Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 06, 1879, Image 1

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    - ,
rnm (Eotmtt) $ett0.v
VOL. 1. NO. 35.
Tie Grail Connty News.
Editor and Publisher.
Per Year, : : : $3 00
Six MoniTis, : : : $1 75
Notices in local Column, 20 cents
per line, eacli insertion.
Transieut advertisements, per square
of 2 lines, $2 50 for first, and SI for
each subsequent insertion in advance
Leiil advertisements charge 1 as
transient, and must be paid for upon
expiration. No certificate of publica
tion given un?il the fee is paid.
Yearly advertisements on very liber
terms. Professional Cards, ( one inch
or less.) S15 per annum.
Personal and Political Communications
chargod as advertisements. The above
rates will be strictly adhered lo.
mi i n inn ! m i nil 1 1 ii i an tmt ttmtam wrt nimi
C. W. Parrisii.
Canyon City, Oregon.
Can von City, Ohkcon,
Gi:o. 15. CruitKY,
Canyon City, Ojikuon.
M. Dust ;x,
Atlonicv Law,
(.'an von Citv, Oregon.
F. C. 7rORSLS3Y,M 1.
sylvania, April 8. 1S4S.
Canyon Ci'y. Oregon.
Office in his Drug Store, Man
Street Orders for Drugs promtly filled.
No professional patronage solicited
unless directions aic s rictlv followed-
Canyon Citv, Grant Co., Oukcon.
0. M. D0DS02J, H. D.,
2P2ra,2ro 0-t3r, " O 23..
"O 23 3NT "T" X SJ rE7,
jErSf-Dental Rootne, Opposite th. ethodint
Canyon City, Oregon.
O j. 2XT "ST" O 3XT OITT
The best of Milk furnished to
the citizens of Canyon City ev
2ry moving, by the gallon or
quart; at reasonable rates.
Carpenter and Wagon Makek.
Caoyon City, Oregon.
Dealer in Hardwood, Spokes
and Felloes, Furniture,
hairs, Paints, Glass, and
N. Rulisox,
A. II. Groth.
Canyon City, Oregon,
RTJLISON & GROTH, - - Proprietors
Beg leave to inform their friends
And tlio Publio Generally1
That they can be found at the
And nro alwfetva read; to famish good
card and Lodging
The undersigned takos ploasuro in announc
ing to the general public tbattbsy have open
oj a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in tbo building
known as The Golden Eagle,
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon,
Where you can find the
North of Portland,
Are all r.ew, oad tho rooms haro been furnish
ed n-w throughout.
Board, 5. per week; $1. per day
Meals, 50 cen;s.
Skokrdaiil & Roberts, Proprietors.
Grange Hotel.
J, II. ITardman, Proprietor.
Tbo accommodations at tbo above Hotel aro
food, nod every caro will bo token to make
ijursts feel at homo.
!?Coraforlab!e bods, and a3 pood a tnblo
as tbo market affords furnished at reasoo&blo
u&nmgy hotel
IFovt Harney, Oregon.
XT. OZ,IVEEs Proprietor.
II aving completed my Hotel
I am prepared to entertain the
tnivuli nrr public with care and
comfort. The table is supplied
with the best the market allbrds.
The beds are neat and clean.
Manufacturers and dealers in
Flour of the Best Brand, Gra
ham Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts,
Bran and Feed. For a
Superior Article
oe flour go the Strawberry
Mills. These Mills are located
in Strawberry Valley, in the
upper John Day Valley, Grant
County. $5g Accommoda
tions a speciality. Reasonable
prices. Give us a call. 5$f
Vaile & Co., Proprietors.
Departs from CaDyon City for The
Dalles and Baker City, Daily.
Arrives from the same points, Daily.
R. C. Williamson, Sup't.
Departs from Cannon City
on Monday, Thursday, and Sat
urday of each week.
Arrives at Canyon City on
Sunday, "Wednesday and Fri
day of each week.
How the Errors Creep In.
A lady who recently published some
verses on "Autumn" in these columns
writes to ask, "who is responsible for
the typographical errors in your pa
per 7" Lean down here, while we whis
per in your ear: sh; nobody is. The
editor writes bo plainly that even a
blind mm could spell out his words
the compositors are college men who
have edited papers of their own, and
they set up the matter exactly as it i3
written and correct what mistakes the
editor makes; the proof reader is a pro
fessor of rhetoric and philology in an
Iowa college, and never roado a mis
take in his life, and ho corrects what
few mistakes tho compositors may
make; tho foreman is a Gcttingen grad
uate, who has nothing to do but to seo
that the matter is perfeot when the
forms go down. There is'nt a mistake
in our paper when the type readies the
press. But wo'll tell you, as a profess
ional secret, how the mistakes creep in.
The pressman told the managor, and the
manager told us; it's the ink it's the
ink. We pay out thousands and thou
sands of dollars a year for good ink, and
we can't get an article that won't fairly
measle the paper with typographical er
rors. Hawkeye.
How to Become Rich. You can
probably be rich my son, if you will be
If you make up your mind that you
will be a rich man, and stick to it,
there is very little doubt that you will
be very wealthy, tulorabie mean, loved
a little, hated a grert deal, have a big
funeral, be blesse 1 by the relatives to
whom you leave the most, reviled by
those to whom you leave less, and villi
lied by tho.o to whom you leave noth
ing. But you must pay for it, my son
Wealth is an expensive thing. It
costs all it is wortb. If you want to
be worth a million dollar?, it will cost
you just a million dollars toget it.
Broken friendship, intellectual star
vatinn, loss of social enjoyment, depri
vation of general impulses, tho
smothering of many aspirations, a
limited wardrobe and a scanty table,
a lonely home l;oeaue you fear a love.
ly wife and beautiful home would be
expensive, a hatred of the heathen, a
dread of the contribution box, a haunt
ing four of the woman's aid society, a
fretful dislike of poor people because
they wont keep their misery out of
your sight, a little sham benevolence
that is worso than none; oh, you can
be rich, young man, if you arc willing
to pay the price. Any man can get
rich who does'nt think it ia too expen
sive. True, you may be rich, and be
a man among men, noble and Chris
tian and grand aud true, serving God
and blessing humanity, but that will
be in spite of your wealth and not as
a result of it. It will be because you
always were that kind of a man. But
you want to be rich merely to be rich
if that is the breadth and height of
your ambition, you can be rich, if you
wiil pay the price. And when you
are rich, son, call ' around at this office
and pay for this advice. We will let
the interest compound from this date-
A subscribe. to a southean paper
died recently, leaving four years sub
scription unpaid. The editor appeared
at the grave and deposited in the cof
fin a palm-leaf fan, a linen coat and a
For the Sharon reception to General
Grant, one San Francisce jewelry firm
sold 26,000 worth of gems. The dress
es and gems at the Croker reception
were estimated at $5,000,000. Ex
change. The Junction Republican says J. E.
Houston, Wm. Houston, David Hous
ton, Frank Cummins and "Wm. Roper,
all of Junction City, left on Tuesday
morning to try their fortunes in East
ern Oregon.
Subscribe now for the News.
The MoNUMENTvi Mine. Several
gentlemen connected with the Monu
mental Gold and Silver Mining Com
pany leturned to this city Saturday
night from tho mines in Grant County,
and bring important information con
cerning the progress lecently made.
The new quartz mill, said to be the
finest on the Pacific const, was put in
operation on tho 11th instant, and iuii
on waste ore. They suffered two or
three preak downs, usually incident to
starting new machinery, which dolayed
the regular work on good ore until the
17th- On that day they worked 12
hourj on good ore. An assay was
made from the battery and showed
8126 60 to tho ton, which isS33 better
than Consolidated Virginia during its
benanza days, There aro 600 tons of
ore on tho dump as good as that crush
ed on tho 17th. The ore is the accu.
mulation of two years' development in
the tunnel and drifts. A shaft has
been sunk from the tunnel level, tho
bottom of which is 3-10 feet from the
surface. Specimens of average ore
brought by Mr. J. V. Stemme from
this depth, show richer quartz than has
ever been found in the mine before, and
warrants a permanency which assures
a golden future for its owners. Mount
Washington, Nov. 21. -The XX. S
auditor of railroad account received a
communication from the vice president
of the Central Pacific Railroad Com
pany, enclosing a check for 8609,680,
which settles all accounts of the road
with the government up to the 3 1st of
last Decern bor. The cash payments
for the vear 1879 will not be so
General News.
Vesuvius is again active.
Jean Joseph Gerorae, French theoli-
gan, is dead.
Two colored criminals were executed
in South Carolina yesterday.
Ten persons were killed yesterday in
Hamburg by an explosion of gas.
There are about 4,000,000 in specie
enioute from Europe to New York.
Professor Baird says that California
salmon will thrive in th south Atlan
tic States.
The Afghan losdor in the battle of
Chara Saib has taken rofuge with the
The crew of the tchooner Mercury,
wrecked near Pcutwater, Mich., have
jcen rescued.
J. Boyd it Co., boot and shoe manu.
'actures of Boston, have failed. Liabil
ties, $60,000.
Mrs. Hayes will attend the Metho
dist Orphanage Fair now in progress m
GortohakofF is reported &e suffering
from mental depression. There ia lit-
le hope of his recovery.
The Swiss cotton operatirei hare re
quested the Federal Legislature o in
crease the duty on foreign fabric?.
Captain Williams, of New York, has
been acquitted of the charge of club-
)ingan inoffensive citizen at a political
The loss on the cream of tartar fac
tory, burned in Greenpoinr, N. Y., on
Thursday night, was $200,000; insur
ance, 155,000.
The Indians call General Grant
"John Grant."
If care killed a cat, care can throw a
bootjack straighter than most peo
ple. A woman's head is turned by the
outside of a bonnet a man's by what
is inside of it.
An advertisement in a Scotch coun.
ry paper reads: "Two sisters want
washing. Apply."
By taking revenge, a man is but even
with his enemy; but in passing it over
he is his superior.
Baron Logser, the eminent Austria
Liberal, is dead.
The Archduci3 Mario OhrittUe has
arrived in Pari.
The Caar will return to St. Peters
burg from Livadia on December 4th.
Tho Berlin state of siege Trill be re
newed on the 2Sth for on year.
There were 82,400,750 ia specie re
ceived at Tew York from Liverpool
Princo OrlofFis spoken of us success
or to Baron D'Obrill as Busgiau Em
bassador to Germany.
The Russians refuso to allow the
Kashgar rebels to draw supplies or men
from Russian territory.
Several students of tho St. .Peters
burg University have been arrested for
ci eating disturbances.
The ships Rosic "Wolt, Thomas Dana
and Continental have arrived in Europe
from San Francisco.
Baconsfipld refuses to publish the pa
pers found in Cabul, comprising the
Russian Foreign Office.
The man who tried to run a newspa
per to suit everybody died in an east
ern poor house nighty yean ago.
Too mutch branes hi a grate kusa to
a man; it ia something like teo many
fleas on a dog, more than he cm attend
A Sandy Hook fisherman recently
killed a forty-foot whale with a scythe
It n-as a good scythed whale.
Two twin brothers are said to be so
much alike that they frequently bor
row money of etch other without know
ing it.
''The parting gives me pain," aighed
tho man who was combing hi3 hair for
the first time after a week's spree.
It is wonderful how silent a man
can bo when he knows his cause is
just; but how boisterous he becomes
when -he knows he is in the wrong.
"I rise for information," said a mem
ber of a legislative body. "I am very
glad to hear it," said a bystander, "no
one needs it more."
"Don't you man to marry acaio,
Deacon Jones ?" asked Widow Simp
kins. "No,' ho growled, "I'd mther
lose what ribs I've got than to take any
The Spaniih troops have killed the
Cubrn insurgent chief Mania and made
prisoner of another chief.
Tho war ship G rosier Kurfutst can
not be raised the present winter.
Work will bo resumed nost Spring.
Reed ik Sons, of Chicago, music deal-
era, have failed for 8134,000; assets
8167,000, chiefly in real estate.
By die burning of a house in Romef
belonging to Princo Charles Bonaparte,
three persons were burned to death.
The principle Labor and Greenback
men will meet in Washington on Jan
uary 8th to call a national Conven
Tho first case under tho Massachu
setts Civil Damage law has resulted in
erdbt of $2000 against a saloon keep
Mrs. Mary Jonen, of Brownsburg,
Iod., imprisoned for administering
poison to her babe, has been declared in
sane. The disaster to the steamor Alabama,
wrecked in the Seine, was caused by
running aground during a dense log.
A writ of attachment has issued
against the Bayless-Wilkes Varnish
and Printing-ink Manufncturing Com
pany of Montreal.
The marriage of Alfonse aud Mirie
Christine is fixed for tho 29th. There
will be bull-fights and other gala per
formances in Madrid.
At the meeting of the American
Geographical Society iu New York on
Tuesday night Dr. Hayes expressed hia
confidence in the Jeann ette aspedi
tiod's success.