Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 30, 1879, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Aug. 30, 1879.
Notice. Simple announcements of
births, marriages and deaths, will be
inserted without charge. Obituary no.
tices will be charged tor
according to
their length.
C anxon crrr lodge, no. 34,
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ing of or next, proceeding the full moon
in ech month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
HOB AH LODGE. No. 22. I 0 0.
F, meets every Thursday evening
a? their Lodge Room in ran yon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
By Order of N. G.
Paul's School. It is with
pleasure that we refer our readers
to the advertisement of the shove
sclio'd. While in Walla Walla we
had the pleasure of becoming acquaint-;
ed with Miss H. B. Garretson and
found her to be a perfect lady. She is
the principal of t'e school and leaves
nothing undone t make her students
comfortable and contented in every re
pficf. Tt h tlie be-t school that we
know of for girls. S nd lor a cata-
Arrived. Mr. Sclmbkegel, fnm
Illinois, arrived in this city on Wednes
day ov. He ha been a reader of the
News for a few months, and says that
on the trength of what he read there
in he emo t Grant cuinfv. It nays
4 -
ta st-nd the News to your friends in
the Ea.-t. 1
Mrs. Mr Lot; i) tok her departure on
the snge btt Thursday morning for
Camp Harney, where she wiil spend a
week or ten days visiting friends,
when she will return to this place.
Plums. Mr. llinrhart sent u? a
box of the nicest, plums we nvri tast
ed, on last Wednesday. Fhk & Pine
bardt are firt and foremost with all
kind of the choicest and best fruit.
See thi advertisement of Mr. John
Golden, i-i ano'her column. He is a
good workman and will a' ways be
found at his place of bu.-in ss. Give
him a call.
Pl'RMC scho d will commence on
next Monday. It v. A. Eids is the
principal, and it is sure to Ijj a fir.-t
class school.
Died. In jik-r (3n-, on the 21f
of Aurut, Mr Li'lio M., wife of Geo.
II. . ohnson, formerly nf Camp Harney.
Ax addition is being built to the
Hty Hotel to accommodate their nu
merous gues's.
Mr. John Stent. ek purchased
about oOO hfad of cattle on the Nrth
Pork last week and drove them to
Miss Anna Mascal of Camp Wat
son, is in the city visiting friends.
Hail Last Wednesday a hail
storm visited this place until the ground
was white. The storm did not extend
far up the valley.
Ihk U. S. commiaioner is still taking
... '
deposicions in the case of Walter Broth
ers vs. Phil Metschan & Co. To-day
is the 20th day and they are not done
We .brought from Baker City the
map of the boundary line between
Baker and Grant counties. The survey
ors bill is only 82050.
Judge L. O. Sterns has been sic
for several days with a billious attack.
At tbia writing he is feeling better.
Daily Capital is the name of a new
paper just started at Salem Ogn. We
have received the initial number and
will gladly X. We wish it success.
Foot Race. Mr. Prank Todhunter
and J. J. Roberts will run a foot race
at Canyon City on Monday September
8th 1879, for Si 25 a fiide Distance
100 yards.
To-day and MoDday is pay day( at
Fort Harney.
Tie m
County News
The Railroad. "We have not
6aid anything about the K. R. for some;
time, neither do we intend to speculate
much upon the route they will adopt,
but will refer our readors to an article
in another column, headed, the Survey
ing Party, from which they can specu
late for themselves.
Ma Eli Lester will please accpt our
thanks for a sack of fine vegetable..
.me man uiat nruuum incu iu u savs
that Mr. Lester has as fine a garden as
can be found in Grant county, and we
are glad to hear if.
Hiyruift ED. Mr. Morehcid lias rr -
turnrd home from Idaho He left cv -
ery thing in good shape at the Weiser-
W I ll St A ut. The Strawberry Flour
ing Mill will start up on next Monday
to grind wheat and everything else that
the patrons di-sire ground. The mill
is in good order.
The entertainment on last Wedne?-
i day evening was well attended and the
company did well
Kill or Cure"
was well rendered as also were all the
j pieces put on the bourds.
A boarding and day school for girls.
1 Rector. Miss II. R. Garretson,
Fiincipal. The Fall term opens
September 4, 1879.
FT Catalogue and particulars address,
Miss H. R. Garretson,
Walla Walla, W
Prairie City,
Boots and Shoes made and
Repaired to order,
Clocks and Watches Cleaned and Re
paired. n21tf.
Til fl Arfcft 11 flail f "fTftf.Al
B. F. Rogers,
Granite, Grant County, Oregon.
This hotel is supplied with
the best the market affords
and no pains will be spared to
make guests comfortable. The
Can yon City and Baker si ages
stop over night at this house.
Granite Creek. Aur. 30th 1879.
In tho County Court ot he State of
Oregon t r Gint County.
Tn tin matt-r of the Kstuto of David
Howard, deceased.
To Kliza' II 1 1 ward, Eliza a Newton
and Asa Howard and all other persi ns
iuterot d in the e-tate of David How
ard, deeo.'ised.
You -md each nf vou are notified to
apne-ir in the County Court of (.rrant
County, Oregon, a' the Court House in
Canyon City, Grant. County, Oregon,
at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 2d day of
Sept., 1 879, to show cause, if any you
have, why the following described
property bel'nginc to said estate should
not he sold a.s prayed for iu the peti
tion filed .Inly 11th, 1K7G; to-wit: sev
en-twenU"th interest in the Little Sal
mon ditch, Olive Creek miiiinr district;
three Placer lininir Claims, in Green
wood, in Olive Precinct, known as the
rv. i tt i j:k
. , n t t-
Burnt 111 ver, known as the Burnt Riv
er ditch; Spring Gulch ditch, on west
side of Dixie Creek and first ritrht of
water iu said creek; an undivided one
half interest in ditch and water right
taken from John 1W River near the
lanch of W. II. Chirk: all in Grant
County, State of Oregon.
Bv order nf the Count v Court.
Julv 30th, 1879. 17-21
Memphis, Aug. 1 . Iweuty-five i
new cases were reported to-day, 15 ofi
whom are colored, auu iour aeatns.
Several cases of persons stricken be
yond the corporation line have also
been reported. A man died of yellow
fever this morning at Baily Station,
Tenu., 26 miles east of this city, on the
Charleston railroad. Weather cleai
and cool' The thermometer has rang
ed between 62 and 76 degrees.
The DuPrez Dramatic and Variety
Company left this morniog for Fort
Harney, where they will play Monday
St. Paul's Scliool,
Good Words for Oregon.
Hardly any Stare in the Union has
advanced and is advancing so rapidly as
Oregon, which has many advantag s
over the other Western States in the
quality of the soil, the number of its
navigable rivers, nnd the character of
its nomilation. This is tvnified hv f.lir.
j extraordina!y grovvth of porthlnd the
. princi city, where it is said during
i x. l. i ..t xi j
lastvear. not le8 than a thousand new
jh.. i t , j c..n.
ten thousand persons have been added
to the population. The immigration
J there has been extraordinary in that
! time. The eastern quarter of the
Stnt is rapidly settling, and to this fact
the ludian wm of last Summer is oar
tially ascribed. A number of railwys,
mainly narrow gauge roads to transport
grain to fide water, have been lately
built, and a railroad is projected be
tween Astoria nnd Winnncmucca, on
the line of the Central Pacific. Every
thing augurs well f'r Oregon. The
uppur region of the Columbia river
seems destined t be one of the great
! grain erics of the West. The crops now
The crops
raised shov a remarkable average per
acre of superior quality, and have never
been known to fail. But they are prob
ably insignificant in point of productive
ness compared with what they food
hvllIbe. There is a vast area of Innd
j unsurpassed fertility between the
blue Mountains in the south and the.
Sp ikanc river in the north, and not
one in fifty acres has yet been cultivat-
.'d. The larger proportion who have
j settled in Oiegon are from New Eng
land, directly or indirectly, and have
canied t th-ir new home all theintel.
j ligenec, energy, perseveiance, thrift
ami industry for which they have
! been noted. The Oregouinns are vtny
;Uf :e LaJifornians in their freedom
J from a reekle.-s speculuting spirit.
Iney expect to make money only bv
legitinmte enterprise and honest labor,
instead of by lucky chance, by turn of
fortune, as their southern neighbors
do. The growth and prosperity of
Oiegon are solid, its present is most
encouraging, and its future is full of
Ipromis". N. Y. Tunes.
Tiic Surveying Party.
Chief Engineer George Wolcott and
party, composed of sixteen men, arrived
hot e from the East on Thursday even
ing and stretched their tent on the
open blnck cast of the Ilailey p'aoe
where Judge Pricket t resides. We
called on Mr. Widest yesterday morn
ing and ho gave us the following infor-
m:it;on. They st-irted the survey from
Snake river opposite th-; mouth of Port
neuf, came this way by way of 1
Blltte to Wood river nonrlr nnnncitM
the mouth of Camas creek, then up
Camas erefk and over to the head of
Cat creek, a braneh of Little Camas
creek to Boise river, and down Boise
river to fhi place. The whole distance
of this route, from h pre to the mouth
of tbe Portneuf is 200 miles or nearly.
By running the line more direct from
Snake river t- Wood liver it will cut
off twenty-live or thirty miles, leaving
the distune about two hundred and
thirty miles from here to Portneuf.
Mr. Wolcott says there is nothing to
hinder making this cut off and it will
probably be made when the line comes
to be located. It is a basaltic couutry
all the way from tho S: ake river to
Wood river, but compatitively level.
The work will be pretty heavy in get
ting down to Boi-e river from Little
Camas creek, but he does not make
the gride over eiirty feet to the mile.
The grade, however might be run les,
but it would make heavier work.
After he struck Boise river lie did not
continue the survey as the grade would
b easy and regular. He will leave
! here with his party this morning and
go to the mouth of Boise river, and will
lh . . . . ,
Wllow crpek anJ then QQ tfa
he can find towards Canyon Citr, with
the intention of continuing the survey
towards the Dalles, expecting to strike
the Columbia river near the mouth of
the Deschutes. Idaho Statesman.
A Young man who has tried
everything else and failed,
writes to the Vicfesburg Herald
to inquire the requisites for a
good reporter, and he gets for
answer: "A bottle of whisky,
a lead pencil, a east-iron consti
tution and a rhinoceros hide."
Make Home Pleasant.
How many poor moral cast
aways owe their destruction to
habits contracted through lack
of home comforts! Human
nature craves kindred compan
ionship and amusement, and
would, as a general thing, pre
fer home pleasures to those
found elsewhere. But jfouth
ful humanity needs, and will
have recreative indulgences,
hence it should be the con
stant endeavor of those who
have the care and instruction
of the young, to provide such
as will conduce at once to
pleasure and instruction. And
what is more healthful in its
results than mu-sic? That
home in which music is a con
stant resident, will always
prove healthful in its n rental
tendencies, attractive to young
and old, a sure preventive of
a desire to seek less' safe indul
gences elsewhere. Encour
age music in your homes, then,
and add the safeguard of harmo
ny to its other sacred ties.
San Francisco, Aug. 23. About
10 oVlor-k this morning Charles De
Young drove in a coupe to the side
door of the Me'r.molitin Temple where
liev. T. S. Kalleh has his study, and
sent a messenger to say that a man
wished to ?ee him. Kalloch went down
not knowing who his visitor wa. On
his approach to the coupe De Youni;
shot him thiough tho door, inflicting
one wound in the breast and another
in the thigh. Kalloch fell and De
Young r ttomptod to drive off. A
crowd coilecte 1 around the coupe and
finally overturned it, but before De
Young reeieved much damage he was
rescued by the police and taken to the
city prison for safety. Intense excite
ment prevails O'roat crowds are gath
ered on the street, and runners are po
king about calling upon workingmen to
assemble at 2 V. M. Kalloch was at
lirst reported dead, but latest reports
say he is still alive. Qregoniau.
Latest hows from Col. Bernard is
that he was camped at the mouth of
Elk Creek vhre it empties into the
South Salmon, 20 miles east of War
rens, the place he started from when he
went aftr Lieut. Farrow's Crooked
river affaii. ITo had marched 2o0
miles in nine days. LieuAs. Farrow
and Catlcy were with him and his
whole force amounted to 122 enlisted
men, his guide and 20 Umatilla scouts
Six soldiers from this post were on
their way to him, in company with Col.
Kobbii'R and D. Wilcox, and withiu
one day's march of his camp, lie also
expects Lieut. Force (nt Cul. For
sythe assume have reported) with an
other company of cavalry. He expects
supplies from here and Mount Idaho,
and will move after the hostiles about
the 14th, who wer. 70 miles esst o
him when Lst he.ird of. Boise States
Mmnfacturera and doalers in Flour, of tbe
Best Brand, Graham Flour, Corn Meal,
Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a
Superior Article
OF FLOUR, go to th Strawberry Mills
These Mills are leoated in Strawberry valley,
in the upper John Day valley, Grant county
j5ErAocommodation a specialty. Reason
able prices. Give us a oall.-fg
Anton Hedieuey
Would most respectfully announced to hla
rnends in JOHN DAY VALLEY and outside
Camps that he has started in Business recent
ly on his own hook in
iT ohn ID,tr City
where h will keep constantly on hand the very
of every thing that Is wantod in a Conntry
Store. He has no rent to pay, no Clorks
hire; consequently be can sell as low as any
older establish! mercaaat Iu Grant County.
Canyon City, Oregon,,
BIESEN &RULIS0N, - Proprietors
Bog leave to thairfiionds
And the Public Gonorally
That they oto be fouoJ nt tho
And aro alwws readv r urniah good
Board and Lodin
Tbe uodcrs'gned takes p assure in announc
hiir fo tho general publiR thattbey have open--.d
h FIRST CLASS HOTEL in tbe buildiag
known as The Golden Eaule,
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon,
Whei'e you can find the
North of Portland, -
Are all new, and ibe rooois bave been furnish
p.d now throughout.
Board, 5. per week; SI. per day
Meals, 50 cenis.
J. Steiner & Co., Proprietors.
Grange Hotel.
J. II. Hardman, Proprietor.
The accommodations at the above Hotol m
good, and very care will be taken to make
guest feel at home.
j2?Coti;rortab!e beds, and as good h
as tbe market affords furnished at reasonable'
Mrs. James P. Cleaver has
just removed to her new Build
ing; on Mam Street, Jrraire
City, where she is opening out
a fine assortment of Ladies and
Misses Hats, jusfc received from
N. Y.. also a well selected sup
ply of Ladies Underwear and
Linen Suits. Also a general
assortment of ladies goods
which will be sold cheap for
Now offer their entire stock
at "Great Bargiiis.''
Canyon City, April 25, 1879.
Ir now running Buok-boards on tho above
Line; with good stools.
Daparra from Canyon City os Monday, Tburs
day, and Saturday, of each weak.
Arrires'at Canyon City on Sunday, Wed
nesday, and Friday, of each week.
Has on hand tho Largest nnd Finest
selection of Furniture in this County
Hocse, Sign and Carriage
painting neatly executed, at
reasonable rates;