Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 02, 1879, Image 1

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    4 V
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VOL. 1. NO. 17.
San FrR- "
: :'h- 1 ::
Tie Grant Gonnty News. !
Editor and PrnusiiEit.
Per Year, : : : $3
Six Months, : : : 1
-. O
Notices in local Column, 20 cents
per line, each insertion.
Transient advertisttnents, per square
of ll lines L 00 for iir-t, ami SI for
each subsequent insertion in advance
Leal advertisements charge I as
transient, and must he paid lor upon
expiration. No certili -ate or" publica
tion given un'il the foe is mid.
Y early advorti'Otn'i'L on very liber
terms Professiomd Cave's, ( one inch
or less) 81") pry annum.
Personal and Political Com mu ideation
charged as advertisements. The above
rat vi 1 b. strictly adhered to.
C. W. Pakrhii.
Canyon City, Oke;on.
Canyon City, Oueoon,
Geo. B. (Jrur.KY,
jSLttornoy fxit Xjx7S7-,
Canyon City, Ouecon.
M. Dust ix,
Attorney at Law,
Canyon Citv. Oregon.
sylvaniu, April S, 1S7S.
Canyon ( Vv. Or iron.
Ofiiee in his I)nig Store, Ma'n
Street Or-iers for Druus prom try filled.
No professional nitron aire solicifcerl
unless directions ate s vhtlv followed
Canyon City, GuantCo., Ouecon.
0. M. DODSON, M. D.,
XD 23 ZST "37 X S'P,
5Sf-DpntHl Rooms, Opposite tho Mothudist
Canyon City, Okegok.
O J. 1KT "5?" O IJ OITT
The best of Milk furnislied to
Hie citizens of Canyon City ev
2ry moaning, by the gallon or
quart; at reasonable rates.
Carpenter and Wagon Makek
Canyon City, Oregon.
Dealer in Hardwood, Spokes
and Felloes,' Furniture,
Ohairs, Paints, Glass, and
From the Portland Standard-
Doutilas county premises big'crops.
Baker City has its regular blue rib
bon club.
There are no houses to let in Jack
sonYille. Not stealing is on the .increa-e at
Pcrcheron stock is said to kick like
m iles.
Jackson county supports two min
strel troupes.
Freights on the Upper Columbia
are falling off.
Roseburg gets ovcrSSOOO from tax
ex and licences.
Lem Iling has been sent to the jail
at Salem for keeping an opium den.
The E-iitor of the Astorian had two
fresh shad presented to him on the
19t!i inst.
It is probable the Harvest Queen
has made her last trip to Lewiston for
the feus )!.
About. GO families camped at Silver
Lake, near Piineville, Was'co cnunty,
last summer.
A thunder storm did much damage
j to crop in .'he upper end of Jackson
f coutu v Jat week.
Howard, of 'he Chcmket.' Hotel, at
Sah'in, i- said to be the best runner
and jumoer in the state.
Peter Wilhem has beaten every com
petitor at billiards in Astoria, and is
announced to be the champion.
'p.ob White'' quail, introduce 1 by
Henry Akeny, have niido thtdr ap
pearance near Independence, Polk
The third annu d fair of the Baker
County Agricidtural Society will be
gin on September loth and continue
for six da s.
Articles of incorporation have bpen
drawn up and signed for the purposo
of organizing the Ro-vburg Library
Associat on.
The Yieux:emps (old time, Rocks)
brothers, the w rid renowned and
ever thirsty bilks are he-iding toward
Oregon f'r-ni Siskiyou coi:try; C1.
A party of prospect '-r-, s;v the
Douglas Independent, cotnpri-ing Dr.
J. II. McOord. Dr. Isarni s, Tom De-
vans and . K. Meyers have returned
from a trip to the head wat rs of Cow
creek. Fiom the latter Lcentletnan we
lern that all -ire satisfied that they
have "struck it rich " They located
three quartz ledges, which were, discov
ered near .Mf. Bolivat , and a number
of placer claims.
Riehard , (ioriron. who accidi ntl y
shot himself lat week, was brought co
Pendleton from lama-Prairie, and is 1
iicttin' al . me finely.
Tho State-man says: '-AH aboard j
for the fair gronnd" will be heard no ,
more. The S;dem and Silvorton. Rail
road will attend to that business this
Two Salem printers announce them
selves as the champion croquet players
of the capital. We shall next hear of
jackstone and "mumblv" peg matches.
A man named Smith, who works for
the Beagle Brothers of Granite creek,
was shot in the arm on the 4th in a
drunken row. Budd Beagle narrowly
escaped death while trying to quell the
The Canyon City camp meeting suc
ceeded in converting about 12 of the
wayward ones.
Dr. Hall's horse ran away at Salem,
broke the buggy, threw out the doctor
and broke its owq shoulder.
"Wosley Parker, of Wolf creek, Uu
ion county, sheared 32 pounds of clean
wool from one merino sheep this spring.
Rice, the mind reader, wlio is at
Coos county, the East Oregonian says,
is a bilk, and an unworthy member of
the I. 0.0. F.
The Army of the Nation.
Washington, Julv 13. A state
ment has been issued by the war de
partment, giving the number of men
furnished for the union army by each
state and territory and the DL-triet of
Columbia, from April 15, ISGi, to the
close of the rebellion. It shows
that the total numb.-r of volunteers
Was 2.G7S,967, distributed as follows:
Maine, 72,114; New Hamshire, 3G,
020; Vermont, 35,202; Mas-sachuset's,
152,048; Rhode Island. 28,G99; Con
necticut, 57,379; New Yrork: 4G7,047;
New Jersey, 81,020; Pennsylvania,
305,107; Delaware, 13,G70; Maryland,
50,310; West Virginia. 32,068; Dist.
of Columbia, 16,872; Ohio, 319,650;
Indiana, 197,147; Illinois, 259,147;
Miehi-an, 89,372; Wisconsin, 90,124;
Minnesota, 25,052; Iowa, 270,309:
Missouri, 109,111; Kentucky. 79.025
Kansas, 20,151; Tonne.-sec, 31,002;
Arkansas, S,2S9; North Carolina, 3,-
too; Ualttornia, JO.o; jNcvaua, 1,
fiioo. r ioii. t7-..i.: ..... n
uou, vyiugun, leu1, v iiaauigioii ilti i
tory, 9G4; Nebraska Ten itoiy, 3,157:
Colorado Territory, 49U3: Dakota Ter
ritory, 25G; New Mexico Territory,
G5G1: Alabama, 2576; Florida, 2190;
Louisi: n.i, 8224; Mississippi, 545;
Texa-, 19G5; Indian Nation, 3053.
Tho troops furnished by the South
ern States were, with the except ion of
Have of Loui-iana, nearly all white.
Florida furnished two regiments of
cavalry, Alabama one white ngiment
and Missi-sippi on- b-itia'ion.
Be Fiiank. Never deceive for the
sake of a foolish jest, or to excite the
laughter of a few companions at the
expense of a fi iutl. Be anxious when
you relate anything to tell it jut as it
occurred' Never vary in the least de
gie". 'The reason whv ur eats are so
often saluted by false reports n be
ci use peojde in telling real things add
a ntuc to tuoni, arm as they pass
throuuh a dozen mouths the oriirinal
stories are turned into oinotliinir n
tirely difft rent. So when you attempt
'o tell anything that you have een
with your own eyes, relate it correctly
in every patticula', and as you grow
older ou will reap the adva tage of
ibis course.
Our tes.iaiOiii.ils show that long
standing c.-ses of Scrofula, Bad Lers,
etc., have been cured by cii;ht or ten
boit!(j of Pfu:id.:r's Orcgun Blood Pu
i ifier.
Declined. We have received a
communication from a responsible par
ty, living at Mitchell, Wasco county,
giving an account, of a farmer living
on Sh"0 Fly cotring to that place
Mitchell and getting drunk, and
when on his Way home killing the horse
he was riding with a knife, etc., winch
we respectfully decline publishiiu, for
the reason that the man when sober is
:l fajr itvertge citizen, and for a further
rc..,son, that he is the father of an ex-
cedent family. The affair will travel
fat enough without puttint it into the
papers. We heartily sympathize with
the family that is so unfortunae as to
have a husband and father avIio is in
the habit of getting even "occasional
ly" bea.-tly intoxicated. We thank our
correspondent for sending us the item,
and hope he will not feel hurt that we
do not Ditblish it. Mountaineer.
We are in tiie s one boat, Bro Hand,
and also hope our correspondent will
not feel hurt that we did not publish
the communication.
Several large trees were uprooted at
Pendleton bv the windstorm last week.
The Congregational Church of Sa
lem, will not accept Minister Knight's
Snow storm and black frot Dear
Prineville, Wasco county, on the 4th
and 5th.
Hannah Neal, a Sweedish girl of
New York, took nitrous oxide for the
extraction of nineteen teeth, and
laughed herself insane.
Nashville wiil cekdjrate her centenni
al April 23, 1880.
San Antonio is fast becoming the
great wool mat ki t of 'Texas.
West Texas doctors now speak of
j that section as the health belt.
A man died in Ireland last year
aged 10G, who left a daughter 15 years
In the public schools of Mississippi
there are more colored than white chil
dren. The sum of S350,000 was spent for
beer in Cincimati during tho saeuger
fest week.
uNo more campmeetings with Sun
day trains'' is the derision of the Bal
timore chuich people.
The operation of removing the rhrht
eye has been successfully performed on
Mr. Plimsol, M. P., the sailors friend.
Tne t'pple crop throughout Western
North Carolina was almost whollv do-
stroyed by severe, frosts in the month
of May.
Boston has a Spiritualist, named
Powell, who makes motions over
carefully washed slate, and when it is
reversed a beautiful duawing appears.
"I cannot tell,'' says an old convict,
how many crimes are arranged in pris
on and afterward successfully carried
out, but their name is leirion."
.It is a-S"rted that the woman in Si
beria comprise only 15 or 20 per cen
of the population, and that a dreadful
state of demoralization is the result.
Lillie Duer, who shot and killed
Ellen I lea rn. at Snow Hill, Md., has
writ i en a lovo story for the Philadel
phia Times, and contemplate!- a lectur
ing tour.
The English Factories Act requires
that, no woman .slmll be employi-d con-
tinously for more than four hours and
a half. Aftervorking for that length
of time she must have a rest. i
The Zulu King Cotywayu's messen
gers, when on a mission of peace to
Lord Chelmsford, are reported to have
asked: '-Why do the English hide
like ant-bears in holes? Let them
come out and fight in the opm. If
they beat, we submit at once."
A f rmer in Ilolden, Me., relates
that, being much annoved with crows
pulling up his corn, he placed a large
umbrella in the field in otder to flight
on them away. He "was a good deil
surprised one wet day in finding a
good flock seeking shelter under it
fom the rait;. The umbrella is now
used for another purpo-e.
Riackberr'es are black; blueberries
are blue: billberries have bills, and
raspberries grow on raspy bushes: but
wintorgrecn berries are red, elderber
ries have nothing in particular to do
with elders; gooseberries are not eaten
bv geese: strawberries do not come
from straw, andmulberries arc no re
lation to the
M ulligans. Chicago
A man at Chapmanville, Ya., had a
chance ty find out how long he could
stand on his toes. RoloVrs took his
money, hanged him to a tree and
left him. By pressing his toes to the
ground he could relieve the choking of
the noose around his neck, and in that
way he stood for thirteen hours, but
was on the point of giving up when
help came.
Yicks Monthly says that plants with
white blossoms have a larger propor
tion of fragrant species than any oth
ers; uext come red, then yellow and
blue, and lastly orange and brown.
The flowers of spring are white and
highly fragrant; those of summer are
red and yellow, and less fragrant;
thoe of autumn and winter are darkor,
and with lesa perfume.
Lake George, N. Y., July 18.
Columbia won the college race to-day.
Wesleyau 2d, Cornell 3d. Time S:2G.
Indian News.
For the last few weeks, re
ports have been going the
rounds, says the Fast Orego
nian, that Snake Indians are
in the 151 ue Mountains, and
occasionally come down to the
camps on the Umatilla with a
view of stealing horses. These
reports are without foundation
so far as we have been able to
learn. In our opinion we
io w something is wron
somewhere. The Umatilla
have an object of their own to
accomplish and have selected
this lying course to do it. On
Major Corn oyer's departure
for "Washington, D. C. in
company with some Umatilla?
all the old squaws were up
and bound for the other side of
the Columbia, savin tr tbev were
going to gather camas, but up
to this time none have return
ed, and upon close- observa
tion you will be convinced
that only able-bodied and
young squaws, and young able
bodied bucks, all well armed,
remain this side of the Colum
bia with all their good horses.
Fridaj- evening, last week, the
report was brought to town
that a Snake Indian had been
killed near the house of one of
the Chiefs on the Umatilla riv
er, near the Agency, and in or
der to uphold the fact they
will show were something has
been dragged over the ground
bleeding like a "stuck hog7
Something is up, and what it
is we will soon know, it may
be the object of the Umatillas
to make us actually believe
that Snakes are about and that
upon the killing of a white
man or the stealing of horses,
that "The Snakes done it.,;
Sunday last, on account of
the above rumor, soldiers ar
rived at the Umatilla Agency
to investigate and see whether
or not Snake Indians were in
the Blue Mountains. About
iifty-five in all came from Wal
la Walla., and are now camped
at the Agency under charge of .
Capt. Bendier.
Walla Walla has it, or did
have it, that 150 Indians had
come from the mountains, and
were interfering with the In-
dians on this reserve, and that
Pendleton was in danger, also
that hotter, the stage driver,
had been stopped between
here and Weston.
Now cumcs the unfounded
news irom Umatilla that a per
son, (whom all are acquainted
with and whose name will not
appear in print), there had
tilled a Umatilla siwash.
All such rumors are afloat,
aud "everyone has been told
by some one else about it; it
nust be a fact for so-and-so
told me.'7
A Memphis physician advocates the
hcory that free perspiration will cure
nearly every disease by expelling it
through the pores. He advertises a
resort for invalids where "the sun pours
down with unrestricted lierceDess," a
cooling breeze is unknown, and the
thermometer indicates over 90 dav af
ter day. He admits that life theie
would be unendurable but for the con
sciousness that the suffering is inci
dendtal to cure.
The last buffalo was killed in East
arn Oregon on Burnt river in 1837, by
the father of Chief Joseph; the bones
of these animals are often ploughed up
in the valleys of Powder river, espe.
chilly in Eagle valley