W. P. Gray & Brcs. iffl Giiy lit Mil Washington Street, CANYON OITY, OKKGON, GRAY BROS., i EALE RB 2 W i MESH MEATS 3 ?m son aitZsva By Wholesale nml R el ail. Orders Filled on MEAT MAHKET. JOHN DAY CITY. OREGON We k e cp the best q u a,l i li es of VEAL, COBS El) J3EEF, BERK, MUTTON, PORK, II AM. BACON LARD, SAUSAtiE, KTC, 35TP. Constantly on hand and for sale nltiho LOWEST MARKET 11 .'xllS. John Day Oct. .lh, 1875). STRAWBERRY VALLKY FLOU.1IING MILLS, i i MOKEIIKAIJ & C LiOA VJ5R i PROPRIETORS. ! Manufacturers and dealers in 1 Flour of the Best Braj.d. Gra-; . . , , , liam .Hour. Com Meal, Miorls, Bran and Feed. For a . . , SuDenor Artich op nor l the StrawbciTV Mills. These Mills are located , in Strawberry Valley, in llie upper .John UayA'alioy. Or.nu County. $S3 AcconuiHuIji tions a .speciality. ' Reasonable prices. Give us a call. LADIES ATTENTION. - ; ,';- Mis .Jsiines I. Cleaver has just received from San Eran-ei.-co weil s"leeied ,-ujiply ci WIaTKE JIATS. A fine assortment of Jewelrv and Toys or the Holidays She always keeps a full slock j o f E m b rn i d e r; cs. 1 . aces. Co rse ts i and Ladies I'nderwear, Ete. ' at prices that Dkkv Co.mj'Kti Tion. Ordeis accompanied witii cash filled promptly and satis faction guaraniecd. Prairie Citv. Nov. 2lt, 1S7U MfLLIHERY (M BHESSIMiHgG. M. L. k 0. 11 Douthit woultl respectfully i:doiin lite pc )le of Canvon Citv :uul vicinity Miof tlm- nvn ni'on'irr.ul in ti Lliai IUL) picpdlLQ 1U HO sewimr of all kinds. CUTTING AND FITTING a speciality. Also that they will soon have on hand a full as- SOriUieiH or Jlli nerV IICOUS, . , . . 'i ' i aim small artlck-S. Such as hill- tons tin cad. emdroiderv. dress trimmings, etc. Your patron age is politely solicited. V j. w. cnuRCH. : W00D & cnuRCH' LIVERY STABLE AND CORR ' L, and PEED STABLE. urouu uuwy mams iuiu nice ; Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at . reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and in-oomino; transient stock. ENTRANCE On t5p ard V.'nsh'.rioa Stss, Canton City, 4 !M iron lsrv. (Jet. nnu SMAII. WOOLSET & HOUSMAN, CAUYOII CITY, OREGOT. riHrtij BiK i" ?udcHo with nure Winns and riqHorp, Br. Ale, Rttter? ana Cignr?. 1 I ' " FINE MLLTARP TABLES In the Saloon. ?2rftive a cH. KCLECTIC PHYSICIAN, r osidence--John Day, Grant Coun ty Oregon. BAKER CITY ADVERTISEMENTS A.B. ELMER "Watchmaker and Jeweler, P.AKEPi CITY, OREGON'- 0 Ail work done promptlv, nnd tvarrc:itecl fo piv ?iitidfnction. II ut cinsfuntly nr. hand a lull ntil rorDjj'ot- "Uivk of ''''cbes, Clockf r.rni Jwer , for $!' Ctvsp fur Ccb. AM cicda Hrr,'-,i. tti r .-t5-iTiti; l. Vohp- hjmJ all ftllnsr srtictoa sut for rapirr mny be Iff: wi;h S. II. Slifpliord, who will a!ttn! m f rwnrding ihesmc. A. U. ELMER. T c. n YDS, ATTORKBY A!-D C 'UNSKLOIl AT LAW, B.i k or City. Oregon. Ofiico corncy of Court Avenue and Liberty Street. Forsltnre MM ! ! SEW STOItK :j:id .'KV GOODS. s-.n,LTJ33XT jsx3l20Z3, CA?3 YO GBTY ? K?n fenuatt i.arsart r.ad Finest .select ion ox ScvirjixtnTo Lz lliis County B()L-SI SGN an(1 Carriage ... n . -, nam! in" neatlv executed, at 1 " reasonab.o rates; THE WHITE SEe MACHINE THE BEST OF AM Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OF DI1NQ7HE VERY BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SEILXEISG, HAK30SOBIEST, A3?D Mcst Perfect Sewing Machine GfJ THE WORLDa . (i-l - 'e I v, m . aha grRipopu!2n?yo? ihe VJhite Is the mosl con- ; Vincir.g triby'.e io lis exceilcr.ee and superiority overother machines. and in submitting it to tho i over other machines, and in submitting it io tha trade we put it upon its merits, and in no instance traae we ptu it upon its merits, anu in no instance i has it cteryet failed to S2i!sfy any recommendation , in its favor. The demand fortholViuie has increased to such ' an extent that vvc arc now compelled to turn out every tlirco mirtca ica. f. TT; ' ' fivery machine is warranted fop 3 years, and soldtor csh at liberal discpunts,or upon easy , payments, to suit the convenience oi customers. Y7A1T72D I1T UNOCCUPIED TEB3IT0S7. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., hi 353 Euclid Ave, Chveland, Ohio. i. n. rofT) LiifflCE & mm. Prairie City, - Oregon, tttttttsf ttttt tt Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that thev have received a large stock of FALL & W5NTER goods and keep constantly on : lm nf nhoifiP. Ihrni. hand a lull line of choice lami ly Groczries, DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SCHOOL-BOOKS, STATIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, NOTIONS, &c. We keop a largo and well selected stock of General Merchandise. Call and see for yourselves. LAURANGE& SHEARED. Prairie City, July 3d. 1879. nl3tf. E. BECK, "Watchmaker and Jeweler, The Dalies. Oregon, WOULD io?ppctfu:lv inform theciti zons if The Dulles vnd surrouiid- ing country that he has just received a full NewSt-ck of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Etc., From San Francisco, which ho will sell at the very lowest living juices He has moved into his EW STORE, on Sftcond Street, near "Washington, where he wdl be pleased to .-ei h's many friends and customcs. The Dalles, Oct. 15th, 1870. JOHN SCHMIDT, Carpentkr and Wagon 1aivi:i Canyon City, - - - Oregon Dealer in Hardwo.-d, Spokes and Felloes, Fukniture, UfiAiKS, Paints, Glass, and WlNDO'A'-SASII. HKNRY SIEGART, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite City Brory. IIATR CUTTING, SHAYIXG,, AND SHAMPOOING, AND RAZORS HONED With thn utmost skill nnd raro. THE GREAT FHGLISH BEIBEDY. iPlkuro for Nervous Dohility, Exhausted Vif.'dity, Seminal Weakness, .Spnrina- I tor Hi can, lost .man- ! H"op, InnniUiticy, I 'aralysi.ijHnd all the 1 t-inolu ollec .s i.t hrlf Ahuso, ynutl.ful ! fullifs, an 1 excess in UiatmvM-ypars-su'eh . as L's i.f Memory, Lassitude, Nocturnal . Emission, Aversion jo Society. Dimness ! (if Yiior, Noie in the lleud; the vital ' fluid pfissi'-tr as3:ni; tiii'd)crved in the urine, a"d any o?hor dist asea that lead , to insanity and death. ! Ui Ih.n:-: will ajirno to forfeit Fivk j IlUNDUHU l)i'M,-Ul.S for a CG )T, tlli.n kind I ho vital kcstohativk (under his ; special advice and t'oaimen') will not j cure, or fr anything imj-uve or injuri ous found in it. Du. IiS'tik m-nts alf j Private Diseases Miccej.fully without : mercury. Coxsultati. n fuee. Thor ; ounh cxominatint! and advice, inclnrlin" analysis of urine, ?5 00. Price of Vital i Kest-iUatjve, -i-) 00 a bottle, cr four ttfi.es the quantity, 10 00; sent to anv 1 c r address on teciMpi ot price, or 1. O. L.5 . cuiy from ohservaiinii infl in nriwtn ' c,lK' !r. . 0l,n ,,uou Jna 111 prn nmne if desited.hy A. h. ISjintie.M. D. 11 K'ainv 8'reet. San Francisco.Cal. Dij. .Unties kidney kemedy, nepii hcticl'm. cures all kinds of Kidney and Blnd'fer Cornplamt-, Oonorrhwa, Gleet, I onr-orrlup-i Knr-il. hv oil rlrii;,. iuconncci. I oi .ue dv aa druggists, 1 00 a bjttle.six bottles for 85 U0. ! Dr. Mintje's dandelion pills, are i the best and cheapest dyspepsia and dilious cure in the market. Por sale by nil drujigrists. .niOyl;. OVERHOLT t MDLDRICK Canyon City, Ouecon, Are Receiving their Heavy Stock of Fall k Wiir eools, comfkisixg DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD, i WAUE.READYMADJi CLOTH- 1 . 1 CAPS B00TS ETC. ETC. ; Our Stock is complete and inexaustn- blc. Mining Camp Supplies in endless quantity aud at reasonable prices. i New Goods of Every De ception. A full Stock of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT 3HEDICINE5?, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. Wo have the best selected and larg est Stock of General iUerchandie in Gr.mt County. jTC:dl aud see fur yourselve?. '"xj&T OVERKOLT & MUlDBIGK. kw fit Q fl B K .Ufa Mi & W&UZl U w II m U L L I L'C Opposite the Odd Felloes' Hail, DKALKti KS FAMILY GROCERIES, T015ACCO AND CKJARS. CROCKERY, G L A S S W A R E . GENT'S PUainSEIKG GOODS, AVITII A MOST COMPLETE A SSORTM ENT OF TUB Latest Sty !e Hats. Abo a .well selected srm-k of Ladies' and Gentc Pcots and Shoc-s. CANDIES AND NUTS. SEWINO MACIIINI2 XKEPLRr?, AND OIL, NAILS. AXIS-. ROPE AND f UTILKKY, In (net a Jbri:3dud ot r ni-tirles ti.o ircr fo .p'S p AIiO AflKV P FOM t.'IK Lite Iiisuraiic-G Company CAMFOIUMA. Proprietor? of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people r.ihn Day and Canyon Cities uiili kAUl hv U:e gallon cr quart. ..V(- sell (lie hes.t of lailk, and oar charges are reasonable. f gfg C llMMl HOflSO 91 1 W FWFPQftN fc 1 IT In i IT 2 G sy a Era CINCINNATI, OHIO, BUGGIES 81) PHEATONS, A JJL Best material, iood worKmansbip, handsome styles, strong and durable vehicles jn eveov respect. Manufactured by EMERSON, FISHER & CO., . are now in use in every part of the American Continent. They give unfailing satisfaction. All their worK is warranted. They have received testimonials from all parts of the country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of jvhich are on file subject to inspection: Mcssr. Emerson, Fisiieu it (.: Galva, Ills , July, 16, 1879. I have u.-ed one of your Top Lujrsies three years, and three of thom two years in inv livery stable, and they have given me perfect satisfaction and are in cod stantuso. OSCAR SMALLEY. Messrs. Coppock it Johnson.': Newuerry, S. C, July 17, 1879. . Di-ar Sir?. I have 6eri unj the Emerson & lusher Buggy I bought from -you as rouuhly I -suppose as any one could. had a fa't horse, drove him at full ?pletl, S 'Uieil IIICS UIII Ul c?lu' 14 'i"11 uiyneii in nir WLiJiv, auu iu in ui-ua worth all the money I paid for it. I say the Emerson & Fisher Busies will do. A. 31. TEAGUE, Farmer. The favorable reputation the Carriages have made in localities where they been used for several years by Liverymen, Physicians $ nnd n tli prs reouirinn hard and constant use. has led to an increase . " -JL CJ ed demand from those localities, inir facilities of their mammoth tended, enabling them now to .360 C a r r i a eFrson, fisher-'Fc6;s HENRY R, SELS, Dealer in GenerallCerehandiso, Would most respectfully announce to the Public in general, that be has just rect-ivvd and will keep constantly oa hand a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERlQ Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fui nishinc: Goods2 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT fViEDBCINES1 OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. All orders for Goods will e, a5? usual, filled promptly and satisfactorily. N. Store will he c'osed hereafter ai noon on Sunday's. H- R. Se!s7 Canvon Citv, Oregon. A. HUPP RICH, FA SHIGxTABLE BOOT AND SHCE 3MKSR, . CANYON CITY, OREGON. IS lull - prepared to turn out first-clas work out of thc very best material and finest finish. TjJepairing neatly and cheaply done C. W. DAGGETT, PKAI.RI IN ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GRO CERIES, LIQUORS and EVliners' Goods 3f Kvprv P-ee-ipMon. (rant County. Ohf.oon We also keep a Hotel, where the wearv can find rest, and plenty to eat. 9 CM em ' ' to meet which the manufactur- . establishment have been ex- k t turn out m good style, ge s a Week! carrTage'sIre The best. r J