Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 28, 1880, Image 3

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    Tie Brant Ms Haws,
Saturday Morning, Feb. 28, 1880.
The Grant County News is regis
yon City as second class hail
matter; according to law.
A. F. and A. M holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next preceeding the full moon
in each month, at seven nd half o'alock
P. M.
HOB An LODGE, No. 22. I 0 0.
F., meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Room in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers aro invited to attend.
By Order ofN. G.
33. I. 0. 0. Fv Prairie City, Ore
gon, meets every Saturday Evening.
Members of the order are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
Perhaps the majority of the people
of this Coast are not aware that cn or
about the let of nest month the daily
stage linos now conveying the U. S.
Mail will be no more fur awhile, bat
it it coverthcleEr; the truth. Auordr
his beon issued that the itr service
shall be reduced to '-nee a week, and
that metns all mail serrico not travel
ing on railroads or stcsmnoat. Every
effort should be mado by Pacific Coast
citizens to overcome this advancing in
justice, for such it is, by getting op
petition! forthwith and forwarding tho
name to their RcpreseaUtives iu Con
gress ai loon 88 possible.
The people in tho East seem to think
than tho people on this coast re only
half civilized snd that they aro for the
moat part Indians snd Cinnamon, and
thu we khould'onlr h.'ivo a mail o&c
a cclc whi;e V:oy can have from oa
to tan iail per day.
We venture t-.e assertion ibzt tho
ptop'e on t PaciSc Coast oo an
avtrsgr, tnkf, aa-1 read, t:eo papers to
rhere the Kaniern pople take one,
atd contribute as mnch araiu, ! pro
portion. towsrU keeping up tho tar
service J do Eatrn poj -le. Takiai
a clear view of matter v don't
any justice iu decreasing; our u.a'l ?ir
xice. But as the order ka oeu undo
all we have to do to qu'rtly pabnait
or rouse up and jet'.'.ion ivr a cyutinu
anct of our dailv maila
Washington, Feb. 21. Tlio follow
ing is the order issued by the Post a as.
ter General cutting down the m:;il tor
vice in tar route:
To the Second Assistant Postmaster
. General: That there may be no defi
ciency creatod to maintain the Star ser
vice for the present fical year, direct
that on and after March 1st rmr., ser
" vriee on all the Star routes be rsducvd
to ono trip pr wctk, allowing one
1 month's pay as provided by law on tho
service dispensed with. I also di'ect
that the service placed on now routek
since, and including July 1, 1879, b
discontinued, if the foregoing reduc
tion is not sufficient lor the purpose in
dicated. I think that the rapid growtk
of population and busincis in the Ter
ritories and new States, and tho roitor
ation and improvement of sorvice in
the Southern State3 demand existing
service, and in many instances addition
al servico on old, and now scrvico on
recently established routes. I also be
lievo ttut tho publio service will suffer
by tho reduction. The law requires
tha: I shall not exceed tho appropria
tion, and I am determined to conform
to tho lav.
D. M. KEY,
Postmaster General.
Tho few type founders in tho
United States have combined and
made a corner on typo and have ad
vanced tho price beyond all roason.
But they do not stop at that but are
using every effort to have tho duty
ou foreign typo increased and then
they would again raise their price
and the printer has to buy of them-.
or quit business; for it is next to im
possible for publishers to raise their
rates to correspond. The Govern
ment gets nothing from this move
on tho part of these nine American
monopolies, but rather reap a disad
vantage. It is a put up job and
strikes the people full in tho face,
for it prevents tho publishing of ma
ny good books that will never ap
pear while type and paper is so high,
hence the reading people are tho suf
ferers. Tho lawyer, tho minister, tho teach
er, and in fact no one can afford to
purchase as many and as valuablo
books this year as last, and all on ac
count of this move on tho part of
jobbers. "Wo have heretofore beon
a strong friend to Amorican type but
now that this trickery has sprung up
we shall turn our influence, bo it
much or little, to Scotch typo and
no doubt hundreds of publishers will
do tho saino, thereby sondiug thou
sands of dollars out of the United
States and all on account of a few
companies. It is the duty of every
ono to use their influenco to have
Congress romoTO tho duty on type
and paper.
Died. At Prairie City, recently ,
Moses Zook. Mr. Zook will bo re
membered as an old citizen of the
Olive Creek District.
Miss Smith and Miss "NYorswick,
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Dodson, of Prai
rio City wero in attendanco at tho
Calico Ball.
' Born. Near Prairie City on Feb.
19th, to the widow of tho late Sand
ford C. Dodson, a daughter.
Fort Harnet, Ogn. Feb. 22, 1880.
Editor News: This ha been tb
hardest Winter we hive had ia"t
73-4. Snow ia three fic deep on the
parade ground and atill piling up.
''Come over and atop with mother," is
a popular phrase here jmt now. The
officer of tho tiav r.vd.-d a poker ciaine
a,t this j-laco a eight? m;o and some
of the incid -nrs ia connectlm therewith
haTe gi riss to a gnod d:il ( taer
rime u. The order to abrmdua the
Post has bon isl ond tv,a soldiers
are already packing shnr knausaoks
aad ractiei tha g i-a-you-phase trle
of marching pparsWy to lo-vriuof.
TUft f'".tive JO J ?, neu ! HsuEjy aud
!3W aud co'iiui aii aunts crlrb-tlO'l
tVesViugton'a bir'k Uy, by a bull, a! fchf
MMlcoie .'! Mr. John P.l', oo Sel'ic8
r ver.
Mr. P. Preach i reported as serious
ly ill r.t Wu aeojuc3?. He drove a
largs baud of berf cattle to that plao
recently and oho'tly afier his rvrivsl
he was taken ii;k vrita pneumonia.
Ths cad ek for Btcknicn iu jJthiM
Ee-"-t e i ia gloomy; nbhouh the saus' n
of the new ran is approaehing the old
co"s are dcapa'rin uf it 3 eer c rain?,
and hm nil reds of them are dyin from
hunger ad thirt. It is estimated
no that cue-fourth of the cattle in tho
IFarLey Baain will die this Winter.
This, a!eu with the ennoimceinent
that our late neiidihora, tho i'iutea, are
earning back to thuir old atnmpin
ground ond tho troops removed, is hav
ing a dissipating (.fret upon the indus
trious Fettlcrs cbo reside iu this riciu-
A yoang lady who ia sojourning at
the Post sent to Canyon City a little
while back for a certain amount of
dry oods whieh sho described as "black
armure, to make a princess overskirt."
It could hardly be expected that
gawk of a maa would have discrimina
tion enough to tell black armure from
cotton-worsted and ho didm't. Whew !
Send it back ? Of course she would
send ic back. Put it up at 4-frocze-out"
suggested one of the boy?, "and we'll
all take a hand provided you go with
tho drets." Yes, sho would do any-
tiling to get rid of it. "Jiiumj" Gen
try being in a streak of luck, it didn't
take him long to win all tho bean? and
the drcas; but alai I tho luck gnvo out
when he went boldly up to tho girl and
asked her if phe would stick to hor
Tvord. She said bho would havo him
too quick, but bofore going any further
she wanted to know if ho would join
a Blue Ribbon club that was being or
ganized hero then and that ended the
matter. Jimmy ia having lots of fun
with the overskirt though just the
pa mo T.
Canyon City, Fib- 21. 1880.
In pursuance of tho call of tha Chair
man of th Dcmocratio Central Com.
mitte of this county, said committee
met at tho court house and wai called
to nrder by T. J. Smith, Chairman.
T. V. Poindexter was elected SocV.
The Chairniiu stated the object of
the inofting, whereupon, ou mutioo, it
ws ordered thut the Democratic Pri
maries of Grant County be held inoach
precinct on Saturday, March 13tb, 1880
and that the hour of meeting ahull be
at 2 o'clock, P. M. That the County
Convention be held at tho court houso
in Canysn City on Saturday, March
27th, 1880, at 10 o'clock A- M.
On motioo it was ordered that the ap
portionment be made oo the vote east
for John Whit ?aker for Congress and
that each precinct be entitled to one del
egate at large and 'me fur ech 12 votes
cast for John Whiteaker and one for
each G or fraction over 6.
Motion was made and carried that no
delegate to tho county convention be al
lowed to vote more than one proxy in
said conventioe.
Apportionment of delrgatti:
Prcciuots votes delegates
Canyon City 10G 10
John Day 21
Marysville 11
Middle. 24
Roi-k Ciek 40
South Fork 10
leaver 22
Hay Stack 0
North Fork 18
Long Creek 7
Elk Creok 8
Grauite Creok 20
Olive Creek 35
Haruey 29
Dundoi'&Blitzo.i 14
Warner 0
Grand tolali 445
On motion tiiH Chuirman was appoint
ed a co'U'iiilte on fmiuoci.
On motion th c'unmitt:ts nbj"nrned
t meet at the c4l of tho ciiMriran.
T.J. S.MfTH,
Chair won
llr.asus. V, 0. Seis, Turk, Nicholas,
Pxnifch, of hi city, and 3ir. jturt-er,
of The- Dille, s'nrtoil for thw Mi-nu-jnestl
Mine last Twnadsy uiorsing.
Thy cot but a short distanc bcyoud
.J as. Youn'i when or.e of the horses
f ave out aad, v aro told, that thev
had a serious time flora there to Mid
dle Pork. The horae that feundered
in tho unow was left on the mountain
aad the boys gnt to tho station as best
they ou'd. Somo of them were very
foot-sore and will no doubt remem' er
their visit V the mine in February,
Dr. J. "W. Howard authorizes us
to iay that ho ia having drawers and
shelving mado preparatory to in
creasing hia stock of drugs; and as
his now goods or aow ordered ho
desiros all those owing him to make
it convenient to pay as much as poss
ible on their bills immediately there
by giving him an opportunity to fur
nish Canyon City with a Drug Store
second to none in Eastern Oregon.
Lecture. Rev. A. Bronsgeest will
deliver a Lecture at the Court Houso
on Thursday, March 4th, at 7 o'clock
P. M. Subject,
Woman in Relation to Society.
Admission for gentlemen 50 cents.
Ladies free. Let all attend.
Called. Mr. J. J. Cozart called
on us yesterday. He wintered at his
Chorry Creok ranch We had a con
versation with him about the race
track and fast horses in this county,
and next week wo will have some
thing to say on tho subject.
A man stepped into our office yes
terday and told us to advertise a D
fool for sale. His reason for selling
was that he came to town intending
to return home next day but he got
drunk and was still in town.
Through a m'sunderstinding we
announced that Mr. M. L. Olmsted
would lecture on Friday instead of
Wednesday evening lastnevorthe'ess
ho had e very good audience although
it wa the same night of the Calico
Ball, ne introdueod some good lo:ic
and a close obsxirver would naturally
say that many of hw paragaphs contain
ed njoie truth than poetry.
Died. At the Malheur Agency,
Feb. 16th, 1880, of billious remit
tant fever, Mrs. E. J. McDonald,
aged 31 years, and 3 months.
Ths Calico Ball was well attended
and every one teemed to onjoy them
selves hugely. Vo are sorry that
we haven't space to describe oach
and every costume but such is tho
case now. Somo very nice waltzers
were present as usual; and ono of
our Canyon City married ladios had
tho neatost and nicest made suit in
the room. Tho costumes were all
very becoming and wo hope, and will,
at somo future Ball describe tho
dross of ovory lady present.
s, .-V
Mr. Truwiiuidue and wifo, Re-.v.
Hawn and family and Mrs. Hurberger
wont up t Prairie City to at?oud the
festival. The day was ao stormy we
ceuld not venture out with our Shop
herd's fold.
Born. To the wife of Wns. Gil
christ, in thU city, ou Fob. 27th, 1880,
a duughtor, weight 10 pounds.
Dr. Howard has received a lot of
that celebrated Golden Blood Syrui.
Try it,
A number of items were crowded
out this week.
INrfilicf&l Advertisements.
The Republican Central Committee
of Grant County will meet in Canyon
City on Saturday, March 6th, 1880, at
2 o'clock p. ni., for the purpos" of trans
ACing Biioh bu'inpsc n muv be prop.-r-ly
brought before tho Committee. The
cousnii to i comtitutrd a? f-d'ow.-.:
South F.wk ir-cm-.H II. C. Jarrell
W. 10. Daru'm,
C. O. M anker,
John Piron,
John South,
If. "olo,
M. V. ThoMipjon,
J. F. leaver,
V W. Lucas,
Mo tier Howe,
J. H. Blake,
Hay Stack,
DundwrA Blitzon"
Johu Dat, "
Marysville, "
Union, '
Granite, "
Rock Creek, '
North Fork,
V arner,
Long Creek,
N. Rulison,
J. L. Bowen,
David Jones,
W. M. James.
Cany en City, Tcb. 25th, 1SS0.
Notice. All political communica
tions from" either party ,or from any
one interested in politics must bo
acoompaiuod by the cash or the
equivelaufc or said communications
will not appear. Remember that
the Niwb ia as fro for ono as for tho
othtr. It knows no party.
Candidate. All those who dosire
to run for office can announca their
names through the columns of the
News from now till after tho eounty
Convontions for ten dollars. Don't
bo backward gentlemen; lot the peo
ple know your intention or you may
bo left out in the cold at tho prima
ry meetings.
For tho Office of Sheriff.
Person ax. Our callers Vic past
week were Mr. Frank Wallace and G.
H. Kiaibarland, of Ml Vernon, Sam
Hardin". Wm. Strobel and John Mur
ray, of Prairie City AVe also roceived
calls from a number of othor gentle
men. Call in friendl.
Back Again. Mr. R. C. William
son, Supt of The Dalles & Baker City
Stage Line, ha returned fn m a short
visit to his family in tbo East He
says ho doesn't think we will be lonp:
without a daily mail. Wo h"pu
Misb Sarah Hubbard, of Middle
Fork, arrived in ur ti. vrn last Tues
day evening and remained till after thor
Calico Ball.
The Honumpn al mine, in Eastern
Oregon, is undei very favorable head
way. Three tuonels are being run and
they are pushed forward at the rate of
70 foot a month. The ledge improves
as the akaft goes don, nnd oro now be
ing taken out ii said to be of a fine
quality. A largo quantity of bullion
has reoonlly been shipped to Portland,
and the prospects of the min were nev
or brighter than they are at the pres
ent. Idaho Avalanche.
Fire at Albany The residence
of ex-Sheriff Horrin of Albany jaa de
stroyed by Oro on Monday night about
9 o'clock. Tha family of Mr. Herrirt
were ahsnnt from town at the time, and
he was attending tho meeting of hw
lodge. The firemen succeeded in Rav
ing tho piano, tho rest of the furniture
being a total luss. The building was
insured for 81,800. The origin of th
fire is n mystery.
Jutlge P. Muson, of Goose Luke, in
forms the Examiner that tho past ea
.son ho manufactured twenty gallons of
syrup from sorghum cane grown on his
farm at New Pino crcsk. The Judo
thinks the soil in Gno.e Lake valley
well adapted to the growth of sorghum,
and contemplates sending East for an
iron sugir mill.
The Northern Pacific Railroad.
Much intcrost U felt by our people
as to tho final location of the Western
Division of the rcarl, but whether it
ooiuoa down the Columbia River or
jj os across the Mountain to Puget
Sound, the supply of Oregon HidneY
Tea will not be effected. Enough was
gathered last fall to cure evsry case of
Buckache or Kidney Diseaso in Oro
gon, and it will do it too.
Canton Citt, Ogn.,
Feb. 19th, 1880. j
I respectfully announce myself as
a Candidate for the office of Sheriff
for Grant County, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic County
Convention. Very Respectully,
For the Office of Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for the office of County
Treasurer for Grant County, subject
to the decision of tho Democratic
County Convention.
f Oanyon G, Fob. 19th, 1880.
Farmers desiring seed wheat can
purchase tho Whito Australian o
tho undersigned. It is No. 1 wheat
und seeders should scour their soed
while it is to be had.
II. Stanislawsky, Practical Watch
maker and Jeweler, is located nt Can
yon City, Oregon. Watches. Clocks
and Jewelry repaired at khnrt notice
and wan anted. n32tf.
All thouo who havo received tho
Giumt County News ono year on.
time wiR please TAKE NOTICE
That unless they pay their Subscrip
tion by tho time the year expires tho
)aper will be discontinued to their
New BlaCbsnM Sin,
C.W. Bonham Proprietor,
Machinery, Wagons, Buggies,
Plows and all kinds of work in
my line made and repaired in &
workmanlike manner at reason
able prices. Special attention
paid to the shoeing of interfer
ing and unruly horses.
I will be fouud opposite Wood ifc
Church's Livery Stable where horses
will be cared for at rcasonack rates.
QWq me a eR C. W. BoKHAjfc