1 Tie Grant Coitj News, Saturday Morning, Oct 1879. Notice. Simple announc3raents of nirths, marriages and deaths, will bo inserted wirlmut charge. Obituary no t ices will be charged for nccordins; to their length. HAN YON CITY LODGE, NO. 34. ) A. F. and A. M., holds its regular Communications on the Saturday oven inr of or next proceeding the full moon in e.ich month, at seven and half o'clock P. M. HOB A II LODGE. To. 22. IOO. F., meet every Thursday evening iJ thir L"d:e It'cm in Can von City. Visiting brothers nrn invited to afend. Bv Ordr of N. G. To Correspondents. The corres- pondet that sends us the best de- scription of the precinct in which he or she lives, in this county, will be allowed to send live copies of the News, free, to any address they may designate, until the description of ndie county is concluded. What we want you to write about is the soil. Umlinv liiinuu airtfrt -wtt fr-i (tnnvpna '. ' . . , Laroe Potatoes. Mr. F. G. Tay minoral and mineral springs, lakes. ' . . , . . . . . . . . , . i, ' , . i lor brought a bo:-: of potatoes mto liealth, climate, price oi land, schools 1 . , . . - , 1 and churches, society, population, financial condition, Htot'k, fruit, cost of living, number of towns or stores together with amount of goods sold and freight .icceived during a year, . . , ... . . -ilhevare ol i.iie peerless vanetr. lvicei )aid for cattle and liorses and ' vn, , - , x . , , , ii-- -r- lavlor sav.i mat ho took these wages paid teachers and hands; in! . . ' , ... . . , , i potatoes as thov come and thinks . A ... . , , , ! lit to tne emigiv.nt. V. o intend to advertise Grant County and are per fectly willing to remunerate eorres- pondents for their trouble. But do j not overrate anything you write us, ! better have it'a little under. Now t show the pride you hav: precinct and county. for your ; j SEWS. J Vfliat tho Peopli Say of t:u On: ccrresi)ondent at Alvord in a private letter to us says: "I do not aspire to become a nows2aper cor reaponilant, but vrhen I see you tak ing hold of an enterprise where so many have failed and making a sue- cess of it I feel that it is mv duly to ! useist bv furnishing any news items I that will help to fill up the local col umns of your paper. X. Mit. Goodwin, of San Francisco, writes Mr. E. E. Turk as follows: "Thanks to you for the Gt.axt Coun- tyNews. Long may it live. It is a live paper." In a private letter to Mr. Phil. IVIetsohan Mr. If. Dasch, of Portland savs: "I receive the Ghant County News every week, .and it is a very welcome visiter. I read it and then send it to Germany." "Tnc G it ant County News is only 2H weeks old, issues 57 papers, and has a new type outfit." Daily Stan dard. Cokrect, Brother Noltner. The News is like the Standard; its course is onward and upward. We have re ceived 21 new subscribers since that certificate was made. Ouk Patuer. "We received a let ter, from our Father, Col. James which he says that he would start from Baker City, Oregon, on Octo- ber 1st for his home in Iowa. He is 79 years and 7 months old and I still has verv rrnnrl health. Our great anxiety is that he may have a ! safe and pleasant trip home. He ! entered the Journalistic field about 50 years ago and has been in the business more or less ever since. For the last year he has been a val uable addition to the editorial staff of the Bedrock Democrat. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 1G0 acres situated 12 miles below Canyon City, on the John Da' River. A good house, barn and out buildings are on the premises. 38 acres under cultivation. For fur ther particulars fnquire of F. G. TAYLOR. G. I. Hazelune, F. C. Sels, F. Sweetser and Chas. Wasner returned from the Granite Creek mine3 last Wednesday. They report the work on the Monumental Mill progressing rapidly. Mr. C. S. Miller, the gen eral manager of the company, expects to have the mill a pounding in about four weeks. About 500 tons of ore is on the dump. Ore chutes are started on several ledges and by the time the mill is ready for operation the mine will be in such a condition as to furnish ore in abundance. We are promised a full report from some of the gentlemen above named re fering to the Granite Creek mines in general. Some Beef. We learn that Mr. J. S. Heptonstall since he returned to this county, Sept. loth, 1S79, has purchased 2700 head of beef sieers; none of which are less than three yeai3 old. One thousand head were purchased of J. "W. Gillman, of John Day Valley. All of these cattle are 1 choice beeves and are destined for San Francisco where the citizens can I have the pleasure of eating Grant t County steak and roast. Thus the cattle interest in one or two littlo trades of the last ten davs will dis burse over $-10,000 in our midst. of anything of the kind we ever looked at before, oo of them would fill a half hushel box; they weighed Miat his natch of liA acre. wdl ltbo,;fc Uu, S,UHL; The ladies of the ?J. E Sowing" Society will give a dinner in Trow- bridge's grova on Thursday, Oct. n, for the benefit of the Church. "Din- ner 50 cents. Teams will leave this city at. 10 o'clock to convey those who v;isli to attend there and return frec. Sek the new advertisement of A. Hirpprich. Ho is up Avith the times. Show it to the Chinamen; they ap preciate advertising. We notice Mr. W. J. Cookscv in town yesterday. He got a little lonesome, wo presume, keeping rBach." in Harney Valley, so he came in for a wife his wife. A bevy of ladies called on us last night. They wore IIrs. Olmsted, Mrs, Cooksoy, Miss and our better half, dies. Marion Luee Call again la- I'kom Mr. Rtudu'son wj le-irn that lie U S. M irshal has .SJMit warrants to Harney for quire number of our cili .ns to go t.) Poi tland t answer to the charge f I' tt'mr sock ur.-ize on or nrar rhe Malheur lle.ei vation. Th -3 are :i.sspsm1 nil the way fnm S30U to S,"5. 000 damages. It wonld co-t the cit: zens les- than that io kill all the Reser vation Indians. We nls- leiru from Mr. S. that Murphy has returned to Harney valley. Saud.rS'-n further cays that Mr. Stevens has iron 3 to buy French's t prims to use on UU contracts wirh the U. S. The Paradise Reporter co'iies to us this week 1 educed in size. The propri etor calls it "ensmalled" which h- deenis .a fit term 10 "Tnt tho reverse to enlarji'd. Want of prompt p-iyincnt on the part of the patrons of ihe paper, 's uive" :ls :i l"n f,,r rhl the ' JL,1':ro" ar" m?,n l-:lP"s that c"llIcI onlar-p ;iml "t'rwiso impr .ve if 1 S!,05cnl,G1' P".V up pmmpt h Tub Old Story. On last Sunday' night as usual n row was inauqerate 1 on "the corner" and about 50 people as- ; sembled t' hear the obscene and bias- j phiMiiirijr harangue of the principal in truders. If the tmvn was incorporated such damning actions could he stopped but as it ih the Sheriff nr his Deputy h s no right to interfere in such matters unless someone makes a complaint and then th..y will be only too glad to put a veto on such actions forthwith. We. are informed that about the fame kind of a circus was gone through with on last Thursday night about ona or two o'clock. Public Land Laws. -r We are under obligations to Mr. H. Talbot, of Sioux City, Iowa, for a copy of his work on the Public La.d?, etc., etc. The book is an 8 vo., 170 pages, ond eontains much valuable information to settlers on the pudlie nouiain It is an exhaustive compilation of law., rulings, decisions and late acts of Congress, with refer ence to the agricultural and other lands of the United Stitcs. Every real estate agent should hive a copy. Price 50 cents. The Oreg'on Farmer. It is an ei ght page p jper filled with reading of all kinds local, telegraphic, farming liter ary and a nnialf amount of editorial. The publisher is trying to introduce "a paper for the million" as its varied read ing and low subscription price show. Wo g'ad I v exchange with it and wish it .success. We received for an exchange The American Traveler and Continental ller.dd, the special American organ in Europe, published at London, and with it a large, line picture of Victoria Woodhul, candidate for the Presidency of the Uuitjd Stitcs. The News will X. A Little Mouk Cidek." Fik fc Rinehart inform the people through the paper that is now before you that tlu'v have plenty of cider vinegar for sal-; also plenty of apples and cich-r cheap lor csh. H"ad their advenie in i nt. We omitted to mention the fact Inst week tint Mr. A. S-.veetzcr, of the firm of Chvrfelt& Swei-tzer. wiio spent a few days wish the boys in SilviH valley last mnjirh, returned to Sm Franei.-c-t list we-k where he g es into wintur quar tet. . The Coiniopolite, published nt Sioux City, Iowa has been sent t the News with request to X and of course we will do so for it is a valuable iNonth lv. Bin Horns. Mr. Late. Farmer killed an elk a few weeks a:ro and on ! last Wednei-day presented rhe horns to Judne F. C. Sels and upun measuring thm we find that, they measure from he id t tip of horn, each horn a little over four f- e', and two feet from the hfad the horns ate 1 feet and 10 inches apart. From tip to tip they are 8 feet 1 inch apart, and from up to tip round lo ad h"y are over 9 fi-et. yThey weigh 31 pounds und have 12 prongs. Nkw House Frank McEean has jusi h:i(i a housti built at Soda Springs so that lie can be'ter accomodate the weary tr:tveh-r. The travel is increas ing rn the Harney line and a daily! mail may bo locked for on that mute ?o in. In view of all this Frank has made Soda Springs a permioent station. Mrs. Rosa Eclirnr is the Landlady and set up shlonclid mea's. The Todhunt cr Riot hers and Mr. Cobb were the car-pouters lhat built the house. Mas. B. C. Tkowbridok called on us a few clays ao, and while in paid for and sent, the News to Mr. John Gordon, L-t'ock, Glenlevot, Ballinbal laeh. Banff, Shire, Scotland. Mrs. Jno. Her burger .ends tho News to Mrs. M-ijory Milnieat Hedivnchal, Olfnlivot. Dallindallach, liauff, Shire Scotland. (C- OvEjmoi.T it JaCoii.s are busy put imj! up a House t r Mr. TerkiiM, at j DayviHf. Tlu house will be a story and a ha'i hi.uh, and 20 by 2G u ith an j ell 12 by 22. a-id will contain 7 rooms. ; da co s r-ays. it vi 1 ho the linest hone in G: ant, (Jounfv. Finoek Baoici:. Mr. ,Joi Oliver while attending t sonir; e lives at hi milk ranch las?. Wednesday m rning had his ht'Ie tinker broken by a cow sfrking him with her horn. Iit. Wm. Hall returned home from Winnemucca last Sunday even ing having disposed of his cattle at the above place. For The Dalles. Mrs. M. Mc Loud took her departure last Saturday morning on the stage for the Dalles. For Boise City. Mr. Jas. Brackett has gone to Boiso City to have "Cham pion Knox" returned home forthwith. Tlis Justice in ihi city ha?, had con siderable business thi week. Yester day complaint was made against parties on lower street fur disturbing the peace nighr before last. The 0ung nnn plead guilty and was lined SI 5. Wt refrain from using his name for the re sptct we have for his sifters and moth er. The whole outfit were notified to letve town this morning and we were told last night that they would. J. H. Lev.ns married Mr.-. Mnntigue, known as "Susi," yt s'eruay and can now go. as man and wif We lrne that we will now be spared the unpleasant duty of chronicling the usual Sunday night row. List of letters rem iining in tlri Oct. 1st: Kobinson Albes, Janvs Gillzeran, Wood Gillman, David Lloyd, W. C. Median? 3, A. F. Rut 2, Butter & Rockfollo, L. P. StClair, Rob. Turner, E. Sturgeon. Persons calling for the aoove pieus ; say aa vert is u. E. Hall p m. Mr. Lord, of the firm of Houtliug & Co. of Portland arrived ou the Dalles stage last night. Mr. Scott is in the ity he has junt arrived from Coiier deLoune where he has boen on u contract with the gov ern ment. See the advertisement of the Steiner House in this is-uie. Mr. J. J. Rob erts has bought Jacob Htetner's inter est in the bove house and is dnly en stalled as landluid. The linn now reads Seerduhl &, Robeits. Tins week we printed oOO tax re ceipts for the sherifi of this county. Next week wo will hive a full re port of th Pub'ihers Convention at Ut ion. Mr. M. Morran left lor Wasco Cou'n ty lat Saturday morning. Tho East Oregonian has entered upon its fifth volumn and still main tains its standing as one of the best weekly papers in Oregon. Grant is coming to Oregon and it expected that ex-Gov. "Woods will ac- conipany him. ' ; 1 Peaches and prunes are now sell ing in this market. The peach crop in this valley is immense this year. TY.om Mr. J. Vv . Mack, County School Supt., we learn that the new Readers and Spellers have arrived and that he has them on hand to ex- change for old books at a liberal discount until January Sth. He will a. be in this citv about the loth hist. STRAWBERRY VALLEY PLOUJITNG MILLS, MORKHHAD & G LEAVER PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers and dealers in Flour of the Best Brand, Gra ham Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a Superior Article oe flour go the Stra wberry Mills. These Mills are located in Strawberry Valley, in the upper John Day Yalley, Grant County. Acconimoda tiotis a specially. Reasonable prices. Give us a call. crgg2$f A 11 to n Hacleiey 0 Would most respectfully an nounce to his Friends in JOHN' i DAY VALLM Y and outside Camps that he is p'nmiMeily established in Busineo's in cT oJaxi 10-rr City and keeps constantly on hand the very CHOiCEST STOCK of everything that is wanted in a Country Store. He has no rent to pay no Clerks to hire; consequently he can sell as low as any older established mer chant in Grant County. WM. GOOS, BAKER CITY, OREGON, CIGAR MANUFACTORY, ALSO Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tobacco and Smoking Articles. Hotel s'. ItliMSON, A. Ii. CiltOTd; CITY HOTEL Canyon City,- Oregon, u ii i wt i u iT. I v t. if i f-t a m r ni f m ii m Bg leave to iof.rm their friorida And the PuLlio Genorally That they can bo foutxi at :bu OLD STAXD, And are alwawa reJj t-j fnroisb i; ".t Board and Lodging AT .MODERATE PltU:l' .o f The ucderdignod ukea plaasuro ia a f;:: w Tid ing to the genera? public that they h.iv opt?u rd a FIRST CLASS HOTEL iu the bu?i-HK known as Tiik Golden Haul;:, j Qany0n City, - - - - Oregon,. Where you can find the BEST TABLE North of i ortland, 3722a o D3 e cS. fe Are nil new, and tho rooma have been furnish ed ner throughout. Board, 85. per week; 1. per day Meals, 50 cenbs. Seoeiidaiil & Roberts, Pr prc-"?s Grange Hotel. PRAIRIE CITy, ORKUON, J. II. Uardman, Proprietor. Tho aro'iiDmodatioDS at tho above lintel are ood, and every enro will bo takn to raako gu?.t3 feel at homo. I-Comortablo n&ds, and B8 gnod a tr.bl 58 tha market afTorda furnished at reasonebSc rates. LADIES ATTENTION, - W- Mrs. James F. Cleaver h as just removed to her new Build ing on Main Street, Praire City, where she is opening out a fine assortment of Ladies and Mis.es Hats, just received from N. Y.. also a well selected sup ply of Ladies Underwear and Linen Suits. Also a general assortment of ladies goods which will be sold cheap for cash. GEO.GUNDLACH & BRO, IN GENERAL MER CH A NDISE, MAIN STREET, CANYON CITY, OGN, Now oH'er their entire stock at "Great Bargms.'' FOR CASH Canyon City, April 25, 1879. CANYON CITY & McDER3VIIT' STAGER LINE, FEAMK McBEAX, - - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City 011 Monday, Thursday, and Sat urday of each week. Arrives at Canyon City on day of each week. 1 1 ' NE7 STORE and NEW GOODS. CANYON CITY, Has on hand tho Largest and Finest solo otion of Furnituro intthis County House, Sign and Carriage painting neatly executed, a 11 A DEALERS CHEAP 1 reasonaoie ra-ua;