Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 27, 1879, Image 1

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"VOL. 1. NO. 38.
Tie Grant Coit? News.
Editor and Publisher.
Si Hi S,
N. Rulison. A. H. Groth
Canyon City, Oregon.
Per Year, : : : $3 00
Six Months, : : : $1 75
ETJLISOrT & GROTH, - Proprietors
Bog leavo to inform tbolr friendi
Aad te Publio Generally1!
That they can be found at ths
Aafi aro alwawe roaiy to famish good
Board and Lodging
lw 1m 3 m Gm lyr
llnch $2 U $5 $10 $20
2Incees 3 G 8 U 26
3 Inches 4 7 12 1G 30
Inches 5 8 14 20 36
i Column 7 9 20 28 40
J Column 8 13 24 3G 50
Column 10 15 30 40 70
1 Column 15 20 40 GO 120
The uaderiigaed takes ptaaeur In announc
lag to the goncrtl publio th&tthy havo opn
ed FIRST CLASS HOTEL in the buUdiog
known as The Golden Eagle,
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon.
Legal Advertisements $2. 50 per seir Where vnu can fin,? rh
for first insertion and $1 per square miBT m
each subsequent insertion. jLiJuia JL J. L15 JUsh
Notices io local Column, 20 cents North of Portland,
per line, each insertion. 1 2x o 33! cSL &
Transient advertisements, per square Are til now, end tb room bavobeao furalib
sf 12 lines. &2 50 for first n.l SI for ed UBW tbroufjhost.
each subsequent insertion in advance
Legal advertisements charge! as
transient, and must be paid for upon
expiration. No eertihVate of publica
tion given until the lee is paid.
Yearly advertisements on very liber
terms. Professional Cards, ( oue inch
r less,) 815 per annum.
Persoual and Political Communications
charged as advertisements. The above
rate will b strictly adhered to.
Board, $5. per week; 1. per day
Meals, 50 cents.
Seoerdahl Robe uts, Proprietors.
C. W. Parrish.
Canyon City, Oregon.
. :attorntey at law,
Canyon City, Orkcjon,
Geo. B. Cuurky,
jfiLttoratioy Xjaw,
anyon City, Oregon.
M. Dustin,
Attorney at Law,
Canyon City, Oregon.
;GltDUATi5 of the university of f-enn-eylvania,
April 8, 1848.
Canyon City, Oregon.
Office in his Drug Store, Main
Grange Hotel.
J. IT. Hardman, Proprietor.
Tbo cccoucnodttions tt the nboro Uote! ra
(jrtflil, nd tvcTj af will ba Ukta to nsko
32rCouforlRbl bdf, sofl ti good tubl
m iht ratrkat iffjrds farcijboi tt roooab!t
.ort Harney, Oregon.
5T. EilVJEK, Proprieto?.
H aving completed mT Hotel
I am prepared to entertain the
traveling public vth care and
comfort. The table is supplied
with the befit the market affords.
The bedB are neat and clean.
Manufacturers and dealers in
Flour of the Best Brand, Gra
ham Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts,
Bran and Feed. For a
Buperior Article
oe flour go the Strawberry
Mills. These Mills are located
in Strawberry Valley, in the
The Stein Mountain Country.
supplied fkt pr9oot viih su than 7,
000 laborers oi all cU&m, and ihr k
probably tan th&a 2,000 ansttintly
ployed This ntgroee already her
know that tho no employment to
offea to thsir race if ihey wrs to eouie
here, &nd n prMum thai the vary ex-
Goreuor wlso hug written ihi lttr
narer gare a day's ainploy wni so a n
gro. It' a uegru haa mouey enough to
coin htre and bay lata a far so, Orwgou
offers him ajgood home. If he cornea
Stat Orders for Drugs promtly filled. upper J0hn Day Valley, Grant
iso professional patronage solicited ,
T,nleB3 directions ate strictly followed. b0Unt ACCOinmoUa.
tions a speciainy. ueasonabie
J. W. HOWARD, M. D.,
Caxyoit City, Grant Co., Oregon,
0. M. D0DS0IT, M, D.,
3Ex-i2ri City, C3 xx.
Dental RoomB, Opposite th tbodiit
Canton Citt, Oregon.
The best of Milk furnished to
the citizens of Canyon City ev-
prices. Give us a call. a8f
Yaile & Co., Proprietors.
Departs from Cunyon City for The
Dalles and Baker City, Daily.
Arrives from the same points, Daily.
R. Q Williamson, Sup't.
FRA2JK KcBEAN, - - Proprietor
Departs from Cannon City
on Monday, Thursday, and Sat
urday of each week.
Arrives at Canvon Oitv on
3ry moving, -by the gallon or Sunday, Wednesday and Fri-
quart: at reasonable rates . clay oi each week.
A correspondent of the Colas (Cal )
Sim given tho following daacription of
of the Stein mountain country and the
immense cattle ranches in that vicin
ity: "We hare come, moexpectedly, upon
Dr. Glenn's Oregon ruch, about -which
so much was said during the retient
campaign, it in
And covens an area of 75 miles lone
by 20 mile wide. If it were not, Dr. bero to reat or depend on day labor
Glenn, you koow, would hayt, nothing fo' I& ill find il the Lardest
to do with it. The Doctor hag never roaa 10 "avr: n er uuderiooic 'lne
seen it, however, and probably never Ohideao are here, and th party to which
will. He has a partner, Peter Frenoh. -Go?OBor belongs refused to (hi
who stays at tho ranch and run the anything to get theta away, and kenoe
I 1 a. .
busineis. Mr. French was not tt home, remain & competitor with laboiera
being absent in Portland on aomo gov- for 7e&r ? oia& But we taiiikjthat
eminent busineen, but we were taken w cri .derstand the secret of this
in charge by his mftjordomo, or ovor- "iovemeui Recdutly a realieatate oui-
seer, and kindly and hospitably Renter- "on wae formed, which has ui
taine.l. There are two ranches on the aSeQt traveling through the State g'gt-
runge, the P. ranoh here in this valley, Xma lautla for r re plaeed ia la
nnd thn Dinmond ranch an ' crIIpJ I luinda. and it makes but little diffef-
i'rout the nrunds used tome 25 miles neoe what the quality or the lands are
further on, in the valley of ICeiger We shall aoon expect t ae thie aasooH
creek. These streams and ral leys ation publishing a circular offering ex
are so Biinilr that a description of traordioary xudueemeuts to settlors, and
one ia a doecription of both. The it would not be surprising if it uid net
streams rise on the west side of Stein send secret oirculsw among the ne
mountaiu and flow in a northwesterly groes to deoaive thera into ih& idea
course, and siuking or spreading into that if they will eoiae to Oregon tJhey
broad uiArahes g- to contribatfl to the can muke a living by fittiag ou the
watrrs of hkos Malheur and Harnay. shady aide of a big fir ires. 1 he whole
the valleys matter is a fraud on trie poor igroea
Are thirty or forty miles long and from and the Stit generally, and no benefit
.... ... ,. u. :a 4 '!
ix to twelve ml(ni in wiutn. xne BU guu:u
oil is woderfully fertile; the olltnate exited pill that Oregon prefers the
is not exceaaivo, and Hue grain and hK th OUinoae, is so tbmly cover
i ed over that the ooloreti k'SQ.tlenian is
v ryyear, and of the best quality Pw'y mu in tht corner o tne tence.
The gently sloping hills are oovered --uo ariilu 01 luuU8ttUU
with bunch graai, and the wild gran Oregon would make paupers out of four
of tb volley will produce a ton and a thousand of them, and wouU compel
h..lf.M.,w t.i iha TTam dm riMi those ht?re and the other thoiwaed vto
work for less than the present vninese
wages, or starvation, would follow. The
man who would advise ewsunxon labor-
ord to oomo to Oregon with false prora-
tseij is no f rieod te that class of people,
uad beautiful homes for 500 families,
with uuiule stock ranee fur all. Glenn
and French hold thi Yaat body of laud
by the right of undisturbed possesion.
We wore told by his bookkeeper that
I .J-..'. . . ..1 1 1L
no oart of the immense track of laud andtol expects io prone tnrougn suca
over nhich their 25,000 head of cattle U flw rop;etuion.--l,rtlaad Stand-
rntm linn nvrr nyaf(l nnv Irinri of titlf. ard.
It ii true it would be a littfe uusaf for
a settler to Ko into this country and Ool Woloott, Engineer of the Utah
attempt to make a homestead, for all U Northern, who has been stopping at
aiich are treated as interlopers, and Oveiland Hotel tor a foW cbya, lelt
Quickly invited to emigrate. yesterday morning to meet hia party,
Ono man went and tiled a homestead vrho are engaged in making an exanim-
on the stock ranoh of one Wallace, in ation of the eountry down the Snake
Warner Yalley, aud before ho had timo river valley near the old Hudnut sur-
to nut ud his cabin Wallace took down Th 0o1- h 8Pul the P3ik um
hia Winchester rillejmd shot him dead wer in txamining the various passes
and the tock men in the vicinity will and route from the U- & N rwd to
tt!ll von that "Wallace, a. perfect en- Ae Dalles. Ho ha just completed a
tlemsn." .Nothing was ever done iQ survey of the route through the Wil-
the matter. All these largo tracks of lo orfttjk alld John 'ft val1 to
land are held by bluster an braggado- u allca and om8 UP v7 J
Grand Rondo snd Powder river valleys
dio. and it strikes me as beinz a
of unparalleled impudence for on or Ho ..psaks ol the Grant County rout.
two men to spread theia-tlrei over two as bein8 a Pticble route without
or three hundred square miles of God's an7 veI7 W7 firades' bafc Ver G-
free heritage and attempt by threats ed UPon th whoU f J
and blows to keep out the thousands of ioa that tke Co 1qtM7
a - , , . . impressed with the old Hudnut route,
honeit and industrious men who are r 00 ol '
.... v j , , , and from a recent conversation had
Keeking lor names and employment. .
Thes. ladS .re, near .11 of them, witb him led ' bBhs" u
subject to pre-emption and homettead ,ha6 b W,U hls
entey, and men of nerve and pluck will company to .dopf. If lb. company
i i.T :u finally settle on the Hud nmt routo lor
como here and take it, aud the nine ih
- ,. , xl i their through line, they will mosi like
not far distant when these rich and , , , , ' x ,
i . i ii , ,t . it ly build a branch to the J oun Day val-
beautiful valleys will be thickly popu- y u
, , , . , i lev from some point cn too mam nne.
lated and covered with happy and proa- "v
. It seems to bo the policy o this eoin
pcrous homos. , . i
r panp to carry their main lino through
In the dispatches of yeterday was -t7 which will BupPly the
one to the effect that we need 250,000 greatest amount of looal busmesa, and
negroes, and that "Oregon would offer to send out feeders from the mam line
every inducement to that class of peo- to all the poinss where the business is
nle This simnlva cicantio and in- sufficient to justify the outlay. The
famous swindle, and an attempt to do- om Walla Wala eventually
hide a class of people into coming to o extended to Lowistun and perhaps
Oregon for which we have no use what- " far as Mt. Idahc. A similar net
over It is an un Questionable fact that rk of roads will in the oonrse of time
Oregon has nothing to offer as an in- moss imeiy oe exienaea w an tne im
ducement for tho laboring classes, un. portant points in Eastern Oregon am
less they means enough to buy them
selves a farm or go into business. The
labor market is amply an 4 m ov than
portstion extended to all available
points, and it is bt reasonable to pre
dion tnat the xiaio line will be built
throsgh the nain valleys if the routo
through those valleys is nearly as favor
able as other routes. Idaho Demo
erat. After the above was put i type wo
reoeived thaOgden Dispateh whioh con
tained the following:
Mr. Cheybourne, of the eogiieer
eorp of the Union Pacific Co., is in the
oity tu-day to purchase supplies for his
party now at Blue creek; This party
of surveyors went to the mouth of
Goose creek, on the Snake river, last
Juno, and began the lining of a route
from that point to Ogdou for stand
ard gauge road, and have roaehed Blue
creek, ooming thk way.-' firv o ys we r
also made to a connection witnHjthe
Utah and ITorthern, with a view o
using its roadlead from there to a point
this aide of Snake river. Anofther pr.
ty began work at tne same and time,
going down the Sdake, and a fow dayd.
ayo had reached 1 point near JThtT
I HI i ,tLii jiU'P
( Dalles. This entirely new
Voad from here to Portland, that will
aud another important actor to Ogj
den'promindnee as a great ruilroad
contret4" jJ
We ar satistelxhat our Montana
and North Idaho exchange! are a little
off on railroad matters, at least so far as
the yrospects of a railroad from some
point on the U. k IT., by way of Boise
City is eoncexned. Democrat
Idaho. With the settlement and
development of our Aalleys and mines
we may expect to see railroad trans-
Ay Open Wiutjer. Last
Saturday wa3as warm as any
April day and the snow has en
tirely disappeared from the
hills. The bodts arefmning
above Celilo up to date, just
nine days lateJT thrtn ahey were"
able to conthrde their trips last
year. The oiily fears we now
have are sevelo April frosts that
may injure the young fruit
buds and cut-off a very import
ant source of our revenue.
Otherwise than that, all signs
point to a Spring season of
unparalleled prosperity. Em
pire. A young wife remonstrated
with her husband, a dissipated
spendthrift, for his conduct.
"Lore' said he, "I am like the
prodigal son; I shall reform by
and by." "I will be like the
prodigal son, too," she replied,
"for I wilt axise and go to my
The first cylinder press in
Eastern Oregon arrived here on
Monday last, for the use of the
Mountaineer. It was put up
on the day following its arrival
and we suppose that it worked
off this week's editiun of that
paper. Empire.
It's bad enough for a minis
ter to preach a long sermon,
but when he fools the congre
gation abhut eyery ten minutes
by remarking that he has only
a few more worps to say, and
does not propose to try the
patience of his hearers, it be
comes almost time for some
body to rise to a point of or
der, or for the sexton to turn
off the gas.
The variety of colors used by
the printers of posters worry
the poor goats, who like the
paper well enough but are
afraid of poison
.' y ' '
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