V V The Horse-Breeding Interest. From the Inland Empire. Last week we received the following lctfer from a well known pioneer resident of Or egon, whoso love for horses cannot he gahisavei: July 12, 1ST9. Fhiend Merry. I've read, from time to time, short arti cles from 3'our ready pen upon the breeding of good horses in our growing State: and, with out flattery, your articles have not been surpassed by any other gentleman in the State, according to my judgment. Since seeing you. I have seen many horses, both in Califor nia and our own State: but if I was to tell that 1 had seen any better horses in the trot ting line than Kastern Oregon afibrds, 1 would tell you an un truth. A few more years of careful thought and judicious action on the part of our breeders of our trotters and runners, and Oregon will not pla second fiddle to any state in the Union; and I ask as a personal favor that you keep this matter before the people, And in making this request. I am cuuscious that I echo the sentiments of many other lov ers of good stock in this State. J Magone. Of ihe six hundred paying subscribers to this paper, we can name at least one third who are. either directly or in dirvly. interested in the ;,. e r:ui: r.nd dc rlopment of fine trotting and turf horses. No newspaper, in any new or halt-settled country like this, can hope to grow rich from the patronage of any otic class, but should treat all interests fairly and report all their de tails with accuracy. Again, we have seen enough to satisfy us that Kastern Oregon is destined to hold the same relation to the Pacific Coast that the blue grass region of Kentucky bears to the rest of the South. On the night following the great Northern Derby, won by the gallant representative of our own count v, we sat down to have an old fashioned chat with the old gentleman to whose 'hard horse sense' the noble Winters owed so much ot his brilliant victor. "I've traveled a little in my time said Mr Hull, thought fully, ' but I never in my life saw a. '-oiuitrv where a horse is dev eloped and grows in all directions at once, like he does in the countrv 'twixt here and Prineville. 1 lived in Cal ifornia for twenty-five years, and ilTdany prejudices they would be in favor of that re gion. But I must swy, I had to come up here to find the nat ural home of the horse.'' As we looked into the saga cious lace of the old man, we felt that he struck a kev-no'e in every word he had uttered Thereto? e, deferring to his ex perience, we shall endeavor to introduce a racing and breed ing department in this paper, and to conduct it in such a way as to render it worth the sup port of all intelligent stock breeders in what Mr. Hullvas pleased to call the "natural home of the horse." The Boston movement for a memmorial to William Loyd Garrison starts oil' with a thou sand dollar subscription. It is proposed to erect a bronze stat ue coning $15,0000. Natick lasters have resolved to si op work unless manufact urers increase wages. If the laster strike, about 3000 shoe milkers will he idle. Lumber! Lumbe! AT THE STE 4M SA 77 K ILL OF a Vi BUU11JL IfVWI All HAYING put my Mill in good repair I now offer for sale all kinds of Buildiiig and Feii cinG Lumber, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION Grain. Stock and a limited amount of Vegetables taken in exchange for Lumber. Give me a call before pur chasing elsewhere. W-S. SOUTHWORTH, Proprietor. j n. rroo lsev. OKI. noil S.MAN. WOOLSEY & HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OREGON. Fin HE BAR is supplied with pure Wines bdj Liquors, Bsor. Alo, Litters and Cijsarf. FINK BILLIARD TABIDS j In the S!om. &-Gvi us n call. ! I. II. WOOD. .1. W. CHURCH wood & ciruRcn, LIVERY STABLE AND CORR 4 L, and FEED STABLE. Good buggy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and grooming transient stock. ENTRANCE On Main and Washington S;s., Can von City, Oregon. Tlie cheapest place to buy PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNBSHES And tVALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s, opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City. Oregon. nl2tt BAKES. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. A.B. ELMER Watchmaker and Jeweler, BAKER CITY, OREGON- All work d'n promptly, nnil warranted fo pivo .HRttafficlion. H is constantly on band 11 hill end cotuplcto ptock f H'tchs, Clockn ar.i Jjwoiry, for aale Cheap for Cinb. All good wirrcntcd as represented. Watches and all other nr'icles sent for rnpuirs may bu left with S II. Shepherd, who will attend to forwardi: g the s.im:. A. B. ELMER. WM. GOOS, BAKER CITY, OKEUON, CIG-All MANUFACTORY. A LSO Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tobacco and Smoking Artie (is. T. C. HYDE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Baker City, Oregon. Office enrney of Court Avenue and Liberty Stret-t. Haines & Lawrence, iLttornoys &ut Law, HAKER CITY, OREGON. WiU practico at law in all courts in Oacgon and Idaho. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS; HealBEstate & Collecting Agents Baker City, Oregon. ill Practice in all Courts of the W State. W.H.CLARK Has Constantly on Hand at THE OLD STAND, A Large Assortment OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, LOOT?, SHOW?, GROCERIES, J KU V LtO'NO, J TOBACCO & CIGARS WALL PAPER, 1IOUSELTNING, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, I j YM PS LAMP FIXTURES, R N I) n thousand oilier articl.- too nu I mcrous to mention, all laid in at low figures, and for sale CHEAP FOR OAS1L Our motto: "Lare sales and small Profits." Highest Cash price paid for lunv. Jff All 61, CANYON CITY, OREGON. Dealer in Ilamoss c&5 SacldLles. fjgtTAll kinds of Saddles and Harness made to ordi-r Ji EZTI u.e the best brands of California -Leather. iri turn out no rough vrork, ' .satisfaeiion miarauteod. :c:?:o Ke pairing of all kinds done at reasonable rates. Customers will always find a well selected stock of WHIPS. HRUSHKS, ! COLLARS, SINOI1ES, IJItlDLES, IIALT.i.RS, SPURS, And in fact everything that is needed in my line. Call and see before sending below for your saddles. IREWERY AND SALOON, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon FC. SELS, 7r. ConstfiDtly on hKnd and far nnle, Xjagoz Boor, Superior to any in the Snuc. FINK WINE, LIQUORS AND CIGAR ALSO, MALT. M ALT VINEGA It, AND CHOKE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LA G E It B E E R W II 0 LESALE AND RE VAIL. LIQUOKS AND WINES, For sale in quantities loss thac FIVE GAL LONS. STOVE AND TIN WARE BY MAX-IU3ETSCHAN, CANYON CLTr, OKEGON, Keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of STOVES AND TINWARE, And sncb other articles usually kept in a firs' class Tin Establisliment AT MODERATE PRICES. HENRY SIEGART, Pashio nable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING-, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, AND RAZORS HONED With the utmost skill ami cmo. OTEIOLT & IEMCI Canyon City, Oregon, Are receiving their Heavy Stock of Sjril k Suiter Goo is, COMPRISING i DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD. AVARE. READY MADE CLOTH- ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. ETC. i"UR c?focU i? complete nnd rphasth' " Mirr'rg n mr. Supplies in endless q -r ti r nD'i a' reasonable prices. New Goods of Every De scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on luind. We have Hi Intst 8o'oc,p.1 nnd Inrtrest Stuck if G"f!PrH! Mercntindtee in Orar.t County. jS"Cb11 unil co for yourselves. .gs OVER HOLT & TelUuDRICK. V. F. Gray & JSros. Canyon CilylatMrt Wjishiitglon SI root, CANYON CITY, OKKGON, GRAY BROS., "Proprietois D E A L E RS EN FRESH MEATS, .Bacon .Lara By Wholesale and Uelail. Orders Filled on Sli ort Nntico. Frank EUlcCaiiurn's Yarioty Store, John Day City, x- - Oregon. DRALRR IN CHOICE GROfEKIKS, TOIIACCO, CI G AKS, STATION Kit V, NUTS AND CONFKCTIONEltV, KTC, KTfr. T'"Sr(Mi!r rc;pe'.tf':lly slicit n hnro of the pr V roi:ai:e f tht citizens of John Day and surnii'wHn? nnuntry. MAIN ST.. .l-'iIIN DAY, - - OfiN. QUI 11 3a Mi 3 Opposite the Otkl Felloe' Hall, DRALRR IN FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TIIK Latest Sty S e Mats. Al;u a well selected stock of Ladies' and Gents' Eoots and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OIL, NAILS, AXES, ROPE AND CUTTLE RY, Ir. fct a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. ALSO AGENT FOR THE Life Insurance Company- CALIFORNIA. J. OLLIVER & GO 5 Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Can" yon Cities with mil by tho Gallon or .quart. TWo soli the bostjof milk, and our chargo? are reasonable plains HENRY R. SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise, Would most reppeotfnlly Announce to tha Pub lic in general, that he has just received and will keep constantly on hand, a foil line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fur nishing Coods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT MEDSCiNES' OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. ALL orders for Goods will ns usual, filled promntlv and 8Rt'fictorily. N. B Stnro will be cTosed hereafier at noin on Sunday's. Cantos City, Oreoow. BLACKSMITH SIP Peter Kulil, Propt'r Canyon City; Oregon. BUGGIES, WAG 0X8, PLOWS, aiirl all work in his line in ado. and repaired in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention paid to Horsrtoflii. mm STABLE In connection with the shop 1 have a commodious Peed Stable. Dorses boarded at Seasonable Prices. PETER KUHL. C- DAGGETT, PKA I.K.I IN BOOTS AND SIIOKS, riARUWARE, CROOKHUY, CKO CE11IES, LIQUOllS AND Miners' Goods 3r Evorv Popp'-ipMn. RO'SISOICrVIXj'Li'B (iit a nt County. Oregon. We also keep a Hotel, where the weary can find rest, and plenty to eat. E i o- ,6 in 8t N CANYON CITY, OG-N. JOHN HERBURCER Dealer In Choice MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, 13ACON. LAR D, CORNED BEEij POULTRY and GAJME, In Season. j&grGoods promptly delivered free CIIARGEngff A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SH(Er MAKER, CANTON CITY, OREGON. 19 fully preprcd to turn out first-class work nnt nf fVin Tnrrr Viaq mafnriol and Annsf n M ish. 5S-Rcpajrins neatly and cheaply dono. Irri Mm