I' s k. 1 r 7 M CfliU lie, Saturday Morning, Dec. 27, 1879. Notice. Simple announcements of Dirths, marriages and deaths, will bo inserted without charge. Obituurv no tices will be charged for according to their length. HAN YON CITY" LODGE, NO. 84, iJ A. F. and A. M., holds its regular Communications on the Saturday even ing of or next proceeding the full moon in each month, at seven and half o'clock P. M. 7ZK5ZZ2ZC73Xt fj OB A II LODGE. No. 22. I. 0 0. 12 R, meets every Thursday evening at their Lorinc Jioom in Canyon City.' Visiting brothers are invited to at'end. By Order of N. G. 3f OUNTAINVJEW LODGE, No. I 83. j. 1. U. u. 1 Prairie Citv, Ore . . y . i n mtcts ovitv Saturday fawning. gnn, mourners oi tne onier are invited to attend. Bv order of tho N. (i. - r i i ... COUKTB For the past week the weath er lias been extremly cold in this county, perhaps colder by several degrees than for years past. On last Monday morning the mercury ran down to 24 degrees below zero. Snow to the depth of l-I inches has cov ered the grass in this section of country for over a wek, and if it continues six week, longer we believe we will not be fat wrong when we say that not less than 20,000 head of cattle . will die of starvation in this county alone. Our stock men have -been favored, huirclv. for years past and consequently they are uot prepared for this snow. But lot us hope that a chinook will dispel the snow inside am. l Lor week and that our ranchers will see their im mense hands come no in the: S')rinr. as usual, rolling fat. Our description of the county will be continiuHl next week. Holidays on! v come-- once in a vear and the printer needs one da- at least for fun hence we d e fe r red vi iliutr t i . e co i; n i v u p litis week. Wct will be a few hours late with our pjtper this week and njxt, but the News will not miss an issue, hear it? In the i ext decade there will be an immense amount of rail road building in the United States. It will probably witness the complet:on of the Northern Pacific, the Dalles & Salt Lake the Southern Pacific railroads. Freight teams are still run ning between Canyon City and the Dalles. Mr. Howe, of the Warm Springs, spent Christmas in town. He wants to sell his place. See his advertisement. Christmas tres throughout the county arc reportecfto ns as being over average for this country, and all were pleased. Our dancing community all say that they had a ''way upr time at the several balls given Fifty hears ago one man widi two horses and a wagon woulk transport, one ton of produce twentp miles in ten hours. Now six men (two in the coal mine to feed the iron horse and four on a train of cars) will transport 300 tons a distance of 200 milps. Pteduced to a mathematical demonstration the change amounts to just this: The la bor of the six men and tlie train of ears perform the labor of S,000 men and .7,000 brsp E. C. Williamson, Supt. of the Dalles & Baker City Stage Line, de parted for his home at Independence Mo., on last Monday. "We wish him a pleasant visit and a safe return. You can now afford to take a Chi cago paper. See announcement in another column of clubbing arrange ment with the Chicago News. Mr. Barger, of the new Stage line, failed to connect last week. The regular daily of Yaile & Co., make connection even dav. LTncle" Eli Lester, "Win. Green well, and the Murray Brothers spent a few davs in the citv the first of the week. Jen Haguewood had the misfor tune to freeze the little finger on his right hand, on last Monday night. The Columbia river must be frozen i over as we have had no mail from i u 1 c , 1 ' I orlland for several davs. j Although paper and all kinds of . . -, , , per cent in price, we still continue to furnish the News at 3 a vear. vTo think the correspondent of the Calusa Sun makes a few mistakes about the Stein Moun tain country. Ot Some cattle men in from Harney Valley last night, report snow in that section as being about seventeen inches deep. This Morning' tho weather is warm and pleasant, and the snow is rapid ly disappearing. County Coit.t convenes next Mon day. ?i lot her Laswell is improving slow ly from her late illness. See the new advertisements in to day's paper. Bargains offered. Head our dubbin ir; Announce ment vritii the Chicago Wkckia News. ILii-ido Seymour is in his 70th year. CouiJshhip is a draw g:;me marri age it a ti' Ainin Dickinson is working ou scv eral plays The Wiiitu Ilon-e at Washmgt,! n is 70 ems tdd. Jcar;iii M!ltr viili itg'iin wu'k i.to the lectur 'ieid. The hour cf dinner in Parid is at half-past 7 p. m. l ho Siiidj !ins e tahiiihed tlie decimal j?y:em of coi..a(:e. Tiv namhi r of i'i-risii:in;zed Jews in Euand is set jt 8,000. There are 3 to be 'jOO Americm ait studf-nts now in (V.viv". 'Jatlin jiiither was th tiero of a by lately prndtto d in Paris. It's a strapping tt-do'-v who'o able to hold ins h'me in this barber-u;; worbi. A monument on the top of .Lookout Mountain to Fighting Joe Hooker h baked-of. They have kiiied a raltlcrmako in Le;n county, CMiibrnin, that had 42 rattles. During her six years' sojourn abroad. Carlottu Pitrti appeared in over 1,200 concerts. Florida reports thaf same time it will liberally supply the North with straw berries in mid winter. The weath-r has bee n sn favorable in Oglethorpe count', Ga., that the third croj) of figs for 1871) is nearly ripe. A walnut-timber boom is going on in Tenoesee. E verv saw-mill iss iwingit fast There is a great demand lor it in London. Scissors, which are still trade in Shef field, England, by a tedious hand pro cess, are made at one ctroke of a die in Connecticut. The matter of makintj straw hats was started by a little girl in Dedham, Mass., and from this has grown a wide ly extended busioe33. IT. Stanisla WSTCY, Practical Watch maker and Jeweler, is loc-ited nt Can yon City, Oregon. "Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired at horfc notice nnrl u-irrinf orl ' Q9T D32tf. Did you ever notice a poor chap that stands in the first picture of the almanac, with fish, sheep, bulls and twins, as well as scorpions, all around him? If so, did you ever no-' tice that he is naked and had nothing in his stomach, nor no: where will be prepared for her coin in his pockets ? Well, that '. a gra,ul banquet of beans, pine poor fellow used to edit a coun- nuts' grasshoppers etc. Altnr try newspaper. DouM forgot i Cal- Independent. ofdot j Contrary to the expectation nf those who take a gloomy view ot our f'oivi;n The Piute Princess Sarah Winna-; traiie frco lriiCer3" t0 :l man olir exports mucca, vho has be .n lecturing in San are nn increasinu llt amazing "rate. Francisco on the wrongs of her tribt-, The vaiue 0f dLmeatic trooJs sent out has lii-jclo a lenirthv affidavit to be for warded to Secretary Shurz at Wash- ington asking in behalf of her people u00,()00 more th-.n in October. 187S, that Rhichart, Indian Age tat Ma'- bul verv lnU(.h tilc )arge,t snm ever re hear nervation, b-s renrnved and that j roi.te(i R Qm nionUl Tho iuipnU, fJ SamParrish, former A-enr, be rein-, JIS Wli, i,n. ni.:r,nP ..hlutolv stated. If thnt is impossible, then that some other honest and humane civilian or military officer bo given 2hame of the Airenev. Sh ula a-ks that Piuto Indians sent to Yakiin i in L87S and 1879 bo permitted to leturn to the Malheur Aucncy. The affi davit recites at length the bad faith and cruelty if Pvineliart in his treat - mcnt of the Pioti'S. and asserts that ' ilnriiMf tliH H:u:n. cl: war all tin Piut s. with the CAception of about twenty who were d:iven to desperation by Llinohart's treatment, remained friend ly to the whites. Sarah acted as inter preter and guide for General Howard in the recent Indian wan?. Silver State. Col. YTolcotr, who passed through here with a surveyieg party, in the ion-part of the snmuKr, re'urned to this place a few days ag". T!i" route which he surveyed wui from Piaekfoot to Wood river and through Cmns Prai rb'' and striking on to the iji?o river from L'tt'e Camas Prairie, the.-sce down the Boi crossing tho Snae river at McDowell's ferry, just below the mouth n Ioisj river, thence ovit to the Mdheur iind up YTi!l-v creek and ove- ti Canyon CVty and dowti lo the Dalies n the Columbia river. Mr. Woicott is returni-ig by way of the Pine Mountains over the old Iludnutt survfcv. and i"3 foUowin-; tbit survey up nrK. river. Ilia par'y passea me If) mile lions;! this wiek. lie speaks of th'4 Canyon City route as practica ble, but very ni'ic'i out of the way of settlements, wi'li ma rngiied grides, nothinu but what will be overcome shouhl tlie company select that route. -J3ois Statesman. Cannot tin? newap.iper proprietors d" OreET'Oi have a meeting some time for the purp se of ob'aininir concert of '-ic-tion with regard to Kasc rn ads ? The price often offfred a:e juyt simply in Milting. By being independent we have already raised tho prises of several and we would like to see our bret heron in arms reap hko benefits. Let some fel low that is ba-der, grayer and more bow-logged than we are toot Ids bugle on tho subject. Oregon City Enter prin. Our sentimmt to dot. In Philadelphia there are 50,000 men j uud wotiico employed in tho manufac ture of clothing, and 20,000,000 suits arc made there every year. Cutting machines are fnuhng their way into all the luige manufacturing establish moiit-. They cut 1,800 garments in a day of twelve hour?. Button holes sire also made by machinery at the rate of 100 per hour. One establishment where there mechanical appliancos are used can turn out 1 00 suits daily ready for wear inside of 12 hours. Portland, Dec. 10. Miss Jerieniaj Ralston, a young woman aged-18, who has lately followed the life of aeourte san, oviTcome by shame and remorse at her wayward course, attempted to com mit suicide this morning at the H-me restaurant on Washington 5-treet. She entered tho restaurant and drawing from Iser pocket a small pistol placed the muzzle against her brca t and Gred. The ball entered just above the lelt nipple, and coursing downward lodged in.'the muscles of the buck, inflicting a sevareileih wound. Sarah Winnemucc, the old Piute, is lecturing on the his tory and condition of her peo ple, in San Francisco, and the people of that city are going wild over her.. When Sarah finishes her lecturing tour she will return to her campode, of the country in October was over SS7.0O0.0U0. which was not only 9'22t as much nor in the same proportion. Thorect'iit lieavy rain storm in South ern O retro u reunited in itreat damage. Immense quantitias of lumber, several tnill dams and thousands of logs wt-re swept auav. Nearly half the bridges in Josephine county are washed away. ! Many funis alonr the water course i lo?t miles of fence?. The total loss i I will reach thousands of dollais. Democratic : nd Itcpublieau journals regard the President's message sound on the Utah question, but very un- J -ound on fioan-es. They arc auxius to let well enough alone, and think Conirressional tinkering will do the finances of the country no good. It seems to be absolutely nceessary ti the happiness of every one that he sliouid have a pot. Sometime it is a cat, sometimes a d"g and sometimes a theory, and it is h rd to make up one's mind whether the umn with a per monkey or man wi'h n pet theory about reformnig the whole world in twenty four hours is the more disagreeable. Ohio i;o Iris tho most extensive stock ! vaidsof jiiiv city in the world. They uccupy 005 acres and have accommo dations for 10,000 cattle, 120,000 hofrs, 5,000 sheep and 1,000 horse-. These yards are found inadequate to accom modate the increasing business, and additions are to bo made. Was'.iixgton, Dec. 14. The aetiou taketi by Ilou-e and Committee on In-di.-:ii ali'aiis, providing that the Colora do Lie Indians rthail be kept within the boundary of that State, is bosek tip on tie b lief of a majority of the com mitter that th.y can be mere securely watched and guarded upon small res ervatiotn in southeastern C -dorado than at any point more distant from the basis of military operations, and that they will bo more contented and less likely to create disturbances thuo than in ny unfamiliar now location. Beside o these cousideratious the commit ee were largely influenced by the united earnest oppjsition of representatives of other sec.ions of the '.roftrn country, ayaint locating those furmable Indians any where within their r spocUJo S.'ntes or Territ tries, and tho influence of the Interior Department was also powerful ly exerted in the same generol direc tion. The joint resolution as amended '.ii! doubtless crivo rise to considerable d-bate in the House, hut its passive seems to bo quite, cortaiu. Another ruined crambler's sui cidc is announced from Monte Carlo. It was a Russian who lost 8280,000 at roulette. The proprietor of the bank offered him $-1,000 to enable him to return come, but the Paissian haiiffh til y declined it. He went, with apparent compos ure, to his hotel, and there he was found in his room tlie next morning, hanging by the neck, and dead. Three kittens have died of diphtheria in Ogdensburg. The postmortem examination show ed plainly the diphtheric mem brane in the kittens' throats. A wom-m's glove is to he? what a vest pocket is to a man but it is more capacious, and in ninety-nine cases out of hundred it is much better rep-, ulated. A man will carry $200 worth cf small change, four matches, half-a-dozen tooth picks, a short pencil, and yet not be able to find a nickle. or' o match, or a toothpick, or a eaad when he wants it. Not so with a woman. She has the least bit of a glove, and in that trlove she carries the tiniest hand, and a wad of bilLs a:.d the memoranda for her intended purchase of dry goods, car tick-' ets and mattinee checks, and maybe a diminutive powder bay. We lruve no idea how she does it how she manages to squeeze those thousand and one things into that wee space. But she does it every time, and the irlove never looks the least discomposed, or plethoric, or milled. And when she wants any article concealed about that glove, she doesirt seem to have the least trouble in the world getting at it. a!1 that is requir ed is a simple turn of the wrist, the disappearance of two fairy lingers, and the desired article is brought to liiht ! It is a wonher no savant can explain. Grant weighs 170 pounds. The law pas- d it the late session of the Alabama Leii.dature prohibiting thcr puivhst.se of ci.t'on in sjod has been de-' eidud unconstitutional. The bnjk of Prussian prisoners are employed at eiar-iuakidg, because the w..rk takes little spaee and i3so readily h-arnek by young and old alike. Miss Iletta Younger, a si?ter of the notorious youneg boys, of Missouri, is up in Mitausota, visiting her brother. in the penitentiary at Slidwater", A ."ingle hair fiom the head of sc p-etty wtjiua'i brought S0 at a allle or the ben- fit of Gen. Hood's children in Luwii:es county, Ala., the other dav. Qucom Victoria's kitchen i regularly supplied with a 89-a-barrel Hour red winter wheat from America's ereat West bv order of the Ldy of the house There arc stretches of country in Arizona where, for distances of fifty" miles, water cannot be procured for" travelers -without paying prices rang ing from $'2 to o per barrel. Over $4,5(30,000 has already been spent by the Government in the pur chase of the lot and erection of tho Philadelphia, postoftice, and another 1,500,000 will comploto it. WIT AMITIIIl'l The undersigned offers for aalo the )roperty at tho head of John Dav, known as the "WARM SPRINGS''. Also all of Iiii Cattle and Horses at a bargain. Appiv on the premises, THOMAS HOWE, n3$-dfc Proprietor. AI5ARGAO". A Xew White Sewing jIachinor with cover, drop leaf and five draw-' ers, for sale cheap for cash, or at a great bargain on one or two rears time. Call at this ofiice and see the machine before you buy. Itfo better machine is made than the White. Horses Fop. Sale. A fine span o match bav horses, about loi hands high, two and three years old. Tho span will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars enquire of S. H. Shep herd, at the Xews Office. 3t. Is a month .y. 133-pago Scrap Book of t io cream of the World's L tentur. fc.u-.jia copy. Ijc, or $2 per year An Oil Chroma (11x20 inches) pf "ipnemna Vcllcy," price, $3. " Black Sht'ep." a 81.GO 5opk, in paper binding: "Chri-stian Oakley's JLatakc. a 8i Ijook. in paper bindinp. and a caraplo copy of 'WQoa a Household ilacazino" all post-paid. fr cr.lj 3d ooP in money, or in oro-cont posttire s-smpf. Agcct Xmtod. Matt lib&ral toman, but nothing sow LUSH i h