mum Tie Grant Com Ms, Saturday Morning, Jan. 3, I3S0. NoTrcE. Simple announcements of Dirths, marriages and deaths, will be inserted -without charge. Obitunry no tices will be charged for according !o their length. flANYONCriT LODGE, NO. 34, y v&. F. and A, M.t holds its regular GoMtnunicatioris on the Saturday even ing of or next proceeding the full moon in eh month, at seven and half o'clock p. m; HOB ATI LODGE. No. 22. IOO. E., meets every Thursday evening at their Lodge lioom in Canyon City. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. By Order of Is. O. OUNTAIN VIEW LODGE, No. ,U 33. I. O. 0. F., Prairie City, Ore meets every Saturday Evening. iUembers of the order are invited to attend. By order of the N. G. COU3Xr,i,,V ISTJzl W S3 . The Ball -was a grand success i11 everv sense of the word. Over SO tickets were sold; and, the most of tho time, twelve sets were on the iloor. People that have never been to a dance for vuars were there. It seemed to be the sole aim of the sev eral committees that all should en joy themselves, and, we think, their hopes were fully realized. We no ticed several ladies that waltzed ex quisitely; as also three gentlemen. "What surprised us most, though, was to see so many, and such good looking, young men in attendance. The ladies were ail neatlv and tastily dressed, and it would be hard to s:iy which was the sweetest and neatest. The music was charminir and danc ing was kept up till broad daylight. Prairie City was well represented, and, in our opinion, furnished the best ladv walczar in the house. It is our v.'iuh that all may be as happy the balance kA LSJ.-l) as they seemed to he on the r.iht of tho 1st. "Yhki:i-:as iu tho Toaoh !' Li-.ti--tuto held in Canyon City this veok, some of tho sptakeiv; railed Clark's .English Grammar a ''failure;" and not wishing io ri; or Kxcour.AtiE the use of a book which is "a failure, we propose a trial of the elneieiiey of said book by choosing Hide to be examined by tho County Snpenntendmt, at such time as can be agreed upon by the parties con cerned. "Vfc also arce to emplo' some of our pupils in said contest. A. EAD:j. The Teacher's Institute way well attended and an unusual interest war, taken ; several interesting- speech es were made. It adjourned on last Tuesday night. Resolved, that the member; of tho Institute tender their thanks to the Grant County 7::vs for gratiously giving publicity to the meeting of the Institute; also that a copy of the proceedings be f uruislicd to it for publication. Let it pass. Installation. The following offi cers of Canyon City Lodge No. !U A. IP. & A. M. , were installed on Saturday evening, December 27th, 1879: Phil. Metsehan, AY. M.; Hobt. Lockwood, S. W. ; James Eob inson, J. AV. ; D. Ct. Overholt, Treas. ; G. I. Hazeltine, Sec'y. ; John Long, J. D. ; H. Lohman and Jas. Robert son, Stewarts. Passed Through. Mr. Perkins, accompanied by Mr. Judkins, Mr. Alexander and sons, passed through town yesterday en route to their home at Eugene City. They have finished surveying ten townships in Harney Valley, and speak encourag ingly of this country. On New Year's day Canyon City had the honor of having ten jninters trod her streets. Five of whom were ex-editors; one editor and four com positers. Strange to say they were all sober. "Will it ever occur again ? Brevity, point, purity, impartiali ty, enterprise, cheapness are con ceded characteristics of tho Chicago Weekly News. WHO KNOWS BEST ? Pome persons are always ready to complain and to tell how this or that man's busine-s ought to be conducted. They know (?) that so and so ought to ope-, a largo wholesale house in Can yon City, and that our blueksuiith and wagon makers ought to employ more hand and get about 812,000 worth more of material aud run a large wagon factory. Thee suno knowing ones think we ought to run a metropolitan weekly paper here, which would ne cessitate the employing of two more hands, and about S1,2G0 worth more of material. Inow v do not know wheth er a wholesale houso or a metropolitan wagon factory would pay iu this coun ty or not, but we opine not not, but we do know that to enlarge the News at this early date would be suicidal to it, and, to u-e slang, "bust up in business" Now the people of this county have had two trials heretofo.'O on the enlargement ; ,. , , n . , 1 1 J the a(;ir PIllne P:llVJW soon ec:imo de funct, and tLii. editors, in their fare- wuil address said, '-it will not pay." V,7c started the News for the pur pose nf milking a permanent paper of it and to advance the interest of Grant C'lunty, and therefore we intend lo keep it as it is until we are sure that the business will warrant an enlarge ment. But la'hor thau to see the News discontinued we would eosmall it and do all the work ourseif Nine and I tenths of the people that th'nk that the News sh nild be enlarjr t d do not contribute one penny to it's support, and have a lar;e faculty of thinking they know more about other peoples' business than they do of their own. and God knows they are lit'le ( nougb acrjuuinied with i. Iu five yea?s from i.o'.v no weekly jaer in Oe..'on will be in a more prosperous enndition or i resent a more Hat'erina appearance than the Chant County Isews wil. Pot the cnlaryement arf must be left to us to decide to cc-eoinpii-h ti e ab ive ro-u't-. "Wo wish the ch:o.iic gi'whrs of ISTUu happy new yf.-jr an ! may ti'cy converse about sotnethi.-.g th-it p'oplf nuy hav;i an :d--a ih.t ihey kn"W a htt!e bou'. 50 pays for both the Chicago "VYeoklv News ;uid Uie Grant County ?S!iws for one year, iostao paid. Send subscript i'ns (invariably cash in advance) io tir.s ojH'.'O. Head the Li:ap Ykak. Ah this is leap year the youn; ladies will have equal op- portunity with Uie boys for "push ing the question" and if they don't ?ftt married it is their own fault. Tnc Stock men of this county tiro jubilant over the chinook. Last is sue we reported snow, now mud ha;t taken its place. Makhied. In this city, by Rev. A. Eads, on "Wednesday, Dec. 81st, I'? 7i), Mr. N. W. Thornton to Mrs. E. M. Onvett. We know no one that is bettor prepared give a wife a good home than "Niek." Marysvillc, Cal., papers copy. Married. In this city, on Thursday January, 1st, 1S80, by M. Dustin, J. P., Mr. Tracv to Miss May In- gles. For the last week there has been wars and rumors of wars in differ ent parts of the county. Some have been serious, but we hope not fatal. Our Sheriff, Mr. J. J. Wash, had the misfortune to loose his fine black horse this week. . County Court convenes next Mon day. r Read the new advertisements in this issue. Locals are like eggs in this mar ket, tkev are awful scarce. "We would like for parties that are interested in their precinct to send us a description of the same imme diately. It is reported that Gen. Jim. Tur ner was justifiable in killing Strobe, and in consequently discharged. -T The question is, where will our ice come from that the people will need next summer. Over 400 miles of railroad are being built io Nebraska this year. The Yuka River, in Alaska, is navi gable for steamers 2,500 miles. San Joaquin County, California, has this year piid bounty on the scalps of G5,000 squirrels. Upward of 2,000,000 acros of land have been taken by settlers in Mani-jto daily, presented to this of tol'a during the past two y&ars. fice bvyou, With request that During October over 35,000,000 postal card were seut from the factory the largest month's business ever dom'. rut f i 1 . ri 1 wieh Islands. Over 2 0007 Chinamen I ne v nirmse :vr inviinmnr rne Mnn. i arrived at Honolulu in the second half of last y ear. Chief Socoeni surrendered on the 2nd inst. The Now York World has begun an Italic boom for Seymour. The bill for the abolition of slavery in Cuba has passed the Spanish Senate. The Porte has granted 4,000,000 piasters for the relief of destitute per sons in Constantinople during the Win ter. Alexander Sunrr, who died in New York a few days since, annually dis pensed about 8100,000 for religiou-J and charitable purposes. Apropos of Maine the New York Herald tvs: ine ejection pro reel that " A. the It' -publicans of Maine are in a mi nority. The preponderance of physical strenht is n the side uf the Ut.ion ists. Never associate with bad company, lave gu''d company or none. An exchange tays, "Cetewayo WiVMt to treat." A little sujar iu ours please. Mr. Kalloeh, having bren en-cted mayor, will doubds enf.'rt tho ordi-nauc- forbMuing shooting W'tiiin t!ie city limit-'. A society for tho prevention of warts on the to-e h meeting with m ich f -ror among tho young ladies of Eluiira, N. y. Adirotiwat-ks ?Iurray's private secre tary .ays :ht he stan Is six feet iu his sloe'-: ;u-fl. Tvo feet is the most, an ordinary man can .'.land in Ids stcck-ing-5. Under the game law of Wisconsin, eowF, S'.'ipe, tukys, 3fhoohnast:TS and grnur-ncan be shot a' from now to Jan U'ny 1st by any one who has tho incli nation. An exchange .'ay: ''There is no rnyal road to m:it.rimi)ny." Carreer; both hiinc and pauper have, to "alk up to the cap tain's office and inirview the old not n. Ludie. savs the Albany Journal, are like watt: hey, prcttv enough to look at; sweet fuf-e mtl delicate hands, but some what diflicuk to regulate when once set a go'ne. A patent medicine adrertiuement is headed with the cmnndrum: ''Is vour life worth t-n cents?" Sro, not if you call a mnn the ullspring of a female ca idno in San Francisco. A ii'eraov paper offered 350 regard for the boit j'ike of tho season, and, yays the Plnladeiphia Chronicle, whn ll'tyfs forwarded tho publi-hf-r his civil service ri forin order he was promptly awarded the priz Six counties in Eastern Oregon hnve 101G surveyed townships, equal to 25, 78G square miles or 1 0,405, G-10. One fourth of this area in wheat at 20 bushels per aero would produce 82, 483,200 bushels, or 2,483,407 tons. Grant County, Oregon, has 114 sur veyed towuships, equal to 4015 square miles or 2, 26,280 acre. One fourth ot this vrea in wheat at 20 bushels per acre would produce 12,-1 132,800 bushels, or 303,9S2 tons. A branch railroad from Winnemucca to Tjugeue city with short feeding branches would drain these interior counties. Auout twenty witnesses arrived in town last night and will testify to day in the case of Venator Bros, vs about twenty of the Dayville citizens. Call in and subscribe for the News, boys, while you are, it will make you happy. Subscribe now for the News. Washington, Dec. 15, 1879. Sin-4 In answer to the peti tion signed by citizens of Grant county, Oregon, asking for an increase of service on route no. 44160 from Canyon City to Camp McDermitt, (Nevada) ! t he prayer of the petitioners be granted. I have the honor to inform you that, owing to ! the fact that the appropriation i tlie fisCal 7eiir ClldinS J UUe 30 next, is only sufficient to maintain the service now in operation. The Postmaster General is precluded from or dering any new or additional service. Very respectfully Tiios. J. Broly, Second Ast. P. M. General. The above letter was address ed to Hon. John Whiteaker, and explains itself. The annual issue of Prof. Tice's ,l Weather Forecasts aud American Almanac for 1S8 V is out. and we learn that the edition of over 20,000 copies was called for within eight days of its publication, and a second larger one put to press. Ik is fuller and more specific in its weather prognostications for 1880 than ftrmerlv. and a va rtety of subjects of interest, such as plagues and the astron omical relations thereto, heat and sunstrokes, cyclones, facts for foretelling the weather, i etc,, are discussed. Copy can be obtained by inclosing 20 cents lo Thompson,. Tice & Lil lingstou, JSt. Louis, Mo. r List of letters remaining in the Post OlflCC, Jan. 1st, 1880: Mrs. G. Bcaell, Mrs. David ! Ben si ensley, John CheckillZ, John o i n l tti . Devore, K. G. L rakes, F. I J Af. Grewell, Tho. Gill, Jennie Gilmorc, II. Howard, Mrs. E. Hahley, Sand Harris, J. H. Hagar, F. M. Kizcr, Mrs. E. luzer, iUaraii .t Jeiary, o. i . ' ... j Kobinson, fl. P Philips, G, G. , Poindexter. Bay Leubrook, j Geo. W. Harmon. Persons I .l liner fnv lliP. olnvP nlfijisfi zhv I advertised. E Hall-, p. m. Chicago, Dec, 24. A 'New York correspondent, who was present at a private exhibition of Edison's electric light last night, telegraphs that it was a complete success, and he pre dicts that the public will be both surprised and gratified at the result of the experiments to be made in Menio park on New Year's eve. St. paul (Minn.), Dec. 2-1: The severest weather reported for years prevails to-day throughout the State: St, Vin cent, near the British line, re ports the spirit thermometer standing 5S degrees below ze- rOj Crookston, Mimi., 56 be- !low; at Grand Forks 59, and at Breckinridge 39 below zero- These places are in the lied River Valley, and the cold wave eeems to have come from the British possessions; In the eastern and Southern parts of the State the weather is mild; In St, paul the mercury did not fall 15 degrees below zero; An unusual amount rf snow has de- layed the trains on all the roads, some trains on the South ern Minnesota and Northern pacific being abandoned last night; All the trains from the West are late to-night; With energy, any one can make a success of life- Capac ity and industry always find appreciation and help, and are apt to make themselves all the more ,usoiiil for their scarcity All yonng persons, especially4 cad, and should resslve to be, self-made: Pope Leo has a splendidly shaped head, fringed with tilver haia, aod a kindly face of heulchy coloring. Hid mouth, chin and jaws expresti firmness whi'e his expression ts radieut wkh "an inward joy." "Joho P. Cough gnt hU start in life by lirst being a drunkard. If h Ind k"pt Biber and a' tended to business ho might have bten a variety comic sinner Jill his life, g-trir SO per nighb whore he now gets $250." Husbands never meet t&eii4 wives with ,smiles', on their lips: they wipe them off before they get home. suns SEIR CHICAGO WKJ2KLYNBWS AND THE GRflHT COUNTY NEWS i'OU 83. 50 ft year, postage incliiddo. The Chicago Weekly News is ev erynhcre recognize J us :i paper unsur. passed in all the requirements a Amer. ican Journalism. It stands conspicu ous Htuoung tho metiopolitan journali of the couutrv s r complete NEWS-pa per. Its telegraphic service comprises all the d spatclus uf the Western As- ; s.ciated Puelt and the National As- sociated Phe-s, besides a very exfcen-- s vti -rviceoipeeial telag.ams from iin; oriA t points. It is IndepknD- ' 1 ,. n ,.r. EXT l-N X'OLITICS pieseDtlDi' Oil polltl- pieseDiing an po cal news from partisan bias or coloring, ind absolutely witLout fear or favor as to par lie.-1. It i, in the fullest sense, a family , . . , l'liETED oTor.iES, biStucs a hcq va-iety of conjcnsej uutes on fashions, Art, Industries, Litkiiatuue, Science, etc., etc. Its Maueet Quotations i t i re 10 Dc re,lc 1 UP00- It id unsurpassed as an enterprising pur aod trustwot't ll GENE11AL FAMILY newsi'APEU. Our Lpeeial clubbing terms biiii il within the reach ail. Specimen copies may oe seen, at thia office. fc;end suctcriptious to this ofHco NOTIOS la hereby g:ven ilmt ihu undersigned ha b; en appointed I y the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Grunt County, L'Ct'oral administrator of the Estate of James T. DeMoss, deceased, and all persons owing said estate uro hereby not1 tied to sett'e the same im mediately, and all pcrv.ns lidding c'aiius against said Estate are notified to present the same, duly verilkd, as required by law to the under?igu d ad ministrator at Canyon Ci y, Grant Coun'y, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. GEORGE A. MESON, Administrator. Dated January, 2d, ISbO. 39-43. Is ft month j. 100-pr.RO Scrap Book of tho cream of tho World 3 Literature. bmIo copy, iMc., or $2 per7 year. An Oil Chromo (lix'M inches) of " Yosemiter Valley," prico, $3; . " Black Sheep." A ?1.50 book, in paper bindinR: "Christian Oakley's Mistake." a jl oook, in paper binding, and a samplo copy of "Wood Household Magazine" all post-paid, for only 30 cents in money, it in one-cent postaco stamps. Agent u-antcd. Motliboral terms, but nothing sent free. Address S. S. Wood, Tribune Buildiaa, Kow York Cit?- Blank Deeds for sale at this office: II. StanislaWSKY, Practical Watch maker and Jeweler, is located at Can yon City, Oregon. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired at short uotic fa-nd wan anted. n&ilf. UfflfflH !