TtefiMttoitiiis. ONLY PAPER IN GRANT COUNlY. Official Paper For Grant County. Canyon City, Saturday Jan. 17, 1SS0. S. H. Shepherd, Editor. RBO ST FOUL Jolin Darby kills Henry Slovens in his own Bed with a Hnfchet ! It is our duly as a Journalist to give Uie news of the clay, hut if wo thought that such a case as the one wo are now caller! upon to report should evr again present itself to us xra would lay down our pen and take passage for heathendom. But pe -haps the like will never be. known again. The facts, in the main, are as follows: About noon on Friday, January Oi.h, Darby met Stevens and asked him "if he had any whisky" Stevens fiftid 4 -'VP's, v.n.c down to the cabin and I will treat you." They went to Henry's enbiii together and about on o'clock soma man went to see Stevens and upon opening- the door Darby raised up and asked "what in he wanted, and he'd better get out quick." About threo o'clock a noise was heard inbidc and some one entered and found Darby on the floor besmearing his head in a pool of human blood, while on the bed lay Henry Steens horribly beat en, bruised and bleeding. The dy ing man told full particulars, which are too foul for even the Police pa pers to print. It appears that Dar by attempted to commit an unnatur al and unmentionable crime upon Henry and when he offered resistance the hatchet was wrenched from him and in turn beaten by his assailant; thus bleeding and dying the poor, old man was at the mercy of this, worse than, hell-hound for near three hours. The Con oners Jury returned a ver dict that Henry Stevens came to his death .by blows received from a ham er or hatchet in the hands of John Darby. Darby has been in irons ever since. Mr. Stevens was hur ried on Sunday last. ArripiriED Assassination. On last Thursday night Judge Heynolds armed himself with a needle gun and a be of ammunition, and sat on the woodpile, near the iail uniil he nearly froze, with the hope of seeing "the monster" (Darby) make hh upp aranfe so that he might shoot him. After ho nifW air had chilled him very much lie entered the court room. Kobt. Lockwood hearing some noise early this in the morning, yesterday, wont to see what it was," and upon entering found himself covered with the gun. He asked Reynolds what he was doin and told him to give up the gun, but the would be assassin refused and a tussel" for the gun ensued, during which time it was discharged. Reynolds said he was after "the monster" and no one else. The Deputy Sheriff then said, "in the name of the State of Oregon I ar rest you' '. At the mention of the word " State "he Judge wilted., gun and self. There is little doubt but that some one will get shot yet by Reynolds, as he is determined to as sassinate "the monster." (as lie calls Darby) and through mistake he may shoot some other person. The Democratic State Convention is cniloil t nio,t at Albany Wednesday Ave- 7. 16S0 tit 1 uVock, P. iM. The Staff. Central Committee recom jnonris to the v annua ouuiy committees that :1.l '.;.: y c- vt iitro;is be held March 27th, v.ui primari. son the 20th. The Chicago "Weekly News is what its name indicates u :ews paper. It fairly bristles with news. The "Weekly News and the Grant County News both for 3. oO a year, (invar able in advance,) postage included. Send your subscription to this office. General IftSews. Ferdinand Hioaux, the Belgian his torian, is dead. Charles Henry De Blieville, French dramatist, is dead. Old. Aunt Hngar (culoreo) difd at North Ad urns, Mass., on Monday, a":d 111. Toronto citizens have voted 4170 to 238, aai:st a grant of 810,000 for Irish relief. The Spat ish ("Vbinent is nrgotia'ing with Sp'iui.-di and foreign firms for a loan to Cuba. Sir Um.p' Wnisoicy will receive the C'tnimjifri in Chief of the British ar mi m in the I ndifs. A Berlin dispatch announces the death of Anjruato Hotter, the eminent German jurisconsult. Warner, the cnuipf st, who has heen reported dnngerou-ly ill, has left Bay rtuth for Nap'c?. Gro. E. Lneke. once popular as a comedian miner the name of "Yankee" Lf'eke, is dead. Govenor Cornell's inrs-nre to the New York Legislature was confined en tirely to Sute subjects. The flood in the Seine has deereased c 'ii-iderablv, and traffic over budges 1ms been n stinted. J. L'oyd IJaigh, Ca-hicr of the New York Grocers' Hank, charged with fel ony, has been admitted to hail. A number of German Generals have resigned, wishimr t faciliate the pro motion of vounirer officers. Edward William Cook, the pain'er, lloyal Acidemician and Fellow of the Roval Society, is dead, aiied GO years. Senuror Farley has returned tWah inton with his familv and taken ouar terforthe Wi tor at the Aalington Hwtel. Lloyd S. Brown, ox-member of the lar.r. Legislature of Ohio, dropped d. ad on a street-car at Cincinnati on Mn day. Horace 0. Pierce nnd Edward Bloom injuri'd by the celluloid works ex pi of iU tt Newark, N. J., on Mdndoy, have dual. Tlie question awarding right of way ovr tdagraph wire? of the Pennsyha niu Railroad Company has not been deGnately settled. Dr. J. C. Herman Freund, Deputy Inspector-General of Hopiials to the Bt ilish-Gfrm'in Legion during ti c Cri me:, n wor, is dead. Directly after the arrival nf thn Jis- marek nt the capital, Iluebher will again jro to Vicuna to continue the ne ts o satiations with the Papal Nuncio. Coimfi'snioner Luduu h inaUnj: e.ti ina'es for tho establishment f an ex perimental tea farm in South Carolina, to be conducted without Chinese labor.' A quarte.l over ten cents between three negroes, Jack llrintivy. Jim KUis and Jack P.nker, in Loui-viUo, Ky. recen'lv, resulted in Ellis killinir Brin trey by thootitig. Investigation info the account of N. C. Taliaferro, retiring General Airenl and Storekeeper of the Virginia Peni tontiury, has brought to lijiht a shrink age of from $15,000 to 820,000. Tall ferro acknowledge-? the shortage, but says it will be made good by his sure ties. The Silver State in speaking of Sal's lecture fays: ller lecture was quite interesting, but could be moiv so if she would not jump from one subject to another. Af ter the lecture, however, shn slopped over, and it is -aid. got gloriously drunk. The Princess lived ben; some four oi live vears a:o, and was in the habit of getting full ever)' night. Probably she found some of her acquaintances Sat urday night and could not vai the temntaiion to indulge in hcrold habits. In this respect she differs from her brother, Nr.ches, who is exemplary In dian and never drinks fire-water. SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the property at the head of John Day, known as the ""Yv A1DI SPKINGS Also all of hii Cattle and Horses at a bargain. Apply on the premises, THOMAS HOWE, u3S-4t Proprietor. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the Copartnership hertofore existing and doing business in Grant County, Or egon, in the hrm name of Segerdahl & Boberts, has this day by mutual consent dissolved. The book ac counts of Segerdahl & Koberts are in John Segerdahl's possession, who still does business at the old stand, the Golden Eagle. JOHN SEGERDAHL, JOHN EGBERTS. Give me a call at the Hotel and Restaurant, where I entertain custo mers to the best of my ability, at reasonable charges. Dated Jan. 8th, 1880. JOHN SEGERDAHL. n40-d-l. Administrators Notice. Notice is inreby given that the un-d'M-siiiUed has bec-n duly appointed ad ministrator of the cstaC of Sandford C. Dod-on, d(?ce:u-ed by the County Coiirc ol'Giaiit C'uinty. Stare of Or goo. All persons having claims against slid es tate arc icquirod to prosent them, with the pioper protd", to the undersigned at his re-id-ucv, near Prairie City, in Grant County, State of Oregon, within .-ix mouths from the date of this notice, or to M. Dustin or (bo. J3. Curry, tip attorneys lor said their olliecs' in Canyon City State of Oregon, and all perso' s knowing t!cmflvcs indebt ed to said estate are required to come i'orward toid settle. iJa'ed at Canyon Citv, (jrant County. Otvgon. Jan. 0th, 1S80. SAMUEh i'OUOir, n40 t-L Administrator. Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of I ho estate of T. P. Dean, deceased, by the County Court of Grant County, State of Or egon. All persons having, claims against said estate are re(uired to present them, with the proper proof, to the undersigned at his residence, near John Day City, in GVrant Coun ty, State of Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, or to ?I. Dustin, the attorney for said estate, at his oihee in Canyon City, State of Oregon; and all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to come forward and settle. Dated tit Can von City, Grant County, Oregon, Dec. liuh, 1070. ' irf7-4i. B. C. TROWBRIDGE, Administrator. NOTIOH1 s hereby given that the undcr.-i:i,C(i has been apnointeil by th County Court of the Statu ' I Oregon, for (Irani C'mnty, jrenoral ailtnini-tralor of the Estate ef James T. Ieluss, dee-a-cil, ami aU jMirso' s mving Paid e-tate n ro he ehy not' lied to .settle the suim; im nifdiat'ly. and all persons lioldin e'ainis : gainf?t said Estate ate notified to resent the patne, duly vorin. d, as rerjuiied by ia'.v to the undftiu"" '! ad ministrator nt Canyon City, Grunt County, Oregon, within filx rr.onihs fr'in tiic d'tt herpof. (j EG ROE A. MESON7. Administrator. Dated January, 2d. 180. 30-4:3. For Sale Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will soil at Public S.'ile on the 28th day of January, 1880, the following property belonging to the Estate of John Herburger, Sr.. de ceased: 27 head of stock cattle, 2 wagons,and 2 stocks of hay. Terms. Cash. JOHN HEBJMJRGE'R, Administrator. Dec. 19th, 1870. n37-41. DALLES AND BAKER CITY STAGE LINE, Yailc & Co., Proprietors. Departs from Canyon City for The Dalles and Baker City, Daily. Arrives from the same point?, Daily. U. C. Williamson, Sup't. CANYON CITY it McDERMI'P Kf.i v? 1 :'i ITAGE LINE 5 FSAHK HcBEAX, Proprietor Departs from Canyon City on .Monday, Thursday, and Sat urday of each week. Arrives fit Canyon City on Sunday, Wednesday and Fri day of each fek. DRUG Main Street, Canyon City, Oregon, J. W. HOWARD, M. KZ3 D3 ILiving recently received n full and carefully selected stock of Drugs, and Medicines I am fully prepared to furnish every thing usually kept in a First Class Drug House, at reasonable Prices. Also a full Stock of the Standard Patent Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and see, and buy of mv fresh goods. J. W. HOWARD," M.D."; Proprietor.' Is still at liis post, at Joiin Bay City, deal ing out the very choicest Groceries, also keeps a full stock of Boots, Shoss, Clothing, Calico, Tobacco, Crockery, Granite Ware, fancy Cups and Saucers, and General Merchandise. My Store is always welcome to everybody whether theyr come to buy or merely to see the soods. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN GRANT COUNTY TG BUY BEY SMn 'A CORNER MA IX add WASIUNGTOX STS., CANYON' CITY AN'D MAX SSETSOKAM, I ' V V M V f T T V Ili'Vr n V Kocps constantly cia hasid a Boodas SIGV clJl C'llt Oi STOYES AND TIXYARI And fwb nx'rcr ar tinlrp etmily Itopt io .1 llrs; fit! J Tin Establisiameiit a r y. 0 D e it a tk v k r c ? . ATTEST IOn I Tii'ic (b siring to in:ke .snlptnp.'i Chi ist'tj;is presents v.'H tind it to their intrct to ov.-jminetJsc Watches. Chain and Caliti rnia .! weby :t. Villi JETSHA; & Ci's. 3TJ)UE. Tlie-cr ootids are a remnant of a s'ie J had to take in settlement i!h a Cali fornia Jeweler; they are all genuine 'nd will he i'liem.1 cheaper than a regular dealer can aiford t soil the s'une quality. S. L. SFAKKH, Prri,.ti.r. Clay Touiiu.vtek, Agen. Hayes saves $4 5,000 out of his salaiy anninll' Yhen his term expires he will " have , . . . iii enougn to start a louery. 0. B. Phelps, of Maron Ore gon, has harvested 174 bushels of buck-wheat from a bushel and a half of seed. Beat it if you can ! On last Wednesday we avail ed ourselfofthe opportunity to take a ride behind that fine team of Clark's and visited the Johu Day Mill, which is one of finest in the State. A New "White Sewing Machine, Avith cover, drop leaf and five draw ers, for sale cheap for cash, or at a great bargain on one or two years time. Call at this oliice and see the machine before you buy. No better machine is made than the White. TORE. D., TEXT o H I N F Y BiEDWil. CIOGIEET. ! , G. VBttmiT. W. A JAC7BX OYERI10LT & JACOB?, Wager. iVlakinj;"& Carponterin. '""rV "l. ' . WagOD: and Buggies rspaircd at reas naWe rates Spo'-: os, Brakehars, As los, ITelloos, Plow B-ja::!s, Etc.. for Sale. iuihli?!g and Jobbing prompt ly jit tended to. Constantly on hand and. mnde to order. SALOON, "Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon 57 fV eicrs s Propt'r. Cor?nnt!y on hnnd and for sale, Xiagor Boer, Superior to any in the State. i fink wtnes, liquors and cigars AL50, MALT. MALT VINEGAR. AND CHORE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAG E It BEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WI2TES, For saio in quantities lesa than FIVE GAL LONS. AT THE POST OFFICE! E. HALL, 23 33 L 33 22. ; X 1ST Stationary, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and JJuts. Subscriptions taken, at Publishers Pt ite?, for all the Leading Papers and ALgazine3 published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew elers, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Itepaired. P. J3 J. 1)1 1 Is