Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 06, 1879, Image 3

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    Be Brail Colli Hews,
Saturday Morning, Sept. 6, 1879.
Notice. Simple announcements of
oirths marriages and deaths, will bo
inserted without charge. Obituary no
tices will be charged for according to
their length.
A. F.-and A. M.f holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next proceeding the full moon
in ejeh month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
F , meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Room in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
By Order of N. G.
On last Sunday evening we took a ;
rule out to the fine home of Mpfsrs. ,
Fisk fc Rinehart, o d uhiht there had !
thv pl-as'iie - f r un g over their very
!arg" or-h rl w t' Mr. Rinehurt, who
to- k pain p in? out to u the difivr
enf v:irit;es of fruit all of which are of
the very bet. They will have a lame
crop and intend to viii Canyon Ci'y
every Wednesday and Saturday, and
up the Valley the remaining days of
the week, except Sunday's, for the pur.
pose of supplying their cus'omers with
fruit. After we with our family had
enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Fisk
until fair moonlight our team was turn
ed homeward and soon halted at our
d or. A pleasant ride we hud.
Some complaint has been made in
reirard to certain parties r.ii-ing a dis
turl nice in this city on last Sitimlay
niuht. P'-r.-ons livirti: in this ci'y in a
quiet and orderly w iy lnve r'tit- that
thev exjM-ct an i intend tosre ir f ct
Peih tp-i tlo1 p-ir.ies that raised such a
"huh-buh" on sttvi-r, shooting
and ma Icing niuht hi leoin g-nerally,
on the night atow rcf ived to, are
aware that fact ere this. YV speak
of this not as n matter of choice I ut a
a duty we owe to our pa'nins as a jour
na!it. Persons living in cl"se prox
imity to the disturbed si-ctioii pt.-itive
ly assert, that they will not stand any
m-'ire such action-. A word to the !
wise should he -"IbV cut.
The Chronicle. M K. B. Philip--,
Traveling Agent am C"rrcpoid- nt of
the San Francisco Chronicl- arrived in
our city on Wedne.-d.iy, ami temaiiied
over Thursday. He secured a "nod
list of subset ibers for th pipr he rep
resents. He made us several very in
teresting calls while here. He says he
is a 1 dead shot," and judging from the
amount of birds he brought, n on the
night of his arrival we should say he
was. lie is large enough and is, or
ought to be, the "lighting editor" of the
Chronicle. Ho made many friends foi
the paper while h to and as people hear
both sides of tho ;try the Chronicle
gains sympathy .
Insta luxation. The officer of
Excelsior Encampment, No. 3., I. 0.
0. F., were installed Tuesday evening,
Aug. 26th, 1879, Phil. Metschan, I).
D. G. P., as follows: F. C. Self, C. P.;
Sam. Sired, H. P.; E. E. Turk, Scribe;
Phil. Metschan, Tr.; Edwin Hall, Guide;
Martin Gundlach, I. S. S.; T. W.
Poindex'er, l.-t W.; John F. Wol fin
ger, 2nd V.
In the report oi our trip last week
wc forgot to tuent on Middle Fork.
Mrs. Newton ke-ps th und it is
about the only pi ce Wf k -ow of where
they put pu e IV. s'i cteam n the table
at eveTj meal, Jaj. Younii was al-o
left out, purely accidental though, for
we always did admire the way Young
-cares for the stage stock.
From Bodie. Mr. Wheeler, of Bo
die, has been in our city for several
days. He is visiting friends and view
ing our mines. Ha is an old miner
and knows good quartz at sight The
rock we have from the Fred. Miller
ledge he pronounces good.
Mr. D. H. Smyth, of Happy Valley.,
called last Monday and reported every
thing as flourishing in that valley. He
pays many families are now settled out
there, yet there is room for many more.
Itis spoken of as a very fertile valley.
Called. The Itev. J. McKean,
Presiding Elder c this district, the Rev.
W. G. Simpson, of tno Walla Walla
Station, and S. H. Shepherd, of Grant
County News. Bedrock Democrat
Traveling around with the ministry,
eh? We thought our friend of the
Canyon City News would be forced
bv remorse of conscience to attend
church rather punctally for Pome time,
after vouching for the honesty and
Christianity of Indian Agent Rinehart
as he did a few weeks since. Idaho
TnK Lidtes of Canyon City, and
John days, will give a supper, for the
beneGtofSt. Thomas' Church, after
which there will he a dance, for the
purpose of paying off the last of the in
debtedness on said Church and hope to
meet with a liberal patronage, on the
evening of Friday Sept. 19th, 1879 at
Masonic Hall. Bv Committe.
We acknowledge the receipt of the
Aug. number of J). W. Prentice and
Co's "Monthly Musical Journal' Port
land Oregon. Price per year only 75
cent. Every person that owns a Piano
or Organ should subscribe for this val
uable "Monthly." The present num
ber contains three piec s of choice new
mu-ic worth at retail at least 1.
List of Letters remaining in the
Pot Office at Canyon City, Sept. 1st,
1879; W. F. Clark, Arthur Goodrich,
John Law 2, Thos' Letson 2, J. C.
Luea, David Lewis, Martha Morton,
D. L. Patdiin, A. O. Parsons, 11. Pap
riate, Still Reddle, W. F. Smith, Airs.
E. Sener, Harry Stone, M. Ran, John
Wallace. K. Hall, p. m.
Died In this city on the 27th of
August, 1879. Richard Fai:. "Dick"
wa the unfortunate sheep he dor spo
ken of a few wet'ks aso. No doubt he
has dar friends wh" will b pained t
hear of his deth. He ha- a brother in
Portland, wv are told. Copy.
Back Again. Mr. Thos. Howard,
an old resident, and for six years sher
iff', of this county, is back aaain on a
visit to old fpiMids hpre. He receiver
a hearty welcome and we hope may be
able to find ho opening so that he can lo.
catf in our midst.
We were informed the othr day
tl,at a county road wa nearly complet
ed fi om near Clarksville, Ogn., to Ba
ker City. Thnt county is now follow
inir the example of this county. Yet
they have several toll road, while we
have none
Large Cabbage. Mr. Cha?. Rilev,
of South Fork, left a cabbage head at
this office, this week, that weighs 18
pounds and two itncni. And measur
es three and a half feet around one way
and three the other.
Mil. Stevens, of Fort Harney, has
returned home from Portland. While
in the city he made us pleasant calls.
Call again, Mr. Stevens, you will al
ways find the "latch-striog" on the out-5-ide.
Miss Annie Whittier, a sister to
Mrs. Ja. Bracket t of this city, arrived
from the East last week. She is a
graduate of the State Normal School at
Farmingfon. Maine,
Welcome, here
Left Mr. J. H. Neal, who has
been working in this office for a few
months past took his departure for the
Willamette Valley on lust Saturday.
Chas. Gray is absent from tho city
on a visit to friends in Lake county.
Jas Hone is stopping in the butcher
shop till Charlie returns.
Died. At Prairie City on Aug. 31st
1879, Otto Sclmdt
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Thompson are
below on a visit.
A. A. Nicolas returned home from
San Francisco on last Saturday, much
improved in health.
We have received a communication
from Fort Harney in regard to the dis
turbance at the Post last iMonday, but
owing to a rush of job work and short
of hands we had to lay it over till next
Thanks to the managers of the Un
ion County Agricultural Society for
compliments extended to us.
Report of the County Court proceed
ings next week.
, " ii""Maiji m
True Grit; At the Post Office on
last Thursday evening while waiting
for the E-istern mail Mr. Phillip?, of
the S. F. Chronicle, and several others
were discussing the DeYoung-Kalloch
affair and all seemed to think that De
Young was right, except Major Ma
gone, who expressed as his opinion
"that inasmuch as DeYoting had sent
a boy to tell Kalloch that a lady wished
to see him, that it was a cowatdly,
dastardly deed." At the above asser
tion Mr. Phillips arose quickly and ad
vanced, at the same time telling the
Major that he was stating a positive
falsehood. Magone did not move but
repeated his assertion with additional
words of contempt for the Chronicle
and all connected with it The Major
had surely read what he stated and de
fended his position with all the bravery
common to his nature Mr. Phillips
acted gentlemanly in telling his oppo
nent "that if he could show him where
the boy told Kalloch what he asserted
that he would take back what he had
said.n Mr. Phillips is a very large
man and weighs, probably, over two
hundred, while the Major is only about
six feet high and weighs, probably,
one hundred and eighty pounds, but at
least fifteen years the oldeet We sat
still anticipating a first-class item, but
are happy to say we were disappointed.
While we think that our old fnend
Magone was right in defending his as
sertion, we were also pleased to seo our
brother Journalist defend his paper
and for taking the part of a dear friend.
A man that will not protect the fair name
of an honored mother or a dear sister
is i o man at all, and a friend that will
not stand by a friend is unworthy of
the. name.
Died at the residence of Chas. Bel-
shaw, her son-in-law, in this county,
Rhuhama Luce, widow of Jacob
Luce, on tho 24th of August, 1879.
Deceased was born Feb. 8th, 1805,
being Seventy-four years, six months
and fifteen days old at her death.
Rhuhama Luce was the daughter of
Wm. and Polly Buckles, and was born
near the city of Baltimore in the year
of our Lord, 1805. She oame with her
parents to the State of Kentucky, New
Chinuburg county, and settled near the
present town of Skilerville, on the
Gren river, in the year 1811. In the
year 1827 .she married Jacob Luce. In
18-13 she removed with her husband
and children to the then territory of
Iowa and settled near the present town
of Oskaloosa. She theie join d the
Methodist. Episcopal Church, in 1845,
and remained a devoted chris'ian until
'her death. In the vear 1853 she, with
her family and a number of friends and
neighbors, crossed the plains to Oregon,
and set fed near Eugene Ci'y, and there
remained about twenty-five years. Last
Autumn she and her husband conclud
ed to break up house keeping and
come E;rst of the mountains and live
with their children the balance of their
days which was, indeed, short, her hus
band dying on the fifth of March; pro
ceeding her five months and nineteen
days. She leaves seven children and
twenty-five grand children to mourn
her lss.
Fare you well most and loving moth
er. Wm. LUCE.
Ladies. Mrs. S. H. Shep
herd is agent for Mrs. Jillson's
latest improved charts. With
these charts any lady can cut
and fit her own dresses. They
are sold for the low sum of o.
Instructions free.
Notice Reward.
On Thursday, September 4th, 1879,
between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2
P. M. some unknown person broke off
the padlock on the gate to my stable
yard and let out thejj horses. I will
give 50 Reward to any person who
can produce evidence to prosecute and
convict the perpetrator of the act.
Furthermore I offer a reward of 850 to
any person who will give me hereafter
sufficient information to prosecute the
miscreant who withovt my special per
mission enters my stable, or stable
yard. F. C. SELS.
Several items were crowded this
wctk. We a few hours late if! why.
f r
We caa scarcely record any advance
in mitiing since 1868 until the last few
years. Prior to 1868 large shipments
of gold product alone of this State, be
tween 1851 and 1866, amounted to
$22,000,000. From that year until
1874 the product fell off, and has not
since averaged 81,500,000 per year.
During the last three years there has
been some fifteen mining companies
started in the State, and the prospects
are that great developments will take
placo in mining during the next ten
years. Silver and lead exist i-i abun
dance; gold is worked in Southern and
Eastern Oregon. Jackson county alone
extracted in sixteen yean S10,000,000;
Grant county, $10,000,000. Iron ore
and iron works exist in Southern Ore
gon, supply the local foundaries and San
Francisco with pig iron, which is com
pact in grain, superior to the best Scotch
pig iron. Silver and lead have riot yet
been worked to any great extent; East
By virtue of an order of the County
Court of Grant County, Oregon, dated
Sept. 2nd 1879, I will sell at Public
Auction to the highest and best bidder
for U. S. gold coin to be paid on day
of sale. All the riuht, title and inter
est which David Howard had at the
date of his death, in and to the follow
ing property:
Seven twentieth interest in Little
Salmon Ditch, in Olive Creek Mining
(3) Three Placer Gold mining claims
in Greenwood, Olive Precinct, known
as David Howard claims. One water
Ditch on Burnt River, known as the
Burnt River Ditch.
Spring Gulch Ditch, on wet side of
Dixie Creek, having first right of wa
ter in said creek. An undivided one
half interest in a Ditch and water riaht
on North side ot John Day River, com
mencing near the Ranch of W. If.
Clark. All of which property is in
Grant County, Oregon. Sale to take
place Saturday, the 18th day of
Oct., 1879, at the Court House door in
Canyon City, Gra t County, Oregon,
cetween the hours of 9 o'clock A. M.
and 4 o'clock P M. of said dav.
Administrator of Estate of
David Howard.
Sept 5th, 1S79. u22n26.
MnafActurcrs sod dealers in Floor, of tbe
Best Brand, Graham Flour, Corn Meal,
Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a
Superior Article
OF FLOUR, go to the Strawberry Mill
These Mills are looated ia Strawberry valley,
n tbe upper John Day valley, Grant county
Accommodation a specialty. Season
ableprioes. Girt as a oall.tfe
A ii ton Jnieiey
Would most respectfully announced to bU
Friends in-JOHN DAY VALLKY and ontfide
Camps that he has started in Business recen
ly on bis own book in
iTo-tixa. Dav City
where h will keep oonstantly on band the rery
of every thing that is wanted in a Country
Store. He has 6 rent to pay, no Clerk
hire; consequently he can sell as low s aoy'
older establisheJ merchant in Grant Cconty.
geo. warn
The best of Milk furnished to
he citizens of Canyon City ev
3ry moaning, by the gallon or
quart; at reasonable ra tes.
Carpbnter and Wagon Matsek.
Canyon City, Oregon.
Dealer in Hardwood,- Spokes
and Felloes, Furniture,
DhairSj Paints, Glass, and
"7 I? ' -r"
Canyon City, Oregon,
BTJLlSON & GR0TH, - - Proprietor
Biz leave to inf orm their friends
And the Pablio Generally
That they oan be found at the-
And are alwawfl ready to furnish good
Board and Lodins .
The ucderigned take pt-jftsare in announc
ing to the general public thattbej have open
ed a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in the building
koown as The Golde5i Eagle,
Canyon" Citj, - - - - Oregon,
Where you can find the
North of Portland,
Ar? ali ccir, and tbe rooms have been fnrnish
ed nw tbroochouf.
Boird, 35. f er week; $1. per dny
Meols, 50 censs.
J. Stein er & Co,, P-opriet'n.
Or nge Hotel.
J. H. EJordniarj, Proprietor
The accouiruodatiooB at tbe above Hotel m:
good, and every care will bo taken to niaku
guests feel at home.
ay-Comfortable beds, and as giod a tbl
as tba market affords furnished at reasonable
Mrs. James F. Cleaver has
just removed to her new Buildf
ing on Main Street, Praire
City, where she is opening out
a fine assortment of Ladies and
Misses Hats, just received from
N. Y., also n. well selected sup
ply of Ladies Underwear and
Linen Suits. Aha a general
assortment of ladies goods
which will be sold cheap for
Now offer their entire stock
at "Great Bargms.''
Canyon City, April 25, 1879.
FEANX McBEAN, - - Proprietor-
la now running Bock-boards on the above
Line;' wltH good stock.-
Oeparfff fr iui Canjon City on Monday, Tbura
day, and Saturday, of each week.
Arrived ''atiyon City on Sondiy, We
oesday, und Friday, of uach
EMlte Eiirin! !
Has cm hand the Ziargeat ad Fine si
selection of Furniture in this County
House,- Sign and Carriage
painting neatly executed,, a&
reasonable rates;