W. P. Gray a. X3yo.. !. ' j nX- J - - j v... . WftftUirioit Sir. of CANYoN (MTV, OKKGON, GRAY BEOS, HP 3C O 2.' i 0 1 O 37 23 D E A L E RS B N FSESH MEATS, i JLarc . By AYImlrsalr j-nii KclaiJ. Orders Filled on- HOWARD & COBB. MKAT MARKET. JOHN DAY CITY. G8fiG$ We keep ihe 'ncsi qualities of YEA L COR.E! BiS::F, BEKF, MUTTON, P011K, 1 1 AM, BACON LARD, SAW At E. ETC. ETC Conan'ly I'fl' d aid JWaanUlir LOWEST MA 11 RET R JolmD.y Oct. :jt.th, 1870. S T ? A V G n R Y V A L L E V PLOUKING MILLS, JlOKEHKAlJ & (.LEAVER pscrEnrrcus. Manufacturers and dealers i Flour of the B-.';t ISrat.d. (jra ham Flour. Corn u-al. Hn.-rte, Bran and Vi cd. Vir a Superior A it'vle cF FiU ii i!o t? e Sirawbor; j Mills. HiC-P .ViN are i ;:f ;j in Sirawlii rv ;d . in t. t upper. J oli ts Pay Ynl.v.y, (!; n Counly. tions ;v speoia!i' v. !v'ti8!!atiL prices. Give us a call. ,CSS? TiT'iv n A FT FTi-7- r U,. . ii 1 . : ; JJ AN l-O-' 1 i list receive 1 i'Vnm Fwii J u.n- 'cifcCO .1. Wrl! R- lectt (j IV vYTF?. HAT". A fi n e m - sc htien t f Jc wei a r. : f i ! T pa 1 !;J ... ' - M. L. A: (r. if Ooulhti woul- respecJiillv i iomi t!.e w ph-1 ... . . ol (. a: von ( itv ui.u v.c.nit that tl iey are piejared to t: sewing ut' all kimta. guttikg ai;b HTTITG a siecial ty. Also ( at the; will soon have on hand a full as sortment of Millinery c ods. and small arlk-L s. such, as I v tons thread, cmdroiderv. dies--trimmings, etc. Your patron age is politely solicited. Bacon r, t:. .i rumen. v."--; ru-criuncir. UYERY STABLE AND COP.ii L, ai.d FEED STABLE. Good buggy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the dav or nmht. at reasonable prices. Particular ! attention paid to boarding and ; l . i grooming transient stock. . 152CTKAKCK Oa JWwia atui VttfojfUa Stc, Ga.nvo;; Oitv, wooxsrv. ck . ueosiiAa. WOOLSEY & HOUSMAiN, CITY, OSEaoi?. 7p"?T3 BAR is supplied with pure Wines aod j 1 I,,. B. Ato. Biuora j KI-NE iHLLlARD TABLES Tn the Sn'om. .?" Hive us r. call. : EAEjlH CITY ABTIETiSZIOsisTS A.Bc ELM&R Watchmaker arid Jeweler, BAKER CITY, OKBGOK- 0 AMp'' $m.ro 'jrt tftTicatd to f r. n. His -f 'dir! or, fei?d ' r$ pr msk t f .cl? CW R -. n ';-.V: r j" f'j rsiifi fray bi lef wi'is S It - -r ' b t?ii: a:i-v9l ff f rw .r-iinc h A. B KLVFR. pun onnpTflTn) JJ i3L O !2T O 3l 5? "aT MILK-SAN. The best of Milk furnished to J?c citizens of Canyon City ev ?ry mo'-iing, by live gallon or quart: rit reasonable rales. Nnw fTonr. and HKtf r.oors. CITY. JIorsE, Fieri and Cahuiaig:. paint hi ne-jtlj executed, ai I :.ale ratts: Unrmkd in Appearance, Unparalleled in Stiipliciiy, Unsurpassed in Gonsirmihjrh Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in Iks Broad Glaim Most gerfeofe B3w!sg MMne EM THE WG3U?B WRCll otr inftsfarer." The fcrihslVh" tei Inr.rcssod !o such on extent ti.at wc ara now ccispeiietl turn oui Evw nschlnc 5 wsr?sr.i?l fo- 3 yesrs, r.nd coWtw crh ? r.i)crai ts.soar.ts.op ujwn osy yini3, to suit ihe cor.venieace ol customers, T sewimTmaghme 00., til SS3 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Oi;!o. iw trlr it io it's e::ocrinc ami scnw'-V ;v.lrtn-83 on ie?si; i fi sr lM v- VJ- lhr pcKjr.s,r.ne :n suonmsng a i.i.ow n'.sprvnnon. iind in nrvite T 1 777 T.;r71 Q CITTT1 & PTf p Prairie City, Oregon, ttttttt flS ttttttt Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that they have received a large stock of FALJL & WIN! rrn .roods and keep constantly on , ' v n r p ,u;n I hand a irdl line of choice ianu- ly Gkocuiks, DRY GOODS. jlEADY MADE CLOTHING. i U ATS :ird CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE. CUOClvERY, GLASSVYARIC-, CIGARS mill TODACCO, F.fjWOOL-BOOKS. cjq-i 'jPT.QiFT1 PATENT MSDICIHBS, OILS, PAINTS, jsOTIONS. &c. Wo kep a lai''rc :iBfl well Fetecii slock of Gi'iterai fcfehatidtBc. Call and see for yurw-'vos. LAUiiANCE SilEAREH. Prairie City;?inJy 3d. 1870. t13tf. E. BECK, Walchinaker and Jeweler, The OiiiiOH C): :;osi. 0ULD ip-p rtfu h" ini-rni thn iVtfi &rts i r The It lie ? summd- int romitrv that he Itkis jwt pecci-rod ;i fuli N- w St ck of Froii San Franci '-n, which he will a'l at the very lwt l.ving pn. H' has fuov d iufn It's KEW STORE, on S"ond Strict, nrar WashinffJon, vh n? im bj jileF8d to ?er: Jiis many f: nts nd uos4ohws. To n?Jlep; Get. ith, 1879. JOHN SCHMIDT, CARVlSXTEJl AND 'WaGO?T ifAKKK. Ca- you Citv, - Orepwu Dealei in HARiwon); F5pokes nnr4 Fr.ij.ons, Fcu:f.TbruE, jhajiiS; Paints, Glajss, and WllC!0'V-SA8H. HENRY PIEGART, Fashionable Barber. v A: KTNiJTON ST., eppaettft City tortvrj IIATLl CUTTING, SHATIJG, AND SUA jlPOOiNG, Vifb ih attDPBt skill ad cfere. THF "F5T FRiSUSM REBIE0Y. in a iocr-tailiii2 1 urft ft i r Ner oits l?.'i ii'ty.ExHnu;jfd Vitr .lily. Bcmil vVi uh rta- tOJ-l liWi, LOST MA?f- ; vtrf:) la.a!ya?.-,K! the ' T 24.1 Uv, fMUi:J,il f 3 its. . f cx i'. 'i a'uivj ypnr? such .k 1 f :i'R,uil, N ci:rn-d ftrn'8n. Avcriori uH"ci U. T) ninj- f Viiiit NHsr if the Ue d: ti' vitad Ltuid U I'nss :fjr uiioH?icrve i in nrit f, a-d anv o'l.r dtat a..i that ie.'d io TMRanity f d !ith. j iMiianity m! ffeith. Hit Minhk will apreo to forfe b JfiVK iiUNt.KBfi 1- LLdsforu C1of tin. laatl 'ho vital hlHToratiyr (-."df r Irs stteciai advice a'.'if Uetnuieu' will ao: c'li-e. or f-r'rhing n roor injuri ous found in it. iH. Mintib irwits alt Priv. te l)36as'P Hcctfuly wthout m rcur. CfNCOATl $ FREE. Thor- crti-lt rX'MnMiatioii ad adviru, infladin j ua'ilvsi.o of uri'p. So 00. Price of Vital 11 K'-ainv S rHjt San l'r:icic.t .! hl. .i!XTlE!S KIDSfcY RfMKUV, KLPI! HLTici"H, tnes -11 kin Js 't" Kidi.py mid m;tddor iV YiTTT' iit.tddor C.iijp'ii'i t-. (.fiMxriiifn. u ec? . r - j rilv 810 00: cfnt to jmv SI oo h .tlc.six imit I. f..r 85 00. j ing facilities of their mammoth establishment have been ex Dt:. Mi.vnr.'s dandflion pills, arc tended, eiiabliiio- them now to turn out in good style, (he bes' and ch-.ipest dyspepsia and . -x-pj t WLtous care in iKuimuk.t. For sal- bj 8 6 0 Hi 1" I 1 il g 6 S 3 f C C K I Hod"t' Davis it Co., Portland, vholc sale Agents tor above remedies. n40yl. 0T11L? & MMSL Canyon City, Oregon, Are Receiving their Heavy Stock of Fill & Wiilir Goofls. COMPRISING mY GOODS GROCERIES, FEAHD. WAT? E, R E A D Y M A D K CLOTH- - ING. HATS. CAPS, BOOTS , Sz oicC"41 ETC. ETC. Otrit Stock is coii)lfie :intl iuoxant bie. Ziiniii2 (V.mp Supplies in endless quantity aud :it r :u-0!ab!e prices. ft e w SJood s of S y et-y Be sefnraen, m A frtii Stock f CROCKS HY, G LA SSWAHE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIL-S; SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOM Ei'iY AiND NOTIONS. ETC. on hand. Yfi i'ave tlio best seiCi'ed ad Inrsr-e-t 8l:'k of Gent ml Mereiindi-o m Gr in: Courity. d'Oall and sec for joRrsehv?. "53 ERF 1 Opposite the Odd Fellows' 0l, PAMTLY 0 HOCK Hi H-5, TOKACOO AND CHSAHS, CKOOKKKY.GJi.ASSVVARB, WITH A MOjST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Tit'K Latest Sty Mots. Ai.-o a wl1! si'U'ctt! t Ladies' aril G'sts' I2gct3 end T&KO(BS AND NCff. SEWING M ACidXE iETiIS, AS I OIL. K41L$. AXK, ROPE A.N D irrTLERT, i.l fast a ffc- u4ttfl it,'- '"i &tn Vio ;iauMiro LUe Ir-scraaics Company c..i.irui;iA. 1? fit ? f l1 ft , tm J m Proprietors of the John Day M'rik Raneh Will frrjtish iiJO fTT,lr f Joins Bar Casiyoa ("Hies Tilth iiifik Uj the ri:II??j or fjiuirf. ",Vi- m1 the frfi elf iaillr, sisS oar ft M. craa luftMi in of lie Mi ill L! iia 8 CINCINNATI, TOP BlTCJCHilH AK1) PMEAT0IS, Best material, good worcman.ship. handsome styles, strong and durable vehiek-s in evcoy respect. 7 fsnyfactured by iEKERSON, FISHEB & GO-, are now in use in every part of the American Continent, They ffive unfailinj? Siitislsiclion. All their worK is warranted. rri -7 , ' . . r n filQ nf.M7 nf Niey i!!U(Jiu.:unaiimu,iill,S purport similar to tnu iuiiowmg, mmureasoi wmen are on ni subject to inspection: Mh-i- Emerson, Fisher k O.: Galva, Ills , Julj, 16, 1879. J hftvo ucJ otioof jour Top l.iugpips three years, and thrco of thorn two yearB in iuv liveiy stable, and ther hare given me perfect satisfaction and ar in con sttnCwn. ' OSCAR SM ALLEY. j Messrs. Coppmck & Johnson.: Dear Sir?. 1 lne bow using the Emersr n & Pisler Bugsry i- bought from ytw as roiiiihly I .supjwne ns any onv could. 1 had a favt ht r-c, dror him at, full !-pce l, Fi'inetiiBCs wiih twn gr.-wn laclif and mvfeHin tho hnapy, and it is to-day woith till the money I paid for it. I sav the jmrr.on & Fi.shcr Biifrcies will do. A. M. TEAGUK, Farmer. The favorable reputation the Carriages have made in localities whore thev been used for spvonil vears by Liverymen, Physicians ' and others reonirino- hnrd mul t : ; ed demand from thcTo loealitios. w ER1ERS9H, FiSKER & C0;'S HENEY E. SELS, Dealer in (Jencral Merchandise, Would most respectfully announce ta tho Public in general, that he has just ivctivvd and will keep constantly on hand a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GEOCEMIE&. Lard and Baconi HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Scots, Slices, Clothing, Cents' fui nishinej Goods? CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATEMT BSEDSCSMES OILS AND TAINTS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. All orders for Ocids will be, a usual, filled promptly and satisfactorily. X. B Siort will be c'oscd hereafter aft ooen on Sunday's. H.S-Sels L&v0u City, Oascwjf. A. HOPPRICH, ASHI2SA3X,E SOOT AI'IB SHCE canyon city, enrrooN. JS fully propnred to turn out firt-clas work out ol the ver best material and finest finish. ("Repairing n a'lv an?l clicn)ly dtco C. W. DACGETT. PKA1.5I I''-- BOOTS AND P!IOBS, HAUDWARK, OROCKKRY. GB'O CKFUES, LIQU033 ahp gainers' Goods Of F's-." r? ;Mon. Ora:.'t County, Oregon We also keep a Hotel, where ihe -weary can find rest, and plenty to eat. - KM! rp 1.1 ff i 11 r2 ! uum ,in io ui a. - Newukrht. S. C, .July 1, lh9. eonstant use, has led toan increas- to meet which ihe manufacture CflRRSflGES ARE THE J onio, ) 4 - . - - IL