TtoGMtloitF Ms. O.S'LY PAPKR IN ORANT COUNiY. Official Paper Tor Grant County. Canyon City, Saturday Aug. 23, 1879. S. II. Shepherd, Editor- Monumental Mine. Reference to the progress of developments of this mine, since active work was ommenced on it two years airo, have been frequent ly made in this paper. Now that nrill inj; the ore will soon begin, the follow ing fa its concerning the enterprise, fnrni-hed bv B. .J. W. Stetnmc, Eq., president of the company, wlm has just re'ur' ed from the min, arc of public interest. The work on the mine com prise a tunnel run in'o the mountain over 700 feet, cntting in its course 1G ledues, two of which are opened to the surface. Ledge N 10 is 256 feet and ledtre No. 13 is 300 feet to the surface. Drifts are run from the tunnel into tliee a.Md other ledges a distance of 200 to 300 feet. The ledges vary in width frmi (J inches to 4 foot, and all carry hinh grade an timonial and ruby silver ore. The present opening of the mine will furnish sufficient ore to run a twenty stamp mill for two years. The mill machinery is now on the ground and a force of 70 men aie at work on its crnslruction and it will be ready for operation the last of Septem ber. The expenditures of the company, in the purchase of the mine, expense of development, construction of ma chinery exceed 8140,000, much of this amount was derived from the sale of the stock, that no assessments would bo levied on it bein guaranteed. The present outlook, which is a certainty, is that the Monumental will be a divi dend paying mine and that the value of that property will increase with the progress of the work, as all indications are that. larie ore bodies will be found at fuithc-r depth by the conjunction of the different ledges. Mr. Stemme brought with him specimens 001 e from diiiert-nt parts of the mine, which can be seen at the e.fnoe of the company. Daily Oregon ian. There will be preaching at the M. E. Church in this city at 11 A. M. to-morrow; also a children's meeting at John Day town at 3 P. M.f Rev. G. W. Grannis officiating. Division of the State. We seethe question of dividing the State is again being agitated by some of our Eastern Oregon contemporaries. We have 'idvoeatcd this for some time. There are no ties to bind either East ern Oregon or Washington to Webfoot or the Clam country, and although it wouhl deprive us of any portion of the seaboard, we think we would be bene fitted by the division. Western Ore gon h-is already drained us and will continni- to ! so as lng ;is we remain a part aril parr-el of the same State. We. are put to great expense in trans acting business at the Capital and as matters now stand it appears as if Eastern Oregon had no rights that Western Oregon cared t respect We are never wanted, except at elections, and then only lo give t e Democratic majorities rcquiite to put men in po sitions of aiui trust. Give us Eastern Ore -om, Eastern. Washington and Northern Idaho nd we would :.-ue oik ni ti ' nnest nlanu empires on c mhneur. We .ire decidedly in f.nm of a division, and that ri;ht a way. East O rego n ian. Geo. P.Rowkll 4t Co. in the American Newspaper Directo ry for Jluy show that the whole number of newspapers in the United States has increased since January of the current year from 8,703 to 9,153. Newspapers abound in the ter ritories. Suspensions have been fewer than in any corres pon neriod for several year- Memphis, Aug. 15 Nine new cases up to noon. Six in terments reported by undertakers. Thos. Merry, of the Inland Empire, says, if we thought Eastern Oregon on I inland empire before starting this pa per we now think the county of Wasco alone is entitled to the appellation. A drive of nearly three hundred miles has given us ample facilities for close obser vation and we believe that we are not amenable to a charge of exaggeration when we state our belief that three thousand more families can find homes bore and good homes at that. The value of our county has long been known for stock purposes, but its im portance as a grain producing region, is destined t be developed by the next two years. Two years ago, all the grain grown between the Dalles and Des chutes bridge was produced on the nar row creek-bottoms. To-day there are not less than four thousand acres of hillsides growing wheat and corn with in the f-ame limits. Two years ago, our flour mill was running mostly on Walla-Walla wheat; this year we will have two mills grinding out wheat grown here and exporting flour to Port land for sale. That our trip was a hard one, we do not deny, but we met with a cordiil reoeptionj wherever we stopped which di I much to abate the severity of the journey. The prosperity of our county has only begun. The following appointments were made by the Metlmdi.-t Conference at Walla Walla, for the Dalles Dristrict: L. J. Whitcomb, V IS. ; The Dalles If. 1C. 1 lines; Can von City, R G. Ilawn and A. Eads; ITeppner, S. Hope; Pendleton, .. C. Kirkman; Weston, Kiiiby:C4oldendale, W. T. Koouts; Yakima Inbiau Agency, J. H. Wilbur, Thos. Pearne and Geo. Waters; Yak ima City, IT. M. Shafer. Walla Walla, Aug 15. Harvesting is progrcsins very favorably. Many ranches yield over fifty bushels of wheat to the acre. Nothinir will prevent an unparalleled crop. We shall have, at the lowest calculation, 1,500,000 bush els of wheat for exp.'rr. "notice. Land Office at Dalles, Ohecon, August 17th. 1879. Notice is heieby given tlrnt the fol-lowinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro if in support of his claim and secure entry thereon at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Rich ard Mascall, for the N. of N. W. -, V h N. E . Sec. 28. T. 12 S, R. 20 east, and names the following as his witness es, viz: Eli Lester of Grant Comity, Oregon,, and John W. Lewis, of Grant County, Oregon. 20-2 1 L. COFFIN, Register. Notice- ol Dissolution. Notice is hereby given tint the partnership heretofore existiir be tween D. I. Fisk and W. R. Fisk as blacksmiths and owners of the black smith shop at John Daytown in Grant county, Oregon, under the firm name of D. 1. Fisk & W. R. Fisk, was dis solved b mutual consent on the 11th day of August, 1S70. All person?, knowing themselves in debted to the above iirm are hereby notified that unless they call and settle their accounts on or before the loth dav of September, 1879, their accounts will positively he placed in the hands of an att"rney for immediate collection. 1). B. FJSK, W. R. FISK. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon fr Grant County. In the matter of the Estate of David Howard, leccjised. To Eliza Howard, Eliz i a Newton and Asa Howard and all other pers ns interest d in the e.-tate of David How ard, deceased. You 'ind each of vou are notified to j appear in the County Court of Grant County, Oregon, a' the Court House in Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 2d day of Sept., 1879, to show cause, if any you have, why the following described property behmging to said estate should not be sold as prayed tor in the peti tion filed July 11th, 187(5; to-wit: sev en-twentieth interest in tho Little Sal mon ditch, Olive Creek mining district; three Placer Mining Claims, in Green wood, in Olive Precinct, known as the . W-W 1 "I - 1 I 'avid Howard uaim: a mrcn on Burnt Ilivr, known as the Burnt Riv er ditch: Spring Gulch ditch, on west. side of Dixie Crek and first right of water in said creek; an undivided one ha'f interest in ditch and water right taken from John Day River near the tanch of W. II. Clark: all in Grant County, State of Oregon. Bv order of the County Court. W. S. SOUTHWORTH, Clerk. July 30th, 1879. 17-21 7I Ml Prairie City, - Oregon, ttttttt tr ttttttt Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that they have received a large stock of SPRING & SUMMER goods, and keep constantly on hand a full line of choice lami- ly Groceries, DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SCHOOL-BOOKS, STATIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PA NTS, NOTfONS, &c. We keep a large and well selected stock of General Merchandise. Call and see for yourselves. LAURANCE& SHEARER. Prairie City, July ;!. 1S79. nlStf. REMOVED. Jules Le Bkktte takes pleas ure i announcing to the peo ple of this county that he has removed his stock of goods across the square, iu the room underneath the Odd Fellow's Hall, Prairie City, Oregon, where he hns just received a full and well selected stock of General Mer chandise and Notions, and in vites those wishing anything in his line to call and see him. Post Office is also at his new storeroom. .IIH.ES LE BRETTE. Prairie City, July 3d, 1S79. nDUf. Pinal Settlement, In Ihe matt r of the estate of A. J. Gregg, deceased Lizzie Gregg, the. administratrix of th'' above estate, having filed her final account, in the matter of s;iid e-tatc, Notice is her.-hy given that the 2d day of September, A. D. 1879, is the day app-.inted for final settlement, therein. All persons lnving or claiming any interest in sa'd estate niv required to be and appear at the Court House in Canyon City, Grant County, at fen o'clock in the forenoon of said day and show cause, if any there bp, why said account and report should not be ap proved, and tips eafco decreed settled LIZZIE GREGG, Administratrix. M. L. Olmsted, Atiy. 1G-2U J6-Every Boot has a GUARAN TEE STAMP inside, and the Mer chant of win mi you buy them is author ized to return yourmouey if you are rot satisfied with the Boots. It is THE BEST RUBBER BOOT In the Market. Ask for it and take no other. HECHT BROS. & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, SOLE WNJERS. We carry the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of all kinds of any house in America. n!5m3. fflf iiu r Jjii 1 luunijuii LAUBANG k SPARES PHIL. METSCHAN, F C. SELS, NEW GOODS! -0- PHIL. METSCHAN & CO. Announce that they have just received a new and well assorted Stock of "General Merchandise" Which They Offer Cheap For Cash Only. HIMI1T Having bought for Cash "ve are prepared to sell our Goods Cheaper than they were ever before offered in CIIAIINIIYIIQIIW CllfllTIIYt, OIIRIIEIICIIOIIWt. '-- &$r-m 1 Our old Stock, together with our new, we will continue to sell ai COST PRICES. PHIL, METSCHAN & Co. Successors lo M.S. IIELOIAX. Canyon City, July 18, 1879. NEW DRUG Main Street, Canyon City, Oregon. J. W. HOWiED, M. D., - - PROPRIETOR - -o - Having recently received a full and carefully selected stock of Drugs, and Medicines I am fully prepared to furnish every thing usually kept in a First Class Drug House, at reasonable Prices. Also a lull Stock of the Standard Patent Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and see, and buy of my fresh goods. J. W. HOWARD, M.;D, Proprietor. DALLES AND tfAKER CITY STAGE LINE, Yaile & Co., Proprietors Departs from Canyon City for 'JV Dalles and Baker Cttv, Daily. Arrives from the same points. Daily. 11. ( "Williamson, Sup't. AT TSE POST OFFIC; E. HALL, !! X3 33 j3l- Xj 23 3t I 3XT Stationary. Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. SunscniPTloNS taken, at Publishers' Tv,ate, for all the Leading Papers and Magazines publ'shcd in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Br ., Jew elors, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Repaired. Canyon City, Oregon, Apri1 10, IS70 ICE CREAM SALOON. C. TOD HUNTER & J. DUNHAM, Proprietors, FIRST DOQR NORTH OFTHE NEWS OFFICE, CAHYbN CITY, OREGON. We keep constantly on hand line lee Cream and Lemonade, and can furnish Parties or families with large or small lots to order at reasonable prices. Call and see us. SNIDER & STEVENS, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GOODS Of Every Description. Gra-t County, Oregon. JOHN McCULLOUQH. DENIS McAULIFF. NEW FRIGES! 0- TORE. W, O OVKRH-'tT. V. A. JACt ES OYER HOLT & JACOBS, Wagon Making & Carpentering. Wagons and Buggies repaired at reas onable rates Spok es, Brakebars, Ax les, Felloes, Plow Beams, Etc., for Sale Building and Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Doors, Sash, Etc., Const an ily on hand and made to order. DAMIANA, F ?OM WHICH THE HITTERS r T T- I 1 are mane is a Mexican llero. anu i. indigenous only to a small section of Lower (Raja) California. It has been used by the inhabitant nf Lower California for the last thirty years as a general jnvigokator of thk system, A Great Remedy for Dise of Kidneys and Bladder! Positive Cure For Dyspepsia. Fleckenstein & Mayer, Sole Agents, Portland Or?on. ni 8y. Notice of Equalization. Notie is heieby given that, the Board of Equalization for Grant Coun ty, State of Orog'in, will meet at the ollice of the County Clerk at Canyon City, in said county, on the 25th day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day and Publicly Examine the Assessment Roll of said county for the year 1879. and will correct all errors in description and valuation, of property, if any there be. J. B. JOHNSON, Assessor. FOHSAiE The hou?e, lot and garden and house, hold furniture known as the John Dar by prpeity in Canyon City, Oregon, for sale on reasonable terms. For fur ther particulars enquire of M. L. Olmstead, Atry. at law, Canyon City. 18ml