SEW ADVBRTISEMBN'TS. Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Grant, in Probate. In the matter of the Estate of NeilMcNulty, deceased: Notice is hereby tfiven that M. S. Hellman, the administrator of the Estate of Neil McNulty, deceased, has tiled in said Court his final ac count of his administration in said estate and that Tuesdav, the Gth day of Jan., A. D., 1880, at 11 o'clock A. of said day lias been duly ap pointed by the Judge of said court for the settlement of said account at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions to said account and con test the same. M. S. HELLMAN, Administrator. Canyon Citv Nov. 14, 1871). ;-J2-3(i. TREASURER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that there are County funds on hand suf iicient to pay the following County "Warrants to-wit: Series -L No. 534, drawn in favor of Cx. W. Gray. Series 4. No. 534, drawn in favor of Y. B. Davis. Se ries 4. No. 535, drawn in favor of E. J. Y. Stem me. Series 4. No. 530, drawn in favor of E. J. "V. Stemnie. Series 4. No. 543, drawn in favor of T. "Welch. Series 4. No. 554, drawn in favor of E. P. Tierney. Series 4. No. 55(1, drawn in favor of E. C. Horslev. Interest will cease from this date. Canyon City, Ogn., Oct. 8th, 1879. T. W. POiNDEXTEK. 29-33 County Treasurer. Notice. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 18th, 1879. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof at the expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: S. "Warren, for the S EJof NEJ, Sec. 20, T 13, SofR 31 E, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Robert V. Bunn, of Grant County, Oregon, and A. J. Smith, of Grant County, Oregon. HENRY "W. DWIGIIT, n29n33w5 Register. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is this day dissolved by unitiul consent. All par ties indebted to the late firm nf Flag eollkt it Olaudk will pay the same to Fhank Elagf. llet, who -will pay all debts, dues and de mands against the late firm. PRA2sTK FLAGEOLLET, FELIX CLATDE. Prairie City, Grant Co., 0rn. 1 n29n33. October 18th, 79. j HOWARD & COBB, MEAT MARKET. JOHN DAY CITY, OREGON f We keep the best qualities of VEAL, CORNED REEF, REEF, MUTTON, PORK, HAM, BACON, LARD, SAUSAGE, ETC., ETC. Constantly on hand and for sale atthe LOWEST MARKET RATES. John Day Oct. 30tb, 1879. AT THE POST OFFICE! E. HALL, ' ID 33 .A. Xj ZE3 JEL X UNT t Stationary, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. a Subscriptions taken, nt Publishers' Rates, for all the Leading Papers and Magazines published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Biv., Jew elers, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Repaired. Canyon City, Oregon, April 10, 1S79. Lumber! Lumbe"! AT THE STEAM SAvV ftlLL OF W, I SOUTHWORTH, - M HAYING put my Mill in good repair I now ofTer for sale all kinds of Bi'iLDinG and Fi:n cinc; Lumher, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. Grain, Stock and a limited amount of Vegetables taken in exchange for Lumber. Give me a call before pur chasing elsewhere. W.S. SOTJTHWORTH, Proprietor. J HN WOOLSEV. GK.o. II 0 U 8 M A N . WOOLSEY & HOTJSMAX, CANYON CITY, OREGON. MR HE BAR is supplied with pure Winos and Liquors, Beer. Ale, Bitters nnd Gigarfl. FINE BILLIARD TABLES In the Saloon. -SGive us a call. i. n. woon j w. church. wood & church, LIVERY STABLE AND CORR ' L, and FEED STABLE. Good buggy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and grooming transient stock. ENTRANCE On Main and Wellington StB., Canyon Citv, Obkgon. The cheapest place to buy PA 8 NTS, OILS, TURPENTINE, CLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES And $ALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired's, opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon. nl2tt BAKER CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. A.B. ELMER "Watchmaker and Jeweler, BAKER CITY, OREGON- 0 All work done promptly, and warranted to giro satisfaction. Has constantly on band a full and complete stock of Watches, Clocks and Jowelry, for sale Cheap for Cash. Ail goods warrented as represented. Watches aod all other articles sent for ropairs may bo left with S. II. Shepherd, who will attend to forwarding the same. A. B. ELMER. T. C HYDE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Baker City, Oregon. Office coniey of Court Avenue and Liberty Street. ADA HAS & CRAWFORD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS; Real "Estate & Collecting Agents Baker City, Oregon. Will Practice in all Courts of the State. 1 1 1 i i NEW STORE aud NEW GOODS. SLOVLTTi-SXMID, CANYON CITY, Has on hand llio Largest and Finest selection of Furniture in this County Hodse, Sign and Carriage painting neatly executed, at reasonable rates; Frn HPB Eporiii W.H.CLARK Successor to Poindexter & Clark. Has CoNStANTLY on Hand at THE OLD STAND. A" Large Assortment 0F ! GENERAL MERCHANDISE, j Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, groceries, provisions, tobacco &;cig ars wall paper, 1iouselining, crockery, glassware, LAMPS AND - LAMP FIXTURES, ND a thousand other articles too nu merous to mention, all laid in nt low figures, and for sale. CHEAP FOR CASH. Our motto: "Large sales and small Profits." Highest CuMi price paid for Furs. CITY BE SALOON, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon F,C. SELS, Propt'r. Constantly on hand and f r salo, Xaager 23ox-, Superior to any in the SMte. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS AL0, MALT. MALT VINEGAR. AND CHOICE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAO ER DEER WIIOLES ALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINKS, For sale in quantities loss thn FIVE GAL LONS. STOVES TIN WARE BY CANYON CITY, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hnntl a goo&as sortment of STOVES AND TINWARE And such otbor article? npuaily kept in a tirst class Tin Est aMi aliment, AT MODERATE PRICKS. t HENRY SIEGART, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING, SEATING, AND SHAMPOOING, AND RAZORS HONED With tho utmost skill and caro. Pat up expressly lor Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, liner, better and cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G. W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Metschan & Co., - Gundlaeh & Bro and the Pro- ; prietor. ! JOHN GOLDEN, j Prairie City, Oregon. j I ! Boots and Shoes made and Repaired to order. Clocks and Watches Cleaned and Re- pajrC(l n21tf. EWP.RY C 8 rib I. X. Ls. OYBRHOLT k IEMCI, Canyon Citv, Oregon, Are Receiving their Heavy Stock of Fall k Winter (Ml comprising dry goods GROCERIES, HARD. WA RE, R E AD Y MA DE CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. ETC. Our Stock is complete and inexaustn lle. Mining Camp Supplies in endleps quantity and at reasonable prices. ftlewGoodsof Every De scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. "We have the host selected and hr o. Stock of Oem-ral Merchandie in Grant. County. Call and see for yourselves. aXB3. OVERKOLT & WIUlDBICK'. W. P. Grny & Bros. Canyon City Meat larlcet Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OREGON, GRAY BRO(S., D E A L E RS I S3 FRESH MEATS, sacon rd By Wholesale and ItetiiH. Orders Filled on Frank RftcCaiium's Variety Store, John Ray City, - - Oregon. UKALKIt IN choice nnocEKiES, TOBACCO, CI OAKS, STATlOXKKy, Nl.'TS AXI COXFKCTIONCKY, ETC., ETC. Would respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the citizens of.-ohn Dav anil sin round inx cmuitrv. MAIN STREET, JOHN" DAV, - - - - oitKCO.V. t ) J Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, DKALRR IN FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE Latest Style Hats. Ateo a well selected stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OIL, NAILS, AXES, ROPE AND CUTTLERY, In fact a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. ALSO AGENT FOR THE j pacipicmutual i l.i to Tiicnvonno f .nrnnanTT CALIFORNIA.. J. OLLIVER & CO 3 Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Canyon Cities with milk by the Sallon or quart. 2-We sell the best of milk, and our gallon or quart. "-We sell the best of charges arc reasonable. J a HENRY R. SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise, Would most respectfully announce to the Public in general, that he has just lveriwd and will keep constantly on hand a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fui nishine; Coods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT JVIEDSCSNES OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Ar.LyOrders for Goods will be, a. usual, filled promptly and satisfactorily. N. Store Avill be c'oscd hereafter at noon on Sunday's. H.R.Sels, Canyon Citv, Ohkook. dt r mm if UM nil Peter KuM Propt'r. Canyon City; Oregon BUGGIES, WAGOXS, FLOWS, and all work in his line made and repaired in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention paid te Horse-stein. FEED STABLE In connection with the shop I have a commodious Peed Stable. Horses boarded at Reasonable Prices. PETER KUI1L. C. W. DAGGETT, PKAI.K.r If HOOTS AND SI10KP, I1ARDWAKK, OllOCKKKY, GllO CH1UKS, LIQUORS AND Miners' Goods (ffiANT County, Oreoon. We also keep a Hotel, where the wcarv can find rest, and plenty to eat. EUREKA Meat Met CANYON CITY, OGN. JOim HERBURCER Dealer In Choice BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, . BACON, LARD, CORNED BEEP, POULTRY and GAME, In Season. BSTGoods promptly delivered free of CHARGE'a A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT ABD SHOE MAKER, CANYON CITY, OltEGON- S fully prepared to turn ou2 first-class work out of the very best material and finest finish, lf Repairing neatly and cheaply dona-