
Middle Precinct.
J. B. Edington, H. Workins and
J. A. Shelly.
South Fork Precinct.
Alex Murray and F. L. Woods.
Marysville Precinct.
J. Griggory and W. F. Smith.
North Fork Precinct.
J. H. Hamilton, P. Wilson and
H. Welch.
Rock Creek Precinct.
E. Schutz, Jno. Erickson, Geo.
Owen and Wm. Warren.
H. F. Scksijohf has been appoint
ed as supervisor of the census for the
District of Oregon, anil will divide
the State into about 75 districts
There will be one enumerator for
each district, of which he must be a
resident. The work of enumeration
will begin on Juno 1st. In thinly
settled districts enumerators will re
ceive $G per day.
The Government proposes to sur
vey some in this county this year.
Two contracts have been let this
year on deposits as follows: Odell
& Curran, in Grant and Wasco coun
ties, adjoining the Malheur Reserva
tion; Alonzo Gesner, in the same
counties and the same section of
A petition has been sent from
here praying for a mail route from
Fort Harncv to Silver creek, in Was
co county, via T. W Currey s place
on Silvies River, Harney Vallev and
Silver creek.
Wu have a few garden seeds at
this cilice, sent us from Washington,
which we will divide between those
of our subscribers that feel disposed
to call for them. They arc choice
varieties and enough can be had to
obtain the seed oi the plant
W. A. Jaohs returned to oar city
last Thursday, with his wife, after
an extended visit to the East, and
San Francisco. We welcome Mr.
Jacobs and wife to our midst, "and
may they live longundbrosper."
Rsv. A. Eads intends, so we arc
told, moving to Prairie City to open
an Academy. It is a good place and
we wish the project success.
The communication from Prairie
City, on "Book Agent" is signed by
no one and also too personal for pub
lication. The person at Harney Valley that
wrote to A. Burdette Smith, of New
York for "Lectures" will perhaps
hear from him if thev send their
name to him.
The case of Walter Bros. vs. Phil.
Metschan & Co., of this city, was de
cided in favor of the defendants, the
plaintiff's paying the costs.
Eggs, butter, wood, )otatoes,cash,
grain, silver and gold will be receiv
ed on subscription at the News of
fice. Call in and get a sample copy of
the Chicago Weekly News, free.
M. Dustin, of this city, is a Dem
ocratic Candidate for Prosecuting
Attorney, for this district.
Ned Turk informs us thgt he re.
ceotly received a lefer from Jouaquin
Miller, in which the poet says he has a
little fortune on hand and that he still
claims to be a resident of Canyon City,
The snow is piled up on Some of the
the streets of Silver City tj a p-jpth of
from fifteen to twenty feet.
New Office. We have Fecured a
lot and will ereet an office thereon as
soon as the lumher can be delivered
handily. We have made a living out
of the News the year passed and now
feel confident that the paper is a per
manent success and therefore will
build an office, thereby saving rent and
place us in a position to lave a few dol-
lars the coming year. Renewals will
now be in order. Gall in.
We have deceived calls from the fol
lowing persons this week: Mr. J. B.
Eddington, H. A. Hyde, Mr.Sehtibkeg
el, Jno. Austin, J. J. Cozarr, W. A.
Jacobs and B. C. Trowbridge.
Union has a first class Restaurant
now, with Mrs E. S. Mc Comas as pro
prietor. We acknowledge leceipt bill
of fare and the compliments of the
Dr. Bulky has moved his dental
rooms in tho room over John Schmidt's
carpenter shop Entrance first door
south of Dr. Howard's druir srorc.
M. L. Olmsted took his departure
for Harney Valley and Currey Creek
last Monday. He will be absent about
twe weeks.
Gil) Beaciiam, the nnn that killed
Harry Bristow was bound over in the
sum of L,000 with W. W. Cochien
and W. M. 1'udio as bondsmen.
Mahuied. In this city, on the 15th
inst. by Rev. A. Eiks, Mr. James Kel
land to Mrs. E. J Tucker.
Phof. C. H. Bailey will do well to
call at this office before next issue of
the News.
Mas. Newton, of Middle Pork, who
has been in California all Winter, is ex
pected home soon.
Flour is from eighteen to twenty dol
lars a barrel at Yankee Fork.
To-morrow will be the sixth Sunday
in Lent.
Uig Catile Drive.
A D lies city paper gives the folluw
imr a n list of stockmen of Eastern
Oregon Irom whom Lani; tt Ryan have
purchased cittleto drive Hjist, with
the number secured from each person:
A. Sutton, 1,000; T. F. Stephenson,
1.000; Clark. J)u. lop & Ca, 1,400;
J. C. 'Donohue; 500; G. W. Chapman,
500; Jos. CI apmar., 500; 11. K. Herd,
450; K. Sperry, 2,000; Toney & Booth,
1,000; M. How, 1.500; W. Ams
worthy, 1,200; T. .1. Gillen, 300; R. E.
Campbell, 400; C. A. Bonnet', 200;
D. N. Whi-e, 200; M. Hart. 300; G.
W. Mvres, 500; Julian Bird, 250; M.
Magrath, 200; J W. Lewis, 600; II.
Hranton, 500; B. N. Luce, 500; F.
Wallace, 400; Chas. Fray, 100; P. Mul
cre, 100; John Long. 100; Smith tfc
Oliver, 400; A. J. M osier, 400; B. C.
Trowbridge, 800. Total in Oregon,
15,300; Bought of Hnrdinian Bros.,
Silver City, Idaho, 3,000; Bought of
.Jack Snub, Silver City, 4,000; Cun
traeted fni at F.rt Hall, to join these,
2,500. Grand total, 23,800.
To drive these to the Yellowstone
country, where thoy will winter, will re
quire 800 of horses and the ser
vice of 120 men. Most of these "cow
hov" are Kansas men, who have been
in the employ of this concern for the
past dx years. Forty wagons accom
pany the drive, and about 1G0 stand of
loaded rifles will aways be on hand,
good fr about 3,000 shots at any band
of hostilo Indians tint may attact them.
The drive will be cut up into ihre
squads or bands of cattle, the first lot
having two davs start of the third. This
brings them within easy range of the
rear from the front. In April they
will begin to gather up for the start,
a d by the 25th of that month the
greatest body of cattle ever banded to
gether will be slowly marching east
ward Up to tho 20th of June the
drive will be about nine miles per day,
but as he heat of summer comes along
they will decrease it to about five.
Therefore a steer travels no more on a
drive of this kind than he would upon
the range, and is sure to be in good or
der whan he reaches the Yellowstone,
as there ia abundance of bunch grass
as soon as the Grand e Ronde river is
Granite Creek Items. James
Beagle, who has just arrived from tbe
Grauite Creek minrs, reports lots of
now. The work underground in the
different mines is being prosecuted vig
orosuly. His own ledge, the Buffalo,
has improved wondetfully. In the tun
nel they have found rock that assays
S10,000, nearly all gold, though they
are down or rather in over 15U feet;
the ledge continually increasing in size
and richness. The Monumental mill
is running on full time and crushing
very rich rich ore; two bricks, No. 13
and 14, that came nut about two weeks
ag, were stamped 81,332 66 and 1,
335 75. v No break downs for some
week? in tho mill. Other mines that
are being worked on produce an excel
lent quality of ore, and everyone satis
fied that their fortune is as good as
made. A general rush to the mines is
expected early in the Spring. East
Atrity Lodge, A.O. U. W., numbers
30 members and is rapidly increasing.
Dean & Co's ground sluices, Jackson
Co., wererobbed probably by China
men. The loss of sheep in Jackson county
will probably reach thijty per cent, this
C. S. Baird, of Jackass creek, Jack
son county, an old citizen, fell and suon
died, from an apopletic fit.
On a recent Sunday nine converts
were immersed in the tee cold wafers
of Wanner creek in Jackson county.
The prospects are good, in Jackson
county, for a fair crop tho present year.
Weather good and energetically improv
ed by farmer..
In Sprague River valley, Lake coun
ty, snow was two feet deep a week ago,
many cattle and nearly all the sheep
5,000 head will probably perish.
Robert Redding informs the State
Line Herald that he has counted 3S4
head of dead animals in the f ur miles
between hi? place and Lake Albert.
Col. J. T. N. Miller informs the
Democratic Tunes that the loss of tok
in Lane countv, whence he had lately
returned, would hardly bo as as
was roported.
The Statesman says the fine Civ
desdale stallion "Rob Ray." import
ed from Scotland two years ago by
Grierson & Pugh, died lately. His
get were so fine that his death is
great loss to the countv.
The State Line Herald says stock
in Langell valley are perishing in
great numbers, even though much
feed has been dealt out, and many
horses ranging in the vicinity of Cot
tonwood and Drew's creek have been
lo3t GO head missing.
J: R. Cameron an experienced heep
raiser f Jaclooti county, has acceptt d
a position as purchasing agent for the
wool house of Fallnier, Bell &, Co., Sao
Francisco, and left f-r the north Wed
nesday morning to commence his duties
as such. His field extend over the
State, though Eastern Oregon will
claim the greater portion of his atten
tion. The Ashland Tidings say: Apple
gate Bros, have fed about. 1,200 tons of
hay to 1,600 head of cattle since last
fall. They will probably save their en
tire hand, with the exception of such
small losses as occur every winter.
They have been saving hny for G yeara
knowing from previous experience that
a severe winter was likely to come.
A meeting of tho Grant county
Agricultural and Stock Association
will be held at the court house in
Canyon city, Ogn., on next Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose
of electing officers and transacting
such other business as may be nec
essary. B. C. TROWBRIDGE.
Through a mistake we left out the
day of the month that the Republican
County County Convention wdl meet
in this city; therefore we now announce
The Republican County Convention
will be held at Canyon City, on Thurs
day, April 15, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.
H. Stanislawsky, Practical' Watch
maker and Jeweler, is located at Can
yon City, Orenon. WntehPM. f!lks
and Jewelry repaired at w nntinel
and warranted. n32tf
An Epidemic of Accidents.
It seems sometimes as if rdlway gnd
atramb.'at a ccidents moved in cycles, so
regularly do they come and go. Some
diseases al-o come and go in the same
way, leaving in their track desolate;
homes and mourning heart", But even
these are surpassed in the agony of
lingering torment by diseases which
ause excruciating pain, bub do net
kill. The bladder arfd kidneys are es
pecially the seat of thee troubles, but
the celebrated Oiiegon Kidnky Tea, a
purely regctable remedy, will cure all
such cases, aiid is indeed i boon to the
human race. S dd by all druggist..
New York. March 5. The
negotiations between the Pa
cific Mail Steamship Co:, anl
the overland railroads resulted
in the completion of a contract
by the several companies. This
was signed to-day by C. P,
Huntinp-ton on behalf of the
Contral Pacific, Sidney l)illonf
of the Union Pacific and John
Riley for the Steamship com
pany. The agreement is to con
tinue five years, and under its
terms the railroad companies
guarantee to the Pacific Mail a
business of 110,000 a month
on through tarifT. Steamships
are to be run every fortnight
and to each ship the rrilroad
companies agree to pay for car
rying 600 tons of freight. It is
provided, alse, that the contract
shall be terminated only in the
event of the completion of a
competing line of railroad, and
then only after 90 days' notice.
A flock of sheep always mul
tiplies much more rapidly than
a herd of cow, and this is es
pecially true of the large mut
ton breeds, which often produce
twins. Sheep also fatten more
easily than cattle, and they not
only furnish meat, but wool
as well.
This week we give the readers of
the Nt:ws a column mere reading mat'
ter than usual. More nest time.
Fruit Trees. Persons desiring to
purchase fruit trees can find a choice
variety and a large assortment of
apple trees ranging in price from
10 cts. to 25 cts. ; also a lot of pear
and plumb trees at nnjnursery about
5 miles below Canyon City.
2t D. N. LUCE.
Fanners desiring seed wheat can
purchase the White Australian of
the undersigned. It is No. 1 wheat
and seeders should secure, their seed
while it is to be had.
All those who have received the
Grant County News one year on
time will please TAKE NOTICE
That unless they pay their Subscrip
tion by the time the year expires tho
paper will be discontinued to their
Notice. All political communica
tions from either party, or from any
one interested in politics must be
accompanied by the cash or the
equivelant or said communications
will not appear. Remember that
the News is as free for one as for the
other. It knows no party.
For Hie Oflico of SIierifT.
Can V on City, Ogn.,
Feb. 19th, 1880,
I respectfully announce myself as
a Candidate for the office of Sheriff
for Grant County, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic County
Convention. Very Respectully,
For the Ofllce of Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as
Candidate for the office of County
Treasurer for Grant County, subject
to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
Canyon City, JPb. 19th, 1880,