Notice for Publication. Land Office at La Grande, Ore- ) 011, November 10th, 1879. f Xotice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the exjiiration ! oi thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Eli G. Officer, of Grant Count v, Oregon, for the N-V SE4- & NEJ SW & SAY KEV Sec: 6, 1MB, SH 27 E, and names),the following as his witnesses, viz: J.N. Brackett, of Grant County, and M. Dustin, of Grant County. HENRY "W. DWIGHT, 33-37. Register. Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Grant, in Probate. In the matter of the Estate of Neil 3IcNulty, deceased: Notice is hereby given that M. S. Hellman, the administrator of the Estate of Neil McNulty, deceased, has filed in said Court his final ac count of his administration in said estate and that Tuesday, the Oth day of Jan.. A. I)., 18S0, at 11 o'clock A. M. of said dry has been duly ap pointed by the Judge of said court for the settlement of said account at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and lile'his exceptions to said account and con test the same. M. S.IHELLMAN, Administrator. Canyon City Nov. 14, 1S70. 32-30. iADIES ATTENTION. - w- Mrs. James F. Cleaver has just received from San Fran cisco .i well selected supply oi WINTER HATS. A fine assortment of Jewelry and Toys Joy the Holidays. She always keeps a full stock of Emhroideries, Laces, Corsets and Ladies Underwear, Etc. at prices that Defy Compett Tion. Orders accompanied with cash filled promptly and satis faction guaranteed. Prairie City, Nov. 21st, 1879. liliLLlKERYcAfiD DBESMAKING. , "u t. Cr n it no,,i.:- i.i A A ,M1 r i i ,w Pnmrnn ;p;f,, nA i that they are prepared to do sewing of all' kinds. CUTTING AND FITTING a speciality. Also that they will soon have on hand a full as sortment of Millinery goods, and small articles, such as but tons, thread, emdroidery, dress trimmings, etc. Your patron age is politely solicited. HOWARD & COBB, MEAT MARKET. JOHN DAY CITY, OREGON- We keep the best qualities of VEAL, CORNED BEEF, BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, HAM, BACON, LAUD, SAUSAGE, ETC., ETC. Constantly on hand and forsalc attlie LOWEST MARKET RATES. John Djy Oct. SUtli, 1879. AT THE POST OFFICE! E. HALL, X 33 Xj 33 3L X 3XT Stationary, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. Subscriptions taken, at Publishers' Bates, for all the Leading Papers and Magazines published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew elers, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Repaired. SNIDER & STBVBNS, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GOODS Of Every Description. 0 K A NT Ooi'NTY, On FA',0 S. God Cider Vinegar FOE BILE, By the barrel, keg or gallon, AT FRUIT RAECI1 Three miles East of Can von City, Ogn.? Cheap lor Cash. ALSO APPLES and CIDER In quantity at the lowest rates for cash, FISK & RINEET ART. Fruit Ranch, Oct. 4th, 1879. JOHN wootsi:v GEO. IIOUSMAN. WOOLSEY & HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OREGON. TJlHE BAR is j-upplied with puro Winoa nnd Liquors, Deer, Alo, Bitters and Cigars. FINE BILLIARD TABLES In the Saloon. 23Givn us a call, i. n. wood. j. w. rnuncn. "WOOD k CHURCH, LIVERY STABLE AND CORR ' L, and FEED STABLE. Good bugfry teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to hoarding and groomins: transient stock ENTRANCE On Main and Washington Sts., Canyon Citv, OltKCON. The cheapest place to Tray PA8E5T8? Oi IS, TORPETIE, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES And WALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired's, opDosite the M. E. Clmrch, Canyon City, Oregon. nl2fct. BAKER CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. A.B. ELMER Watchmaker and Jeweler, I3AKER CITY, OREGON- AH work done promptly, and warronted to give satisfaction. Ilaa conetantly on band a full and complete stock of WntcheB, Clocks and Jewelry, for sale Cheap for Cash. All goods warrontod as reproBontod. Watcbos and all other articles sent for repairs may be left with S. II. Shcpbord, who will attend to forwarding the same. A. B. ELMER. T. C. HYDE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Buker City. Oregon. Office corney of Court Avenue and Liberty Street. AD A MS& CRAWFORD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ; Heal EEstate & Collecting Agents Baker City, Oregon. ill Practice in all Courts of the State. i xew store and new goods. SlMUEL SIRED, CANYON CITY, Has on hand the Largest and Finest selection of Furniture in this County House, Sign and Carriage painting neatly executed, at reasonable rates; Frai Eporii Successor to Poindexter & Clark. Has CoNStANTLY on Hand at TUE OLD STAND, A Large Assortment OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOIS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO &; CIGARS WALL TAPER, 1I0USKLINING, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES, AND a thousand otiior articles too nu merous to mention, all laid in at low figure?, and for side CHEAP FOR CASH. Our motto: "Large sales and small Profits." Highest Gash price paid for Fur. MY -AND "Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon Fp G- SELS, - - Propt'r. CoretanUy on hand ami f.-r sale, Xjagor 2E3o:2., Superior to any in too S u.U FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIO AH?. ATO. MALT. MALT VINEGAR. AND CII0IrE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAGER BEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINKS, For sale in qusatitisi io?s tbja FIVE GAL LONS. STOTES TIN WARE BY RSAX RRETSCHAK, CANYON CITY, ORHCON, Keeps constiintly on hand a goodas sortmont of STOVES AND TINWARE Acd fucb otber aiticlfl t'Fually kop in a first claFH Tin Establishment, AT MODERATE PRICES. HENRY SIEGART, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING-, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, AND RAZORS KOHED With tbo utmost skill and care. Put up expressly for Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, finer, better and cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G. W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Metschan & Co., Gundlach & Bro. and the Pro prietor. JOHN GOLDEN, Prairie City, Oregon. Boots and Shoes made and Repaired to order. Clocks and Watches Cleaned and Re- paired. n21tf. I. X. L. in v. i: m a i a 11 Can von City, Oregon, Are Deceiving their Heavy Stock of Fall l Winter Goois, ! COMPRISING iDTtr goods groceries, hard. i WARE, 11 E AD Y MADE CLOTH ING, I ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. ETC. Ouit Stock is complete and inexaustn blo. Ttl i iiintr Camp Supplies in endless (jiiiinti'.y and at reasonable prices. New Goods of Every De scription. A full Stock of crockery, glassware, pat. ent medicines, paints, oils, school books, stationery and notions, etc. on hand. Wo have tho best selected and fond est Stock of General Merchandise in, ( oiinty. TC;ill and see for yourselves. 'tl OVERHGL7 St Wlir-DRICK.' W. P. Grny &. Bros. Cawon City leatlartet "Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OREGON, GR:AY BROS., Proprietor OEALE RQ IN FRESH MEATS, a . JLJLC&iJLM 1 ir lly V.'liolesalc and Rolail. Ordorn Filled on JSSia. or Nntico. Frank RgcCaHum's Variety Store, John Say City, - - - Oregon. ieam;r in CHOIf'K nilOfKHIKS, TO 15 A TO, CICAHS, STATIONCIty, NUTS AND CONFKCTIONEKY, ETC., ETC. Would ro5p"cfcfiilly solicit a sharp of the patmnae of the cifizons of John Day and sm rounding country. MAIN STREET, JOHN DAY, - - - - O It EG ON. is iiJa 5 Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE Latest Style Hats. Also a well selected stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OIL, NAILS, AXES, ROPE AND CUTTLERY, In fact a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. ALSO AGENT FOR THE PACIFIC MUTUA.IJ Life Insurance Company CALIFORNIA. J. OLLIVER & GO 5 Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Canyon Cities with milk by the gallon or quart. ss..We sell the hest of milk, anil our charges are reasonable. OVBRHOL ulmm mi o MaeoH HENRY R. SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise, Would mo3t respectfully announce to the Public in general, that he has just recvivvd and will keep constantly on hand a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Eacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoos, Clothing, Cents' fui nishins; Coods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT SV5ED5CINES OILS AND TAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. All orders for Goods will he, as usual.; filled pjomptly and satisfactorily. J? f N. B Store will he cJoscd hereafter at noon on Sunday's. H.R.5'eIs, Canvoji Citv, Orkoox. BLACKS!! SHOP' Peter Kulil Propt'r. anyon Gity; Oregon BUGGIES, WAGONS, PLOWS, and till work in his line marjo and repaired in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention paid te FEED STABLE In connection with the shop I have a commodious Feed Stable. Horses hoarded at Reasonable Prices. PETER KUIIL. G. W. DAGGETT, PE.U.Kl 1 HOOTS AND SHOE?, 1IA11DWAKE, CROttKKlir, GRO CERIES, LIQUORS AND RSiners' Goods O1' fry Pcrrnpti-n. (tRANT County, Oregon. We also keep a Hotel, where the wcarv can find rest, and plenty to eat. I I 1 I I 1 lent Mot CANYON CITY, OGN. JOHN S-2ERBURGER Dealer In Choice BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, BACON, LARD, CORNED BEEF, POULTRY and GAME, In Season. BST'Goods promptly delivered free of CIIARGEg8r A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHE MAKER, CANYON CITY, OREGON. IS fully prepared to turn out first-class work out of the very hest material and finest finish. ? gpRepairing neatly and cheaply done i