Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 31, 1880, Image 3

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1 . i
Is Mit Cut Ms,
Saturday Morning, Jan. 31, 1880.
Notice. Simple announcements oi
Dirths, marriages and death?, will be
inserted without chanre. Obitu-irv no
tices will be charged for accordin- to
their length.
A. F. and A. M., holds its lvgular
Communications on the Saturday even
'ing of or next pivecdini: t lie full moon
each month, at seven and half o'clock
. M.
OBA1I LODCJE. No. 22. J 0 0.
F , meets every Thursday evening
at thdr Lodue Jlooin in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
Uy Oilier of N. G.
33. 1 0. O. J.'. Prairie Citv, Ore
jron, im-ets cvrry Saturday Evening.
Members of the order are invited to
By order of tin N. G.
Majok Magonf said in his lecture
that he had taken particular pains
to iind out from one. mere, ant in
this city how much freight he had
received during the year LS79, and '
had received the answer in black aud
white and it was 150,000 tons. (?)
Now suppose we allow that each
merchant or dealer in the county re
ceives 50,000 pounds per year we im
port yearly the sum of lo0,0S0 tons
at an expense of $150, 2-10. If the
above figure-; ain't enonirh to con
vince railroad men of the wealth of
Grant County we will say pass on.
Abstract of the Money Order bus
iness transacted at the Post Office at
Canvon City for tho voar 1870:
To Uil number of orders issued,
Canadian, British, German and Do
mestic, 201 S.
Amounting to $i7,7G'l.-i7.
Amount orders paid S I :, 178.00.
Nearly ?20,000 more than was is
siul in the rear 1S7S.
Coi.. Crmu.v delivered a lecture
at the M. 11. Church on last "Wed
nesday enuring. Subject, "We and
Thcv. " "Y'cnn V were not present,
but "Theyun's" say that it was a
rich, rare, ra'y and ructivo lec
ture. That's the kind the Col. can
deliver when he takes a nofion.
The 'Sociable and rhmw-r i-X Ivlrs. I
Jj. Thomson's was well attended and
a splendid time was had. Tho pro
ceeds amounted to $1)0. We under
stand that another one is io bo giv
en soon at Mr. and Mrs. 13. C.Trow-bridsre's.
Saw Mill men and others in need
of babit metal will do woll io call at
this office, its we have about 100 lbs.
of old type for sale. "We want to
send for some new job typo and will
Jj.seli tho old tvpe cheap f;r wish.
Ma. OvKi;n:LT sjM.nt a few days in
iowji this weedv. He report.; tlreir
large band of cattle, in Sitvis Valley,
in a very poor condition, and no will die vet, in addition
to what have already died.
A ghost, dressed in black, passed
through Frank McCnllum's store at
John Day, one evening this week.
Beware, boys; black ghosts are rare.
Mn. "W. C. Ai.LitKo has returned
borne after a seven week's absence
5 u California. He is much improved
in health.
The political pot has began to boil
in this county. Many a wile has to
mend button holes now. Glad -wo
are out of jDolitics.
Mr. Scroggins, of Long Creek,
lost two children with dii)htheria,
tins "weak.
The general inquiry made by the
ladies hereabouts is, "what did Mr.
Onndlach do -with those mules ?
A Mam asked Mr. Hall this: "'Say,
I dropped a letter in that box out
side last week, did ou take it out ?' '
Ox account of severe sickness in
out family this week we ask the in
flulgance of the readers of the News.
A stranger asked one of our town
"boys a few days ago "how far it was
to John Day, if lie kept straight on ?"
"Well," said the boy, "if you keep
straight ahead the way you are gomjf
... i , r irr ! 1 i r
now it is about o,wuu nine, out n
j you turn around and go the other
way it is onlv two miles.
Our. thauks are duo Hon. John
Whiteaker, M. 0. from Oregon, for
valuable public documents sent us.
An oilman was giving a young
man a lecture, yesterday, on his fu
ture prospects, and said: "Young
man you should improve your time,
there is plenty in store for you. "
"Yes," said the young man. "I seo,
but I can't prevail on the clerk's to
hanu it over tho counter to :no.
Tin: faiue muddle still continues.
Tho probabilities are that blood will
be shed before the fuss is settled.
I The Wheeler & Wilson factory at
Bridgeport coTers oyot seven acres
j 0f ground. In the main room there
are 1003 separate machines for spec
ial mechanical operations; the. num
ber of driving belts which meet the
view in thia rom is, by actual count,
1,G7G, of total length of but 90 fo-n less
than 7i miles, this i exclusive of short
fu.-d belts. Scientific American.
FiiEioiiT teams have been running
all wintov between Prairie City and
The Dalles.
Two shots were fired in a saloon
in Baker City, recently, by roughs,
and although about forty people
were in the house at the time not
a person was hit. Get shot guns the
next time you shoot at 'em.
Icr: is being housed by our citizens
this week.
A vounqf man wants to know if ho
will be compelled to marry a girl in
this year if she asks him. Ho says
he wafc told she would ask him to
marrv her. No, young man. But
if she is wealthy jou had better say
yes, as it might be your last chance.
Prepare for St. Yaiintlne's day.
The Vrhcoler U Wilson Sewing
Machine company, cf Bridgeport,
has at present on hand order.-; or ion
liK.'iisautl sew.'ng nuitdiines in ad
vance of the capabilities of their im
mense est:; dishment. Waterbury,
Conn., Ys'eeki,' An.orican.
Baker Citv i.; trjublod with tisv
courtesans, while Canvoii Citv is not
even troubled with sober ones. Can
manv mu!;n' towns say as much as
Can von Citv.
A sin, 'in, school is to be organis
ed in I his city.
Belcr Kit hi is preparing to build a
residence on tho rid're ou the Marvs
villo road, in rear of Mr. Seis' resi
dejicc. Two other dwfdiings will al-
so bo erected on tho same ridge.
Max MirrscuA.v eontenijdates erect
ing a stone store houso on his lot at
John Da soon. Thus wo glide.
The stock men of this country arc
despoiidant while the miners are ju
bilant. Tho John Day Mills are in full op
oration now, and are turning out the j
uorv best brand:? of Flour, Graham
Flour and Mill feed. All orders
left at the Mill or with Gundlach &
J3ro., will be promptly filled. tf.
A strung effort io prevent Collecfcnr
liigb)'c removal is btdng made by the
California doWgation in Congress.
It wi.uld rtally as if the first
ctep in the programme to make polyg
amy odious would be for C inrro-s to ex
pel Mr. Cannon, the Mormon Delegate
for Utah, lie is the hubind of four
wives, and the father cf about twenty
children, although he is eivdited with
rebuking some of his feilotr-Congrowi-mcn
by only supporting one wife fit a
tim iu Washington. Aa it is, Mr.
Cannon sits in the House of .Represen
tatives every day like the rest of them
often with one of hi polygamous wives
at his side mingles iu debate., and
draws his pay from the National Treas
ury. As long as Congress has not
spunk enough to abolish polygamy iu
the District of Columbia it is idle to at
tempt it in the Territory of Urah.-Chi-c
ago Tribune,
County OFriCLr-s.
Senator, Thoc. Davidson; lipresenta
tive, B. D. Johnson; County Judge, G.'
1. Hazeltii.o; Poiamiasioner.-". J. H.
Haiuilton iind H Hall; Shoriif. J- J.
Wash; Dep't. ShorilT, R Joakwood:
Clork, W S. Sonthworth; Tveasurf-r, T.
W. Poindex'or; Asiojs -r. J. B. John
son; School Sup;. J. V. Mack. Tho
county. dbt is at present about 817,
000. Tax levy, 28 mills. Tho county
epouo-j for Liut yem wuro about S10,
000 losd than tho preceding year.
Joilk Day
s a pianaant lietio towii near the mouth
of Canyon Creek and cout:.ins the .fol
low in
A. Ilackonev, AZ.) V. MoOallum, x.
An .li denoted our advurtisers.N. B.
Bi;tc Hints.
Howard t Colb, a:.
J. Narmon & Co., AL
W. FT. ICelly.
Iteppnsr & Kfauser.
C. W. Ran.
J. idcFuihind.
!!auni:ss Siior.
Campbell ifc Hro.
Feud taule.
J. A. Jarred.
Dr. W. F. Prud-n, m.
Four iliitiinY
Is, as i's nauni signifies, a military pout,
and its
G e n k a a l I kuc 1 1 a:j r s
aro Snider it .Steven. Al.
N. Ohver, .e.
W. W. J; hus-'-n.
Js a mining czmp und ail die business j
is uitinly carried on by C W. Xbgir-Hr,
!" Ill 1 .1 1 Lilli Ull vw'T'' " . juji; .n,
who k-cpi store, hotel, iced stable and
u'oon. - Ij
G:in;vk Crkkk I
Is another miniuir camp and hss tl?a
followinu bu"i:.e hou-s: hotel, B. F. i
U jeers- :doon. ililt Stovun-j. Milt
iibo koops n butcdicr shop, and sir inilom
above in the Momun t.i! Mine viure
ou will find Jj. J. W. S'i'nime viich a
ful! .-t-ick of o )ui and H. Uobbiiis with
a gf'O 1 hotel.
Susan villi:
Is ixfon a. mining cauip and Mr. J. II.
II lake kcrps a good -tock of gooda on
hand, at Cmp Wtson, anottuT mining
camp. Mote ltnv itanu r-idy to fm
nish dry io ds.
MlSCi'.L r. AX VTOt'S H' T F LS .
Mr-?. Nfwton, MnliJlrt Fork; J.n-4. Younjr,
Vouniis station; r. JlcJ'ir.n, oiiaiIt ... . . , a r
t Su.unYi lo and hon rsx nrc 0" '
Ltfter, hjouth Fork; Dr. Anderson Ilap
nv Vail v.
I m w
Mt. Vekxox
has a )ont ofli-'e, ablacksmith shop nenr
by and u warm J5)ritig clcso at hand.
i ti mining town situated about t'.v'o
miles from C:inyn City aud uear it is
some of th richeet plcar mines in the
cuny. Three miles lioni Mxrysville
PnAiKii: Diggings.
There is n ten stamp fjuarta mill at the
abeve place and sumo rich mines in
rlo-e pioximity.
From Atkins AI'ountain.
Steins Mountain, Jan. 23. 1SS0.
Editor Netvs: Your efforts m be-
half of Grant County uro commendable
iu:d I hope thiit your plucky little pa-j
per will be susUine.l ?.nd receive the
support which it richly deferre. I nm j over 1,000 b p.d of beef cattlo beaidrs
pure that yu do not wish to mhdond j homos and hoga miA 1,000 hrid of cxt
your read ens iu regard to the varied and j tlo Trero not sold fer want of a buyer,
unrivaled resources of the county; a ! There rn now ii this f.ection 25,000
plain statement of f;icts witiiout any
ush" is wh;i.t thoe seeking homes dc-
sire. Therefore the correspondent who
in his desire to make a goid showing
for his precinct holds out inducements
which can never bo realized is injuring
both the cuunfy and the person who is
seeking a locality in which to settle and
make himself a home. Alvord precinct
is situated in the south east corner of
the county and includes Pueblo, Trout
creek, Wildborse, Alvord and White-
horao valleys. T!icv; alleys are all
! similar io regard to ;heir adaptability
for agricultural pujesei. As Supt
Muck anys they ure l. o "hnrh ouo-l"
tu tver be brought under successful
cuh.iva.tion whera .Jack Frost makes
nightly visits ton months in the ytiar is
no place fur tl farmer. Even if the
climuM was suitable liere is not .iiiFnu:
ent aiuouut f water for irrigating pur
poes except in those iwou-j when dacp
snow fall in ihz mount..iins. The rais
ing of ceriala his boon tried repu:it2dy
au-j in three yeara out of four hai prov
ed an entire failure. Mo-t of the st ck
ranches suceeo l by roat yare in r;i iisi uti
vegetables of early m.d hardy varie
ties. This poition cf the county hu.i been
the j-toek man's paradiro; ihe vtilh'ys
vcic covered with an abumliuicw of
rich gTrtS with plenty of j:ood spring
water fur af.oe'x. Ctltlu voul-l '-"t verv
fiit in thf! Suniiuur and Winter, thruuvjh
the h'irde-t s-rnons in rood om;ditioD
and wiihour. ms. But itr grus-i has de
parted; the butini'ji w;is ovunUne; tiiC
couniy was u eistiethtd; und now it
has beconi". t.ecusiary for stuck men o
reduce thoir herdg ro the capacity oi'
the range and o seek new pictures up
on which to muve thdr s'ock.
Tlo re h not a true.? of any kind of
minora! in this part of the couniy ex
cept nt Pue!:lo mountain; whoru aoino
very good silver ro.-k !u-a len found
and Mr. Hall is at prewnt jn-ngj octing
it with the hope of developing apuy n-
mine. What thi )art of tlo cani'v
wants is a ti.o I wuO'i ro d to k!ie rich
agricultural v.tiley id the John Dufs,
but of thia ui'-r) num. T.
Long (hei:i.. Ou.v , J.m. 27..
EuiTyit 2s ewk: t han-with .-en I vou
?o:;:c ityms with regard ro line Lctf
Creek and Xor'ii l' rk. country hi inu
tile northern part of Grant Couvtv, and
co.'upnsing the Nrtr:h Folk. Sia'.uvillc
'and Lonj; Creak pricucts. I
Tiioy h,iv a SMpa-iieid aroa of more j
. , , , . , t
1 .
ih inostir rui''cd aiid inkau inountii'ii
'iii .li ii
! land vuli i)'na v ill 'vnand i)ln:s oriu-
, , , . .,
me iauu:; me Lr itr portion oemgeov-vi-a-l
vthh u iuxuriant crowih of rich
i -iasj. : lie vovo ntvemcts u-;vrf n
votiuc: popuiutio . oi' o-i bundr'd hi (1
t-sonty aud si LhirjK; population of
f I'll
:my t one nunmjti and icairn oi
over on bund.' d p-jfons of school a;:?. 1
Their total population is ubout four
hundred. The io-st soithiaent in
thii pn."t nf tha county is on Lon creek
iiir f.Jiis-lv f"t, !miitr l.i?'.-. wiffiin I
. " . , , .
thr. m.. oflb. b..u,. .ud
tu, v yu.y u, uo.,.. IBi.a .iu.uu
4eu Hides for o i huudrcd more.
Out .V 2 nd facilities is limited to one
trip r week ftoui Cany wo City cu Mon
iiiiHMii in litn V)!kh irk I'n'cinct.
the ostHblithrd icaii
I otdy ijet
their umil at a cfe.
ad uionry. We
et, but a united o
secure "n Ovr t
scribed to bo "ioen t.
hq an who will build one
with capacity of grinding an
biuhfls per hour and lUfck
chantftblf? flour. This at.uni
ly be raised t 31,500 or $1,001
:iai.wnt of dour cou.sumvd the pr
year will not fall short of 200,0'j'j
There is 25,000 aeni of icl tili.nb.
had surtAulu fur raiiu' within
15 miles of this point, which, cfc 20
bush i Is per aero would produce 500
000 bushels. Thia e.tinule would iu-
chide F x valley which Jus grown ojd
wheat f'.-r thre vt-ars in ucc:ssi o.
'J'hfrc wns produe."
75,000 lb of woo!,
il here last year
il marketed; and
hed of shoep and tho wool cup .this
ssaoii will bo at leat 125,000 ib aud
2,000 head of cattle ean b-i ceot to
market. Thero is plon'y f room and
gmsjt for four times tho number of sheep
now k pt here and I predict that this
section will hare 10,000 sheep inside
of five years. The horse buine?s is re
ceiving considerable attention; some
2,000 head are now owned witnin our
limits and I suppose 200 bead ate an
nually sent to murkat. The gold fields
of Susanrillo are very estensivo; botb
quartz and placer diggUgs ore worked
hero and a yearly average of $10,000
to 820,000 i tak-n out; minim opera,
tions will bs enlarged the present sea
son as new dig;ngs are to bo develop
od on tlu- aliddle Fork and at Junction
liar. About twtiity pood, steady
jiavdn could find rcjuiuneritive empby
mnt in our section the rouiing season;
such as ?hcep herders, rail makers cat
tlemen, et-. AX -
"WASUiNGToy, Jan. 11). The Ym&f
dent h i' noiain-ti d James IltsellLov'
oil f M.i3?achu-i-tt, Envoy Bxtraoruv
inaiy and Miuiot&r P!enipot"ntiaryvtf)V.
F.nnkud; John ". Fister. of Indiana
Minisier io Rufsaia; Lucius Fairchild,
Wisconsin, Miniver t-i Sp .i-; Fhllip
l. iMnry-', Louisiana, linLtor to
Mexico; rJli 11. Murray, KiMitucky,
Crov'w.or Utah Territory; llenty G.
Laiub James Hardet -burg, AlrxaM
dkr Bum. and Ohailos W. Dana, as the
Ceasiii Sup irvisor.- i' ir Cahfomiu. Au
iiitos Ash, United Stutos Marshal for
the djK'rict of Novd i, Deforest Fartier,
Arizona, Associate Justice of the Su
pi tiui' Cuut of Ariz oa; Jncub B. Bi.iir,
Wyoming, Associate Justice of the Su
pryine Court Df Wyouiing; Mi-ivi'le C.
Uroun, Wyom ng, LT. S. District Atiy.
of Wiiainif.
of Wvoasini:.
Pvo'f. C, B. Bai'ey will op n a danc
inj scho l in thi- city, at iilnsonic Hall,
in Tue day uvenintr, Jan. -7ti, 1S80.
i-sson" Tr dl be given to the class on
7ued.v hiid Fr dav Bvoniniis of each
TERMS: So for Lemons.
All thosu di siring to join the class
can cor suit U. W. Unit, Canyon City.
Tli Cisi; at John Day will receive
ir-siruetion.-; ,,r' Monday and Saturday
Evenings of each week Enquire of
Yv. H. Koliy. n42-2m
A fine babv cstvriasro for sale at a
verv reasonable urico. Tnaun'o at
' f Jt JL
this ofneo.
A nice rerolYcr for sale. It is an
excellent one aud will be sold low.
Inquire at tho Xlws. Offioo.
The uiidfr.-incd, v i-hi ir t engairr:
in other bu.-ino, will sell chap for
I casa the xllvwuj )rojt i ty:
U Wq11 Simated Kanck
uft luiU fr0MI nvon Chy, on the
trun,w ,...A ,u,.. n;.- u..
milk hoiis'', Cid.ur, stdde end other one
buildin.'i. Fencinir g"od; also 40 head of
snore or z$; some (-f the bct bh-od in
the c-unty. Al-o one 5 year old Stal
lion, ?;red by Johnny Mooro.
A so an improve i iaowr fi-rsnle.
fifty of ihetu gt-od i.atry Cows,
Vv'urk Horses aud Mules,
' i and liirh'i wa;o'is,
nro. Cit;cord
hove prop.
- time
All pe.
d eh ted to
quosted to i.
March, usaftf-i
and notes Trill be
of an attorney for
U43-47 JOHN
A Bull will bo given at L
Hall, John Day, on Friday
February, 13th, for tho be
School District No. 3. Ticke,
Supper at "W. H. Kelly's, a
extra. nf
IT. Stanislawsky, Practice
maker and Jeweler, is locitcc
yo City, Oregon. Watchc
tud Jewelry repaired tit yh
nd warjjtofced.
1 i