Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 17, 1880, Image 3

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4 i
Tie Grant Coiti News,
Saturday Morning, Jan. 17, 1880.
Notice.--Simple announcements of
Dirths, marriages and death?, will be
inserted without charge. Obituary no
tices will be charged lor according !o
their length.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ins; of or next proceeding the full moon
in each month, at seven and half o'clock
P. xM.
U OBAI1 LODGE. No. 22. I 0 0.
J P., meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Room in Canyon Cily.
Visiting hrothers are invited to at'end.
By Order of X. G.
ill 33. 1 0. O. E., Prairie City, Ore I
on, nu-ets every Saturday Evening. ;
Members of the order are. invited to;
riftonil P. ni... r ti i
The County Court met on the 5th,
inst, and adjourned on last Tuesday.
The reports of the several road Su
pervisors were approved. Super
visors were avmointed as follows:
i. a.
M. C. Leslie, Dist. No. -1; Jas. Dif
. fin, No. 5; N. 11. lacy, No. (3; J. AY.
"Winfield, No. 10; W. H. Andrcss,
No. 2; Alex Murray, No. 0; Michel
Coastopech, No. 8; Jas. Piobison,
No. 1; Robert E. Damon. No. o;J.
Carrey, No. 12; E. Stdiultz, No. 11.
100 names were selected for the
Jury list for 1880.
Bills to the amount of 3,000 were
The linal report in the matter of
the estate of N. McXulty was receiv
ed and administrator discharged.
The report, of the estate of C. H.
Dluek was also received. Citation
wad issued in the case of Jno. Her-
burrer. Sr.. estate. The rirst semi- !
annual report, of the administrator of
the citato of J. W. Vilke -,, was fded
and approved, and an order made to
pay claims. The first semi-annual
report of the administrator of estate
of Caleb Ban was liled and approv
ed and an order made to pay in full
all claims specified in said report.
Installation kv orri"i::.?. S'hil
Metchan, 1). D. G. 1. iw,died in
Excelsior Encampment No. ., I. U. ).
E. of Oregon, O i tho L'ith in-U, thj fd
lowing officer.:
E. C. S-L, l P.; N. RuHs n, II. P.;
Martin Gundlach, S. Y.; E E. Tik.
Scribe; Phil Mutsehan, Tr , S--m Sired,
J. W.; W. G. Ovcrhoh, J. S. S.; Max
Meicchan, 1st G. of W.; L dim m. o
W.; D. G. Overholt, 1st G. of S.:
Trustees, Sam Sired, Pa ! Metschan
nd N. Rulinn.
Tho fallowing officers of Blue Mount,
ain Lodge, T. U. O. F., of this city,
wore io.talled on lust Momh.y nig!t:
J. A Whitman, N. G.; T. V. Jin
dexter, V. G ; V. . South w.rth li.
S.; E. E. TurkTrear.; G. I. Ilazeltine,
K. S. N. G.- O. P. Creap, L. S. N. G.;
K. Byram, W.; M. Gnndbch, Cond.;
F. Kingsbury, L. S. S.; M. Fitzgerald,
P. S. S.; C, S. Pierce, R. S. V G.;
I. n. Wood, L. S. Y G.; J. A. -Campbell,
I. G.; E. Hall, Jr. P. G.
Resigned. Gilbert Reynolds,Dept.
Dist. Attorney for this district, filed
his resignation on the 12th inst. His
resignation is recored in the miscella
neous records of this county; vol. A,
page 4:5-1.
We learn that tho rcsidonce of W.
C. Smith, of Prairie City, was en
tirely consumed by lire on last Mon
day. Loss about $2,000, some in
surance. We are sorry to report
this loss as it was the finest house in
Prairie City.
Mr. C. Richardson is in the city.
He has been engaged at the Agency
for the last year.
We most respectfully request you
to read the new advertisements in
this issue.
Three private schools are running
jo this oity at present
Canyon City, Dec. 29, 1S7D.
In persuanee of Superiutendants call,
the teachers and friends of Education
met at the Com t House, for the pur
pose of holding a Teacher's Institute.
Upon report of absence of President
and Siuerintcndant, Prof. Eads was
chosen Chairman pro teai-
Miss Whittier, Mr. Rigden and Mr.
Bonham were chosen Committee on ar
rangements. E. E. Purington waa ehoscd Sec. pro
Reading of programme by Com.
Eirst sub. for dis. "School Discip
line " Mr. Rigden was calLd upon by
th CI. air to open the dis Followed
by Miss Whittier, Mr. Bonliam, Cali
vay, Roindcxter and I'amsh.
Moved adjourn until 2:30 P. M
Monday P. M.
Meeting culled to order by Pro-5.
Select music.
Reading of programme by Com
' Orthography.' by Mr. Bo u haul fol
lowed by Prof. Ejids, Supt. Mack, Mr.
Rigden, Miss Whittier, Maj. Maroon
and Dr. Howard.
Declamation bv Mr. Fitzuorald.
Moved adjourn uniil 7. l AT.
Kvi:nin; Session.
Mi-cMui; called to order by Pre?.
Sehct music.
JuMuarScs by i'res.
Didcussluo of fo'lowing fpjestion,
'Yriiat shvdl we teach in our Public
Schools:" Opening f question by
Prof. Eads, followed by Col. Currey,
Jadgf Dustin, Supt. Mack aud Major
Moved t adjourn until 9:30 A. M.
Tuesday :.joiiNtNc.
Thf mettinu w;is called to order by
the Rre.sideni.
Select suudc.
Jivniarlc.s by the Picident-
Primary readinir, by !Mi-s Ytiitt:or,
f 11 iwctl by Pro''. Ivuls, Majr Milium,
Snpc MbcI:, 3ir. Bonham and Rigden.
Advanced iead::ig, by Prof. Eads.
Gp'.n motion, Prof. En!s waa cailc i
tij on to giv- cxumj)lc of Select Reading,
Subjucf, 'Yicv of Death."
S .duct Reading, by 2lP:jor Mayoou.
Sirpt. Zf trk, Mr Ridden and Ron-:
! hum
S- lot Reading, Kv "Mr. Fitzgerald.
Reruarkr. by thir ir,.-idfiit.
Plamaio-, by Major Magonn. i
Gpn motion adjourned until 2 P.
Tnft iiviiiing v;a' cj;Jc1 to order br
the Prudent.
Rot!:urk?; ly ihr President.
Vidihiiivtic, by M (.'allowuy, follow
ed by Su-.-t. Mack, ,lv. Rigden, Prof.
iCa Major !agtoo, Mr Bordium,
VvTi!li Hotir and Mi-s Whittn.T.
Grammar, by Mr. liigiie'1, loll . -wed
bv -Miss Wiiiirier, Sunt, .iack, Prof
liad., Alajor ?dai:Oo:i. 2Ir. lionham,
Calloway and Col. Carrey.
Moved to adjourn unci! 7, P. M.
The meeting was called to order by
t!ic President.
Select music.
Remarks by tho Press dent.
How are wc 'o secure tin; nttendanen
of the stmimi'F, by Mr. Bonham, fal
lowed by Prof. Eid?, Mr Rigden,
Judge Dustin and Supt. M'ick.
Descriptions of .school houses, by
Mr. Rigden, Bonham and Miss Whit
tier. Major Magoon's diweription of Mr.
Richard's fchool.
Tijc folio viiig re-olution was adopt
ed: That wc tender our thanks to these
that furnished music.
Moved that when adjourned it be un
til the call of the Superintendant.
Moved to adjourn with a parting
M. L. OLMSTED, President.
E E. PuitlNGTON, Secretary.
Mrs. II. R. Sels, Treasurer.
From a private ltter received from
Hay Slack Valley, this county, by Phil
Metsehan, wc learn that tho snow is
three feet djep there and crusted, and
that they havo not had a mail for five
weeks. We hope our representatives
in Congress will help Grant County
out a little on mail routes and Postoffi
ces, this year.
Subscribe now for the News.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rader were
serenaded a few nights since bv our
town boys; however, the serenade was
of a chivilrous ustture. Mr. Rader
came out handsomely and the boys were
happy. Mr. Rader and wife will move
to their residence, on Long Creek soon.
May joy be theirs.
Prof. C. B. Bailey made us a call
this week and informed us that he would
start a dancing school in tins city: also' mt
, T7 assurauco uf permanent success lneie
one at John Da v. ; , . , . x ,
' ari are too ninny men out ot a job, without
The Westou Leader says Baker City a cent to risk, ready to try '.he venture
is to have a "red hot" Pepublicau paper if they can not control of the material
soon. We think Raker City will hard-1 to lot if. lie idle a gret whilo. But the
ly support two paper-. j man who hasmony enough to make it
; ! a suicess will not look upon the materi-
Be ?ure to g to the lecture on next . . , . , , . ,
... . , . , ... .! al and then upon the held that is bo-
W eclncfdov night it vou want a good;. , . ,
forftim and the odds that are anamst
W. C. Kilbury dropped in at our offi
ee yesterday.
At the recent Sister's fair held in
Walla Walla the sum of 31,70-1 was
cleared, and it is to be applied to
Mary's Hospita' le in thr.t city.
Bishop Gi! Haven died in Massa
chusetts on the 4th in:-t. Many of the
readers of the News will remember him
as the presiding elder of the last Meth
odist Cenfereoce in this State.
rite Avalanche puts it inusly:
The Ava'anche needs eveiy c?nt
flup if to n iv its dmiuTids. ve care
not to carry any man on our books two
yeais without a remittance. The "jaw
bone" of good moiii will not pay our
li?dbilitios; henco the horrible fate of
the feeble Id man rings in our ear
like the clang of the bell that tolls for
the dead "over the hill.' to the poor
house "
The suit of tho t. Louis, Alton aud
Terre Haute Railroad against S. J. Til
den, Charles Butler, Russell Saga, and
Robert Bayard, the former Purchasing
Comm'.tte of th$ R'ad has been com
promised, S ige and tho exoerttjve of
the Bayard estate having paid the sum
in dispute, and, more recently, Tilden
and Ruder h iving se'.tlod. It is stated
that Tilden paid 520,000.
Tho fifth flo -r of one section of the
Gro-fMiw.iv Liswin-j C mpany's immense
building at Syracuse, New York, jjave
way iMonday rmii'g, and in its fall
carried down all tho other floors. A
man on the upper floor nod another on
the lower floor were injured, but not
i-orioualy, Loss, about 10,000.
Miss Josephine Meeker, daughter of
the Indian Aif'-wi who was killed by
the Ctus, is to hnvc a clerkship in the
interior Department at Washington,
it i- ps-oli-jbbi that Schurz ihinkfl this
wi'l reward her f r tho murder of her
fa'her and for the harddiipa that she
and her sisters and her mother suffered
while prisoners among the s:ragcp.
The Astorian of the 0th says: Some
fear-- are entertained that thu late gale
has caused trouble to tho men on Tilla
mook rck. We iiope not There is no
foundation further than surmises for
anv rumor to that effect. The steamor
Zstnry Taylor was unable to reach the
rock yesterday.
The Atorian hopes that steps will be
taken in time to have a daily mail from
Astoria to Bronkfield and other points,
with the opening of the coming fishing
Stockmen are discouraged in Baker
county over tho deep suow, while min
ers are happy.
John Kelly, the violinist, sprained
his ankle badly rocently at Raker
op or;
nam j: lour anct Mm iseti. lh u - j
ders left at the Mill or wita Gtmcl- j
bio.b X: lvn wiR Iip nrn inn lv filled.
l ti -i - r'ti r..T til
y Jr, ,
AtStatcnville, Oregon recent
ly a society wedding took
place, the church being filled
by a large and fashionable con
gregation. The names of all
the parties concerned a,tiacted
great attention theii singulari
ty. Col. John Buzzard was
married ro Miss Eleanor Crow;
Rev. Dr. Robin uniting the
couple in marriage.
The John Day Mills are in full j of w p Claflin lat9 of Grant
titaion now, and are turning ouu , CountV) Oregon. All poraons having
oit best brands of I1 lour, Orra- .,":, ic.i. ui-rtf t,.;h
Politics will not support a newspa
per in theBe dpys. Any paper that is
subserviently political, is looked upon
aud is really the machine of a few meu
to advance themselves into office. They
support it as long as they can control
the offices, and then it dies or su-?pnds,
and a new deal must be made aud the
organ will start again. We havo no
duubt but the Idaho Democrat will be
i . fMirnh'tPil rind ain r ted a.t'ain with the
, , , . , ...
nun only longenougn toturn awayirom
it. Bui.we State-man.
Sensible Advice.
You are asked every day through the
c dumus of your newspapers, and by
j your druggists, to use something for
your kidney that you know nothing
about, and you get discouraged spend
ing your money. But this sort of busi
ness is at an end fiuce the introduction
of the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea.
Recommended bv all.
, -. w f. I
M sua (i
The first of a series of Lectures
will be given in the M. E. Church
on Wehnesday, the 21st day of Jan
uary, at 7 o'clock, P. M".
Subject; the Building of a Rail
road through Grant County. By
Geo. Guudlach versus Major Ma-
go ne.
Admission, at the door, oO cents'.
Ladies free. Tickets for salo at the
door, for full course, at $2. 50.
Announce that they have re
ceived a full and well assorted
Stock of
which .they offer
Having bought for Cash we
are prepared to sell our Goods
Cheaper than they were ever
before sold in this Market.
Canyon City, Jan. 1G. 1S80.
Administratrix Notice
The undersigned having been du-
senfc fche Bam0 to mo nt my residence
-n QraIlt County, Oregon, with le-
! ... n. . ...
j)roois oi Lneir correctneas.
Jan. loth, 1SS0. Administratis.
Blank Deeds for sale at this
H. Stanislawsky, Practical Watch
maker and Jeweler, is located at Can
yon Oit', Oregon. Watches. Clocks
aud Jewelry repaired at short notice
and warranted nS2tf.
1v !iTnrtiTitnfil nd7iiiTiit.rafriT nF thn nA-
i .
ii ii.iiiiii urn mn hi. mil i
The undersigned offers for salo
the Strawberry Saw Mill, belonging
to D. B. Rinehart and Estate of N.
W. Fisk, deceased; and situated on
tho headwaters of Straw borry Creek,
Grant County, Oregon. Together
with 3 yoke good work oxen, yokes,
chains, trucks and all other appur
tenances bolonqfinf? to said mill.
Tho mill has been jmt in good re
pair, with new saw, new reservoir
and lumber railway attachment, and
everything ready for successful work.
The water-power is of the best in tho
countv ami the finest bodv of timber
in close proximity to the mill.
Apply immediately and thereby
secure this valuable propert, as wo
are determined to sell.
Terms: One third Cash in hand,
tho balance in lumber ou one aud
two vears time.
Canyon City, January, 10th, 1SS0.
Come and Settle!
All those knowing themselves in
debtcd to D. B. Rinehart and estate
of N. W. Fisk, deceased, (formerly
known under the company name of
Fisk & Rinehart.) will please settle
the same immediately; and all those
having legal claims against said com
pany will present thorn properly ver
ified for settlement.
January 10th, 1880; tf
Canyon City,
The u-dersigned takes pica ure in
announcing to his Patrons and the gen
eral public that after a trial of nearly a
year, he feels confident of success in
Hotel business.
I shall endeavor to gain the esteem
cf my guests, and give them their mon
ey's worth.
Terms of Board und Lodging, Invar
inbly Cah:
Board aud lodging,pcr single day,Sl:50.
Ci without lodging.per single day, 81.
B srd ::nd lodging, per week, $7.
u without lodgimr, per week, 65.
JOHN SKGERDAL1L, Proprietor.
Canyon City, Oregon.
List and Price of seeds as below:
Onions, Yellow Danvors, per lb S2,50.
Par.iuipa, Ljnir, per lb -51.
OarruK Lmir Orange, p r lb $1.
Beets, Lo n- tfnnoth, per lb $0 75.
Ciibbaye, Wiu'er, p r ib 82.
Mustard, White, per ounce SO 50.
Ka!e, Sco ch, p-r ounce ?i) 75.
Beans. Ginnt Wax, par lb SO 25.
Corn, Cro.-bv's EaRy, per pint 0 25.
Pea, McLean's Premier Loig per
pint SO 50.
Turnip3,Early Flat Dutch.pei lb $1.50.
Onion Sets; per lb 0 35.
Squash, Hubbard, per pjper, $0 25.
Radish and Lettu-e, per paper SO 25.
RutabHga,White Russian,p-r lb SI. 50.
All orders Promptly filled for eash.
n41-t? JOHN A. GARRISOijf.
.... . ..--:- -
1 v.