Notice for Publication. Land Office at La Giurr, Oiif.-) .'roii, 2Coveiul.or loth, LS7'.). )' ivotice is hereby given that tlic'i'ol-oAri3!:;-nLin..'l scaler has filed notice of his intention to in:ke imai proof in support ol 3iis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Eli C. Officer, of Grant County, Oregon, for the Si SEj & NE SWJ & S V.- KEJj- SecC fi, T 18, Sll '21 E, and names..the following as his witnesses, viz: j. X. Brackett, of Grant County, and M. Dustin, of Grant County. HENEY AY. DAVIGHT, 33-37. Register. Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Grant, in Probate. In the mailer of the Estate of Sell MrXultv, deceased: .Notice is hereby given thrt M. S. flellman, Ihe administrator of the Estate of Neil IMcNulfcy, deceased, has tiled in said Court his iinal ac count of his administration in said estate and that Tuesday, the (5th day of Jan., A. 1)., im), at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day lias been duly ap pointed by the .fudge of said court for the settlement of said account at which time any person interested in sait! estate may appear and file his exceptions to said account and con test the same. M. S. HELLMAN, Administrator. Canyon City Nov. 14, 1ST!). 32-80. LADIES ATTENTION. - w Mrs. .Tamos F. Cloavor lias just received from San Fran cisco a well selected supply oi WINTER HATS. A fine assortment of Jewelry and Toys for the Holidays. She always keeps a full slock of Embroideries, Laces, Corsets and Ladies Underwear, Etc, at prices that Defy Competi tion. Orders accompanied with cash filled promptly and satis faction guaranteed. Prairie City. Nov. 21st, S79. RliLLIHERY AHD DRESSHIAKING. M L Sr. ft- H wmilrl ! respectfully inform the people ! oi Lanyon Lit)' and vicinity . that they are prepared to do sewing of all kinds. CUTTING AND FITTING 51, SnPfM'il'f v Alsn tlmf. Htott will soon have on hand a f.,11 n.i- sortmcnt of Millinery "oodsj and small articles, such as but-! j. .... n - i-i -. ions, inreaci, emuroiaerv, r ress- trimmings, etc. Your patron age is politely solicited. HOWARD & COBB, 1 MEAT MARKET. JOHN DAY CITY, OREGOfj We keep the best qualities of TEAL, CORNED BEEF, BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, HAM, BACON, LARD, SAUSAGE, ETC., ETC. Constantly on hand and for sale at the LOWEST IMRKET RATES. John Day Of. 30tb, 1879. at tie post mm .E. HALL, X3 33 Xj 33 2.3 X DKT Stationary, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. Subscriptions taken, at Publishers' Rates, for all the Leading Papers and i Mejiazincs published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew. elei-3, Albany, Oregn. Watches CI ean ed and Repaired. Canyon City, Oregon, April 10, 1879. SNIDER Jk STEVENS, DEALERS IN BEY BOODS MB Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GOODS Or Every Description. (Ihaxt (V)i-nty. Okecson-. Good Cider Vinegar FOE BALE, Vy the barrel, keg or gallon, AT FRUIT R ARC II Three miles East of Canyon City, Ogn.. Cheap for Cash. ALSO APPLES and CIDER In quantity at the lowest rates for cash, FISK&RTNEETART. Fruit Ranch, Cct. 4th, 1ST9. JOIT.V WOOLSBY n::o. nous man. WOOLSEY & HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OEEGON. TfflHE RAll h puoplio'l with pure Wine and Liquor?, Beer. Alo, JUtcr. and CignrF. FINE BILLIARD TARLES In tho Solonn. 52SOive U3 a call. I. n. WOOD ,J. W. CHURCH. "WOOD & cnunci-T, LIVERY STABLE AND CORR ' L, ami FEED ST A RLE. Good buorcrv teams and nice Go.' Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or nicjht, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and grooming transient stock. ENTKANCE On Main nnd Washington St.1? , Canyon Citv, Oregon. The cheapest place to tray PA i NTS, OS IS, TURPENTB 'E, fPJ ASS roBEB7,a3a u a a ? And AT ALL. PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s, opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City Oregon. nl2tt BAEES CITY ABVEKTISEMEHTS. A.B. ELMER Watchmaker and Jeweler, BAKER CITY, OREGON. 0 All work done promptly, jind warranted to pivo satisfaction. Has conjointly on hand a foil nnd complete dock nf Wr.tche, Clocks and Jewelry, for salo Chcon for Cash. All goods warrcnted as represented. Watches nnd all other artiotcs sent for rnpaira may bo loft with S. II. Shepherd, who will attend to forwarding tho samo. A. B. KLMElt. T. C HYDE, ATIOUNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Baker City. Oregon. Office corner of Court Avenue and Lihorty Street. AD A RSS& CRAWFORD ATTORNEYS AKDCOUNSELORS: -- - - - - o-". Weal cEstate & Collecting Agents 7 ill Practice in all Courts of the MtDTfl EPoriM ! ! NEW STOUB and NEW GOODS. Has on liand the Largest and Finest selection of Furniture in this County House, Sign and Carriage painting neatly executed, at reasonable rates: CITY- ! Success-r to Poindexter & Clark. Has CoNStANTLY on Hand at THE OLD STAND, A Large Assortment -OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOT MINO, ROOTS, SHOES, groceries, provisions, toracco-& cigars wall paper, iiouseltxing, crockery, glassware, LAMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES, R ND a thousand other articles too nu 3, merous to mention, all laid in at low figures, and for sale CHEAP FOR CASH. Our motto: ''Lare sales and small Profits." Highest Cash price paid for Fur.-5. CITY BREWERY AND SALOON, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon Fa Go SELS, - - Propt'r. CostnDtly on hand nml far palo, Xjagor Boor, Superior to any in the S:uio. FINE WINE. LTQUORS AND CJOARf. ALSO. M ALT. MALT VINEGAR. AND CHOICE CALIFORNIA UOVS AND L A G E R B K E R WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINTKS. For salo io quantities Insa th-in FIVE GAL LONS. STOVES TIN WARE BY MAX BflETSCHAPS, OAK YON CITY, 01UO(,'ON, Keeps constantly on limid a good as sortment of STOVES AND TIN W Aft R And puch other nrticlrp tipunlly Uc:pt in a li rs c Tin Establishment, AT aiODEUATK PKICK5. HENRY SIEGAET, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite) City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING-, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, R AZOILS HONED AVith tho utmost cU ill and enro. Put up expressly for Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, finer, better and cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G. W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Metschan fc Co., Gundlach & Rro and the Pro prietor. JOHN GOLDEN, Prairie City, Oregon. Boots and Shoes made and Repaired to order. Clocks and Watches Cleaned and Re paired. n21tf. T "5T T mm F casTB v csa fc. OVBRHOLT k MM, Canyon City, Oregon, Are Receiving their Heavy Stock of k w Met COMPRISING i DIIY GOODS GROCERIES, HAFtD. WAKE. READY MADE CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. ETC. Our Stock is complete nnrl inexaust.i blo. Mining Camp Supplies in endless quantity and at reasonable prices. New Goods of Every De scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. AYo have tho beat selected and larr nt Stock of Central Merchandise in Grant County. ESTCall aud sec for yourselws. xl OVEP?MOLT & P1Ul.DI?JCK. . t W. P. Gray & Bros. Gamron Gily Meat Hartet "Washington Si reel, CANYON CITY, OREGON, GR:AY BRO S., DEALE RS IN -1X 33Z33.C2.J3 Of FRESH MEATS, Bacon l)y Vritolesale and lleinil. Orders Filled on Frank K3cOaHum's Yariety Store, J cliii Day City, - - - Oregon. P KA him IN ciioici-: ntoci:i:ii:s, TO l!A ''), CICAKS, STATIOXKHY, NUTS AXD COXFIXTIONEP.Y. IvTC, KTC. Would rn)(jutfnlly solicit a sKuo of tho patronage of the citizens of John );iv and suiroundintr countrv. MAIN STKKKT, JOHN JAY, OKKGO.V. v. wim Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, FAMILY G11OCERI10S, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, "WITH A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE Latest Sty leHats- Al?o a well selected stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OIL, NAILS, AXES, ROPE AND CUTTLERY, In fact a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. ALSO AGENT FOR THE PACIFIC MUTUAIi Life Insurance Company CALIFORNIA. J. OLLIVER & GO 3 Goods Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Canyon Cities with milk by tho gallon or quart. 25-We sell the best of niilk5 and our charges are reasonable. HENRY E. SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise, AYould most respectfully announce to tho Public in general, that he has just rcc-ivvd and will keep constantly oa hand a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fui nlshlne; Coods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. All orders for Goods will be, as usual, filled promptly and satisfactorily. N. B Store will he c'oscd hereafter at noon on Sunday's. Canyon Citv, Oregon. BLACKS! Peter KnM Propt'r. Canyon City; Oregon BUGGTEP, "WAGONS, PLOW?, and all work in his line made and repaired in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention paid te HorrtBii. FEED STABLE In connection with the shop 1 have a commodious Feed Stable. Horses boarded at Ilea scuable Prices. PETER KUUL. Q. W. DAGGETT, y 3300TS AND SHOES, IIA11DWAH!-:, CPiOCKKRY, fJUO CKiUES, LIQUORS AND BS-ners' Goods (iraxt County, Oregon We also keep a Hotel, where the weary can find rest, and plenty to eat. ? IT R V x 7.n lliU it CANTON CITY, OGN. JOHM HERBURCER Dealer In Choice 13EEF, AIUTT0N, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, -BACON, LARD, CORNED BEEP, POULTRY and GAME, In Season. JGSrGoods promptly delivered free of cnARGE'gr A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SH(E MAKER, CANYON CITY, OREGON. IS fully prepared to turn out first-class work out of the very best material and finest finish, j ljgp"JRcpairing neatly and cheaply done DM IP ui mm mi S