Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 01, 1879, Image 3

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Tll8jlllj0ll NOW j,
Saturday Morning, Xov. 1, 1870.
Notice. Simple announcements of
Dirth?, marriages and death?, will be
inserted without clianrc. Obituary no
tices will he charged lor according to
their length.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next juvceodinir the full moon
in e.tuh month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
W OB A II LOWE No. 22. T 0 O.
M P moots every Thursday evening
4tT their Lode 1 m.iu in ('an you City.
Visiting brothers are invited to nt-Vad.
By OnLr of N. G.
Tiie peop'e of Loin: Creek am suf-
ferine from that terrible and fatal dis-
cosf. djphtheria. Several children
have died mid others are not expected
to live. This i about tiie lii-st appear
ance of this dreadful scourge in our
coun'y and we bore it v. ill be speedily
checked in its destructive cmr.s.
Oia year ago from the 23d of last
tronth we l'st our dailii g little rirl
with the frarful dsKase, in Bsker Chty,
and we con truly -ay that we dread the
name f dipthet i ;.
Mr. Corn. f i'hilide'p'ih Pa., has
four employed about I)ayvilh hunting
fr fossil'1. The men are nrd- r ilr.
.lake Worksneu and have found mnay
ciirio?it'o. M;. Marsh, rf Vle (?ol
!ft:e, aln l as three then eegHirod in
the same husineas 00 lijteJohn Day .
l'w Day vi He.
Bv refenipg L) another eo-utmi von
will find t'-e ;dririi?ettieiit of th
AV heeler Yvdsou sewing uiacMne.
31 r. Sparks, their a,ini, wiT rurn
about Nov. 8th, with a ful! ;utpify f
Boun. On Oct. S 1st. in this cry,
t ) the v:fi of Phil. MetseHnn, hoy.
.,,Uhil, !: lnj pya u lord ;uid f-sy
th fdks :iv Li'ttinir al n fiatdr.
Boijubkv. Ab-ut tin- 20h of c-Ci
snmii p.. jrn en.'eretl th Iipuhi of F
Wood, at &tlri? oi, and ?:
ir. P. Gr'd -rin::!i sia .f $!.r0. i
.1 1 0 of fJ mmey b h n.i: to J!m j
.Ferri.-. N flM I 'h r :
- .
Thk;:j wlii W piv.:hiii f J .!
D.iv hvRfv. H. O. liaa t o .r !
m at i t VJowk a r fnaun ( ity
:.t, 7 iu Pi-r viiig. j
0tli r day a1d r"p v hi rf as !l
right, if tif. did al out SI f-'jy.
It Pays. The Indei Uiat avss ad
vertised last week as lost was retn ru
ed immediately. It was lost for a ,
long time, but Mux' says the jy.lvor
tisement brought it. It pays good. Aveck rn rcpnblifai tho de
scription of the
Monumental Ine.
We do this to till demands for pa
pers whieh were sent in after all our
recent issue had been disposed of.
Gall to-day to be sure of getting all
you want. They go off fast, "and
don't vou forget it."
Passed Tnuorou. Mr. ;md Mr.
J. W. Poor, cf Camp Bidwell, Cal.;
passed through our eity last Sun ay
on tluir way from Bker City home
They had heen paying relatives in Ba
ker a visit.
Sam. Harding was in our eity hst
Sunday and showed us a spun of verv
fine brood mares. That Ls what avq
want in this county.
Peter French has returned home
and looks hearty.
3Ir. II. Stanislawsky has permanent
ly located in our city for the purpose of
practicing his profession, that of a
Watchmaker and Jeweler, and can al
ways he found at "Scd" Turk's Store.
He is a good workman, and his locating
here will be a great advantage to our
citizens. Among his many recommen
dations he has one from Mr. YY. J.
McNamara, form, sly of this city, in
whose employ he has bean for four years.
Died. On the morning of October
231, 1870, .-it the residence of his par
ents on Long Creek, Perry, son i.f Pri
or A. and Suuli Jane "Wilson, ured
five year, eleven mouths and six
j ;t3's
lie was a !;in'i child; Jove! by all
and a general favorite anion his broth
ers and sisters. In his great agony of
pain he would frequently engage in t
singing to his younger sisters to quiet
them in their oains common to that
drendftd discuse. dinhtheria.
. ....
Ivt Oiegonian, lbany Democrat
, . !
ana .Mountutneer, p!'ae copy.
LlL,. K I
Died.-Oji Long Ur.-tfk, October .
2oih, 1870. Lulu, d tighter of Prior!
A and Sirah .lane Wilson, aged four!
.. , , , ,
y ars nine months and twenty two
She lias gone to accompany her little
uroincr '!io was aiwavs pujahauu aim j
, , . , , , !
p ea.Miii: to iier in their rambeis and;
I jjl-iys. Tiie family have the spin pat hy
of the whole community, in this their
' bereavement. Maut.Uineer, Al-
bany Democrat and East Oregoniau
plea?e op v.
Dip:d Ar the residence "f P. A.
"Wite'ui, on l.oag Cteek, 011 the 22nd of
October, Gorge B. Masikrrs, of diph
t)cna. ag d 19 years.
M uni:iine 4r please copy.
Dikp. At S'u-unville, Ojrn., on
Oc i-th, 1870, Jns. T. l)c:Ios aged
ah-. ut 230 VtMrs. "Jimmie" was a na
tive of Baltimore and intended to pay
his pareiiiS, who now reside there, a
vij-rfc sirs winW. He leaves niany
wniin friends hnrr.
Dif.p. jn this eiy. Saturday. Oct.
25rl, 1873, Geo. I-Linntih. (ieorio
was burieii JSumlav Jiad his wft-s
hir ly at- ndnd.
Mlta Houtmit ini .rmed us the oth'
vuiinnthar !.0 would ?0 . o.der a j . iWo H Currey. . I?.
fu'llii.eofmillmrryg.oilsforthe pir-johas. Dustin, W. Trees.; J. J. Hob
p.of up. a millinery shop in W. Chan.; Frank Kisk, V. Msr.;
I'd; city. Tnev ntv now dain sewing , Tohn w L Q . Th,ljnaJ S.jUh?
n.i pie-c the pwiple v.-ei!. We cheer jr y q q
TU:y 7cciutmcnu nil tUose that wi-h I
si -wing done w tike it, to t'lem.
They have the latent flar' and sl
tin-in nt an leuus pdc. Their ;kftd"
will sipt etir som. f
TlTE ppIkjh Juan !biy will c-un-1U!MC"
ix 3l niy ui-h 1. W. B.
5jciitrlaml a t-t!er.
P.ETUU:2. - M . Geo. G
:um! Vtn.u !nIw aid now th -
l.sive s fiuts :8-i.itmi? f dry goi'ds.
Mil I). K. !,ut?t auri wju: cthoil on
4 :i t-a h n-o : 11 i iVom Mr. Lure
e shut uutn e.s of beei
ttlte u?v il ; in tMs Yliy s.w.iititiK
' V4 1 M VJtW'Sfa r3I T V ri C f kV il id! I'll.
iMdKo.aetiun.T 3a hum .,
My. John Philips ha?
eiir Uia :; 'or n Ut uV (iue a pji !..
Tti'jr wer (A' the v.a-hiiuton. ram ho
bin pHrmaue, vmrcr fernie :md
ri inondi sieci tud ro exiele t kron-n-S.
See Ins :icM:o in this nnp r.
PltOM Il.r. lie'try iiyde we Je.irn
that he with several of his ueijhbois:
are jthettnp: up ahmit 1.000 hed of
cattle pivpr y to - tfllong them on
the rang. n--uthe M-dheur.
Col. was in our city Monday j
nit: ht. lie was on his road to Texas,
and will return in about six weeks
j-io win unve out or jiete next
' "
over 20,000 Iierid of cattle. The UoI.rUIU :illllLluu uuie.-ivuu
savs this is the best horse country hc: family has the sympathy ot
ever traveled over. I
Mil. .). F. Miller and family, of
Loil! Crept ritnrnnd lmmn w;tni-s i
dav. "
VlT zz w r m
We acKii'iwIudge a eali from Air. T.
Whiting la?t Tuesdiv. He was in .for
supplies, and reports all well in Harney
V:,I!3 -
Called. Mr. pjane made us u
pleasant eall yesterday, lie is taking
a few days rest fr.m, 'driving, and
Lume ro u-iriyon to sic our town. t
: i
Coriiespoxdexts will write up their I
.,uun as possioie now, as
we will
the coimtv in a few weolcs
t imr, p"PPiYri 7 ,
Ladies,P1h1. Metselian & Co. have
just received a fine assortment of the
lastest style winter hats which they
oiler at extremly low prices for casli'.
Tiie race at ISoise Ci'y between;
Brushy John and Champion Knox w-is :
von oy John. Time 2M, 2:35, 2:31,
and 2:40. The Boi.-o Statesman says
the reason the Oregon horses did no?
get away with the races this year was
brcau.-o thev were not fast enough.
K-rect. Yc accept your apo'oL'y.
"Father .l:nr S!hitlirrd jf-ftirnofl
. r ... T, , , r
: lroin Oregon iMondav, B. k Kehk'pf
x r
' had the audacity t challenge
li-t ( , I
,A "
county tor over :0 vear.. Jjsfc even-
insr the bnulnave Mr. Shepherd a ser -
enade.-Van Buren Democrat.
t r r .
. CaI,d 0F Tiiaxks. Mr?. 25"
1 risk anu Jamiiy uestre o return taetr
1 .
meere thanks ro the friend who ren-
deted such kindly aid and assistance o
loved lather and comjvnnon.
Mk. N. W. F'k vas buried i'-t
! Thmvday and was followed to his 1 st
' resting place by, perhaps, the misosi
concourse of people that ever attendtd
a funeral in Grant County, iii- obit
uary notice will appear ne-t week.
riiUMP. Out. A young mu, by the
name of Evuus while splittin wood, a
few days ago. struck itis thumb with an
ax and sp'it it entirely open.
In another column will be found the
nev:- a 1 viiriiscni'-nt of Howard & C'obb.
Bead it and remember they always have
good beef.
A load of the Prairie Ottv young
folks Sundayed in our inly !3t Sun
day. Installation. The Ibllowing olli
Vers will he inSiVlcd by J-int Bay
Lodjro No. .Q0, I O. (i. T., of this city,
o-Tiiht: Bus'in. Vt. ( 'If.: Ered
llor.-lev. W. V. T.: J. WH'nian. Vir.
;Ik. C Skwell and fnjlv re
turned from Washington Terri oa.
BknUFIT Pall. Tlerr; will he a
hall -iron at the Maso.ih' Jlall in this
city on next Wed ies-day evnning.
m .-..!,. tr. i ir.. i.- ..1.
, , .u "I,t;";'r;:nii)t,; in 1877.- 12.00(5: ' in
or, the man that had isanci sawel
wfT at S 'Uthw'U'ths mill. T;fke'?. 81.
A "eneral iivifcation is exttndo'l to
A 70 year old rna'd who was.
iiite ill in Jamestown told the
: t
1 mt
j doctor she had ncreT been
j !juoo-ed by a intin in ller life.
If ' f t 1 I . . X I Ik A 1
(,oc(0,. con ioJ with
the request ot eourse, and she
p-otwell. AVhen lite doctor (rot
nome anu una n e storv to ni:
; i i
vie. he a'ot well, lie is balder '
than he vas.
till a:-.otishr The family
of Judge Bon ham has &rnin
been called upon to mourn the
loss of another son. This time it
is Wayne, a bright little boy
seven years of ago, the third
that has died within a few j
weeks of diphtheria. Tn their !
..dMi: ii... l.. . ...J
their manv friends. Standard.
At an exhibition trot at Oak-
Hand, Cab, on the 25th, the'
'fastest time on record was
' madc- Julien was '"ht
; out to beat the best time made
j by Ranis. St. Julien was fol-
- lowcd a short distance by a
i runnino; horse. At the word
Jirlius went under the Flour, Corn Meal Shorts,
. , t t i n
at a square trot and tor tne cu-
tire mile never made a skip
lim. uvonlr nnm:nr : :n tho.
unprecedented timeot 2:12
lanc three-fouJths, apparently
L . . , , ' 1 . J
. but little the worse for his mag- j
nificant eilort. He was driven
by Orrin Hickox.
A corresponded, ot the Mountain
Sentinel sends the following items froa
Baker City.
Biker couii'y and the. vst of man.
kitid have hetn much exercised ova
some county roads tfce. It Ins just
'uined out tSiat. the :re:it drama enar-t-d
in the county court was a most iiuge
farce. Mersrs. J. AY. Virtue and Johi
: I. Doolev and Jerry J. Poolcv have h
, - , J , . .
; ciirpo:attd ovei the line' of the hte de
1 .
funcfc county road running from 3"ake
f t ,.. li i X lag . f I .
I Vj"' T " -
I Crawford !
i p i; , .;:. Mt fi,,.
1 J.; a 0,c r Ul we At tbr
(JathoHc lair last urek, M. Kiu
j Fisher (' Cany.-Ji C17) was dec-lire
j io be thi most pvVnhv lady in Bake
r: ?n.r . n,-
Lily .herebv wfimuig a moa.
ful toi'n cti?hio?, a ptixe (dfercd by (
B .Fisher, the iron:
wii -iin she i- soon to bfc divorced: Chari s
is certjjiniy out tf ln-k. a he has lost
the ino-t popub.r lady, as wei! us the
j cushion. "Sich 1- hie.
It nffordf us pleasni to hv our
Canyon Ctty l ulus to g- to Bdker Ciy
mid receive such honors.
C. W. Barti-h t f Cait yon C'iy
! f;U',,re onv V&V'e &
titled ';What in it;" Unloi tuintcly, it
was delivf-rn! for the benrit of a fre gn
iutesest and did not driw as full a
imasc as otherwi-e w'uld He been
Tn ihet missionary s, e' Sf
P-ther Heron, the Psv4ois f the Cdih-
o'ic Church, is pushini; h:s Blather's
school W itli coinutPt dabie energy.
Will those who owe the printer pay
willout appearing on the black list?
Everythinir ivpnrled as very fiattes.
in- in the Grmit (Vfek eountu.
Col. Patue has g' 'Re to visit tlx lairl
of red apples a' id
Sahgt. J. Pip r and lit mil y psseci
'biMtfgh onr r i'y last V? qtlmsday en
route (or Portland.
R. B. Xkvics i t h(j stationed at
i ewiston, Ida ha
"W. Clapole accepts cbaliauge
to fcrofc Champion Knox aainst the
California horso, Brushy Juhn.
In 1875 and 187G there ar-
rived in Ore-on 21 .GOG immi-
S78 about ISjGOOO, ' nntji iu!H.4xEY HOTEL,
'187U the increa--j over 78 va ! i?ort Harnsy, Orca'Oll.
hJpli $7'p pfflflniHHl ' '
-- u& UiilU?. . .
:;i:y stoi:k and nkw ooods
5oloctxo2i c?I'iviiit-ai'o in this County
i litifsi:. Sh;n and Caiikiagei
... ' . , .!
panttmLr neatly execuieu. an
, , , .
reasonable ratts:
S.ationary. Spectacles and
Kyc Glasses, Candies, and Xuts.
Suhscriptions taken, at PuhlJsliers
K:te--, for all the Ieadttiir Pnpers nd
Ab-.nzines published in THE U KITED
1 CJ'JI A 'PI?'". A -P..r. ff'wr,r. P.. 7...
elers, Albany, Oresn. Watcr-ea Clean
ed and liepaired.
CtnyocC'uy, O-agon. AprP 10. 1S79.
Manufacturers and dealers in
Flour of the Best Brand. Gra-
Bran and Feed. For a
Superior Article
oe flour go the Strawberry
Mills. These Mills are located
in Strawberry Valley, in the
upper John Bay Valley, Grant
County. Jtg Aceommoda
tions a speciality. Reasonable
prices. Uive us a call, gf
Caxvox City, Oregon,
RULISOrT & G510TE, - - Froprictoro
U-: i- t' f rrn tb'ir friends
Tb.xt t Uy can b founl :t the
Ami are rttw.wa rcA.1v' to furnish yooil
r? r o r5 cr; .or
at mobi:i;atk bmu;e.
d .1 KiHr HOTEL in :bo buUdiug
known as Tiik Go!Ji:.n ilvaL.'i.
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon i
Where yoti (rim find the
North v)f Portland,
Tli o ocls
rtf n t rw, nti i ;h !. ais aaT biteii furnuH
1 tbr''wltut-
Bo ird, Sf. per week: $1. par clay
Mean. f)0 cna.
.SstiKnuAHLtt Boiuihts, Proprietois.
Grange HoteL
J. H. Hard in tin, Proprietor.
Tha K!ttitHO(irion- t tho abovo IItal are
fvn 1. and rvrr irB ha tstott to u : K
cat-n fir? a? hom.
jJ5C"mf;r?h'o butt, a'i as eoH n tr-t'l
th wrkot ftlfrdd furnib'l al reus D : vtl
Iiideieadeiice HoteL
B F. PiOOEK", Proprfi tor.
GruHiit); Grant County, Oregon.
This hotel is supplied With
the best the market affords
a, Q .i0 piins will be spared to
! ,naln ,oUe.sts eomfortabie. Tiie
I n ' 1 r 1,.,
j ttnyoii ( ity and htiker stages
j p over night at this house,
i ck 30th 1S79.
j Kavi-g completed my
; i an, nj-cparecl to entertai
, ... - . - -
prepareu to entertain me
traveliun public vtli care a-$d
; comfort. The table is supplied
; witii the best the market affords
The beds ate neat and clean
T ATlfffC A 'KT-T ?rt7
UlWl&iV A ri iViM.
' 0-'
Mrs James F. Cleaver has
just removed to her new Build
ing on Main Street, Prairo
City, where she is opening out
;i Hue asortment of 1. and
Mis-cs Hats, just received from
X Y.. abo a wejl s dected sup
ply of Ladies Underwear and
Linen uits. A ho a o'enor-al
assortment of ladies goods
which will be sold cheap lor
Xow oiler their entire stock
at "Great Bargiiis.5
Canyon Citj', April 26, 1879,f