Tie Brant Coilf Hbws, Saturday Morning, Jan. 24, 1880. Notice. Simple announcements of Dirths, marriages and deaths, will be inserted without charge. Obituary no tices will be charged tor according to their length. CANYON CITY LODGE, NO. 34, A. F. and A. M., holds its regular Communications on the Saturday even, in of or next proceeding the full moon in each month, at seven and half o'clock P. M. OB ATI LODGE, No. 22. IOO. F" meets every Thursday evening at their Lodge Room in Cjfmyon City. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. By Order of N. G. iiuwijibiii iwr 1 1. wwm M OUNTAIN VIEW LODGE, No. m 3 33. I 0. 0. F., Prairie City, Oro meets every Saturday Evening. go", Members of the order are invited to attend. By order of the N. G. Still Another. The Van Buren, Iowa, Democrat, of Jan. Sth, 1880, contains the sollowing: "Mr. J. S. Shepherd has bought the Corydon "Wayne count', Demo crat. He will take charge of the office in about two weeks, and will give the Democrats of Wayne coun ty a good paper. No reflection on the Democrat as now conducted is intended." Memory carries us back fifteen years ao when we were "devil" for J. S., in our father's office, the "Des Moines Valley News." He is an ex 2ert prinLer, a rich, rare and racy writer; a sober industrious man, and will, no doubt, keep the Democrat the best paper in the county, and in a political view "red hot'. Hois the third brother now in the pub lishing business. Next Vw:zk we Avill conclude the description of Grant County. It will contain a complete list of all tho business men, all the county of ficers, benevolent orders and officers, churches and pastors, schools and masters, and all will bo as near cor rect as possible. All of our adver tisers names will bo marked with an iE, and hope and -request that every subscriber preserve the News of the next issue. It will be worth three times the price of subscription for future reference. In a private letter from Mr. E. Furman. to us, he snvs: "Please tell Messrs. Rulison cc Grotli that their nice steak and venison is better than any I havo got at any other ho tel in this upper country. " Score one for Canyon City, if vou please. . : : A Fire. On hist Thursday morn ing the residence of Fisk & Kinebart took lire from a defectivo Hue and was entirely consumed. A portion of the furniture was saved, yet the loss will probably reach $2,000. It "being three miles from town help was unavailable. A lively fisticuff took place on Main street last Sunday morning. The agitator got a handsome lick on the left cheek bone, besides be was made acquainted with the boot toe of his opponent. Young men, you shouldn't fight, it is hard on the eyes. Married. In East AVey mouth, Mass. on Wednesday, January 21st, 1SS0 Mr. "V. A. Jacobs, of this city, to Miss Lizzie A. Denton. May peace, happiness and plenty be theirs. Our citizens will be on- i ly too glad to welcome them to our city. . Married. In San Rafael, Cal., Jan uary 1st, by the Rev. James Mc Donald, Frank D. Sweetser, of Oregon, to Maria E. Sutherland, of San Rafael. The Van Buren Democrat comes to us this week enlarged, and in new dress. It is one of our most valued eastern exchanges, and the best lo cal paper in "old Van Buren Co." Sickness is the order of the day at present. Epizootic is the general The lecture, o debate, on hst "Wed ncsbay iight was a success. The sub. ject, "Resolved that Grant County would be benefited by a railroad" was handled Dy Geo. Gundiach in tho af firmative and Major Magnne in the neg ative. The Judges were Col. Currey, Jns. A. Campbeil aud E. S. Peufield, and gM vo their decision in tho afiirma tive. Mr. G. fairly riddled the Major's argument-, and t!.:o 31ajor riddlod Grant couu'y and Oregon City. Enterprise. W huvtt received a fine lithograph p:ctu.e of the new Chronicle Building, aud pronounce it a beautiful structure. Perhaps no news paper men in tho United States are en dowed with as much ircuuioe enterprise as the De Young hoys.- From t lie small "'Dramatic News" they havo made the Chronicle oue of tho bd;t papers in America A certain littls girl in this city was sont out to find some egii nt the stores, . and upon returning home remarked i that there wusno igjs in town, but that Frank said tlmt there was loti of lions over at ' Brighum's" and opto Mr. Kel ly's standing around looking at each other. We hardly know whether an "old married man" has a right to tell on I a young man if he should happen to see him caress well we won't tell, because we were once voung. Read the now ad?ertispinfnts to-dav profit thereby. Read all tho advortis-'e- 1 r i mentd unci sco it anv cuanvpa have oc curred. A ckktain outh akcd Lis orer iioi mother if coflar-daiu was swearing, und biii2 answered no; said, "w-dl J v;inh 'is' would cofiVr-dum head off." ' - Not an egg can be purchased in this market at present. Vick's Floral Guide for 18S0 u tho finest ever pubii-he 1 and cintaios over 600 iilus'rrtiuus. Nm house in the U. S. hs as hvgf and ftvorxble a reputa tion iu does tint ff Jamei Vick of Ro chester, N. Y. 1ST There I have done u, j,ivj uitj 8U tlir hee: of paper. Died. Near Prairie City on Jan uary 11th, 1880, John Manwaring. O- Bor: At. John Day, on Friday, Jan. 23d, 1830, to the wife of F. Sinevera, a giri. The Sta.ndaui). - O i tho lir-a of Jatmary the Pori'&nd S'p.ndard tutored upat) ii 5'h voJumu. 1; has j;ainc i in mpusc'v durum liiu iire war and nof stand at the 4 tp fund." It bou!d hne a larger circulnviun in Gran' coun ty than iz has, and especially should u II Democrats take it. Co:iider:tbie opposi'ion isboin made to the re-appointment of Emery aiGov. ettorof Utah, on tho ground that ho has been : iding the ?Joroons iu their pr-r-fii.st-'nt efforts to deprive the Geutilex of the'r constitutional ripht. Dan Iuco, thp Bhowmsn, Iibb "cavftd" to Moody and Sunkf'. The "loU sheep" sermon was what did it, when Dan wa5 prftt'y full. Kc now propr.s os to becom n cvnntrelht, nd will run i religious instead of a secular cicru. Th llepublicHii National Convention will be held in Chicago, on Wedoefidny, June 22nd, to nominate candidate for Presideut and Arice President. Tho body of Jacob Sawyer, a Car man, bachelor, aged sixty years, was found murdered aud horribly mutilated in his cabin, twenty-four miles south west of Portland, in Washington coun ty, Oregon, Friday Morning. lie was evidently murdered with an ax, and f'jr the money ho was supposed to have in his cabin. No clue to tkc murder ers. Senator Lamar's health is improving. Frank Leslie leaves all property to hie wife. Barksdale is the lead for the Senator ship of Mississippi to succeed Bruce. A public meeting to raise funds for the Irish sufferers was held at Spring field on the 15th. The department has deoided that bees are mailable matter. Better take the sting out first. HARXEY ITEKS. Pout Harxey 0g:., ") Ja.v. 20th, 1880. j Editor N ews: The little notoriety the "widows" obtained through the col umns of the News doesn't 5eem have hurt them much as witness the follow ing: About two weeks ago as tho sun was sinking heuetth the horizou, thure rode into tho Pcisr, u genlem:irj uiuflh-d in a! thick ulsUr overcoat and fancy abawl. t Arter partakinL' or asuiuptuoua renasi . TT 1 1 i p . at the "Obrer Hotel," liu first puestion ...... . . 1 n was: "Yv here aocs !1 those Gras Atr. . , , Widows keev . fheniMilvea thut tho Cannon City papar vrrioa so much ubout V In due oura:: of tiiue he re oeived a formal "knock down" to one of the witehiug creatures and the result wus, that after a brief courtship, wc have to chrouiele the marriage of Clin. W. Wilcox and Mr-J. May Agnes Click. Judge "Wheeler ie i the imp. tial knot in his usutl dignified manner, and aft or getiug uheid of the gr.'t;u ! bridegroom io snatching: th iir kias. We were assured by th; bride tljat h-r first household expen.-n would it io sub scribe for tho News. It louk,i as if Harney was going to be left out in tie cold while u description of tho county was btdn-; published; hut our cerres poodcat who Idis hi hnivte full ''peuud iu ni on thj back fir bis days of the week will devote v. brief portion ef hi holiday to toil what littie he knows about ilnrrey. The Pot was cstibiiihed by Cieu. Crook iu 1SG7. It has acconiodiUiucB for three eompuuics ofioldif.r two of cuvniry and one of infantry, u built ua Posts generally mic, iu the shape of r holloif square. Tlie fliioer und soldier's iuartrs aio coi.Btructed out of lugs liof-d inside m with fire-places aud arc the most comfortable d .veilings any ooul I wiih t- oi'ui'i'r. Tl i r?snf. i j t htrenjith of the (iaiiis- u com'uti of five comuiir.rtioiied oJici'r and idghtv en bak ed men. Thu original d?ignat,w-a of the Post w.is Camp iIart;ov now it is j Foit Ilnrney. We Tcutto ihe trmblc to hunt up tho c&ue of chunyin the; uhjci-d dyh;utio:i of the Poland tiic fu'lowiog ( which u offioini is the re WAV. l'Xl-c Q.iar'erf, Military Di viio i o?' tn Pao:iiv: wA Depart. ncKt of Califoruiii. Undr ths prviionu of Ge-eril Orders. W'tur JDep'irtmenf, No 79 ot 1 878, and by initriietioni of th Ce eral of rhc Army, dstod Dac. 5th, 1878 thu fo'lowiut; Pot.n in tna li.ditiry Divi;-io;i of t"ic PuciSc retain iug their preiont fiafOfls will bo dt-uiij-nafeJ as folio'vs: Vam-ouwr BtrtitckH, Fori Bni.i, Port iJAitity, etc." As t!ie prkc.ice of diriipating MiliUry Posts virid in the Kevcral idilifary Divisions; nnJ iu order to secure nui- tonui'j in this wpeefc. Division Com mander arc nuihorisd at their discre tion to oauic and style all Posts penxu manenlly occupied by troops the occu pation of which is likely to b perma nent Forts," aod to etyie all poinrs occupied temporarily 'Crtmp.'" Tht is how this p.Vice csnio to get the name of 44Fort Harney" (suggestive of ieg-L-uiifl, buttrsses. battlmeuts, etc.) There if Minn talk in official circles nhout the Postbeinr abandoned next Spring. Your correspondent, f-dlow-hi" the example of those erohrt Kast ru fellows, intorricxred the Coramand inr officer of the Pot and learned the following facts concerning the matter: Gen. McDowell, tho Division Commander, lias sent the Com manding officer an official tel egraphic dispatch not to go to any more expense to the gov ernment than was actually nec essary, as the Post would be abandoned next Summer. A similar copy was looked for irom the Deputy Commander, Gen. Howard, and as he has not disguised his antipathy towards the citizens of this county, his approval of abandoning the Post can be counted on. A brief description of the post ! and surrounding country is respect fully submitted, and If anybody thinks they can improve upon it they are welcome to "sail in:" Fort Harney. The surrounding country is very mountainous and rugged, and al though the soil is in some few places very fertile; it is impossible to raise any vegetables on account of the se vere frosts wbich are of frequent oc- Kjourence in the earlv Summer. Tcs has been ImoTfn to form in the poet in August. Stein's Mountain; the highest peak in this section; is 75 miles south of the post. 25 miles south of the post i3 the large body of water known as the Malheur Lake and connected with it by large swaniDS to tho southwest is Harney Lake. These lakes are the resort of immense llocks of water-foul of va rious kinds, in the summer and fall. The soil of tho Valley is in sonic places good and well adapted to rais- iurr mi t niAn -tk- linti I , f . . frosts. The grass is vorv good, iur- : .n. . Hushing excellent grazing m the . -, , , i spring' and summer. 1 he wild nay i ' i" the vicinity is of an es- eeedingly line quality, ana very abundant. The priuciial trees are the pitch pine, rod and white lir, ju niper, aspen and cottonwood. Along the creeks willow grows very abund antly, and in the mountains moun tain mahogany is found in consider able quantities. Tho pitch pine is however by far more numerous than any other tree. The mountains for soveral miles north of tho post being heavily timbered with it. Thcro is a saw-mill twelve miles norlh-east of j the post where lumber can bo pro cured to advantage. Excellent stone for building pur poses can be obtained in the imme diate vicinity of tho post; it is of volcanic origin and can bo easilv shaped when first quarried, but be comes very hard on exposure. The warm season is from June to October. The winters arc sometimes very severo, the thermometer indi cating 2G degrees below zero. The prevailing wind at all seasons of the year is from the south, and is called throughout this part of the state the "chinook wind". The locality is exceedingly koiuthy, no disease of any kind being prevalent. Average rain fall, S-b'u. The near est town is Canyon Citv: there is no probability that Canyon City will ev er be a rival of New York, Boston or Chicago, but we hope ils dimen sions will gradually bo extended be - ;'ond Hcbcl Hill and Gospel Ridge, and eventually have a ferry boat or railroad running to John Day Citv and Portland: T A Coiaiuuuicaliou ou Fire. In view of the 3i ions los?o by fire thut hsv receutly been susiaiu.-d by several of our ci'izons and inasmuch ss i'he causes of these fires have been at tributed tn d'u ca'ed t?tove pij'ts, caused, no doubt, by the recent high vriuds; aud while I heurlily sympatliixc wiih those who hsre heu overtaken by the terrible Tisiution by which they lost tbeir hoims nd fiH tli-sir cootsnts in luidWiut.!- it wo'ild be uoihii but proper t call ike attention of ihe ia habitnufs of our own bo;g to th.e dan ger that cuight b hirk'Hj b-siweyo more than 0!; (Oof and ceiling of our dwell ings; thin would it mt he a go--d plan to ujU'oiut three of the citisms uf '!nn yon City to xamin bll ihua and store pipes and see whether or not the? arc aafo. What ay ye, if we wsa to ap poiat, for iastance, Mt-giis. Dr. F. C. Horaley, Max Mefohan aud ear rigi b,nt watchman Bradly to ad a oxam ramion noxt Monday. 1 don't think either of the abor nmncd g8ntluin rill object; neithar do I snppcaa tK thero ia a householder wi ti th limits ef par town but what will readily euh mit to an exauiinslion aud who will re pair an? d:ininge upon tho racciaiaen dation of said couujiitk-e. One that is IxTraESTED. "W'e have roceivod following in re gard to the fire at tho Fruit Ranch: I A library of more than 150 valuable j works, together with several trunks J and chests of valuable contents with j keep-sakes, relics, the accumulation Pf yeRrB wers also consumed. Bcd- steads, stovos and all the kitchen fix- tures were entirely destroyed. Loss of building and contents estimated at $2,500. The fire originated from tho kitch en stove pipe, between the ceiling and the roof; and though every pre caution soemed to have been taken after the heavy storms, to readjust the pipe and place every thing in a safe position, yet some unaccount able cause was the origination of this hezny loss. In Washixgto "Sally," ftat' chez, Capt. Jim and their Pa, fOkt AVinnemucca," is in "Washington holding a pow-wow witb the chief Mogul. Sal proposes to havo her tribe return to Malheur Agency, provided Sam, Parrish is appointed agent; if that is impossible then they will go to Yakima. juie tribe say that Jallv has not been with them for yeaivs, and that they do not pro pose have her dictate for them. Mr. Parrish, we are informed, will hard ly givo up his present good situation at th.' Monumental mine for that of an Indian agent. The John Day Mills are in full op eration now, aud are turning out tho uery best brands of Flour, Graham Flour and Mill feed. All orders loft at the Mill or witb Gundldoli & Uro., will be promptly filled. tf. A New York iiitrvieer .c; ? that President Tilden do's not wish t. be fandida'c, bat ihat he wishes to he plaoud in a oitio to decltn. iu favor of some oiK' who may ba his choice. S'eimtor FJ ill. of Cdorad, t rd Idotfdy U'ea that ihe only way t settle present troubles h fur Pmin give up their reservation and to sunviider ths in urd vers. But he va:;t-o to put them on i-o'hbhi'dy e icJs rss'-rvation. A ileniinlscuec of (Sen. (Jrant. "When Gen. Grant was iu Port land last fall, he met an old friend whom be knew in ISui. Together they talked of old times, and tho General asked his friend bow lie was trotting on. 'Tin doing first-rate ! now' be said, "but for years I suf- ferod so with pain in my back aud kidneys, that life was a burden; but a single package of the Oregon Ivid i;ey Tea cured me up, sound and well, and I'm good for another" twenty years. " Sold everywhere. SUBSCBTBE FOB SU'BSCIUBEFOK SUBSCRIBE FOIi TH3?NETS, THE NEWS, THE NEWS, ! TH?EIs DOLLARS THliEE DOLLAHS THEEE DOLLARS PEE YE Alt PER YE All, PEli YEAK. Pref. C. 13. Hai'ey v. ill op-n a danc ing fctioid in this city, At Masonic If n I, oo TuedftT evoninjr. Jan. i-'7t!, IHHO. Lessons rnll be tiiven to tho el js oo Tueduy and Friday Evenings of each week. TERMS: So for Eight Lwsoos. All thoe d siring to join th cla-s can consult G. YV. lAt or II. Stani.---hiw.-kv, of Canyon City. The Cla?s at John Day will receive instructions on Monday nr.d Saturday Evri:8 nf each weak. Enquire of' W. il. Kolly. n42-2m. F-I?2i SALE. A fine babv carriage for sale ah a very reasonable prico. Enquire at this office. A nice revolver for sale. It is an, excellent one and will be sol$ low. Enquire at the News Offico. Clubbing is not generally consid-" ered an agreeable thing, but when it comes to clubbing tho Chicago "Wkekly News and the Grant County 2Ci:w3 fur $3.50 a year, wo find no objectors. Try this clubbing you'll like it. For Sale Notice is hereby given that the un dcrsigned will sell at Public Sale on the 28th day of Januarv,1830, at the J OHN HEitBTJRGER," Jr. RANCH, four miles below Canyon City, the following property belonging to the Estate of John Ilerburger, Sr., de ceased: 27 head of stock cattle, 2 wagons,and 2 stacks of hay. Terms, Cash. JOHN HERBURGER, Administrator. Dec. 19th, 1879. n37-41. H. Stanislawsky, Practical Watch maker and Jeweler, is located at Can--yon City, Oregon. "Watches. Clocks ..and Jewelry repaired afc sh(-Tt nafchfef Mid warranted, n9&fi SAY.