r ifIM-11ll- VftJf ; & sill ' fca m m m m m 1 iill i 4 4 VOL. 1. NO. 47. CANYON OUT, OREGON, 8 VTUltDAY, J?EHRU.JKY 28, 1880. TERM'S: $3. PER YEAR. 4 a tasr naa I' I 4 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 4 C. W. Parrisii. ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Canyon City, Okeuo::. M. L. OLMST1CAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon" City, Ohkgon. Geo. L. Cu;i::ky, Canyon City, ()hi:gon. 3vL Rustin, Attornev at Law, Canyon City, Oregon. p. c.ironsLEV,M d. GaADUATK OF T1IK UMYERSITY OF PJ5N2? Fylvania, April 8, 1318. Canyon Ci'y, Orn. Office in Ills Drug Store, M&'ii Street Orders for Drus promlly fi-ied. 2so professional patronr.j-c .solicited nnlesa directions ate s-rieiiv fallowed J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oregon. 0. M. B0BS0N, M. 33., 33 3S 2NT S? 3! s jS-?Rrlal ltoocis, Opposite th-. ctba!! Canyon City, Ok kg on. G. 1. II AZKLTINJ5, -59 C A N V 0 " C I T V , 0 It K Q 0 N. ECLECTIC PHYSICiAtf. Postdcr.cG--JG'nn Davf GrarrtCoun- T. 0. HYDS, ATT031NEY A:: I) C'L?: PKl.OH AT Li.W, Raker City. Oregon. OSce corner tf CVurt Aveiueaad Tiborty Stret. Variety 'Store, Jehu Bay City, - - - Orcsr. QIIOICE OROCKKIKS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, f.T A 710 NUHY, CONraCTiOKERY, ETC., CTC. W uld rffipi-ctfully solicit a slwe of the patronage of the cinaenr. of John Day and sm rounding country. 3IAIN STREET, JOHN DAY, - - - - OUEGOK. Announce tliat tlioy have re ceived a full and well assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, fvlticli tliey offer f? Sr 1 S M I JRB Having bought for Cash we i)ce prepared to sell our Goods Cheaper than they were ever l.-efore sold in this Market. Canyon City, Jan. 1G. 1880. CHEAP Hotels. N. Rulisox, A. 11. Gkotii. CITY MOTEL Canyon City, Oregon, ETJLISOrJ & GEOTH, - - Proprietors Bag l&ivs to i?f'Jim their friendi And llio Public Generally Thtt they can bo fouai at tho OLD STAND, And aro alwsws reaij to furnish good Board and Lodging AT MODHKATfc: PRICES. A fire and burglar proof safe litis been plac-u in t he house for the accom modation of irucsls. a 0 l- n u v. h; A 1 vT .E h u T F, u I ap. y oil t . 1 ly , t i rege 1 1 . The undcrsn yl takes pleasure in stnnouiK'is t ) his Patrons ii;l the t;en- public that after a trial of nearly a 3 ear, In iwiU confident of success in .f'jl l)sinfkss. I shall eridf&vor to ain tho es-eein r f my guests, and give '-hem their mon ey'? woth. Terms of Bon rcl and Lodging, Invar, ir.jdv Ca-h: I3d-rd n'-d lod:t!rr,er single d:iy.?-I:oO. vrithoui iMigiiir.per sin:lu day, 1. B.sr-l and loljin, per week, ST. vshot:t Ji'dinsr. pt-r wuck. JOHN 3KG EUiJAiiL, i'rnprieior. Grange Hotel. IMiAIKIK CITY, OKr.(;()N, J. TL Uarduiari, 3'ropriotor. Kn'-tl. r.r.H oTry psru vrlli Ua t&k-JO t in .ks r. f vr. -."-.k n,? . w.1 ?!V' ri OrefTOiL i. K) o A.i..L!. U V) Having completed my Hotel I am prepared to entertain the traveling puUi.c wMii care and comfort. The. laOlc is supplied with the best the market tdVords. Tlie beds are neat and clean. DALLES AND BAKER CUT tI: X-: r STAGE LIME, Taile & Co.. Proprietors. Departs from C'.tnyon Cry fur Tha Dalies and Ba:er City, Daily. Arrives from the same point?, Daily. p r Vr ! lmamso.v, Sl'.p'f- CANY 02s CITY & McDERMiT PEAKE Ec32A. - - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City on Monday, Thursday, and at urday of each week. Arrives at Canyon Cifcv on Suiuhiy-. Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Put up expressly for Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, finer, better ami cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G. W. Houston. Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Metschan & Co., Gundlach & Bro and the rro- prietor. o T9. TO MA TO FS 0 T K K a U M U SsE! Z The Final Meeting of Use Woiunu's Convention. We take the following from the Port land Daily Bee: The meetings of ihe Suffragists still cotitiuao to attract a areat deal of atten tion by reason of tho interesting topics of debate and the uniqueness of tba ia'ca of la-ib'S some of them of great iniellisienee good standing and rrealth throwing down the ulove and talring a bold stand against the customs and ideas th.it have ben in force since "Adam delved and Kvo ?pan." The ar iruuicnta of the ludies are not without weight, and the proceedings arc cnu ducted with harmony aid propiietv. The most natural incident f the entire series of meeiing- happened yesterday afternoon, wln n Mr. E. h Iloroy was elected President of the Asochlion by ;iCc;:iniation, tlius proving beyond cavil lhaf, kt Woman ?ay what nhe will, she must and does rely on "down trodden ii n. J. i 1 1 i- man. one can z gee aion'j wiiuoul him; she can't, acromplish anything but l y his aid. This morning tiie aLtcnd anec at the lin d mee'ing was good, and Prfsidt-nt Heroy appeare.l t-j be at home in the co'.Uiting crowd. The following is a synopsis of what was done up to the time ol atljourn ment: A ftkh noox Sees i 4v . 32. F. Herov chct.:d J.rcsint by ac cla:ati'ii. i Mrs. J. Devor? Johnson, Uncording Secretary, and y.rs. hi. A. Edmund?, Corrpfpondina Secretary, v. ere elected in the aaine manner. Mrs. Kfcnnu was elected Treasurer by hudufc. Mrs. Dnniway led the martyred Heroy io the cli'iir. The foiler.jfig vice-prcsients wore theti appointed: Mi'-a AuneJ Ccbtirn. or Vi-ul'omah. Mrs. F. A. MeOown. of Clackamas. .Tr--. LM. Miu to of Marion. MUg Manie lA'Sttr, if Linn. 3Ii-s (.i li .!: Co'ik", f Vatnhill. Mrs. il. J. Ply nub', of Jackson. Mm. b (Jwern, o! T 'UiiUs:. Mary Shane Sodth, -.f Clitop. frs. No' o's of Pull:. sin. D.'iiuHil, of Wusco. Tdrs. T zitir, of AV;shiugton. Miv. Vebfer, f 0 'S and Gurry. Mr2. Myer.", of Jos-'phino. Mrs. Cr:oy. of Chant. M.s. iv-don, of Jhiiou. MfH. Cli-avcr, of B.d:r. Sir?. Obfy, of Li!e. Mis. Ch novrfth, of Benton. Mrd. Rtam, of Lane. R( soiutioiis were then in order and the following wore adopted: Resolved, th-.t the thanks of this as- aoi'i-t'ion are hereby, tendoie.d to tho ladies in the reat National Woman Suffrage organization, who, with Susan B. Anthony, at their head, have secured repeated hearings before the judiciary committee and committee on priv'tlegrs and elections in theSena'o of tho United Stttes.' Keoivcd, That our thanks are due, and nre heartily tendered to Wiiceler, Vice-Vnaide-.t of the United States; !W!.- m,o! Viti;m ni Kentuckv: Alii. -on and Kirkucod, of Iowa, Dawes, of Massachusetts; Feiry. of Michigan; Ker nan. of Kow Vork: Pendleton, uf Ohio; Coakiiug, of New York: Davis, of JUi- nois; Anthony, of Rhode Islnad: Pald- win, of M'chiiian; Yoorhees, of Indiana; S.niid. w, o.braska; Farley, of Cali - farni .; Vwt and CorkrtH, of Mis-ouri; Paddock, ofNebra.vk..; Booth, of Cali- forma: Burusid-, of Rhode Inland; Wal- 1 co, of Penns)lvimia; Merherscn, cf New Jersy; Cameron,' of Pennsylvania; Hoar of ' Massachusetts-; Plumb, of Kansas; McDonald, of Indiana; H imlin of Maine; and Thurman, of Ohio; for their ju.-t action in presenting petitions for a sixteenth amendment declaring s u lira u abated upon citizenship without distinfioo of sex, and memorials pray-1 in fer the removal of indiviaual wo man's political disabilities before the Senate of the United States. And, Besolved, That copies of the New Xorthrccit containing this resolution be forwarded to the honorable gentlemen who have thus invoiced our grateful re- l membfranee. ) lieo!ved, Tlat this Association ten deis thanke to he Oreunii railtva7 and stetimboat comp5iviics; to the newspapers for their courteous report?; to D. r. JVentieo it Co., for the use of piano, and to Dr. 0. 13. Bird, Miss Mary Test, Miss Jonos, Mrs. Cruzan, Ms. LI. W. Sco't, Miss Ahnie Feamside, Misa So- nora Villierell. J udge Adams, lie. Mr. Cruzan and others for thdr able as.ist aro? iti the convention. Mrs. IT. A. LaiHrhcry ofiered the fob lowing: llesidved, That each woman of prop erty should send a personal petition to the mcmboi-s of the Legislature and Senate of her precinct requesting to be relieved of taxation on her property, or be allowed to represent it by a voto. KVKNIXO SlSfi!0N A large crowd was present and inter esting proceedings were the order. Mohx-ing Session. The following is the account of this tnniing? business as furnished us by the secretary: The session was called to order at 10 A. M., President T.i'er.y in the chair. Minutes of the previous session read and approved. The Picsiodht appointed Mrs. A. S. Dii'.duay and Mr.-. IT. A. Loughury assistant members of the executive cmmitice. The following report of the finance commit" wsis re id and accepted; II e ceipts, S4-t 63; disburseMient-, S4r-i 10; bniam-e in trcisurr, 53 cent?. It wan vcte 1 to hold a called ?es--Ln of the Arsoci itin at Salem during the ne:c Letrislative session. . . Jx-Govovnor Gibbs waired upon the Assoc:aiion and tendered dlegts the free use f the public library during iln'ir stay in the city. The invitatim I was ad opted, with thanks, and the As sociation adjourne i sin- die. Servant (J iris Kisses. The fbllwiiLr IVoni the Carson Ap peal, is given weinht by the circum stance tls.t ir was written by a minis ter's fioii "aui Du vis who i supposed to hno-.v a grcit deal about the subject he treats of bore. During the past few weeks a very unUdyhke epidi-iaic 1ms broken out ain.nsr the servant girl-?, ilmliy a d y passes but oj.o or two of tiwm, hureto lbre carryiug a ppoless reputation, is caught kissing a preacher. It seems stra hat a tervant girl can not know1 Iter place aud attend properly to household duties iutrustt d to her csre, without neglecting their work to take liberties with unprotected preachers eatraying about the house nlone. A ser vant who would deliberately take ad vantage of an innocent pastor, should bo utterly td.noed by the employ moi.t agencies and be compelled to fiul her level. A minister of tho go?pel, earn. cst'y endoiroriny; to follow out the ! ramifications . the plan of salvation, is I entitled to he protected in his own house, which is rightly his castle. The ! hire 1 help seem to be getting so cm- boldened by succssa that no airtne is tafe if his wiib happsns to walk out for a few moments. 1: is high time that ; wine law was passed in all of the States j clearly deflning the duties of Fcrvunts ! and fixing penalties f r ovar-steppinr J the boui.ch of modesty. A preacher j has scarcely any show when once in the . clutches of a bold, bad servant girl, who cares little for her own character, and j ignores the fact that she is sapping the foundations of religion and attacking the bulwark1 that have surrounded the Christian faith fur ages. The servant girl should be suppressed, even if it tikes an amendment to the Constitu tion to bring about tho necessary re form. In a crUis like this the church needs the strong arm of a great Gov ernment to protect it. The Princess Sallie, The Princess .Sallie Wiuneruucca ia on tho war path. The Silver Stato mentioned the lact of her being dnmk hero in town, and she has sworn ven ge nice against all connected with it. Yesterday sho sent a dispatch threaten in ir to have the heart's blood of the ed itor, and if she did uot succeed in that, to light him with pistols or knives, juat to show him how a drunken vroman can shcot. The operator who telegraphed the dispatch from Lovelocks, says white men wrote the dispiteh, and probaoly incited her to send it. They will hove an opportunity to explain their connect tiou with the matter, as warrants have been issued for the arrest of all who are known to have been connected with tho alfxir. A druolcn savage, who threat; ns to t ke the life's blood ofa a white person, should be given to under-, stand that there is such a thing as a iail in the cooimuuitv. Silver Stato. Married Men's Indicator. Edson is very w. il in his way, says the New Yotk "World, but the invent or that will be remembered when all others are forgotten is a party named Mickley, of Rjston, who has just ren dered iiis iellow-tii&n an inestimable sen ice by pvoduoin an apparatus call ed ttto "M.irried Men's Indicator," or the patent "Domestic Barometer." This ingenotts device is oimply a wonderful ly sensitive arra goment of the ordina ry barometer, which infallibly detects the m st minute alterations in the at mospheric conditions. The married men returning late ftotn the alleged "lodge," or other locality contraband of war, indulges in tv fearful speculations as to his reception. He .simply takes the "Indicator" from its case and in serts i's projection arranged for the pur poe through the key-hole. Iostautly the domestic iomparature within is re corded by tho dial. If it marks S. F. sot fair; S. A. sound asleep; or even C. S. orocs but sleep, he brings his propitiatory bos of fried oysters well to the front, chuws a eloveand enter? boldly. If, however, the faithful little iuatriimeut reports S. K storm brew ing; or V. S. L. very squally, with lightning, he doesurt bso any valuable time in warfare, but hies him to the nearer' hotel and sends an "up all night with u sick friend" uote, with some matinee tickets aud a new bonnet homo in the morning. Truly, if science keeps on in this way, this world will be quite a comfortable plaoe to live in yfier aw hile. New Orleans. Feb. 17. Owing to the remarkybln inorease in the price of printing paper, the proprietors of news papers last evening adopted the follow- mg: J-lssolred, That the representatives of Louisiana in Congress bo aud are hereby earnestly requested to use their influence to have the duty on printing paper, chomicds and materials used in the manufacture thereof, removed or materially reduced. The Republican Central Committee met at Salem on the ISth inst., at 2 o'clock. The committee decided on Portland as the place to hold the nest State Contention, on "Wednesday, April 21st. Ths apportionment wa3 based on tho Tote cast for Secretary of State, one delegate for every one hun dro-1 and for any fraction over fifty votes so cast. The following is the dclega. tion under this apportionment: Baker -1, Ben:on G. Clackamas 10, Clatsop 5, Columbia 'Z, Coos C, Curry 2, Douglas 11, Crant 5, Jackson G, Linn 11, Ma rion 17, Multomah 24, Polk 7, Tilla mook 1, Umatilla 7, Union 5, Wasco G, Washingtrj 8, Yamhill 9, Josephine 2r Lake 2, Lane 9; total, IGo. It is rec ommended by the committee that the primaries be held on the 3d of April aud the counlyT conventions on the 10th, Tho committe was principally made up of proxies. Si 5- ''T- "