0 jtF I '' yV if News-paper. VOL 1. NO. "JO CANYON OITV, OKEGOX, S VTURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1879 TERMS: 3. PER YEAR. - '.. is Grant Coin!? lis. ill i'i:ui.isiikj SVISRY SAT Ul! DAY MORNING Editou and W I5i.;siii:i5. SUBSCRIPTION: Pur Te;ii 00 75 Si RA'i Ms or Ai)r!;i:fiiXG. Notices i huii Co ;i . ii, 20 rums par line, eafji ms r ton. TrHtisieat advert i.- m iitK, per jupiure of i 2 line, 2 UU Tor lir t mid ill for eacli suhs-ijuont "nis"r;i 11 :ti auy.vkc!!-: i l'.ai advt rfci.Miirnrs ciar--c I s ! - transient, and musL be paid for upon wpiruthui. Co -:Tfi,i are of pnblica iiio'i ivvu uiril tin fe: i-; p.iid. Ye xily a 1 wH-eimu.t.; on very liiK'r term -. .Professivj'irJ C tds, ( one inch jr loss) Sly ;er annum. I'er.-ona' and Po'icit-a! ConiinMJiicnion ehnr' rl as adverjis-'inCi'ds. Th above v? 1 b- strictiy adlrered to. AlTdituri .t r. Cakyon City Oj;:xw. VM. L. OUfSTKAD. 1 ;i LK & 1 A ! Li.-L ' CiXNVnx City, Oawx, Geo. B. CVr?.ey, . GA"ro.f I'm-, (yil.MON. V.. i-M.'.STi.;, A Hon icy al L:iv, ("iinyoa C'tv. Orer-r. F. 'JIORSiEY, M D. riMnviTn ck tiu: I'NiviinsiTr oppehn Fytvauij. April Tv'-i Canyon Ciy, Or-sni. Ofticc in his i )ri- Kiorp, Ivln'n Street Orders for I h u-is prosnly n?h. No jrofe--sionHl jip.nnje s-Hpit.d unless direct io-i.s ae s I'ioriv followed r W. KOWARH. f. D., Canyon City, (JkntCo., Oa;:oK. 0. M. ROD50I, M. R., 2Px-rtiirio City, - C3g;xx. W. K. BOI.KY, JiJ .Zi "JU JL i-JL', jSi-IVntul iteoiri?, Oppt;:tn the MothwHat Ghu-rK Canyon City. OitEnox. r; i UAiRinxB, ia. o v o rz; r v o , nun OOTiPjnriB O -A. jST "i7 C2 Tir CIT MILE-MAJf. ii ! , . rtit;ii e i i , t I he best ot Milk lurnished to ' ,e citizens of Canvon Oil v or- i ' - j - 2vy mo'iing, by the gallon or quirt; roas ruble ra tes. Carpenter and Wagon Makrk. j Cany.vi City, Oregon. Dealer in Hard wo 'D, P pokes ovwl TenrrrvTrc T?m?vrTTTip I o,inn x ttui-wijo, i i. m i win., .ylliiHiS, 1 AIMS, IjrLASs, a,nCl j WlNDOW-SASIJ. ' PREPARING EOR GRANT. 1 v c uiKC uiu report iroin ! tin Standard: TIi comiiiitU of tvvenv-four citizens appointed t) make ar-rangoincnts for tli'j ! rt'cption of General U. S. Grant htdd a ineeti:.- esterd-.y aftn-n.-on at ili. City j Cou-wd Chamhow. The hour of two j w:h the time appointed, but ir was s mr J 11 I Uttle lime alter tliat tile me'.Mini: v;is ' ; aiUvA to ord'T. l)urin'r ti-e tim, Tdayo'-! -r i A-,r Cl ,1 1 noMir.son. dude Win. btronr and; , i .1 . 1 or hers reiia'ci the waiting nitnhers j with rcnsmisceFcea fr (rant, and t!ie j neoedo'e by the iMavur rf-ferrinir t t ho mnnner in which Grant, while Pmsi I dent, at down on ex-Govonor Womls, j "ub pacc lasc wees is auie uj ue wiio with a de!eirati n of Pacific Coast- j ers had cai'uvl upon Jiim to insist in the ! The cae ol C. W. Ilymor, who kill jdaeinir an Ore.niau in his cabinet, j ed T. K. West at Paradise last My, is was greatly '-'njoy-d. Tiift ine.jfitM' w.is finally called to or- der by May"r I'honipsnn, the cliair man. and Ortranizcd by the ele'ion of AYm. Kapnsas secetary and II. W. Corl J betr treasurer. j .lutloMonnsucrte l tnata com-, mUtc .f three. l,s appointed to cnnnnii-; nicatc widi General Gruit ami a -certain delintt dv wln-n he would come and extend to him an nliici d invitation to! vis't the city. J. j. 0 ouijl oH;:red an aineni'mnl ! . rto th ::bove i'ii'l made a meiioa t li f ! -v,r ,. , , .i-i ' the .YiriyO" i l ! Ill' (" V 1-e MUll"l !'," , on 1 . , , tj ,1 ,.' 15 1 . , , . (y i , Porlnnn o cxtcxi t Gcuer;d Gr.int . 1 :, . , -. an umcud invitation to vi-:t tiie city, 1 1 . ,,, . i.: 1 U"u a so aseert:iiu v.'liat tine; ne nugJit Ui ovpected. j Thi mo i-m i.f Tdr. Cougle wes i Oi.dftcl a'.d a--R.i J. ! nlav. r r! hnmrvc.it! wm jhii !:nVivwl to i d -aioh dispatch, and up-m ri-et-iptol' jauwe-. toapjioinr. suclt eummittees as 11 011 hi be iieces-'arv. The eoiistiiift-'c then adj uirnod to neer ;if the e II d the chairman. The follo'.vintj i'd :-;rim w;is s-nt to Go'er-d Grant at ii o'clock yeorday f.flernoon bv Mavor Tliomion: PostTLAVP, S )'. 2 I. l.v-79. j To Geiieni! U. S Grant, Sm Era:i-j eis -o. C !iif"rni.f In b-half ol! the pMieral eommi'tco and th e:ti: n-o!' th eiiy of Portland. I r.m tin:v rh d in extMi - to you and priy an invitatKin t viit our eny and ' such other idwce- i 1 h State of Oiv 'on , c., , JeJ rtU Uiav (ie-ue. h'toii'd vop. ;;eeepf o'iv i .vhrr'ion, please ioilicate what tune j would iiiri v ur eonvefdence to vUifc u-. J). P. Thompson, Mayor. j A DISPATCH FKOM 0 HAN'T List ceninir the foil ivvinu: tele: ram was received dinct l'r ,m Genera I fj,.nrt. j ' San P::ANctscn. Sept. 24, 187IJ. ! Toll P. Th-mmson, Mavor of Lho ci:y of Portland: " j T hope to be in Portland on the four- j teenth v oximo, but will t'dgr.oih you the day f d-pai ture. I. S. Grant. A tminir i.i nlhiM1 vim fl? no llint rill m- I , , , , O I . ! I'llljl H j Vf III l.CI lillll ill..-. V.illlHI. IU j iiii- citv will be the Gove-tmr elect of iCdilbraia, Geor. e Perkii s. ex-Goven- j.r(Jcore Woo.J. formerly of Ore-on, j jdohulUsd Youn- the uvll known IcoiT'SpoadenS Lieu-. Fred Grant and i s-vcinl promin-nt citizens of Sun Fran- j i Cl-ce. The 'Stcwa-t ur.ive n.bbt-r- evidently thought they h d ot hold of a bon-inai, I and 52.OO0AJ00 w.is the first o'ice do-: , . , c , ', , T ."'! T!".! . ' '! "0'y 7 i .r rom mat Koin iiiv u.iuo; oor.ji sic , ov ' step to S2V0,000. Jude Hilton, it is ; sai.J, ouVrs to ay n more Hun -?2o,000 and even then will promise m immun j ity to the criminals. 'J'he rohbiN have ! trie every way to bring him to terms, j but while he is willing to pay the su m oifered for the body, he will not con pound tho felony. More than one-half of Mont-ma is covered with Indian reservations. The i nu nb 'r of Indians in 1S0 wSis 20,000; ' .... . . novv hardly half that, number are with- 'n 'ue i ixii 5 i: of the Territory. General News. Idaho Democrat A nnv.-paper has boon started at Lo- r;inf C"tah LTvr 2U,U00 (piarfx mines have been recorded in Montana. j. S.iwtclle, the actor; juus built n tiMtn, :l Helena, iM-mtan t. m. mo 1 . .1 n : Tnoiv are 102 students ni the J -i-ri- . , . -A c w 1 toriid uiivorssty or Washington. T The 1 tali iNorthern 1? Iioldin . Jrei'dit at Oiidn whde the terminus is The Oyden JJispateh says th.-it the hoy who fVU from the ti-rht rope at , : I I 1 1- 11 1 1. I bo'ore the district court at v mucmuca. Twenty yr-ars aun the vote of Cdi fnrnia was lOo.OOO and is now 150,000 The increase is small for so !onr a pe- riod. Tlje t)tal bulHoll y;el(l of Colorado for K79 i4 (.still).llefj slt 8:50,000,000 Sin.jp ms ih(V minc, 0f tl,e Sti have yi dded SS2..000,00;. j Jniin Kelly, tin) pioneer vi li iI-t. ' wetl kietwii hv old tini'-rs "ft ;;e Pacific Coast, is liMidin i'lrih ar Olynijda. fie is act: impanied hv his wift. A'erv pch plicer mines h;tve be 11 1 -tnu k in Lane count , Orefmn, and he exeit'inent u nr. s u teat that men left . thresidnir machines f-randiui: in the (ie'd--' and started fr the ini:i;. fl'lifi li'-sr wheat raised in Oregon was p-,jduee l upon a. fnii in Clarion couu- fc. in t!,,- yar 1S-;;;- Vftl' 4,'nw" ?lat 'iaio i'if'y-nn years w.ih a sm.ale ex- cep'ion. gvain iias jvown on that farm. Daily Rec J'Ik C. Gear's li'ip house in. the W;ddo Hills, wn-i lurried up n Saturday lat. Loss 1- inir o 1,200. Quite a lively town is sisrinuinir up neir the rd onume.ral mine. i ff!ie se't! doij't like the idea of rpjnovinir the soldier ho' from Kitti- v':l?lev Ciiief ifo-e- visited EHensburir last I week and iuves'.ed some coin in Vfi.-.ter am plies A ne mail ro:;te has recently been i esfahlis'ie i via (.!r b (hoek from alia iY::'hilo Oauij) ( McanaL'a". Spokan 1 1 1 o t tit m f has 'ii" contract at tne moiiest I suiti e,f!5.")0 t) -r month. A few davs since a shot-tin: sera no TilII 1 i t It I oeeuro'i ar. iitfasourLT, in wmcli a wen ! kne.vn lady and :mtieinati lij tired as Pr'"('i,:'i; tif f rrmer as the shr,.,t r and t ne ''r as the "siio ttee." Medical at- Lwlru,,:y fr :l 5,1 t,ic nr' H.rt'y afterward absolutely necesaiw. ( ;f 1 " 7H,l.-)0,000 English speaking 'h' in ,I,U W"r',1 17.750.000 arc I'piscMpamu'S. I i,UuU.UiuJ are ji.etlio disN 1 :Lf005000 are Cndio'io-. 1 0,000 000 are Presbyterians, 8,000.000 Ran- . .1,. .....i I lid IIM.'I ( f .. 1..,. ilMU I A'v v.Vvv UMI I'll I IK'USl II-U-) ( Daily Standard.") Diphtheria is idnitiful at Olympic. f' . i ir. .. . i. ' wi:iuaier peopio arc suuenng wmi ls tlmt arc an i-pul.Miiic Twelve members have organized a Congregational church in Wenas Yal- iluy, W.T Sv. (Janaday. Jvil titan Yalley, had ,i.s aw broken hist week by brim tiirawn from his wairon by a runaway te-.m A .Nel.in, hoaso wi.h ononis ...d i...i 1lilcj bebw Y;lkim:l Cifv wcro burncJ by lire hist week. The lire in Portland on Sept. 22d, destroyed about S70,000 worth of property-. The heaviest loosers are Zan, Aiuslie it Co., Davidson & Co., Minne sota House, Robinson it Walker, C'ir dinell and the Burton Mouse. Plunder's medicines are made from Oregon roots, neros anu oatKS, and , , , . arc NOT patent medicine.-, but purely vegetable Family remedies. An Essay on Women. Alter man came woman. And she has been after him ever since. She is a person of noble extraction, beinir made of man's rib. I dmi't know why Adam wanted to fool away his ribs in this way, but I suppose he was not accountable for all he. did. ' It co-ts more to keep a woman than three duus and a shot gun. Rut he psys you back in intf-re-t by giving vou a hot:el'ull of children to keep you awake all night and smear mola.-se.s and candy over your Sunday coat. Resides a wife, is a very convenient article to have r bout the house. She is handy to swear at when you cut yourself with a razor, and do?i't feel like blaming vourself. "Woman is the superior being in Massachusetts. Thereabout sixty thousand more of lu r sex than male in that State. This accounts fr tiie terrifu-d, hunted j expression of the single men who emi grated from the Eist. Woman was not ere itod Perfect. She has her faults such as false hair and fa'se complexion, and so out. Rat she is a jreat deal better than her neighbor-;, -and she knows it. Eve w:s a woman. She tiiiit have been a model wife, for it cost Aiiam iwthin:: to keek her in clothes. SmII I don't think they were a bit happy. She could'nt zo to sewing circles and air her information about everlvdv she kf.itw, orexcic" the envy of other ladies by wearing her new wintct hat to church. Neither eoi Id she hang over the back fence and gossip with her near neighbor. All the-e blesed privileges were de prived her. Poor Eve! She's dead now. And the fashion she inaugurated is dead too. If it had'nt been for that eonfiUindi d 'snake' peilnps the ladies of the pres ent day would dras-s rs economically a lOve did But the only place where the primi tive ty?e is emulated is in cearain por tions of Ceu'ral Africa where the wom en insider themselves in full dre-s when they have on but a po.-t-igo stamv) stuck in the center of their fore head. Woman is endowp.d with a tremend ous fund of knowledge arid a tongue to suit. She has a opacity fr learning every thing she was divinely intended to know, and a few extra items besides. Young ladies take a great deal of stock in classics and learn very fast. When you s;'e a yotmir lady from Vassal, with an absorbed look in her 'eves, and her lips moving, you under stand at once. that, she is mcmorizinir a pas-age from Virgil. But. perhaps closer observation will reveal the fact that she is only chewinsr rs gum. A woman may not he able to sharp en a lead pencil, or hold an umbrella, but she can pack more, articles in a trunk than a man can in a one horse wa'jon. The happiest period of a woman's life is when she is making her wed ding gariNPirs. The saddest is when her husband conies home late at night and yells to her from the fr.m. doorsteps to throw out a bunch of key holes of different sizes. There is some curiosity in feninie na ture. For instance, I knew a young lady could easily pass another one on the sreeo widhouu lOD.-iing arounu iu ... . -,i , !. i what she had on. Poor thin r ! Sho was blind. It Is So Easy To Write For A Paper I He was a friend of mine and used frequently to drop in and give me advice as to how I ouijht to run my paper. He was a minister, and consequently thought I should devote it a lbrle. more to the eanse of teliiiiou, and mc qti'.fcu o much tu pidi'ics. lie said it would make a power fbr rond in the Western land, in which wo o - had both cast our fortunes. He was a lover of the origional, too, and said he disliked to seft reprint, and thought I should write more take the time, iri lact, to Hi 1 the paper right up wi'h sood new stuff. It se uied such an easv thing for him that one day I ven tured to say: "Pr"thcr, vu ! d a gl r ous uic-t3ni at t- e sch o! house, I her; sippo ym wri'e it up for :e' ! le d o'-1 s"er o .e as honh im ant. d to. I urge He flushed little and tnod around, a.wkard like. He hd :ever been hon ored with an invir-ition to write for the press i-efore. I then urged. Then he took off his gloves and hat. Then I gave him a seat at the table, with paper and pencil. He sat down to editorial work. He was always talking about how it should be done and now he was at it. Ho started in. I went about my work, and, having written up a column or two of matter for the day's paper, left him still writ ing, while I went out to solicit some advertisement-. I was if one an loir or ,nd whn. I came back he was si-l at it. He was sw eating awfully. His eyes weiv bem oo t e d zzliiv white paper before him, and ts pencil wa a stub. begun t grw frigh'eneii, I knew I had only a small weekly pa per, and that, its fourteen columns of space (one side was a patent inward) would not hold the contents of the Hi 1; and supplimeinary incs ages from Heav en ba-ides. At la-t the man looked up and timid ly advanced with a piece of paper in one hand, and suddenly went hack tr chanje a word. Then he came on ngain, and like one who I. ad passed through a vision, held out a piece of paper and boldly nske.ii; "Will thatdD?" I looked at it. Tin r- were just seven lines of it ad vcr ismir measure. He was a large man, weighing over 300 pounds then but when 1 met him three week later he weighed less than 155. He had been sick. The seven-line ni- e-hour effort, was ton much for him. But it was not all lo3t. He never ad--vispd an editor again. ISeither did he compose for a paper again. It was hard work for him to write, and he saw he was not cut out for an editor Chicago Journal. The Dalles M untdnee- sas: ''A few das go Doctors -Logan & Richard son succ I'd-1 -in ak:nf f -om xh P-rk-hu:s or' 1 1 . a ifcp w " s f-et to-.:: ai d nnt h df i--h w-k He has e.. ri i tin- 'eb w in hi - stom ach f.o- a- -ur t-: y ar-. a d at 'imes tiff ted a urctt oca of pain resuhinir from its presen e The gentleman is now improving rapidly and is feeling like a new man. Robbert Bor.ner's trotting horse "Edwin Forest," on the 9th made the fasti st time on record a mile in two minutes and eleven and three-frurtha second.-. ft 4 -5 l r.