Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 26, 1879, Image 3

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. i.
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i :
Saturday Morning, J uly 2G, 1879.
Notice. Simple announcements of
births, marriages and deaths, jwiil be
inserted without charge. Obituary no
tiocs will be cliarged for according to
their length.
A. F. and A. M., holds its regular
Communications on the Saturday even
ingof or next preceeding the full moon
in each month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
H OBAII LODGE, No. 22. I. () ).
F , meets evcrj' Thursday evening
ai their Lodge. I loom in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to attend.
liy Order of N. G.
Baijijitt Mktal. "We have about
100 pounds of the kind of babbitt
metal which we will sell for -10 cts. per
pound, if sold soon. We intend boon
to send for sonic new type amd cannot!
do 5o until we dipj)0?e of this abbit I
Mill men wili please tike'
1 i
We int'-nd to ilevte a column of
the Nkws hereafter to ciju'me matri-rs,
a ri respectfully invite c rrenoudence
on the ntiu. As the horse has aiwavs
been our prime pet we feel an interest
iu the advancement of this noble ani -
inal m the way of breeding and learn-
in" Any oui-stions that the patrons
; ' 1 '
of the News desire to address to us
will he lii-i mj'tly an?wcre thro ni; the
' 1
inner bv us. and if we f-dl to ive a
1 ' -
. i : iv ... . : ii i
abi.siaciory answer, c win procure
thedesimd information fiom suine per
son more leainud than ours'elf.
New Station. From . V. Wil wc learn that Sir. T. iM. Brit., H'ho has been keepinir the sta;e '
' n . !
' 1
i l i ! i i
on biiu tHhcu up a cutim n j
'reek, about five miles above Sumt-!
-er, where he will erect a hotel and sta
bles for the accommodation of the Stage
company and trmsient travel. That, is
where the station should be. and ivou
bet" Sir. and Mrs. lr;t?en wiH make
you feel at home while ou are there.
Winc Lee, a Chinaman who lives
on a farm down the .John Day Jliver,
got into a difficulty one Sir.
louzeman (alias Fi-hcr) on latSundav
morning and was pumnseled over the
head with rocks and gravel until he well bled. Tiifv had a jury trial
on last Tuesday cvenini; before Judin
usii;i, and Oui jury rendered a ver
dict of '-Guilty of as"au If. and hnttpry,"
an 1 the Jml:e inflicted a line of S")0
and costs on Sir. nouzenmn.
We are informed that Sir. Jno I'ul
gr shot a man h the name of Daley, !
in the hand, at linker City irio day !
last w. ek. The man was pla) ing each- j
er with Bulger's young bride. They
had only bet n married about three
weeks. Shoot 'em on the spot is the
way to do it. Let no guilty man es
cape is the way to stop this ISeeohor
business. Too much of it going on in
in Eist ern Oregon.
One Chinaman tried to put a french
window iu the face of another one on
last Sunday evening by stabbing him
in the right cheek. '-John" bled like
ahog. Deputy Sheriff L-ckwood ar
rested the Celestial that did the cut
ting, but when brought before his
bloody victim he was not lYcguized as
the would be assassin. No doubt he
had been bought oil for a few dollars,
One more Chinaman has passed in
his checks and entered the "Plowcry
Kingdom." It appears that two of
Bw Grant County lews,
jiu iiuuiv uii iitai oaiuiuiiy evcnin,r,
and in the scrape one got his knee pan
cut off, and the other one got his head
about cut off and his entire carcass
thrown into a prospect hole.
i 1- cv.i 1 ... -
Vaile k Co's. Stage Company will
please accept our thanks for a pass
over their roads: This company is
one of the largest and best in the Uni
ted States and know how to do busi
ness Mr. K. C. Williamson is the
superintendent of the company for the
Pacific Coast routes.
EWm One Dollar and size, and e;et
jHU a 16 karat. Solid Gold Cable
Ring, made and sent by return mail by
lkker City, Oregon.
Wliat is the Reason?
The Standard says: Every county in
the Shite, nearly, publishes an annual
exhibit of the receipts and expenditures.
This .is proper. The people have a
I right to know how their aflaiis stand.
Multnomah is one of the counties, which
for several years has not done so. "Why
not Is there any reason why the peo
ple should be kepi in the dark? -We
called attention to the matter last year,
and were in hopes the courts would pub
lish its transactions this ye ar, but so
far it has not We are informed that
the advertisement now calling for the
redemption of orders will take all the
revenue of the county for the present
year, and that it will have to run on
credit until the taxes are collected
next Spring, nearly, if not quite nine
months. Let the people have an exibit
of the county expenses, so they may '
know what is boin done with the mon- ;
Ick Cream. Bv referrinr to our
, t. . , .,, i ' ,i .
advertising columns it will be sen that
Mr John Dunham has opened an Ice
j Cream and Lemonade Saloon in the
( Moody, m-xt door to the News office,
It is a nice lesort for the young folks
j to. take their girls to, to treat them
See the ad.
, rT, ' 7 , , ,
! ( mxh'SK Jkial. On last liied:iy
TTT. T . , , r -, ,
; mg Lee was a? ruigncd before J uuVe
j '. , . " ,
I Dustin on a charge of cutting and
., , , . ,,,, ,
f pitchfoi ki nir sonit! cattle oelonirmg to
" .... , , ' ,
iur. Jt)uzeman. W mg Jjee was rounil
'over in the Mini or M.5U to annear at
the next torn f court
Oru wo nh v
Postmaster, Air. M j
j Hall, took a run up to the ranch man
aged by his brother, Harry, on last.
Thur.-dav and came back vesterdav.
,. Tl . . . . . r ,
Mr. Hall says that gram is line, and
that oats in then
section will averaue
-lixit GO
bushels to t he acre. All
i , r . i ..i
miiu.s ui er p, ue miv, arc dbuci Liian
1 1103- have been for year-.
Just Received. Overlnlt & Jac.
ob have just received a fresh lot of
hardwood, such as wairon tongues, sin
gle and (h uble'rces. bnke bars, felloes,
spokes and Iiu1h. also plow beams and
handles, the host iu the market.
Von Sale. --A ny jieron desiring lo
purchase a X. 1 milch cow will do
well to call on dohri Phillip, of this
city. He has about .'(' head of good
cows tha he will sell reasonable. Go
and sec them.
Nice i'lirrr Sir. Kim-hart. Ins our
thanks for snine lib;' frail. He ?-it !
ua sune of ihe finest aod lnrgost chf r-ri-s,
eurrans and goo(d)erries that we
; ever smaelcd our lips over.
Whips. Ti finest and largest as-
sortment of whins over brought to
Eastern Oregon can now be found at
the harness shop of .In
city. Allen, this
Closino ceremonies of Oonfernncc
year to-morrow. Canyon City, 1 1 A.
Mount Vonio:..") P. M
R G flAWX. Pastor.
G. E Clakk arrived in town last
Wednesday, lie looks beany, but
shows that he Inn been at work while
absent from the city.
Judce l' C. vSels returned home
from Portland on last Tuesday even
ing. The .Judge says the people of
The Halles are busy rebuilding.
Sins W. Laswell. formerly of this
'city, is back agn'n on a visit to friends
! in lhis Pla;
S ,jEV. (J. W. Graxxis found his
rsc aud startC(1 for La Grsilllle on
Wc understand his wife
will remain here until after conference.
A fine five-shot I X L, No,
5, car.
tridge-loading. nickel plated revolver
for sale. Euquire at the News office.
Sam Siked has papered the dining
room of the City Hotel this weeek.
It looks as clean and neat as a new
For Bear Valley. Mr. John
Darby informs us that he is goin"- to
Bear Valley to cook for Slessrs. Over
felt & Swedser.
j Shrewd. Last week we published
. a composition on piss by a Grant eoim-
ty boy, and headed it A Graut County
Boy on Pigs. Last Tuesday evening
while attending a trial at the court
room, a boy about six years old a
brother of the boy who wrote the com
position accosted us as follows: "Mr.
Shepherd, you were mistaken about
Eddie in your paper." How is that,
we asked. "Why' said he, "you said
he was on pigs, and he never was on a
pig in his life." Wc will bet a new
hat that no county in Oregon has a
boy with as much originality.
Killed. On last Tuesday afternoon
while a man by the name of John
Perry was working in a placer mine
about three .miles up Canyon Creek
from this place, the bank caved iu on
him and he was crushed to the ground.
Some Chinamen "ot him out but he
was unable to speak until about 11
o'clock at night, when he told those
watching him that he could not live,
after which he became unconscious and
died about 1 o'clock of the same n ght.
ICo his no relatives in this country.
The funeral services took place on
Pkixtkh's J'io-mic. Mr. .1.
Neal, typo, and Charlie Dustin, ex dev
il, ol this otlije concluded to have a
"printer's pic-nie" last Saturday, and
accordingly took their little gun and
blankets ami went, to the hills. They
had a good time and liven high.
They feasted on per ateis with eves
filled with a little coarse gravel, piekel
e 1 mustpiitoes, grasshoppers fricasseed,
crickets served on toast, bull terrier
pies and black snake sliced with onions.
They arrived home on Sund.iv evenm-ir.
The Wat-ion Brothers of the S'ate
Iin Herald, at Ltkeview, go after our
P. M. at- this place in a private letter
like a wild li'.arl because ha does not
open a package of papers they in tan 1
for this p'ace, but whic'i tliey add-es
to Canvonville, Oregon. Sir. Hall is
one of the b.);t and most particular P.
M' Oreg m, and a-i he attends tu his
business riht ' up to the to j no'c!i" h ;
will hardly h ive time to go ij Cui
yonville to get the package. Boys
leave uff the "ville" and put city on,
and we will get the papers.
The Dramatic and Variety Cotnpany
gave an entertainment at John D.iy
lown on list Wednesday nirli r. to a
full house. Everyone was w: 11 pleas
ed. Th-y given performance in this
city to-night, a:d will be assistel by
four gentlemen of this place. I1 hey
propose to play the ''Cigar Girl of
Cuba; or. the SLuicr from Whisky
Diggings." L.-t all attend if th'lv
desire fun.
Pi -m
The fisnilv of
arrived in this city
fiom toe East on last
afternoon. They like this place veiy
well ml will make their future home
iu Oregon. Earl is all smiles now and
as happy as a lark. All of the Merry
bisaie in high glee to think that
they have at least one female relative
on the Pacific cots.
HoUoht. We are told that Slessrs.
Oveif'e t & Sweet -5ei have purchased
the property of the late Caleb Pan.
We are glad to notice the above fact,
j fo- these two geiitleman are enterpris
ing and will help to build up our stock
business in this county.
Called. Sir. J. W. Slack, Coun
ty School Superintendent, made us a
pleaFant call on last Wednesday. lie
said he was going over the county to
visit the schools. He is authorized by
us to s-dicit ami receive subscriptions
to the News, and receipt for moneys,
while out on this trip.
Improvements. Sir. SI. A. Lucas
is building a barn for Sir, B. C. Trow
bridge, the dimensions of which are
70 feet long, -16 feet wide and IS feet
high. Pic has also contracted to build
a school house at John Daytown.
Tue Clarendon Hotel, at Portland
is the headquarters for all the leading
men of Canyon City and Grant couu
ty. The News will be found there,
and also at Capt. Ferguson's Barber
SIiss Douthit returned from Lino
couuty last Thursday evening.
The Avalanche says: Gossip has
been quite buy in this city lately im
plicating certain parties iu rather
questionable transactions, such as ihe
great Beecher might be supposed to be
guilty of. The scene of the plot is
tracable to a ravine within a hundred
miles of the Potosi mine, aud the hour
shortly before midnight. It was at
first supposed that there was a "ghost5'
on the premises. Ghosts, however, are
generally pretty well behaved, espe
cially in the matte of observing the
leventh commandment, not being ad
dicted to browsing in strange pastures.
We are waiting further particulars by
underground telegraph.
Prom an article in the last issue of
the East Oregonian it appears that
that paper has learned of another Bee
cher case with the .-cene and plot laid
within a hundred miles of Oro Dell.
We always did despise a "sheep killing
dog," aud .more especially one that
kills at home, and that under the
cloak of radical piety. The East Or
egonian is very personal in its remarks,
but perhaps it ' knows more than it
says. At anyrate if the half be true
that has been told us, we think that
the East Oregonian was very mild.
We don't wish to mention names, for
people will talk, "ihey all do it."
Beecher bad the "true grit" to swear
to his innocence (?) but it appears others
have not.
-SIy dear little Tommy looks so p:le,
and it seems as though that nasty
sore on his mouth would never go
away! Now just look at that- little
Walter of Sirs. Brown's, the little
child is the very picture of health."
Walter is a good little boy and takes
hisduse of Oregon Blood Putifier, and
his papa givei hi:n ten cents a week
for it.
SIitciiels John SlcCown, who
lives near the above locality aud who
has recently opened a sfore for the
accommodation of the Bridge Creek
trade, paid a hurried visit to this city
on last. Sunday on business connected
with the next Federal census. He re
ports business as being lively in that
tection. aud states that he took up
oOOO pounds of flour which he sold at
12 per bin el within ten days after he
iot it there. Wool was plenty and the
shepherds there escaped much of the
severity of the great snow storm in
February las;. There is also a pros
pect of of increase! settlement aiound
there, as immigrants in suarch of
homes are daily ; rriviug from all quar
teis. Empire.
Is now running Buck-boards on tbo above
Lit e ; with fjood (i'ocjci
Doparts fr.ira Can on City on Monday, Thurs
day, and Saturday, of eaoh weok.
Arrived at Chua on City on Sunday, Wed
ncaday, and Friday, of each woek.
Manufacturers and dcnlers in Flour, of the
Best Brand, Graham Flour, Corn Moat,
Shorts, Bran and Food. For a
I Superior Article
OF FLOUR", go to the Strawberry Mills.
Those Mills are located in Strawberry valley,
jn the upper John Day valley, Grant county.
jSS" Accommodation a specialty. Reason
able prices. Give us a call.'S
Anton Juleiej
Would most respectfully announcod to hi?
Friends in JOHN DAY VALLEY and outside
Camps that be has started in Business recent
ly on his own hook in
cF OJb.21 ZD rv-sr City
where h will keep constantly on hand the very
of every thing that is wanted in a Country
Store. Ho has no rent to pay, no Clerks
hire; consequently ho can. sell as low as any
older OEtabliebe 1 niejcbaat is Grant Couuty.
N. Raul os.
Canyon City, Oregon,
BIESEN &RTJLIS0N, - - Proprietors
Beg leave to inform their friendi
And tbo Public Generally
That thoy can be found at the
And are alwaws ready to furnish good
Board and Lodging
Tho undersigned takes ploaBure in announc
ing to the general public that they have open
cd a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in the building
known as The Golden Eagle,
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon,
Where you caB find the
North of Portland,
The IO o 5L s
Are all new, and the rooms have been furnish
ed new throughout.
Board, $5. per week; 1. per day
Meals, 50 cenbs.
J. Steixek fc Co., Proprietors.
Grange Hotel.
J. II. Uardman, Proprietor.
The accommodations at the above Hotel are
good, and every caro will be taken to mako
guests feol at borne.
2?f-Comfortuble beds, and as good a tnbl
as the market affords furnished at reasonsbla
- w-
Mrs. James P. Cleaver has
just removed to her new Build
ins; on Main Street, Praire
City, where she is opening out
a fine assortment of Ladies and
Mis-cs Hats, just received from
N. Y.. also a well selected sup
ply of Ladies Underwear and
Linen Suits. Also a general
assortment of ladies goods
which will be sold cheap for
Now offer their entire stock
at "Great Bargiiis."
Canyon City, April 25, 1S79.
D. B. Fist, fflflWIM,
Blacksmiths & "Wagon Makers,
All work in our line done
with Neatness and Dispatch.
Horse Shoeing is given Special
attention. Our work is all Guar
anteed. D. B. FISK & BRO.
1H1! !
Has on hand, the Xiargost asd Finest
selection of Furniture in itliis County
House, Sign and Carriage
painting neatly executedr at
reasonable rates; . .
0 ii.