Tig Brant Ms News, Saturday Morning, Feb. 7, 1880. Notice. Simple announcements of Dirths. marriages and deaths, will be inserted without charge. Obituary no tices will be charged lor ;i ceo r ding to their length. CANYON CITY LODGE, NO. 84, A. F. and A. M., holds its regular Communications on the Saturday even ing of or next precceding the full moon i each month, at seven and half o'clock t. M. OBAH LODGE. No. 22. I 0 0. F., meets every Thursday evening at their Lodge Room in Canyon City. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. By Order ofN. C. ?The supper and Sociable at Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Trowbridge's was a grand success, ondthe receipts were $50 75. All enjoyed themselves hugely till a lute hour. The California!. We havo receiv ed the second number of the above named inagasius and are delighted to receive it, as it is a purely interesting and a Pacific book. .turn I passing Gray& Bro's shop we stepped in and they handed us aoine of the choicest steak out. They will have plenty of the same 'rind in the morninjT. The Boi3o Statesman point" the fob lowing: Whatever aiay ba thought bere through tha dspraiag iuflueDce of; "hops deferred," the impresBioa ia quarters oast of us is to tha effect chat a railroad will e?riaialy traverse this ; region in the earlv futuro. Col. Georgt Wolcott, who, whh a party f fiftaeo uiea, dovotod several taontha of tha past year in surveying reaidiog on Fort Hall reservation in said Territory and for the cession, m trust t" tho United State- f the reservation now aeld by thorn, the same to be dis posed of ai kereinafter provided; As Odd Month. A.n Exchange auys this month is a very odd n o.th b several respect?. It b:ia au odil num ber of d;:yu in it, which is odd for Fvb ruarv It b:vi au odd number cf Sun- MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE, No. 33. I 0. 0. F., Prairie City, Ore gon, meets every Saturday Evening. Members of the order are invited to attend. By order of the N. G. Some time ago we called the atten tion of parties who were in the hab it of riding fast through the streetu of this town that it was unlawful and also unsafe, but as time passes on, ' up agaiust!any people forget and on last Wedne:: day the people of our quiet city were startled by two or three horsemen passing through Main street at break iieck speed, and providentially no children were out or some might have been severely injured. One man was arrested and plead guilty and was fined $5. The others have escaped yet; while we are opposed to persons using Main street as a race track, circus ring, or an avenue to show oil" one's horsemanship, we .truly believe in that old doctrine, 4 'Iirjii.il and just rights to all men," Jonx Schmidt is remcdleing his shorj on GoEpel Ridge. Instead of a one story building it will bo a two storv house. oteo- New Post OfFicr. A postoffice has been eutablished at Happy Valloy, this county, with Mr. William Barton m pistmauter. Give Tub Devil His Dues. Mr. Charlie Biishiu, of this office is enti tled to much praise thir we?k for'hif; deportment in type sotting. "Wo have been employed mere or less with our sick child fov ovoi" a 'reek, and onlv for Charlie tho Nx..:r rcotild not have prosontod u-uoh readirg matter to-dav. "We will "i.t hii: "Devil ' m Crogoa that has not been at the businosJ more than live incjiths. fK vj in if to li: oli 13 t l.l mv tiimifVi .1 routo tyfcrd noni Port iSauf, to " , , ' . ., . . T . t , . . , I 1 ha two but uuyji are bus ono dav m Ino junctio of John Day i nrar with.. T , " , , . , r, , ,. , . ! law It h'jr hvo Sundays m t. wh;oh Columbia, ivafl aHasfe aocouora in vin-i. , . . . ., , : u very o ld lor ths shorto-t mnth mj ter quurterd at Ogdn busily engaged . , . T , . , .. v , . ma yrar. It bins on ftuud&v "m :e. mailing out a report and prepriur ! , ",. , . , , . , 1 I end on Sundnv. AVaahiuutoirf birth - ,Pi . p iti ,Ir i ' ":lv -n,i Irox., h ou Sunday. J he Jlic route, folkwel bv Col. Wolcott n ' ' , . . , uve ftiuiaiys corrosponu u tuad with aa nc?:oso the lava pUins from the mouth cf Purt Nuf to tho Wood river conMrj, and thane ihrougb 1th Big Cam Prairia and acrws tho infeervn iag bill to thii siiy. Prora hre h Inilcwod uo'vn M;e Boko vulloy to Gnaka rive!;j erwaving thai ati'O'ini near tho mouth of he Boie, thenca into Oregon, following up Willow rre-ik uud aero-.s tho Klui Mountains to tho Mid die Porb o2 John Dy'a rivr r.od u lowlng ihat stream to tha Oolumbit. ViT often have read of Ledvilh, but bad no idurt of it iuipcrt .nce nnv. It ia about aist'icn hours travel from Deuvwr; firafe di'OuY'rod in 1ST5. Oi-e loud muo V7is worked IVom tb.it liui" Th t eutiro disianca triu the ju.icticn ' t 1877 uh.m iork nvus aiFcoi.W'iutd. or :hs prr.posod road wiih tba UtjhJcjTho oity uww Q.jatains LS suioltiag Northern in "ih object'iTo poiub with j 70vka la July, 1S77, Mi-is Li';'C- tfia Culumbiu u about 550 uiUci4. The William? opauvd tin tirt s projooted rou:o traver.soi al tth way tha fiv Suudan in tha f -d'ewiuy: mouth of August You mt'.v live un tl you a'a bundled yors old ai.d never aye such an odd Suid;v ;vits: ior yitur childivw, nor your children's children. - Frank Field & Co. lost $5S,G00 by fire at Chicago on the 30th. Two thousand dollars were raised for tho Irish sufferers at Springfield and Holyoko; A small lot of Oregon war bonds were sold in Now York on the 30th at 202-. . These bonds bear G per cent., and are payable July 1, 1S81. At an election held at Cheyenne on tho 20th it was voted to givo the Un ion Paoiiie 100,000 ii! bonds to build a railroad to tho Black Hills and Jt)ig Horn country. 3Irs. Margaret Feeney committed suicide at East Oakland, California, ou tho 2-th nit., by hanging. She loiives livo ohildron, tho youngest four Years old. 2so causes assigned. A sub-uommitto has agreed to re port favorable on tho bill to allow a drawback on tin cans. "Yl received a letter from Mr. John Deviiie, of Harney Valley, yes-terdaj-, in Vhich JMio cays, "Tho weather is clear and cold, and rdon ty of -poor stock in the valley, and that a wot Spring a. ill -tloso tho ca reer of many old cews." John Mag.mga, alias Jim Haddock, 'n iii t t . me man mar inuruerec. r. u. ru or in othof words jiian escape. 'Let no guilty Mistake. In giving a bst of the buinss tui'ii of this county last wrek v.- fi.ro' t i met un Mr. J. ()!irr u ju ilrjifan st .Join l)y. Weulso in'ss d W. S. Sou hw rth's caw mill about fi v; miles from rnvon (3 i ty, on the liar icy road; A. McKcnnVd mil!, on Indian Crftek: Fj.sk fc Rinehnri' saw mill on j-'trawl-eny; Mr. Smith1 saw mill 0:1 StrawbiMi-; .Mr. T. '. U:ims saw mi 1 about s;x mil n from Canyon Cit"; P. Fr-mli's nv mi'l ne.jr If. Ilnrnpy; avd :h mill at the Monumental IWino. ange in Lake Ccuuty. In 1P7G, has been caught and was taken to AYin nemucca by Jas. G. Abbott ou Jan. 27. a euan'.rj rici in rwonroea of ftvory kind, inirors-l, ogricaburiil ud proing, and psajta houiU larji hodiea of v&lu ablo timber. Bsid3 this enmpny ef eugiopaxM, ythor partioa bavo boon in tho Osld during tha pait hohbou. It ia not ut all iiidly that aU thi v.-cik would bo d.Kie ad ftll this ospensa in-cu.-rt-d if tliaro wuu not tho bona fied intvnt.'on to build l ha road. Apart ?ro:i itu beiny: !h ti(Ar-t&nd 1 uot dii-ric; rou. cot.nec'usg Che Union jfhnol; the prfaeut school ceMsin amov.uis to 1, 200. Toachiira -nhxriud rigii from &80 to M'JS per mouth. Thu vo;'uldtio:i C- thy uicv is 110 v p'acd ut 300:.."o. At tho kst ()ctihor tdecliwn the v:e W.-.S in fcxecis thr veto ot D nvar. j Ic would not bUip'-isa us ii ii-. e yours to S90 a sscnnd Lendvillv! in vrht ia know 11 attio Grrt3iit Crvf.k couutr-. East Orc;i.n:jfn. Caeeriu News for Oregon. 0ir pie have beeu cut ojf from C"m:uU'.ij..t!on vviih tho ouU-r world 0 Ion that anything uhieh tends to hiisV-u the time when th-)r can com j aud o with ut thnf awful ccom voy age, ii h::i!d with the deepest a:i-foc-tinu; but lntt.r tluri an lLt-S'e:!! rail road corinect on s the dicov ry of the wuiide.iul Oac-io.v Ividvlit T.v. If you iuve the hi -t'.arhe, r aiiy trouble w:ih ti e kidti(.s or bltddec, it nntter v.'h t the cju-e, it wi 1 cure .jvcry time jiiul no huiiibou. Ajk vo-r tirugiist for ;t. FOR SAVE GHAP The Co.'ruliii GdZetto icemi to bo un lor thu impression that all ctrays cuuft be published in lU eolurar.c. That law is obioleto, and whera there U appr trhi-re au es'rar i tik"n up, thxt ; a proper placj to publib the aafi. i-'tandad. The Sick List. ilrs. 11 lton is ti 1 very sick, m in aUo Mi'. Pr. PruJen. Mrs. Phil. Mftchai and ch l Iron are also sick. C. "NY. Uonhain'-i oaby, Jt. Xockwood's baby ni-d l")r. Howard's children aro improving. Our "ltttlo A v?ry p:.pul.sr foature of tho Cni rxr.u Weekly Kkws ave v. ir couj plete fi'orica in uve'v is..ou Tho tto. ir are e:l s!oetd, often rich in dramatic inf-reit, and a'sraj4 pura aud vvLolesono ia tone, iKakin; the Week ly News pcia.lly veleomo in the home erde. Cattle Couino. Two 'aruo dro?03 of cattle re roported n tha aruy bore f'rotu Grant countjr, Orvg"n, for ship ment to San Francisco. Silver State. PnixTEits Ink Did It. A suburiber r-.Mi. .1.- t r r 4, mui i Jmprovn. u taut as could bo 1 j e , n i o-il -vs: expectttd from a M-voro atlark of pneu ruonia, complicated with toithin and a had cold. Mr John Taylor, near Prairie City, and Win. Ili .tt, of this city, aro very low. Quite a number of otheis arc sick. Messrs. Helmondach & "Working have returned from an extended tour through California and Nevada, af ter disposing of 2,510 head of mut ton sheep which they took to Yirgin ia City, from this county some wcoks since. Our sheep, cattle and horse exports, are getting to be immense. The Lectures are still progressing rnd much interest as manifcttd. On last "Wednesday evening Rev. A. Bads delivered one on "Thin air." This -evening Judge Dustin will deliver z lectura, and, on next Wednesday eve. Dr. Howard will give one on 'Man's lest friend." Tho littlo Doth of last week in your paper in reference to my paper that vrss stolen from the counter of Greef k Pt grin had tho desired effect. My suspi cions were pictty correct and it would be no bard job to trace just whose hands it went through. "Murdtr will out" and "udvrrtising will pay." Peo ple who like to read had better buy their paper, instead of Healing them from their neighbors; ii would bo more businoss like if it is not quits so cheap. Veiy truly, I Peidu with tho Columbia it wU have tho advutitasza of htiing frco rio-'n i!o p anew tl.an. any other. It ia pet the rulisve ;:f tiling that a 0'uuy t- vso in extant end so rich in nntural resour ce 3, r.nd on o fr reaiovftj from ril road crsmnotiiion e.m ba allowed muwh longer to louiaiu isolated froiu the rest of th c juiiuent. Genera! Hews- Eopresontalivo Pgo, in his argu ment before the eommitto of past oflice uiHoial coijcarmnLr AVolis. Tar- The uider;iuutd, v. ishimr tv eiraire i i ii"r burino., will seil ch ao for t:sh tf'H f dh.win j property: A Well Situated Ranch cue mi. e fry. n Cjii-n City, on tho 11. may rvati, good dv. Ling hoiiae, nilltc iu'irj-', c l.ar, Jittble and vther ur. buii..i"n-?. Fiiiieinji g o-.l; a'so iO lwud of' hKUOi) .MAIU-.S A XI) C01JS, L - . . . . . I . . . ! 1 I 1 II I go & Go's earrlago 01 leLtorj, toukl ur,e?Vy,,,e,"I,ae 0M I,I,,ofl 1,1 Ui ground that tho uaopla want! tfay Ullt" AUo 0,K' 5 ear uld S'a1-' more and boUer facilities, and not a j iK,l? ",ri"! j'v Juk,,, v Moo' , t 5ll ' ' til! I'.iVn fl'liilv'L.t' coin j curtailment of Uioir pvosaui facility, j 13u Uv .jyu, 1; a. j; PA'f TI.R and ududoii-j it could he shown that ! about uUy oi"hv:u god Dairy Cows, A Dill. IJa it emu-ted by theScn atj and IIoub of Iepros9u'ativ of the United Stai3$ of .Afcisuca i ia Coa gress as5cml lod, That the SVorciiry of the lutudor br, and a, u kenihy, au thorized a::d uipo-V3M, ithor in oe son or hv commis-ioura appointed bv him, t-) nefjotiate witi the Indira Kurf inaftei uctned f.-r 'ha citinuishujaiit of their titiv to tho taml 11017 held by them, snd chcir rcmovl to snd o-utaoi dation withtu? tribes nor roIding up on recarv&riorc heroin nsused: Provid ed, Ttiat th Ci.naent of the Indiana aow -eiding on tho iservariori wherann tuch concclidatiyn ia to 9 efTaoted skail ba obtained. Site. 2. That thft Kdd Secretary of tha lntarior w autSoris.ul and dir-tod, as p'-ovidoU in the 8rt tect'oa of thm act, to ncpctiBto with all of the Jodian njw rosiding waot of iho C6oade mouotaice in Washington Tarriiory, for their rcmovoi to and oonzohdation wifb the Indians now residing upoa Nih 13ay and Puyallup reorvtioi)B io hd Territory, and for tha eeraion in troRt to the United Statca of the ra&erration aw held by thorn, to ba disposad of a hereafter pro?idd. With the Warm Spring, Umatil'ft, Klamath, nd Malheur Indian of Om- the tranuportaiions of stampod on-1 a!o alo-. of V..;k ilors-s and AIuli-s, velopoa is a public injury instead of ! '...other wi n ZxzyA.t aal light wagoi.a, being, as ha claimed, a publio bono- j L..tei aud other fixtura-. Concord lit, tho department would bo jajliii- ! li-i.-v and k.n.e. Tl 0 above prop, ed in enforciug agaiust the supross . uty .rill b Id in bulk at a reujnabltf company any rogulation that i not pi ic- f r 1 all' a-h dnwn bdncc on tmie applicable to individual or to any ? w.th jrood-a-.-t-uiifev. Fur father puttie other common carrior.;. idvu it qui.e of the undraUr'o.l .r W. Nbw York. Jan. 31 A mweial to ! H. CiarV. PAT MULCARE. x . Ill ft rl'i?TIi fmiii An.tl' tc-iVJ if ltnc I bsen whisperod about among Damo crfibtie politicians hero for several days that Tlldon h&i signHlod hia willingneao to withdjrav from the NOTICE TO BSBTOSS!! All persons knowing themselves in debted to th.3 undeinjirnsd aro ro- fiold as a proaideuLial eaudidato on j quoatod to settle beforo the first of the condition that ho bo vindicated ; Ha-rch, a j alter that date all accounts N. G. Brown. Wo hope aomo of our enterpnsing(l) j gon, for their ratuoral to and coaedid 1 1 . t citizens nereaoouis wno Dorrow, or steal the Njcvyb 04Cli week will profit by the 1 bovp. List of letters remaining in the post, office at Canyon City and not called for, Feb. 2nd, 18S0: Jo?. C. Austin, 2; P. Blankenship, 3; John Curamings, Wm. Donnelby, J. "W. Frederick, W. JCubn, David Xloyd, Mrs. C. M. Lewis, R. P. Mar gin, M. Morrison, E. E. Perine, G. C. Sauer, Mr. Vernon, Jrred Zeviker. t- - .ti: r 1, xerbOua j;iiiiu jui iiic uuuvu lciLcia please say advertised. E. Hall, p Five or six ice houses have been fill ed with ice iu this vicinity during the Jast week. Au editor's business is to write edito rials, grind out poetry, sort and re-write communications, listea to all kinds of complaints, offer advice on all fcubject, from prescribing for a baby with the col- 1 . ic to specie resumption, keep a waste basket, steal matter, fight other peoples' battles, take beans, pumpkins and preen wood, when he can get them, on sub scription, work eighteen hours our of twenty-four, 01 ways be in a good hu mor aud witty, bo alike impervious to flattery and censure, and bo criticised and damned by every nincompoop who don't like "his paper." Finally to wear out In tho service, and at last to hear the pleasing plaudid, "Tis ooough eome up higher. v Oorpdon Dsmoerafc. tion with the Indians now residing up on the Yakiaia recervctioa in Wash ington Territory, or wi'h tha Colville by haying tho nomination for ihe prasidency unanimously tendered hira by tho next Democratic Nation al Convention, vheroupon ho will decline the honor and givo his rea ions for doing so. Henry J. Dudley, superintendent of buildingri in New York, has beon indicted for receiving bribes. Th purchasing committee of the Inter national and Graat North Railroad Company, jt New York, oponedbids to-day for GCO.OOO first mortgage six per cent, gold bonds. Bids amount to $2,558,000 and the bonds were awarded to highest bidders as W5i per cent, to 7. The gTand jury of New York on the 31st presented twenty-five indict msnt against Rev. Edward Cowley, manager of tha Shepherd's Fold, charging him with starving, beating and note-i will be placed in tho hand of an fcsiornev for collection. o 1 GUN 3LiIiSHALL. BENEFIT B A.LL Indians in said Territory, or c?.S3whare , and crudljr illtrMting cliildren in a I 1 .1 tuey uiuj e,eut, aEa lor w eeiou m , in default of qqq bail wa8 com trust to tho Unitad States of the reser mitted to iail vauon now com oy tnem, ttia name to A Ball will be given at the Grango Hall, John Day, on Friday Evening, Vabruary, 13th, for tho benefit of School District No. 3. Tickets $1.50. Supper at W. H. Kelly's, 50 cents oxtra. n43-td. 11. S FAX ISL WSK Y, PrH''t'C;d Wtch uiiikar and Jeweler, i- I c-.ted t Cn yn City, Oraon. "Watches. O ock and Jewelrv ipaird :it .-birf not'ee hud '.T-ir ai ted. ig iiS2tf. In eight more woeky thsNNEWs will clo.e ils first year of publication. If sub3criber3 my promptly wo hopo to make some improvomonts. be disposed of at hereinafter provid ed; With the Siletz and other Indians oa the coast of Oreg n, for their remev.nl to and consolidation with tho Indians now residing on the Grand Hondo res ervation in said State or elsewhere, and for the eession in trust to tho United States of tho reservation now held bv them, the same to be disposed of as here inafter provided. With the Indians on tho Lemhi res ervation in Idaho, for their removal to and KmsolidsHicto "sritb the Indians now Bob Ingersoll thinks tho Ilepub- I lican fight is betweon Sherman and j Blame, with the chances largely iu ; favor of the latter. P. A. Sawyer, fusionist secretary of Main, has turned over tho books and papers to the Radicals under protest. A Chester, Pa., dispatch of the 1st; says: An express train to-day killed Henry Grant and George Rhodes, aud severely wounded Win. Rhodes, who were crossing the track in a carriage.- riw & 3 Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his' farm, co2itaining 1G0 acres, on rea sonable tcrmj, or will exchange tho same ior stock. Por further partic ulars inquire at the office of G. W. Parrish, or cf N. S. Babcock on tho promises. 2t If W. C. Kilbury has been left' 20,0G0, Prof. C. B. Bailey's soiree Awill ero on iust the same every Pri- rday night. Admission one dollar ..