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About Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1879)
Tie Grant Co Ibis, Saturday Morning, Nov. 8, 1879. Notice. Simple announcements of Dirths, marriaes and death?, will be inserted without charge. Obituary uo tices will be charged tor according to their length. CANYON CITY LODGE, NO. 34, A. F. and A. M., holds its regular Communications on the Saturday even ing of or next proceeding the full moon in each month, at seven and half o'clock P. M. OBAII LODGE, No. 22. I. 0 0. E., meets every Thursday evening at their Lodre Room in Canyon City. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. By Order of N. G. No You Dox't ! Ash & Bobbins, of Fits and Consumption notoriety, of Brooklyn, N. Y., sends us two advertisements, which at our lowest rates would be $-18 per year, and say they will pay us $20 to insert them one year. AVe remember one paper that accepted such a proposition from them and the bill is still in the hands of an attorney for collection. If they lied once the' will again; therefore we hope our patrons will remember the adaie that "a fool and his money soon parts." And Mr. Ash & Bobbins can peruse the two paragraphs which we mark and send to them. This notice is one and the other is that we insert no advertise ment for "bilks," "hum-bugs" or "clap-trap medicines." "We con sign your "ads' " to the waste basket. Quick Timk. The Stages are now running from the Dalles to Baker City in four days. This is epiite an improvement and the company de serve great credit for the way they Lave increased this line from a twice n v.'eek service to a daily; and now they give the people the benefit of .'mother advantage by making it one tiny quicker. "Wo hope to see travel increase so fast on the line that they v;iii be aide to put on a line of now coaches next spring. Look out. Stranger things have occurred. Mr. E. E. Pnu.vr.TOA, recently from Maine, lias been engaged to teach the winter school in the ""Winegar District." He apnears to be a line young man and the students under bis charge should pay strict atten tion to hi.; leachiirfs. Eon Calitohnta. Mr. .J. MeCul lough, and Mrs. I. IT. Wood look their departure for Sin Jose, Califor nia, last week. Mr. Yi'ood iook them as far as the Dalles in a private conveyance. "We wish them all a pleasant trip and a safe return. On Saturday evening our citizens were startled by the cry of lire. It fortunately proved to be nothing but a flue of Dr. Boley's house burning out. Quite a number were much ex .cited nevertheless. Mit. and Mrs. "Wm. Elliott, of Strawberry Valley, were in the city last Sunday. Mr. E. says it is a nice life to live that of a fanner, and that he has a beautiful home. Ouit worthy Sheriff returned home last Saturday. While aosent John visited California and Nevada. Mr. "Wash always brings us a subscriber and the coin when he returns from a trip, for which we thank him. ii Messrs. Turk, Allen, Bryer and Brents took their departure on last Monday for Granite Creek. They went to visit the mines. An exchange has an article on "How to run a Newspaper.". This should be read only by editors, as every other person in the world kows how. Freight has been coming in pretty lively for a week past, and our mer chants are very busy. 4 Mrs. "Woolsey left for Portland on last Thursday morning. She goes for her health. J. Bor, J. Gray, C. "W. Parrish and family started for the Dalles on Wednesday morning. John Day. On Saturday, two woeks ago, through the liberality of Mr. 1. H "Wood, we mounted cne of their finest saddle horses and set out for John Bay where we found everything in a nour ishing condition. "Tony" Ilackeney was very busy waiting on his many customers and Frank McCallum was also as busy so we stepped into Howard fc Cobb's bu'cher shop and took a look at some line mc:if. They have built a verv fine shot) and are doing a "o;d ..;n. vflV A vi;i(i ff0,Wnr .t, ..w ,...v. Reamer but thev were two busy to talk much so after securins .he linn as .ub- scribers we took an observation of the new hotel being erected by Mr. Kelly which is a verv neat house. The mill was our next sloping place and it is satisfaction to know that soon we are to have a mill that for beauty, durabili ty, and quality will compare favorably with any mill in the State or any other .frite. Ten men are at work on the i and ' placing the new machin- j in its jm.per place We should llUc to "escribe tins mm completely but space and time forbids now but at some future issue when the work is all completed we will tell you all about, it. Charlie Ban has his sdoon fit up in good s'yle and charges o'dy '-one bir a smile.'' The Campbell ovs have improved their harness shop immensly ' in the last month. The school house is completed and the children ouirht. to be well pleased and learn fast. Frank MeCullum has been below and will soon up a fullstock in his line and will bui'd an addition to his store. He has a very nice pnst otirje room in one part of his storf. Take it all in our visit t' John Day was very pleasvnt and we cosnplinitMjt our near neighbors on h iv. ing such a nourishing little town. Tins is th time of year when our citizens should te extremely careful about their stove pipes, j.onlc them ver go-id, a slip d" one j int of of an inch may cui-e d .-truo:ion of the whole town. List of letters rc'tsMirng in the Post Oilice :it Canyon Cny, Nov. 1st, 1870: V. Vv. Brooks, J. Hnvls. S. Fairfield, 1 1. J. Faeey, S- I-Ldl, B. K. Kir-psbury I. Kl-in itS-iit::, P. L. S. JVare, O. K. Kovster, d.-.-e I?,iv, H. J. Srune. E::ri S-oith. Ii ht. Turn-r .3, ). Vena b e. 3?erso:ss e:t'lin f -v the above let tors wii! nle.Sf ;v adwrtiscv'. A ft. . Wau, w m. 7athan "WiliisPisk, who departed this life on tlio '2'.)i'n day of October last. Avas at the time of his death, 59 vears, -A months and 10 davs of age. Re was liighly respected by all j who knew him for his honestv, kind ness, integrity and truth. Was more willing to five of his earthly goods to feed the pour than to receive a re ward therefor. He was a firm be liever in Chritianitv and died in the Christian faith. He leaves a family, j wife and ten children, with numer ous relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Our loss, though falling heavily, we trust is his eternal gain, As the Autumn leaves were fading I and falling from the fruit trees whicdi his own hands had aided in planting so j)assed he away. LINES IS MEMORY. Respecifully Dedicated to the Rcreav etl Family: Father, dear father, "Peacefully rest" Shielded from storms, in ihe land of the blest, Soon we'll all follow and meet thee again, "Where there's no sorrow, no sigh ing, nor pain. The quartz lodges recently prospect ed neir Prairc City are about four miles above old '', Dixie" on the ridge between the north and south forks of Dixie ceek and are said to be very rich, going a? high as $300 per ton. The Bear ledue is owned by E. C. Eeid fc Co., and they have sunk a shaft down about 20 feet and ey.pect to work on it this wititor. The other ledge is called the Emperor and is owned by another com pany. They too have a shaft down to the depth of 25 feet. A Fine raiu shower .descended on J this valley on last Monday night. The County Co-irt was in uession this "Week with JmJf'e Hazeltine and ' H. Hall present. Geo. A. Beion was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Jas. De Mos. Mrs. M. Claflin was appointed administratrix f the estate of Y. P. Claflin. and Henry Dodson Jr.. wa ap. pointed guardian of Josephine DeMoss. An mvlm wotj liuirln to n.M.V tho. nlriime I , . j -- j ii , against the D ivid Howird estite, and . . i i i. p 4i an order for the Gnal settlement ot the I rt r. , , . . . -t-r ....... i ; .. u. ocnouc estatP. vv nisxv licence was issued to "Win. ITiatt. Font Perry, C. W. Ban, and StevuM & Glisau. " 0l - ders were issued to rent the roir pare of the Eugle Hotel to Segoidahl it Roberts and the front part to S. II. Shepherd. A number of bdh were allowed and other business transacted. At the Government sale at Eort Harney a few days ago, Mr. T. Poin dexter purchased some 00 odd sets of harness and a!so a lot of saddles, etc., etc. Max Metschan purchased about 20 stoves, ar.d Mr. Stevens bought sev eral hospital tents and a number of other tents. At the figures they paid they them. ought to make sometiu;; on Mu. Stevens, of Et. Harney, h..s several large eidit and ten mule teams very busy hauling in wood on his en tract. Go vehement freight i.i rolling into Harney pretty lively now by big teams from the B. K. The road between C wiyon City and Fort Harney is fittcrly aiive wit h teams hauling grain, vogefabhs. etc., to the Post. CuNDLCiut lhto. have enlarged their store room by taking our. a parti tion. Iax Mktsc'JAN, T. Pi'ind-'xter and A. A Nicolas wuvin a't'odanoe at the (Government sale at Hant ;y and returned homo on last. "We insday. A Chance. T dosire to engage some one 'o make de!iver o.OOO tam track or fir rails on my ranch on Pine Creek, (irant County, Ore'gm. Apjily son to " V C. HOI IS LEY". Save Costs. All knowing themseiws indebted to the unn ers'gn ed will please call and sett'e immediate ly and save costs. I me hi just what I S'y this tia:-. Y. C. iiniLsLUY t h Put up expressly for Fnir.ily Use, in three pound cuiis. f Warranted, finer, better and cheaper than the Imported To matoes, By G W. Houston, Canyon City, Oregon. For sale by Phil. Melschan & Co., (jundlacii & Bi'6 and the Pro- pnetoi Anton JaciflHBy Would most respectfully an nounce to his Friends in JOHN" DAY VALLEY and outside Camps that he is permanetly established in Business in Johii IDaxr City and keeps constant on hand the very CHOICEST STOCK of everything that is wanted in a Country Store. lie has no rent to niy no Clerks to hire; consequently he can sell as low as any older established mer chant in Grant County, JOHN GOLDEN, Prairie City, Oregon. Boots and Shoes made and Repaired to order. Clocks and Watches Cleaned and Re paired. n21tf. mm Pi HTHB jgX fTOa fTTK IB 8UI II B81&- Fossils. Dayvili.e, Grant Cou.ntv, Ogn. Nov. 4th, 1970. Editor of Grant County News: Having spent several years in this country in the work of collecting spec: mens of fossils for the Eaatern houses, I thought a communication from me ' about my work mig! t be of interest to i your readers. I will begin bv giving : , . ' ; , , You a brief description ot the fossil beds . 1 . ... I of this region commencmt: with the more recent or plincine beds in the im- ! ",tif t,!e V1C'":t' ' nd ex- c tending to the upper end of the John I Day valley we find abundant work br i in collecting specimens of the camel, mastcdon, elephant., three toed horse, hog, calf, lion, rodents, :r d fishes, also birds of the animal kingdom. And in the vegetable line we find beautiful specimen-1 of leaf impressions ferns and fossil wood. The nods consist, for the most pur', of a clayey r-ck. in another instance, however, of a ch:di.y maWhd, and in this are found the leaf impress ions and a few small fislm1-; in a fine state of preservation, so well preserved in fact as with the fishes to present th'ir lins and scales almost intact. The lowd boundary of the pioceno beds of the John Day valley is the great gore, through which the river has wnrn it wav two miles bolow Dawille, whii-h gorge is a'so the uppr boundary of the miocene or older bi ds, found bo low, and which are much mote exten sive than those f the pliocene, extend inning from the gome almost to the mouth of the river, and which also oc currs extensively on liridge Creek. The north and middlu foiks of John Day river, also in Lone Rock valley, and lloek f-Urcok, Waco Co. These beds consist, principally, "f a very hard b!uih cby rock containing a great many bones of anhn-ds and birds in a we:l prc-erv-u st.ite. The ain:al life lif'tj of this periol was profuse and con s?sred of a gre-it many species now en tnely extinct. Prof. Marsh, of Yale College, has di-eoven d in the collec tion fioin those beds no less than thir ty sprens entirely new to science, f will wiire moie fully of my experience in the fossil be is hereafter. L. S. DAVIS. A Grand Ball will lie given ly the ; Proprietors of the Xew Umatilla House, at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday Evening, Nov. 12, 1879. Tickets, including supper, S3. "Wo acknowledge recent of compliments of the proprietors, Handler & Sin nott.and are sorry that we cannot at tend, for like the house is sure to be, the Ball will he a grand success. FoLi.,nvi.o i-' i he auromit nf ni'itter mailc'l :t the Uunvon Ciy pi-s'-ofrice since Nov, 1-?', 18715: Loiters hirl pustal cards in tiled S17; New.-papers G'UO; .'kI class new.ipjiper-,' traiKsionf merchaiidi-e 4; tot.d I,- AT THE POET i STTI E. HALL, 33 DES Sl. Xj 23 iX 1ST Stationary. Spectacles and Eve Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. Suksckii'TIOns taken, at Publishers' Rate1:, for all the Leading Pnperfiind Mnpnzincs published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew elers, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Repaired. Canyon City, Oregon, Apri' 10, 1S79. STRAWBERRY VALLEY FLOURING MILLS, 31 Oil E HEAD & CLEAVER PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers and dealers in Flour of the Best Brand, Gra ham Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a Superior Article oe flour go the Strawberry Mills. These Mills are located in Strawberry Valley, in the upper John Day Valley, Grant County. JJg Accommoda tions a speciality. Reasonable prices. Give us a call. Hotels. N. IvULlSO.V, A. II. Grotu. CITY HOTEL Caxyun ClTV, Okegon, EtJliISON & GR0TH, - - Proprietors Bvg ijhvi? to icform their friond And fho Pulilic G on or ally Ihnt tbej can be found at tba OLD STAND, And aro uln&ws readj to famish good Board and Lodging AT Il O b E It A TJ'j PKICES. TSINER HOUS Tie undersif nod takes ploasuro in 9Pnijnr jpg; to fhn general public that they have open d i Fni-Sr CLASS HOTEL in the building known as The Golden L'aglk, Canyon City, - - - - Oregon, "Where you can find the BEST TABLE Xorth of Portland, T2ioBoci Are nil pp, and iho roorud have been fnrnwh td nrrw throuirhouf. 3o'rd, S5. fer week; 1. per day Meuls, 50 cen:3. Slolkoaiil & TloBEKTS, Proprietors. w-raiiffe l'RAIRIC CITY, OKKOON, J. II. Ilarclman, Proprietor. Tbo accommodations ut the abovo Hotel aro, cd t very cars will bo taken to tn?ke g'Jt-.jr.a ut honip. j-ft-'' Coca for' &h'e bod?, nd n3 good n taM n ihn market sGhrdd furuiabod at rcu ociblc .stc?. IiKlepeiidciice Hotel, B. P. PiOGEits, Proprit-r. Granite, Grant Countyj Oregon. This hotel is supplied with the best the market affords and no pains will be spared to make quests comfortable. The Canyon City and Baker stages stop over night at this house. Granite Creek. Aug. 30th 1879. HlkUM&Y HOTEL Fort Harney, Oregon. Proprietor. Having completed my Ilotel 1 am prepared lo entertain the traveling public with care and comfort. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. The beds are neat and clean. LADIES ATTENTION. Mrs. James F. Cleaver has just removed to her new Build ing on Main Street, Fraire City, where she is opening out a line assortment of Ladies and Mises Hats, just received from N. Y.. also a well selected sup ply of Ladies Underwear and Linen Suits. ALso a general assortment of ladies goods which "will be sold cheap for cash. HOWARD & COBB, MEAT MARKET. JOHN DfiY CITY, OREGON- "We keep the best qualities of VEAL, CORNED REEK, BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, HAM, BACON, LARD, SAUSAGE, ETC., ETC. Constantly on band and forsalo at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. JohnDcy Ocr. 30th, 1879. Personal. We have received calls this week, from Mr. E. F. Tucker, of Strawberry valley, Mr. E. IT. Comer, of Praire City, Mr. J. P. Burns, of Harney valley, Mr. SandersoD,aod others. )