'Sir? " OCtt0 VOL. 1. NO. 49. CANYON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1880. TERMS: $3. PER YEAR. I;' jv T j 2 ti : i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. W. Parrisii, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon. M. L." OLMSTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Oregon, Geo. B. Cur key, iLttornoy et,-t Xj"Gr, Canyon City, Oregon. M. Dustin, Attorney at Law, Canyon City, Oregon. F. C. HORSLEY, M D. Graduate of the university or i'enn sylvania, April 8, 184S. Canyon Ci'y, Oregon. Office in his I)rug Store, !M"a:n Street Orders for Drugs prom tly rilled. No professional patronage solicited unless directions aie strictly followed J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oregon. 0. M. D0DS0N, M. D., Frairio Ct-y, - Ogn. N. H. BOIiEY, IE 1ST T.X J3 1 T-DnntHl Rooms, Oppniite tbt ethodiit Vluteh. Canyon City, Oregon. 0. I. TIAZELTINE, DPIxotogrnplior, CANYON CITY. OREGON. ECLKCTIC PHYSICIAN. P-osdonco--John DoYf Grant Coun ty Oregon. T. C J I YD K, ATTORNEY AND CUNSKLOlt AT LAW, Baker City. Oregon. Office corney of Court Avenue and TJborty Street. Frank IllcGalium's Yaricty Store, John Day City, - - - Oregon. DRAI.Uk 1 CnOICE OHOCKItlKS, T011ACCO, ci r; a its, STATIONERY, Nl'TS AND CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. W uld rcfpoctfnlly solicit a share of the patronage of the citizens of John Day and sui rounding country. MAIN STRBKT, JOHN PAY, OREGON. PHIL METSCHAN & CO. Announce that they have re ceived a full and well assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, which they offer CHEAP FOR 0-A.SH. Having bought for Cash we ,i re prepared to sell our Goods Cheaper than they "were ever hefore sold in this Market. Canyon City, Jan. 16. 1880. Hotels. N. Rulison, A. H, Grotii. CITY HOTEL Canyon City, Oregon, RTJLISON & GRGTH, - - Proprietors Beg leave to inform their friends And the Public Generally That they can be found at the OLD STAND, And are alwawe ready to famish good Board and Lodging AT MODERATE PRICES. A fir nnd hnml.ar nrnnF Qf W been nked in th hnncp fnr tlm nnnn,.,. modal ion of guests. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Canyon City, Oreffcn. mi i ? i.i i j. ne unuersignwu rases pleasure in announcing to his Patrons and the gen oral nublic that after a trial of nearlv a i cj l vear. he feels confident oi success in ir., , i. . llvMUl UUS1IIC8S. I shall endeavor to gain the esteem of my guests, and give them their mon- ey's worth. Terms of Board and Lodging, Invar- lahly oash: lioarp ana ioiiging,per single aay,l:OU. " without lodging,per 5in:le daT, SI. IJoard and lodi:in:. Per week. S7. without 1'Migiriir, per week, o. JOHN SKGERDAIIL, Proprietor. Grange Hotel. PKAIIUK CITY', OREGON, J. EL Uardnian, Proprietor. The accommodations at the above Hotel are tjnod, and every care will he Ukon to moke guostp feel at homo. iSCoroforlab'o bedj, nnd as pood a table ap the market affords furnished at reasonable aates. "si R ARMEY HOTEL. Yort Harney, OTPcron W2.IVi-;i2t jL'roprlctor. Hsivinir coniDletod mv Hotel 1 n, mnnroil Inmifprtmn thn tr.ivliiifr nnblift with o.are and r i m . i i 1-t uuunui L. i nu uiuiu is aupnuu with the best the market affords. MM. U .1 L 1 1 nit: ueus urn iiuiiu 'tiiiu cictiii. DALLES AND BAKER CITY STAGE LINE, Yaile & Co., Proprietors. Departs from Can von Citv for m 11 'ho Dalles and Baker City, Daily. Arrives from the same points, Daily It. C. Williamson, Sup't. CANYON giTl" & McDERMIT STAGE LINE, FHANK.McBEAN, - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City on Monday, Thursday, and Sat- uraay oi eacn wreen:. Arrives at Canyon City 011 Sunday, Wednesday and Fri- day of each week. I3T T TOMATOES. Put up expressly for Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, finer, better and cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G-. W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil, Metschan & Co., Gundlach & Bro and the Proprietor.' MY MIDNIGHT PERIL. The night of the 17th of October- shall I ever forget its pitchy darkness the roar of the Autumnal wind through the lonely forest, and the incessan downpour of the raiu 1 "lhis come0 of shorr. cuts, I mut- teretl petulantly to myself, as I plodded along, keeping close to the trunks o the trees to avoid the ravine, through which I could hear the roar of the tur bulent stream forty or fifty feet below. My blood ran cold as I thoight what might be the possible consequences of a misstep or move in the wrotig di- w" " uy " 'U CODieiH- : uri i i t . i -l ed to keep in the right, road ? Hold on ! Was that a light, or are my eyes playing mo false. I stopped, holding on to the low, res. inous boughs of a hemlock that grew on the edge of the bank, for it actually seomed that the wind would seize me bodily and hurl me down the preeipi tious decent. It was a light thank providence it was a light, and no ig 1 ' b nis fatus to lead me on to destruction aua death. "Hallo-o-o V ty voice rang through the wiods like a clarion. I plunged on through tangled vines, dense briars and rocky banks, until, gradually nearing, I could perceivo n figure wrapped in an oilcloth cape or cloak, carrying a lantern. As the dim light fell upon his face I almost recoiled. Would not solitude in the woods bo preferable to the companion ship of this withered, wrinkled old man 1 But it was too late to recede now. "What's wanting," ho snarled, with a peculiar motion ot the lips that sceuu-d to leave hia yellow teeth all hare i . . . . . . 'I atn lor in tins woods; can you di- rue i uiv uu lv uwiiitm i L L.. f V fs; R station is twelve miles from here." ''Twelve milea ?" I sto':d aghast. ''Can ycu tell mo any shelter I could ob- mm iui tut; inriji : ''Where are you going ''To J)re,lV duWI1 b' the m3l)le SWtt,,lP- "Is it a tavern" "No." 'Would they take me for the night? I could pay them well." His eyes gleamed the yellow stumps stood revealed once more. "I guoss so; but fulks don't stop there." ' Is it fur from here V "Not very; about half a mile." "Then make haste and let us reach it. I am drenched to the skin." We plodded on, my companion more than keeping pace with me. Presently we loft the edge of the ravine, entering what roemedatracklesi wood, and keep ing straight on until lights gleamed fit fully through the wet fuliage. It was a ruiLous old place, with the window all drawn to one aide, as iftho lofiiidation had settled, and the pillars of a ruda porch nearly rotted away. A woman angered my fellow traveler's , nr . . . , , ln to me wi,h smoothj ro,ubl8 wordg of wel. ghe resetted tho poverty of their accommodations, but 1 was quite wel- come to them, such as they wore. "Whore is Isaac ?" demanded my guide. "He has not come yet." I sat down on a wooden bench boside the fire, and ate a' few mouthfuls of bread. "I ohould like to retire aa soon as possible," I said, for my weariness was excessive. "Certainly." The vroman started up with alarcity. "Where are you going to put him V asked my guide. "Up chamber." "Put him in Isaac's room." "No." 'It's the most comfortable." L tell you no ! But here I interrupted the whispered colloquy. 'I am not particular I don't care whore you put me, only make haste." So I was conducted up a steep ladder that stood in the corner of the room, into ao apartment, ceiled with sloping me. What a den of midnight murder beams and ventilated by one small win- ers had I fallen iuto ! and howfearfully dow, where a cot bedstead, crowded close against the board partition, and pine table, with two or three chairs, formed the sole attempts of furniture, The woman set the light an old lamp on the table. "Anything more I can get for you, SIT: 'Nothing, thank you." 'I hope you will sleep well, air. When shall I call you ?" "At four o cloak in the morning, if you please. 1 mint walk over to R station in time for the soven o'clock ex- Pres3' 1 11 bure to-ca.I you, sir. She withdrew, leaving me alcne in the gloomy little apartment. I sat down and looked around with no very agreeable sensation. "I will sit down and writs to Alice," T 1.1 l.i. iiiL i ;n i i- wuugui; -time win sooine my nerves nnd quiet me, perhaps." I descended the ladder; the fire still glowed redly in the hearth beneath; my companion and the two women sat be- side it talking in a low tone, ;md a third person sat at tho table eating; a short, Ltout, villianoua looking man, in a rud suirt and muddy trousers. I asked for writing materials, and re- turned to my r-om to write to wife. "My dariing Alice- 1 pained and laid down my pen as I concluded th words, half smiling to thiuk -what she would say, could she now of my strange quarters. Not till both sheets were covered did I lay aside my pen and prepare for nlumber. Aa I bided my paper I happened to glance oward the couch. j - , w Was it the gleara of a human eye oh- beside her reading. It was late the serving me through the board partition ciock had just struck one when all at or was it my own fancy ? There was a once she seemed to faint away, growiDg crack there out only blank darkness white and rigid aa a eorpse. I hasten beyond, yet I could have sworn that ed to call assistance; but all efforts to re somcthing had sparkled balefully at store animation were in vain. I was me. just about sending for ho doctor when I took out my watch it was one her aeuses returned as suddanly as they o'clock. It was scarcely worth while had left ker, and she sat up in the bad, for me to undress for three hours sleep pushicg back her hair aad looking I would lie dowo in my cloth and wildly around her. snatch what slumber I could. So, " 'Alice,' I exclaimed, "how you hare placing my valise at the bead of my bad terrified us all. Aia you ill ?" and barricading the latchlesa door with " 'Not ill,' she answorod, 'but I feel two chairs, I extinguished the light and ao strange ? Gracie, 1 have been with lay down. my husbiod i' At firt I wm very wakeful, but ''Aud all our reasoning failed to con gradually a poft drowsiness seemed to tince her of the impossibility of her as steal over me like a misty mantle, until Sertion. She persis s to this moment all of a sudden sonio startling eleetrif that she saw you and was witk you on thrill coursed through my veins, and I the morning of tho 18th of October, sat up exeited and trembling. Where and how ahe cannot tell, but we Aluminous softness seemed to glow think ifc must have been a dream. She through the room no light of the moon it better now, and I wish you could See cr staas Was ever so penetrating and how fast she is improving." by the little window I saw Alice, my This in my plain, unvarnished tale, wife, dressed in floating garments of 1 3imply relate facts. Let pschologists white, with her long golden hair knot- unravel the labyrinthical skein. 1 am tod back with a blue ribbon. Appar- ently she was coming to me with out stretched hands, and eyes full of wild, anxious tenderness I sprang to my feet and rushed to ward her, but as I reached the window the fair apparition seemed to vanish into the stormy darkness, and I was left alono. At that moment the sharp Feport of a pistol sounded I could see the jagg ed stream of fire above the pillow, straight through the very spot where ten minutes since my head had lain. With an instant realization of my danger I swung myself over the edge of the window, jumpiog some eight or ten feet into tangled bushes below, and aa 1 crouched there recovering my breath, I heai d the tramp of heavy footsteps into my room. "Is he dead V cried a voic up the ladder the smooth, docaitful voice' of the woman. i "Of course h is," growled & voice back: ' that hari?e would have killod i ton meo. A light there, quick, and tell Tom to be ready." A oold agonized shudder ran through narrow had been my escape 1 a With the speed that only mortal tor- ror and deadly peril can givo, I rushed through the woods, now illuminated by a faiut glimmer of starlight. I know not wlmt imnulse miidfid ihv footstani I never shall know how raany times I L Q -j 1 nrnqapil m v nwn frnplr nr linr nloap T stood to the brink of the deadly ravine, but a mercitil Providence encompas3ed me with a guiding and protecting oare for when the morning dawned, with i - j faillt reti UJira 0f orient light against the normv eastern akv, I was close to the high road, some seAen miles from R- Qoce at the town I told my story to 1 V thn police, and a detachment was aeufc with me to tho auot. After much searching and many false alarms we sncceeded in finding the ruinous old ,,hisq! l.nt it waa emDtv our birds I . . . - -r rJ had llown; Bor did 1 recover my valiser and watch and chain, which latter I had left under my pillow. "It's Drew's gang," said the leader 0f the police, '-and they've tr uibled us these two years. I don't think, though they will coma back here just at prcs- eot. or did they. fint the atrangest part of my story ha yet to come. Some three weeks sub sequently I received a letter from my sister, who was with Alioe in her Eng- homo a letter whose intelligence filled me whh surnriso. ui musfc 11 you something strange,,f wro$Q my gter, "that happened on the 0f th9 igth of Octobsr. Alice not been well for some time; in fact, she had been confmtd to her bed for nearlv & week, and I was sitting . not superstitious, neither do I believe in ghosts, wraiths or apparitions; but this thing I do know that although my wife was in England in body on the morning of the 18th of October, her spirit surely stood before me in New York in the moment of deadly peril that menanced me. It may be that to the subtle instinct of a wife's holylovo all things are possible, but Alice surely saved my life. If Vic. Woodhull runs for President, Lize Pinkston will enter the field against her, a an Ohio man. Several citizens of Albany have invested in land in East ern Oregon. jggSubBcribe for the News, t 4