I ORIGINAL DEFECTIVEi VOL. 1. NO. 42. CANYON CITY, OREGON, SITUBDAY, JANUARY 24, 1880. TE&MS: $3. MB, YEAR. K L1- . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. W-. Parrisii. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon. JM. L. OLMSTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Oregon. Geo. B. Cuukey, Canyon City, Oregon. M, Dustin, Attorney at Law, Canyon City, Oregon. P. C. HORSLEY, M D. Graduate of tub university of penn sylvaoia, April 8, 1848. Canyon Citj', Oregon. Utnce in his Drug Store, Main Street. Orders for Drugs promtly filled. No professional patronage solicited ualess directions ate s'rietly followed J. W HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oregon. 0. ffl. D0D30N, H. D., 2?rIrio City, - N. H. BOLEY, X 1ST TI S T, je?5DnUl Roomi, Qppotita tb. tkodiit Ckm rot Canyon City, Orkoon. 0. I. TIAZELTINE, jPIa.otosrapli.or, CANYON CITY, OREGON. MILE-MAN. 1 he best of Milk furnished to she citizens of Canyon City ev- rv mo"iinc bv the allon or J Frank TtftcGaUura's Variety Store, John Day City, - - - Oregon DBAI.BK II CHOICE GROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, STATIONERY, NUTS AKD CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. "Would respectfully .solicit a sharo of the patronage of tho cmzonn of John )ay aod ui rounding country. MAIN STREET. JOHN DAY, - - - - OREGON. FHILMETSCHAN&CO. Announce that they have re- naUraA n. fnl 1 n.n ( wp.ll nscnrfrl Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, which they offer CHEAP FOR Having bought for Cash we GEO SOLUM CASH are prepared to sell our Goods matoes, By G-. W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For Cheaper than they were ever galby UetmLakCo., before sold in this Market. Gundiach & Bro.gand the Pro Canyon City, Jan. 16. 1880, prietor. Hotels, N. Rulison, A. H. Groth. CITY HOTEL Canyon City, Oreqon, BULISON & GROTH, - - Proprietors Beg leave to Id form their friends And tho Pufclio Generally1 That they can be found at the- OLD STAND, Ani art alwwi ready to famish good Board and Lodging AT MODERATE PRICES. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Canyon City, Oregcn. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his Patrons and the gen eral publio that after & trial of nearly a year, he feels confident of success io Hotel business. I ehall endeavor to gain the esteem cf my guests, and give them their mon ey's worth. Terms of Board and Lodging. Invar inbly Cash: Board and lodging.por single day,$l:50. " wunout lodging,per f ingle day, 81. Board and lodW w.r wpI- 87 without lodging per week, 35. JOHN SEGERDAUL, Proprietor. Gange Hotel. prairie city, orkgon, J. TL Hardman, Proprietor, The accommodation, at tha above Hotel are food, and eTtry car rill ba takan to make gueste fal at horaa. jjSComforUblo redf , an at goad a table at the dtrkot afford 1 furnisbtd at rcaconabla jatai. HOTEL. Fort Harney, OrOgOIl. .v. oi.iveu. Proprletor. Ha ving completed my Hotel I itm prepared to entertain the traveling public v;th care and comfort. The table is supplied Wlt the best the market atlords rr 3 ill DALLES AND BAKER CITY STAGE LINE Vaile&Co., Proprietors, Departs from Canyon City for The 1 3 J Dallea and Baker City, Daily. R. C. Williamson, Sup't. CANYON CITY fc McDERMIT "" ifl STAGELINE, KRMIK McBEAN, - - Proprietor Departs from Can von Citv Lvn mi a oi urday of each week. Arrives at Canyon City on Sunday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. 1. JLj TQNIATOE Put up expressly for Fsirnilr Use, in three pound curs. Warranted, liner, better and cheaper than tne Imported To x ' - 'f ; : -j ' I .... '"' '-' r I 1 "'j "- ' " 8EANT COUNTY 3 AS IT IS NOW, AND ITS future prospects. It is the purpose in this aticlo to furnish the readers of the Niwa with a CQnciQ atuteinent of what Groat Coun- ty ia, upon, every material point, enn- earning which those -who aoatensplae a removal westward uiually saek to be in- formed. Details "will be oDiered into fully than his been the case in any pre- yious article of like character, and We ask a careful, candid, perusal of it, giv ing the reader assurance that every statement therein made ii warranted by the facts aod the publu records. We shall at first eonsidcr thu County as a whole, and follow with the historical and statistical information of each town- ship aeporatly. Our Schools. From the note-book of Supt. Mack. The road pased through the ranch ofMr. Fabianua (never having jjeu tho name, 1 cannot vouch for iU fil ing) where immense stock barns end miloa of fencing indicatod the wealth au(j enterprise of iho owaor. On MoimuJjl Cresk is cuito a ?ttlement , , wrth school house but no mporato or- gunization. it ib a pure or Rock Cri:e District whose school hou r is at Spr.uish Gulch fcome fifteen milei avr.y. It should, by all means, bo organized into a oh ol District by iteolf tlat its portion 0 the public fund could tfbo expended in its I 111 T"? I own fiCilQOl MUSe. A'lMW tiero my route along the much travelod r.r.d ftn tnAVn D-Ilm n,l An von Citv Koad and the country noecs but little I od in 8cho auti lhf oerUittly prc soaoo for dweription in thh nrtlck j WMin8 8l W(,U M llV Ul be " mi" . . ... .1. 1 oumcu u to Kaj iiiiiw wvurywuvra Hcto j signs of plenty and prosperity. Cropj of all kinds vere orYi:ir excellent aod wath and happiness appeared to pre- vail. The farming, however, is conGned to the bettoia lands almost exclusively; leaving thousaud of tcrci ol eqaally good lands on th? benches awaiting the aecupuncy of Lh immigrant. Kventu ally this will all be occupied and the populatiou of tho county quiatvplad. A day's rest io tho bosom of my lovely frtinily, and again duty na.ied me to visit Harney A'ttlle.y. la4; the roufca being through a well know couay; end this article alrosdy outgrown uey intou- oa ot ie 'Iiuenceqe-t, tho descrip- 'n of thiB psn 0f my ,.and must be brief. The rood from Canyon Oity to u n . . t Harney is essentially a L'.ountam road, llt two 5Ulalj Tall Uterrene Bear and Silves Valleys each poiuo eight milos across, beautiful andrlsh, watered by bilves River and its tribmtaries, but unoccupied cave by the oamy of thu herder. The climate is considered too eold for successful iavmir.g. The on;y permanent human halitat:on on the long seventy milec .if road is at Soda Spring on Silvf s River, two wiles below where h leaV03 Bcar Ysll97 and willd8 mon the mountains. Her-j is a ooialortablt Hotel vrhero tho weary traveler eaa find everything aequisite for catiog and sleeping vhat any roasonablo uan eonld ask, served by a aeat aod excellent cook aDc hcus -keepap. Harney Valley is nn immense Talley snore than fifty miles in diameter. Fortiie asd well watored it is a great temptatiom to the tired immigrant, wora vith tedious travel in search ef a home. Bat it ie mostly eacred aoil. No trhitt roan's foot must tread its gfattsy aurfae, no hita Kin's eb?n vear its ibtrudive roof, n tfhive miLn'ai cattle crop its luxmrlaait herbage, xio I the rich l"n diaA claima po:jseiibi5ii of all this ralley escepc the narrow strip vrest ci Silves river and south of IIJ!ieu; Lae aud the small valleys branching in those di rections. Thero, many good homes await the occupancy of tha settler. Stock and farm produce are boft. sources J j s t oi vealth aid if ah Indian aivl his p.batiora could parsuided to hi ibe whites aloau for a fsw yesrs, &o saore priptrouH oommuoisies sould he found (ka& HaBNEY AHD 9LIT3EN DlSTJIICTjl. Sebools are maintained soor or Uiq in both districts and I know cf 00 more promising laid 2a r ssitlement tbao Harney Valley. School c thera, as al most uverjvheL-e else i.o the coucty, languish for waui o5 upp'jrt. The pop ulation it too limited sod too widely scattered to miake uohools ilouriabiag. Manj of the valleys ara so small that the prospect of au luexease cf popula tion by sefctlesaect seems hopeless. Iary of thes farm, however, are oc cupied by buohelors. Could fclmy be sapplanled by lansilies the outlook would bi better. 1 bae boon slight ed that us the married wen rIurLsh the 1 pupils, the baohelors should furnish the money by haviug to pay 'he entke 8c.bo-;l tax. This woubl equalise ihe burdes, evidently, but weuld i3t in wreaso the iiuaibsr f pupils osfkho amount of the fund. A battsr way would be to enact a avr requiring ev &ry bttohelor householder, ovor trenty five'yeara of age to narry witaiu o-?.e y?ar from the passage cf she ac on pr.in of bani&htoeut iroui the StaOe stud con3tj?catio of sis e.itLrw property to tho Kchool fund, with banging on the the nrut tree to bt iho pe unity inca&4 h'3 ever returooil xiilhout bringing a wife with aim. Tiuo would ventually au'jcaed '.11 filliug our school houses up io tha capacity of ih eounry, and the idea is respectfully submitted fcr Lao oottsideratioq of the aeit legislature The people here are generally intercut- Dected to be louer yho eircuinetmous. A trip ror the ouunty ii worth taking. No mora I'lCTUlKSQUl SOINERY :an be found than its ruggwi moutttiins and i;rajy hi1 Li, its frowning preeipk'os and yawning oaveraj its dark ow-yeus aud peaceful hills disclose. Its acpeot is ever various, never moaotonous. True, it casts something in time and severe labor and exposure to s-un and storo. Oti the cain rontris of trave1 rhere people have prepared theoaslvcs 2 "tuk in sirangen' more less of the . to "tuk in strange current eoia of the re Ira in neccessary io pay far needed rest and refreshments. Good looks and Christniu pioty don't nasi current vorth a cent there. But among tha Tcbole so led, hospitable farmers and etc tkata, these cemiau nities aro eousidered aa auaple equiv alent for the kindest of oure and atten tieu. And severe as the trip was, the knowledge obtained of the eouafcry, val vable to me officially, ind the many pleasb acquaintance filmed ameng ito kind aoe! ialelligesi people, have amply repaid e for the toil of tl o jov-ney. I doa'i mean this however as a recoipt in fu'J to our Couhiy Bo.uid for rendered, Co the contra- ry, while 1 aave a saJary tc craw, 1 in tend to draw it pniapily ad powisi-, ently, as becomes r faithful earvant of the peoples Even were it tvie s ponderous, I would tighten my jrip and pull till had it wiftkeut the loss of ft dc llibr. That is a duty sbU I wili sot shirk, let what will come. Aod ow Mr. Editor, my journey ia ended aod ssy promise is fulfilled. And as the oloek strikos the ko' of midnight Gnd I prepare to .-opos -?v weary limbo on any chosto coach, 1 car.net refrain from repeating to myself with frvaixt rratitude: aa I t-ften flh r?i?na. ,i to do ffhon Mgk.brouch rt Rft)r todion ride; the seating, of .ho re- nCWn8d Sanuhj P.na: "God bJe.3 the 1 man vrho first invend aIcgt). t J. W. 3iAC, Mnt)LE Pr.EciNCJo., Jan. L Editor News: Thinking a word or two from this part of Grant Comity I would enable you to aom plefe your his rrrTKf,rP nrr-'frr-rTrn' -ga,.MBJSBnSMBJBMSMSJBBBJ tory, sa rithut it ii would be incotr?1 plete, I therefore ''nd you a d&scrip tion of Middle Pascitct. It iiiibracts that portion of John Day Valley from what is known as Iugals' bridge runutDg down, the valley some twelve miles to what h known as Cum uiiDgs'' bridge and to the summit of tho mountain on either side and, without a doubt, embraces the best portion of lowe. Johm Day Valley. For stock raisiugj farmiug, or horticulture it is hard to beat. Is is warmer in Winter aLjd never frosts iu 3uuimer to iojure orcpa, fc:ui: h a csrtuio yisld, r.8 Mr. 3el3haw's orchard hao not failed since it came into beannj, it aing the oldeiit, aad tho past s&ascn, his apple, pear, each and cberij troe wro loaded to breaking down. TLe Guudlach place has the fluesi Oiahard, with ona escep tion, in the county. Aheje ire others thi b-ve not neglectod to put out or chards. This preoii.ct boasts of as fine grain aud hay farms as there are in Eastera 0"egcti. TiiEEE AP.3 30,000 iheep in d onoed by penjon within j the precinct; also sorao 8,000 head of ostile aol over 300 koi-sea; and oor 30 frirms with faosilios, and room for many more. ?.'bsre is tvro achonl houses, tv?o bluokenitb shops, one Postofee, aoo Hot spring, timber and wat)r. There i bulm, alder aod willow rJong the streama for fono'jiL', Are-wood, eto., also piuc, Sr and tamarack eary of accesa on the mountains. Thcro is no less than ten mountain streams running in to the xivor on either aid within the 12 milt's. Tbexa has beor. portions of tho land in oulrivntionsinoa lSG4and thoro has not beep, v, fuiiure in & singlo joai' si oue, TTifch tha proper oulturo and at tention. 'Vith good pricea for both grain acd hay aud ho domand still greats th&o b fu-n.er yoaca, pod still a large r.raouoiof good hmd growing up to brush aad trees. Them is r, largo j a . b roa of good pasturage as good as can je found anvifhcrs) and ali C'rana coun- ty wants is a large, immg cation of en terprising oitiaens o help develop ita rich rowurcea. And any one wanting uny looro information can get it by sub--scribir.r; for the New?. .PIONEER. 7.T-. mir.fi.,..- HM qa-irtz mill is hataritig cut ibo clear; bullion and makes its icular shipments of silver to Portland. Jhou.ld the oth er claiuio in the neighborhood of Gran ite Creek pay oh well as the Monameo tal is doiog, the United Striou Mint at this place may yet le finished fev the very use for "Which i; was rigonally decigned. Tho gnt zuah of miners this year will be to Oregon ahd Wash ington Territory. Thcy v;ho ooiae to our State will be moitly man used to underground work, and Grcnisa Creek will catch the preponderance of hom. Of ihcse nho g-j into the Territory, the greater portion will do eld plr.cer digger. who will try ths unknown and hi;klv tlatterud Dlfxvis alon; i;ho Ska- git Thf uuaxb- will g up tho ?eshastiu Mli Wenwhi. which ve be- lievo to be fr richer in quartz than anything on the Western alopa ot tho bw;r;Jgn. Thoio vho arc lucky will settle down ic Oregon or Eastern W2.3I inton and buy farm?, while those who do not m aiuue to their ill luck with "a big, Vg D" and jog along to tl.e jctne ot the ner.t erci;on.ent. In land Empiro. The .sff 13r.oi.i, Gauge. Col. Wol-Cw-tt r.ginecr of the TIti h : Northern i Pcilroad, rrrived f?on the west on Sat- maaiaIS' lnd wcnt cortt' 00 f""' ''"y to b"' T i ? e2-re!ted ' B''- 10th J . vey ts tcj as joha - ty 5 river, uregon, to connect wi;h tho Orego?. aad Dalle road io the PauL c -owt.-Cgden Juno tion. gulM ikm for tte 8 5 J