loity News, iliU O.VLY PAPER IN GRANT C0UNJ.Y. Official Paper For Grant County. Canyon City, Saturday Aug. 30, 1S70. S. H. Shepiieud, Editor. On last Saturday morning, armed with an extra roll of the News and a free piss, we mounted one of the stage wagons of ihe Dalles and Baker City Stage Line and started for Baker City. Nothing strange or startling happened while we were on the road so we natu ray got. a little uneasy for fear we would not meet with items enough to make our trip interesting, but with such a companion as Dr. Horsley for a seat partner we came to the conclusion that we would not go to sleep. At Robinspnville wo left part of our load, its they were intending t goto Mr. Carpenter's to see the sick folks, Miss JSew and Mr. Bauffman. At Granite we found everything very quiet and bat few people in town. We nskrd the reason and were told that the Mon umental Mine was only siven 'miles away, and that as the company were pushing everything pertaining to the mine to their utmost capacity, it took all of the surplus men to fill the de mand. Nest morning we took our seat with Sam. Ross, whotakes the waybill that Aaron Farnsworth leaves at Granite, and are soon driven to Sumter, were a ton o'clock dinner awaits us at the hotel of T. M. Britten, and a good one it is. Aftei our meal we proceed on our journey and at Deer Gn-ek we change our team again. This is a station that Mr. Tom. Brittn has just built and is in the right place. A few hour's drive and we are at Au burn, but the town is not as it "used to was." It is now :m old delapidated burg, inhabited mostly by Chinese. Arriving at Baker City at about five o'clock we bid farewell to the stage. "We stopped at our brother ' J. M.'s houce and found our father in pretiy good health for a man of his ag .1. M. and his family wern also enjoying pretty god health. Monday morning found us well and ready for business. During the day we managed to note down the following BAKER CITY ITEMS: On Sunday night Rev. G. W. Simp son, of Walla Walla, preached in the M. E. Church to a full house. The academy opened on Monday morning with Mr. Smith a3 Prof, and Miss Richmond as assistant. The Sisters school onf nod with a full attendance on August 28th. Chas. M. Kellogg h:s been employed as agent for U., I. & 0. Stage Co., and as express agent for W., F. & Co., and will take possession of the office on iinxt Monday. Charlie has moved the office int.) the auction room next door to Greer & Kellogg's stable, and a fine office it makes. Kellogn did more for the company last summer during the Indian raid than he got credit for, but now he has got the reward ho so richly deserves. Mr. Tage, the former agent goes to Idaho. Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson was buried on Friday, Aug. 22d. Jas. Traivllion was married to Miss Fanny Smith lavt week. Mr. Bowen, of the Co'mopolitan Ho. tel, ha made some improvements in his Whn ft nnnf llhliil . house Intel v. He has our thanks for favors -hown us while thre. Wm. G. Umberger has opened a har ness shop in the room formerly occu pied by him as a shop. Mr. H. Rust, two sisters and wife C. Fost'r and A. Glisen started to the lake near Robinson ville on Monday morning. They will have a pleasant trip no doubt. Mrs. G. W. Bigges and child tok their departure for the Willamette Valley on last Wednesday. They were accompanied by her brother and Mrs. Carter, and go via Canyon City. Mrs T. Block and Miss Tot Cleaver And her sister spent a few dns at. Mrs. Brittens this week. They returned homeTu$ sday. Mr. J. II. Jetfc has been furnishing some fine tombstones from hiu shop. We visited the Masonic cemeteiT on Monday and like the stone he made for our little daughter's crave verv well. Rev. J. McKean spent last Sabbath in the ctity and departed on the s:ae Monday night f.r Boise Citv. We noticed two cucumbers while in town that measured five reet loug each. They were raised by Mr. Sibley or: Snake river. The town seems to be improving more this summer than usual. Those tl at are putting up no'-v houses this summer are Bear it Block, a brick store; Basel) c &. Co., a brick store; Father DeRon, a Catnolio College for boys. The building is brick and is a fine structure. Mr. H. Twiss, a lare square frame house, Mr. Huston, a gravel house, two story hih and eight- square; ''Jack'' Reid. a frame bo.ue; Jas Fletcher, a frame house. Several other houses have been built. Hn. J. W. Wisdom has the finest residence in tl.e city. H. N. McKinney has gone to. Sun Francisco on business Sain. Otteu heimer h:is also gone to the same pi ice to lay in a bill of goods. Baker City supports ten saloons now and whisky is sold at one "bit" a smile. Baker City is now without a regu lar preacher for the M. E. Church, and religious people sigh. The sporting fraternity of Baker countv are looking furwaid to a grand fair and laces next mouth' A good number of horses are in training at the grounds, and Braketrs horse, of Grant county, stands in the lead as the favor ite trot'e.r. About ten men ate ; t work on 'he Virtue Mine pumping water. Mr. M. Hyde informed us that lie was prepar ing to start the mine agar . Thos. Howard, f..rinei-iy f-heriff of Gran coun'y, left Bnker for Granite, accompanied by H. C, Page, on last Wednesday. ' Mr. Mitchel, a lawyer of Dayton W. T.. is in Baker looking up a loca tion for his prwfes.ssifn. ' Tuesday morning, after lidding our father and other friends farewell, we moun'ed the seat beside Mr. Done, bo hind a spirited team and started f'. r home. Only a few hours elapsed ere we artive-1 at Deer Creek, where we took a fre-h team, anil armed at Sum ter, where a splendid dinner w,js in waiting for the hungry travelers. .T GliAMTE. we stopped ovr night at the Inde pendence Hotel, kept by Mr. B. F. Rogets, and a pl. n iid pl.ico u is to re main over night ;;t. TUe talde U sop. plied with the he-Jf-in the market and every care i t ken to make gue.-N ft-ej at home. A fine piano is in the hou-e and Mr Rogers' d.itih'r h a .sple-idid performt r on the inst ument. They have fine music in abundanco and one feels cheered while there. S"0 the ad vertisement of the hotel in the News. "Milt" Stevens is d ing a good bns: ness and pleases the hoys. Next morniog we look a fiesh start for Canyon City. At. Robin.-onville we found but few people, but the placer mines were reported as pyiug well. On Olive Mountain we met Dr. Horsley and Sam. Parrish en route for the Moi ument d Mme. We also met Dan. F. Moore, the genial landlord of the Centennial Hotel at Union, and Mr. Bryon on their road home. They had been to Prairie City. At Prairie City we fmmd the boys lively and the town looking up. A. R. Ya..ti5, ,ur driver, ; being a litt'e wed and Mr. Schnbkegel tired and we anxiout.i get home, it took but a short tiaje to drive into town, . . 11 ,i n i-shing condition. Althi'Ugh we made a forced trip, we enjoyed ourself moderately well and had the pleasure of meeting many old friends. "We noticed that the travel was be ginning to increase very rapidly on the stage line, and by and by when the people East fully understand that a daily stage line is run between here and Baker City, travel will be immense over this line. The company are put ting good stock on the road and ere many months we hope to see fine coaches on the route. UlUO 4 SHBABBB. i Pnmie City, - - Oregon, -U.UJ-.U4 MM! FT t M I I i l i would most respectfully an- noimce to the Public that the have received a large stock of SPR8NC& SUiYSMER goods, and keep constantly on hand a lull line of choice fami ly Groceries, DR Y GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOE?, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ." CIGARS and TOBACCO, SCHOOL-BOOKS, STATIONERY, . PATENT MEDICINES, .OILS, . PAINTS, NOTIONS, &c We keep a large and well-selected stock of Geneial Merchandise. Call and see for yourselves. LAURANCE& SHEAREK. Pra'rie City, July 3d. 1S79. n!3tf. r-io- Jules Le Bp.ktte takes pleas ure i announcing to the peo ple of this countv that he has removed his stock of goods across the square, iD the room underneath the Odd Fellow's Hall, Prairie City, Oregon, where lie has .just received a full and well selected stock of General Mer chandise and Notions, and in vites those wishing anything in his .line to call and sec him. Post Office is also at his new storeroom. .HUES LE BRETTE. Prairie City, duly .'3d, 1379. nl.'Jtr. S?Ept Hoot has a GUARAN TEE STAMP inside, and the M-.tr-clntit of wh 'in vou buy them is author- ized to return yourmouoy if you are not satisfied wth the Boots. It is iER BOOT In the Market. Ask for it and take no other. HECHT BROS. 3l CO. SAN 1'KANCMSCO, OWAJEKS. Wo carry the Largest Stock of Boots and Slioes of a(l kinds of any house in America. nl5m3. Notice- o.t Dissolution. itice is nei)V given nt the partnership heretofore existing be twnpn Ti. P, FV and AY. R. Kisk as blacksmiths s....l of the black- smith shop t John Day i own in Grant county, Oregon, under the firm name of D- B- Fisk & V R Fisk wos fli!- 0U1CU W lUU'W ""jluu uu nuc x uu day of Auctist, 1879. AH persons knowing themselves in debted to the above firm are hereby notified that unles" they call and seft'e their accounts on or before the 15th day of September, 1S79, their accounts will positively be placed in the hands of au attorney for immediate collection. D. B. F1SK, W. R. FISK Since "Pfunder has put his Blood Purifier on the market, people have stopped using all kinds of watery "Sarsaparillas" and "Whisky Bitters.." It "gets away" with them all. REMOVED PHIL METSCIIAN, P. C. SELS, NEW GOODS! -0- PHIL. METSCHAN & CO. j Announce that they new and well assorted Stock of n enera. e Which They OfferCheap ForCash Only. HIMI1I ITaving bought Cor Cash we are prepared to sell our Goods Cheaper than the)7 were ever before ollered in CIIAIIWIIYIIOII IIIIITIIYt, CIIRIIEIICIIOII-t. Our old Stock, together with our new, we will continue to sell at COST PRICES. PHIL, METSCHAN & Co. Successors to M.S. IZEXZ.9IAX. Canyon City, July IS, 1879. tl1 UHMF.JIMAILJ!UMgBI Main Street, Canyon City, Oregox, j; W. HOWiED, M. o Having recently received a full and carefully selected stock oi' Drugs, and Medicines I am fully prepared to furnish every thing usually kept in a First Class Drug House, at reatonahle Prices. Also a lull Stock of the Standard Patent .Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and see. and buy of my fresh goods. J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Proprietor. DALLES AND BAKER CITY form. STAGE LINE, Vaile & Co., Proprietors. Depjuts from Cjanyon City for Tii Dalles and Baker C tv, D::ily. Arrives from the Fame poi'H. Daily. R f'. Williamson, Sujt. AT ST 9FFI0E! E. HALL, X3 jS J. Xj 3U JEL X 1ST j S:ationai-y. Spectacles and' Eye Glasses. Candies, and Nuts Subscriptions taken, t Publishers' j Rate?, lor all the Leadinir Papers and j Magazine" pnbl'shcl i THE UNITED: STATES. A?pnt i!or Titus Br ., Jew'' elers, Albiny, Oregn. Watches Clean eri and Repaired. Canyon City. Oron, .n?V 10, 1ST0 SNIDER & STEVENS, DEALERS IN EY Clothing, BOOTS AND S IOES, GROCERIES, 11AHDWARE, CROCKERY, LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GOODS Of Every Description. Grant County, Oregon. Land Office at Dalles, Oregon, August 17th, 1879. Notice is heieby given that the following-named i-ettlerhas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure entry thereon at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Rich ard Mascall, for the N. of N. W. i N. E.J Soc. 28. T. 12 S, R. 26 east, and names the following as his witness es viz: Eli Leftn- of Grant Comity, Oreson., and John W. Lewis, of Grant County. Oregon. 20-24 L. COP FIN, Register. AN JOUN McCULLOUGU. DENIS McAULIFF. NEW PRICES! -0- lmvejust received a se D., - - W, 0 ,VBItH LT. VT. A. JAC BS 0VE1UI0LT & JACOBS, Wagon iVIaking: & Carpentering. Wagons and Busies repaired at rsas- onabie rates Spokes, Brakebars, Ax- 1655 Peiiocs piow B83!ms, Etc' for saie- ! Building and Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Boors, Sash, Etc., Constantly on hand and made to order. OAlWANA,f ROM WHICH THE BITTERS are made is a Mexican Herb, and i.-? indigenous only to a small section of Lower (Baja) California. It has been u?ed by the inhabitant nf Lower California for ti e last thirty years as a gpreral tkvicokator of tiik system, A Groat Remedy for D:saee of Kidneys and Bladder! Positive Cure For Dyspepsia. Fle'kenstein & Mayer, S,),C AaoIlt Portland Oregon. n!8y. EW1 One Dollar and size, and set llU a 16 karat, Solid Gold Cable Ring, made and sent bv rerurn mail by Uri.-AS. ST. LOUIS, tf Baker City, Oregon. FOR SALE. One Homestead of 160 acrs, situ ated about five miles from Canyon City, known as the Fred Marhold Place. Also one dwelling house in Canyon City and one garden with house and stable on lot. All three places will be old on reasonable terra. All persLns owing the estate f Fred Marhold, or persons having claims aqainst said estate, will please call on the undersigned for immediate settle ment. 3w JOHN MARHOLD. rchandi