Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 06, 1879, Image 3

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    TBe Grant County News,
Saturday Morning, Dec. G, 1879.
Notice. Simple announcements of
births, marriages and deaths, will be
inserted without charge. Obituary no
tices will be charged tor
according to
their length.
J A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even,
ing of or next proceeding the full moon
in each month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
HOB A II LODGE. No. 22. 1 0 0.
F., meets every Thursday evening
at their Lode linom in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
By Order of N. G.
Ml 33. 1. 0. O. F., Prairie City, Ore
n m,ets ev(-,y Saturday Eyeing,
iUemiiers ot the order are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
There will be a meeting of the cit
izens of Grant County at the Grange
-Hali, at John Day town, on next
"YVcdnosdnv. Dp. IOHi 1.970 nf m.n
v i i n ii
U clock, ior the rmrnoso nf o-of.tnur
the sentiments of the pjcoplc in rela
tion to the building of a AVoolen
Factory in this Valley and to affect a
permanent organization for that pur
pose. Let every farmer in the val
ley be there, if possible. The citi
zens of towns should try and be on
hand early. MANY CITIZENS.
"i o o
has just received at his Store in Prai
rie City a full and well selected stock ,
of Holiday Goods, consisting of Toys
of all kinds and prices, Albums, Jew
elry, Toilet Sets, in fact everything
usually found at a "Santa Clans"
Headquarters. Remember the litlle
v folks and likewise the large ones ami
make them happy by purchasing a
miec present fur them at the store of
T. D. Titl'S, "f fie well known firm
c-f Titus Ui'i-s., Jov.'elM-. will arrive un
the IOfh f i i c.-hiIk:!, ti. n.'inain till '
ter th- Holidays with a lame id w. i!
s-lecfcrd a-o'tment of Lul.c and (ieM
solid gold watch sand t halii-, s did -.'old
iin!5 and j 'wo'-y nf t e hit i y s.
1m fjict a full asriiiM.t ot ever) ihi'i
".rtini;ig io their lino of tradr. A
rare chance to procure elegant Holiday
p-osi-nts at t:c hr.vcst ratca.
Although last londay vas a very
lissagroeable day vca jjrocurcd a
horse and started for the "Ingle
School House" determined to attend
the Factory Meeting. On the way
vce overtook Mr. J. A. Lavcock, and
upon arriving at his ranch he very
politely invited us to turn in and
take dinner Avith him. As editors
generally treat such invitations, so
"sve treated his. "While the pleasant
ladies. Mrs. Lavcock and Mr:;. "Wv
mer, were preparing1 dinner we took
a walk over to see the new barn that
" 'Johnny' ' is having erected. The
barn is 40 x 48 feet, and when com
pleted will be one of the largest
and. finest barns in the countv. Af
ter partaking of an excellent dinner
-vve proceeded on our "way. The cit
izens in the vicinity of Mt. Vernon
are in earnest in the matter and no
doubt a thousand dollars will be
subscribed in that neighborhood to
wards the erection of a woolen mill.
As the day was so stormy and so few
were in attendance that it was deem
ed advisable to omit organization
until next "Wednesday, at which time
a meeting is called to meet at John
Da.y. "We have in our possession a
communication from a mill man in
the east, and any one can see from
Ms letter that he means business.
H. Stanislawsky, Practical Watch
maker and Jeweler, is located nt Can
yon City, Oregon. "Watches. Clocks
and Jewelry repaired at short notice
and warraDiejL n32tf.
jIr. Boxham had the misfortune of
having his righfshoulder dislocated
by falling from a hay mow, in this
city, on lastnight a week ago. Dr.
Howard immediately reduced the
dislocation and Mr. Bonham escap
ed a bed confinement.
Bishop Scghers pireached several
very line sermons while in our city,
to large and intelligent congrega
tions. On Sunday twenty-four per
sonswere confirmed. We received
a very pleasant call from the Bishop
and found him to be an agreeable
gentleman and visitor.
AV. H. Clahk mounted McBean's
stage last Monday and went'to Port
Harnev on business.
Only four light." have been endulg
ed in during the week, and the re
sults sum up as follows: Two sore
heads, one fiddle a total wreck, one
bone broken in a right arm.
i Mariued.-Iii this city, at the
; ri r., , , , .
Catholic Church, on Sunday last,
Mr. d. Uliver to Mrs. Jbizzie uregg.
The happy pair has our best wish
for a long and prospcrousfutiire.
Ladies, the charts that Mrs. S. H.
Shenherd has for sale have never be
fore been offered for sale in this city
or county jjby an- other person. So
buvs one, including instructions.
I No use to'pav $8. 10, S12, or $15
i:. t.T . 1 L ...1
can purchase the latest, simplest and
best chart out for So. tf
Corn. Mr. KinibaFrbro light some
corn xto our oHiee this week which
he raised on his ranch, near Day
ville, and all doubts are now expelled
from our mind as to whether corn
will mature inOrant County. The
cars are nine inches long and the
grains are large and well tilled, in
f.lrt tIl0 e.,ro are ,l3 .iS :llv corn
and Crrant County can raise corn.
Bain has visited this vallcv abund
antly during tlie week.
Vk have received very interesting
communications from three prccints
in the county, and they will ajjpear
in the description of the comity in
due time. Lot others write us tho
report of. their tuition; no matter
how poor the writing or spellingjs
woTfiix 'cm t:n; he facts are what !
ve want, and ihoso immediately.
jlii. JjxutiEii, ol jiiio Jjallos tlrovo
into town this week with a four-horse
(touch which he proposes to run once
1. ...... 4.. T..ll. Tt
. ..
wnl maice sra -'iiig liveiv on this lino
" , .
li he continues to run. as vre are ot ,
. . n . ri . ,
the opinion that ailo & Co. will put
1 , . , -Tr
on coacnes nexe summer, and as ulr. ;
liargcr says he proposes "to stay
with ibJ' our reader.-; may look
for fun.
S.u.i.u: Winneniucca is lecturing in
San Francisco in opposition to the
Malheur Reservation, Fort Karnov
and Maj. IMnehavt. She makes the
Major out (if any one believes her) a
and the
citizens of San Francisco, onlv know
yhat else. The peojilcof this coun
ty are i)crfectiy well, acquainted the
jIajor and also with Sallie, so go in.
List of Letters remaining in the
Post Office at CiAyon City, Ogn.,
and not called for, December 1st:
Benton Bowers, John Bentel, J.
"W. Clark, Lewis Hagan, Richard
Hill, Hyde, C. F. Hunter, AV.
G. Lang (J, George !Meyer, Charley
Kussel 2, Mrs. L. Rapelle, Dr Stuard
J. D. Stephenson, D. A. Vanpossen
D. A. Van Fossen, Eva "Williams,
Geo. "Wolcott, Bart White, "W. A.
"White. E. Hall, p. m.
Our "devil" has afull dozen lead
pencils sharpened and in his pocket.
"We thought he had gone into the
Chinese chop-stick business, but he
says they are all pencils and he has
more engaged. If some one isn't
careful he will write them up.
Tiie Justice's Court in this city
has been busy this week. Right.
The case of the State vs V. Riley,
with Johu Dunham, better known as
"Ice cream Jonnv" or ''Coal-oil Tooi
uiy", as prosecuting witness was decided
by a jury, verdict being for acquittal.
Some one?hould be given the "grand B.'
AS 1 IS tfOW, AriD ITS
It is the purpose in this article to
furnish the leaders of the News with a
concise statement of what Grant Coun
ty is, upon every material point, con
cerning which those who contemplate n
removal westward usually seek to bo in.
formed. Details will be entered into
fully than has been the case in any pre
vious article of like character, and We
ask a careful, C3iidid, perusal of it, giv
ing tho reader aasurinco that every
statement therein made is warranted by
the facts and the public records. We
hhall at first c insider the County as
a whole, and follow with the historical
and statistical information of each town
ship seperatly.
Chant County
is at present situated in Eastern Ore
gon or the "Bunch Gras Empire", and
is bounded on the east by liaker Coun
ty, west by "Wasco and Luke, north by
Umatilla and on the south bv the
state of Nevada. This county lies be
tween the 42d and 45th paralullw; is
about 80 miles wide and about 3U0
long. As nrar as can be estimated
contains 21000 square miles. It is a
rolling mountainous country but has
many ferilo valleys; the principle ones
being th Valley of the John Day riv
er and Harney Vulloy which surrounds
Harney Ldce, a body of water many
uii'cs in circumf ranee. The larger por
tion of thi . valley is very fertile and
aff'.rds splendid pasturage for immense
herds of hors'S and cattle. The John
Duy A'allcy is a nurrow valley, well wa
teied. The length of the valley in this
county m 1) ut To miles, geaeral direc
tion noi th wes.
The Soil
in all the valleys is a sandy black lotn,
and grows from 2o to 35 bushels of
wheat to tho acre oats 50, berley 40,
timuthy and all' nlf'n hay 2 ton and
ur-il about lh tons to the ikuo.
All kinds i f vegetublos do exceedingly
well here vn l ;:r sold at a good price.
(,'abb:igf grow to weigh 31 pound-, tur
nij s, 'd0 and potatoes two to fivo pounds
"Watku Courses.
TLe country is well watered by springs
nnd mountain streams; tho water is
dear exct jt where muddled by mining
aud the beds . f tho streams arc nfTmo
.tnne formation. Tho John Day river
is t!.u largest s'lam, th- n comes South,
hodlu nud rth holies of the John
, ,.
D-iy, Crranito (Jrcck, liullrun, Indian
. . , T . ,
Oieek, Kock Crock, Burnt river, Mai-
, ..',.
hour, iSilvis liver tnd numerous oilier
, . . ,
- ciiuia, ui-.-iuib in luu aouiuern pare
of the cnuniy are sr-veral fine lakes.
The main one, Warner hake, is j-ur-roundfd
by a vory fi:.e valley that con
tains many thoiu-nud a;res of fine fann
ing land, but at present is under
gun" eoni rol of land sharks. The fin
est offish is caught iu all of the above
Grant County, laying aside its aiiri
cultural, mining aud oth"r advantages,
is preeminently suited to the raising' ol
htock - cattle, horns, shnop and hogs
and operations in this direction are con
tinually growing in magnitude, and im
portance. The nover failing md limit
less inngo of nutiitious grasses offers a
fina investment in stock husbandry.
Cattle grow fat and slook in the Sum
mer on this free pasturage, and, as the
winters are usually very mild and open,
the cost and trouble to bring them sifc
ly through the cold season in fine con
dition is comparitively liidit. Grant
County is not bindiug to a herd low.
No bettor stock range in the world.
Horses are more profitable than cattle.
Horses are sold for from $30 to 6150
, . . r ,A . , '
wards; s'ock cattle ivcnjie S10 per head;
three yeJ.r olds and beef cattle S18 to
. I
$20: sheep S2 to 83 per head; hogs $5
per hundred. There are in Graot
County now HS,101 cattle, 8,527 hors
es, 100,000 sheep, and 2,781 swine.
The county is heavily timbered with
pine, fir and tamarack; is easy of
and saw mills are situated conveniently
in all parts of the county. Building
lumber is worth from 22. 50 to 30 per
.thousand feet delivered; rails for fenc-1
ing are worth 20 per thousand; shingles
85 and shakes 12 per thous-ind.
Wood i3 sold in the spring for 3. 50
per cord but as winter approaches the
price advances and at this time of the
year is sold for 87 per ccrd.
is abundant in tho county and works
nicely. The building stone resembles
granite and it dresses finely. Marble
I has been found within three miles of
1 (Jan von Citv and is of two or three va-
rieties, some pure while, some reaem.
bles Italian and some durker
Health and Climate.
In this genial cliiuate itconld not well
be otherwise than healthy. The air is
remarkably pure and refreshing and
this statement holds L'ood even with the
months of July aud August. True
this latitude has its hoa'ed term the
shine as elsewhere, but the system nev
er suilrs with that unphasant lassi
tude and debility which is so universal
ly complained of in other regions, dur
ing the summer season. Moat of our
sickness here is caused from uceideiUs.
One very remarkable, as well as agree
able, feature in our climate u the fact
that the mo.-t sultiy day of midsummer
is invariably followed by a deiiciuusly
cool and invigorating night. A pair
of blankets i?rc peuerally not an un
pleasant companion towards morning.
In short it would bedillieult to find the
equal of this locality in point of health
fulness and comfort.
Pa ice of Land.
Land may be purchased at figures
ranging from the (rovernment price of
1. 25 per aero up to 850 per acre.
Ianv farms could be bought at about
from -S10 to 25 perj,ac-rc, which arc sus
ceptiblo of being improved to a high
(Jetiree in a lew years, ana "ivinir a
handsome retnrn i' r the investment.
Tiie bettor clas of Uuvernment land is
all t;iken, but what remains is especial
ly adapted to stoeV raising. On the
foot hills of the John Day yu will find
as rood wheat land as there is in the
county but it will need irrigating.
Grant County boasts of the largest
and finest orchard in Oregon, and per
Imps on this coast. It contains 40
acres and the annual yield of fruit is
about 15,000 bushels. Apple?, peach
es posrs, plums, prunes, cherry, in tact
all kinds of fruit (except tropical) ar
grown piofusely and ariive at the great
est perfection in this locality, and Id
ways sell at a nod price.
In 1878 the population f this coun
ty was about 2.000, of which netrly 1,
000 were voteis. Now the population
is ucarly 2,300.
By far the greater portion of the cit
izMi of the ci.unty are refined, intelli
gent people. They are uudly well in
formed on the questions of the day, as
well as no'ed for the'r hospitality and
sociability. We have the American
Kimlish, Gorman, Trish, French, Scotch,
Portuguese, Swced, Jew, Canadian,
Spanish, Mexican, Chin nose, African,
and Norwegian people as re-idents f
Grant County.
ClIUllCII Puivjlkqes.
Wc have one Method ist,"rone Catho
lic and ono Ephcoprd Church in the
county, but services are held in the dif
ferent school houses in the county. '
There are four Hcncvolcnfc Societies
in this county. One Masonic and one
Odd Fellows Lodge are instituted at
Prairie City and two Odd Follows and
one Masonic Lodge :.t Canyon City.
There are several Grangers in the couu
ty, as also Good Templar Lodges.
Mail Routes.
Our mail routes one ye ir ago were
only once a week service; now we hae
a daily line of stages from the Dalles,
via Camp "Watfon, Day ville, Mt. Ver-
"on aud John Day, to Canyon City,
. , ., r . J J '
M.HU n uuiiy iiuc 11 uiii uaoyotl L-ltV. Vl:i
John Day and Prairie City, to 13aker
City. A tri-weekly from Canyon City,
via Fort Harney, Alvord, Camp MC
Dermitt, to Winnemucca, and a week
ly mail from Prairie City, via
Robinsonville and Granite to
Pilot Rock, and a four horse
opposition coach line from The
Dalles to Canyon City that runs,
jl piujuoc5 lu run, once a
wee between the tWO places.
A preliminary survey for an
extension of the U. r. 1. K.
has been made through the
county and another line is be
ing agitated from the 0. P. 1.
11. to through this county; but
whether or no these roads, or
either of them, will be built re
mains to be decided. But
whether they do or not our
mail service will be increased
ere another year to daily on
one more route at least is our
prediction, and not too soon for
the necessity demands it. The
mails that arrive and are dis
tributed in Grant County are
beyond the anticipation of the
outside world. Our people
take an all wise interest in pa
pers and periodicals of all kinds,
besides, they write many let
ters, as we have no telegraph
communication, hence the mag
nitude of the mails that come
to our county.
In the county arc 27 Districts
numbered and last rcar 93,
scholars were enrolled. The
apportionment of school money
wus 2,111. 82. The best of
teachers are employed and the
wages paid are from 40 and
board, per month to $100 per
month. Private schools are
also taught, and music is receiv
ing attention both in the school
and by private teachers. As
there has never been any diph
theria here children can attend
school regularly without fear.
To be continued.
PttAiiUE Cm, 0j., Nov. 30th 79.
Editor News: Dear sir, plea?e in
form the people through your columns
that the new t-chonl book, readers and
!-pdlcr, c m he obtained of Prof."W. H.
MeFarlnnd, John Day City; G. M.
ll'two, npuuhh Gulch; C. S. Dustin,
Long Creek; and f the undersigned
at Prairie City. Exchauge must no
c-iliettd prior t Sth January next, as
after that date the new books cannot bo
obtntn d in exchange for old ones, m-r
nt iutr. diction prices. Ptrons will
plenao apply to the nearest agent.
J. "W. Mack,
County School Sup't.
A. G. Menocal iu New York last
11!" nt
ht- lead a j aper tftking ground:
Firs', a canal on the ocean level cannot
be made prac;ical or profitable. Sec
ond, a cautd with keks is certainly
practicable, and would without doubt be
profitable to the commerce of America
and of the world. Third, the Panama
and Nicuragita route-1 are the only onei
to be thought of, and of these tvo the
latter offers the best and the one most
advantageous to the diked States.
Ilcnr Von Sehilliiur, Under Secretary
of the Prus-iad Ministry ol Justice, has
been appointed Imperial Secretary of
the Department of Justice.
The ?Ierchant?t A.sociation of Bos
ton has appointed a committee to co-op
erate with other orjranizitioua iu an el-
fort to secure ihe enactment of a na
tional bankrupt law.
There is no reason to believe Russia
has recommended the Su!t:in to intro
duce the reforms stipulated by the. Ber
lin treaty without delay, and thus avoid
Eutopeun complications.
The Enterprise says: Soon
after the first of December it
is expected that the daily
amoiuit ot iron made at the
Oswego Iron Works will be
twetity tons.
The Mountaineer learns that
the 0. S. N. Co. will soon com
mence the building at this
place of two barges one of
1,2 0 tons and the other of
500 or SOU tons. Also- a large
steamboat to be used in tow
ing these barges.
The Corvallis Gazett says
that Capt. Wood's recent sur
vey of Yaquina Bay proves
that it is only a sand bar and
easily improved' and much bet
ter than its most sanguine
friends anticipated.