Tiie Grout Gonnty Hews. ONLY PAPER IN GRANT COUNJ.Y. Official Paper Por Grant County. Canyon City, Saturday July 20, IS79. H. Shepherd, Editor Foil Baker City. The manager of the DuPrez Dramatic ;ind Variety Company tells us that he will take his company to Baker City and play there during the races. We can recommend them to our Baker City friends as a splendid jood troupe if they were not they could not play in this county as they are (loin; to crowded house5? and will give the people of Baker Citr a eh rice to visit a belter show than they have been to for sniw time. "V?e hope our friends there will do all in their power to secure a hall fur the company to .-how in. Curiosities. The "Bloody Shirt" that the Portland papers spoke about Al. Ziiber having received from the East some few months since i now in the possession of "Ned" Turk of this city. It is a genuine shirt, and is what the papers report it to be. Judge Sels also has two veiy peculiar looking curiosites, When you go to buy a page of the history of "Old Ken tucky" bound in glass, just ask the Jude or Henry to let you fee the curi osities. A man by the name of Tage, from Idaho, has been attending to the busi Jiess for the U., I. & 0. Stage Co., and also for W., P. & CVs. express at Baker City for some time. We un derstand he is permanently stationed there. A. Eads, John Muldriek, and Tom Poindexter, Jr., are the huuters that went out r few days ago : nd killed a coyote as the last r- sort and tried to play it off for a young fawn. It can he t-een at Gray's shop. Overholt & Jacobs are now better prepared than oyer to supply the wants of the people of this valley in the way of hardwood, or to build a wagon or ougy from the ground up and of the very best materials. A house belonging to to Mr Marvin Kilbourn, near Prairie City, was total ly destroyed by fire on lust Friday night. Religious. Key. Dr. Nevius will hold religious service- in tlii.s city to morrow at 1 1 A. M. Wasiiington, July 18. From in formation obtained at the executive mansion to-day there is no doubt of the correctness of the assertion heretofore published in regard to the successor of Secretary MeCrary. Ex-Seimlor p-,,n-sey, of Minnesota, has been tendered the office of Secretary of War and has accepted. The change will not occur, however, until the present secretary re tires. Under the Thurrnan act the Treasury depaitment is buying bonds to be ap plied as sinking funds for final rtdomp of bonds issued in favor of the Pacific railroads by the government- Every month an amount due these roads by the government for transportation is withheld and to that amount purchases ro made. The bonds bought are Tj per cent?, ns prescri bed by the act. So far. $3!?..00 of the-e bonds have been jpUtcel to the credit of the fund. New York, July IS. The Evening Express says: Stephen Brodie, a news boy, started for San Francisco, to walk with Frank Edwards, the winner of the six-day walk there hu-t week. Brodie has a record of 390 miles in .six daj's. L. P. Fedenneyey, th '''wbeelbnr xow fiend" who (eft Sau Francisco for lins city December 8, is comi.ng uIod this side of Albany. Ham p. Birry, Colonel of the second artillery, iu iinnoiul nt Fort McJI.en ry, died to-day jNvev York, .July 18. John lope, .convicted of robbing the Manhattan Savings Lunk of $.3,0.00,000 in se curities ami cash, has been sentenced tto Abe state prison for '20 years. "President" Jeff in Luck. New Orleans, July S It is f !S?DofhMM!S,S; wiiu uit'u in una uuy nasi eeiv, leaves a will bequeathing her whole estate to Jeflerson Da- vis. In making this bequest, AFl'S T)ni'Qn7 vnfrifu i - tlm iwrmf ....... - , 1 IUO Vlll, services and sacrifices of Mr. Davis on behalf of the South, reproves his countrymen for their failure in gratitude and appreciation for such services, and regrets this small contri bution wh'di she is able to make for his relief. The es tate embraced in this legacy includes two large plantations in the upper part of the slate, and the elegant villa at Beau voir, on the sea coast, where Mr. Davis is now sojourning, the climate and situation of which have proved osreeially favorable to Mr. Davis health and his present occupation of study and labor in the pre pa lion of his book defensive of his administration of the office o f prcsi d e n 1 o f 11 1 e con fed era te states. The Cascades Canal aud Locks. In a conversation with an Oregonian representative last night, Mr. C. P. skinner stated that work will probably be resumed on the Cascade locks late next week. There was 2-1 feet of water in the channel yesterday morning and if it recedes as rapidly in the next four or five Hays as it has during the past ?Q hours, they will put a force of 500 men to work next Thursday or Friday. The locks will hc'SOO feet long and 72 wide, and will allow the largest class of vessels to pass through. One lock will have a lift; of 14 feet and the other of 12 fret. The lock walls will be of solid masonry 32 feet wide al the base, and a portion of them will be 72 feet high. Mr. 1). P McBean, of Chicago, has the superinten deiiey or the work. Oregoni an. Sidney, Neb., July ISr At about 12 last night John Hod son, alias English Jack, a hard character, shot and killed John Brown, an employe of Charles Collet?, whose cattle outfit is in camp near town. While oflicers were in searh of the murderer, he went to a livery stable where he had been employed, secured a horse and escaped in the darkness. This is his second offense of a. similar character, he having killed a man on the lied Cloud road some time ago. The New York Times says: ''Not one American woman faints to-day, where, thirty years ago, twenty-five women fainted.5'' The reason of the ! difference is that tight lacing has gone out of fashion. The woman "viio laces now is con- j side red a ninny even by her ! own kind. The New York Sun thinks Secretary Sherman the very 1 strongest Republican candidate for the presidency in Pennsyl vania, and will be the choice of the Peuns3lvania delcga- tion to the national conven- i tion. CE CREAM SALOON. John Iuliam Proprietor, FIRST DOOR NORTH OF THE MEWS OFFICE, CANYON Cm, OREGON. I keep the tiiiost Ixe Cream and Lemonade in this ciM', and can furnish Parties or Families .yrjfih hrgf or small lots to order. ' Jilfitf. . Ill ADVERTISEMENTS. fjlfj LAUEANGE It SHEA1E, i j Prairie City, - - Oregon, " ' ,c , u, , , , , ttttttt Ti TTTTT ! . , . (, 1 -J I nounce to the Public that they have received a la rise stock of SFRESNSC & SUMMER goods, and keep constantly on hand a full line of choice fami ly G no Ci hies, D1!Y GOODS, KISADY JMADE CLOTH INC, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, J 1A P D WARE, CHOCK KV.Y, GLASSWARE, CLOAKS and TOBACCO, SCHOOL-BOOKS, STATION Fill Y. PATENT Xi EDICINES, OLLS, PAINTS, NOTIONS, &;. Wo keep a lariro and -well selected stock of General Merchandise. Call and nee lor yourselves. LA UK A NO Kk SHT5AR.13I. Prairie ( 'iiv. -July 3d. 179. nPbf. i i Jules Lk Bkijte takes pleas ure i" announcing to the peo ple of this county that he has removed his stock of goods across the square, in the room underneath the Odd Fellow's Hall, Prairie Ciiy, Oregon, where he has just received a full and well selected stock of General Mer chandise and Notions, and in vites those wishing anvlhin"- in his line to call and see him. Post Office is also at his new storeroom. JUl KS LK KKKTTE. PraiVe City, July 3d, 1 S79. u 1 :Jtf. NEW TO-DAY. Final Settlement. In tho mattiMd' the estaJc (if A. J. (Jroj-. deceased. Lixie Oregir. the admMii-ira'ri.v of tlii1 aiiovo estate, baviuir liled l.o- final aeennnr in the niatjf'r of s :i 1 e-tato. N'mop is IiPiviiy sriviMi that, ihi; ;?d i-ty of S-ptci. du-r. A. h. S70. is the day ..jipoinred for firm I self K-incnr. thu-ein. All persons having or claiininir any inferi'.st in said iv irrpiireil to lx ami appiar at the Cunrt Hotjse in Canyon City, Gntnr Countv. ar ten o'chek in the inrcnonn nf snid day and show canst', if anv then- I.e. why sid aecmiiii. and r-porf shnjild not. he ap ;oved, and this r-:it d.-enwy .settled. LIZZIK (ill VXi ( J , Administrat nx M. L ( Imtcd. Atty. 10.20 QBE! JKaTHveiy Boot has a GCAKAN TJ-E STA11, insi,,e' aml thc Mcr- ehatit of whiun )on buy them is author ized to return your mouoy if you are not satisfied with the lino's, tt is THE BEST RUBBE1 BOOT In the Market. Ask for it Mid take no other. HECHT BROS. & CO. SAN FKAXflsro. SOJLK OWNJEKS. AVe earr)r the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of all kinds of any house in America, uldmo. ; PHIL. METSCHAX, F. C. SLLP, NEW GOODS! -0- PHIL. METSCHAN & CO. Announce that they have just received a new and well assorted Stock of General Which They Offer Having bought for Cash we are prepared to sell our Goods Cheaper than they were ever before offered in GIIAIIIIYIiOIIPJ OIISilTIIYt,: OIIRIIEIICIIOIIt- x- ; s-m Our old Stock, together with our new, we will continue to sell at COST PRICKS. PHIL, METSCKA3ST & Co. Canyon City, July !S. 1879. NtW Stiiekt, Can J. W. HO Wi ED, M. D. csa m o Having iceently received a full and carefully selecied slock of Drugs, and Medicines I am fully prepared to furnish every thing usually kept in a First Class Drug Houk?, at reaj-onabio-Prices. Also a lull Stuck of the Standard Patent Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and see. anil buy of my fresh goods. J. VMfOVrARl),i.D.'; Proprietor. Lost Yai.lkv. Th Kmpi-e say?: We had a pl asant call fn in ' II Ilildin, who prides afc-the above lo cality when tiuM'O has jnt a new Po'tollii'.e eslablisheu. Hesneak vitv hit hly of thr. pr.in eiops in tint, sec tion ami s;iys tint if it wnv Within twjijty mile- of t l.e rivt r, land would e wnrrh ,)) ner anv It is to', '. , , ' . ;i i 1 ihvs'UIS intertsfisl tn ,-ai'l estate to- he Imped tint if the new mines in Grant county turn out veil, the far luvis ahout Lost Valley v. 11 he aldn ; ,v i. J 4 J.,.;,. ft... .. 4?..:..' id ! vvvii im-ii ih'hi iii i; .il ii i-iii juoli' also ii mi a market tor their hittter, e-'ii-5 and-hauon. A new flour- ir.r mill has been iveently estiblished m that neiuhborhood which abound. - in excellent timber. Sickness is un - , . , , !, iiov.'ii there and the sejub-'s a;e all in good spirits and hnpinx j(. fju. day j when they will git rood j .-sees for 5 heir prod nc i,AM.v wn l K iri fMT" STAGE LINE, Vlllhi & Co., Proprietors. IWMt.fVnmCnvnn li.v for -ri. J ' i V Ddlles and Baker City, Daily. Arrives from the same points, Daily. R. O. WlLUA.MSON, Sup'l. Stkavkd from the llaneh cf I n. Goudhue, one light bay :. are, about Hi hands hih, round loiur body, vhitu streak half way ibvn face then blaze runs oil" to riirht side of nose; vhitc hind Iclts up t hoek joint. branded with a bloteheil G on lel't shoulder. Is 4 years old l.-i-r. sprim:. A reward of 20 will b;: given f i -r the n-turo of the mare. ' DAN. GOOD I I U Ifi. n LJtm. AT THE POET OFFICE! E. HALL, X)33!lXiEPL X3NT Stationary . Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. Subscriptions taken, at Publishers' "R-ites. for all the Leading Papers and Magazines published in THE UNITED STATES Agent for Titus lire., Jew eler.s, Albiny, Orcgn. Watches Clean ed and Kepaired. Cauyon City, OregoD, Apii 10, . A JOHN McCULLOUGU. DENIS McAULIFF. NEW PRICES! o- Merchandise" Cheap For.Cash Only, vox Cut, OiiKGOff, Administrators Notice. In the mater of the Kstate of Ira. M"ore de oaS'd: Thi u(idor.sigU''d Administrator .f thi-K-stjite of Ir iSlnore, ch'Ct'.-isrd. havrm: lilt'd in the Comjy ('on it of the State of Oregon, f'r the County of (i rant, hi. liiml .!a-ounr of his adininistratt'-n t.tlil rhrf.tfi-i twm i hrir Jiir rtT t he and appear in said et)Urt at the enure i house it. Catno-i Citv, Grant Countv, St te of OrcjrMi, n tie 2nd day tA' Sent-.. A. D.. IS70. at the hour of 11 i ,.'.lw.l- A M fl...i. .1,1. 4l..r ti clim- j , - , , , , . I cau-c v. ny saiu account midiuu a-ii m: nppiMvcd. the adtnini-traPon closed and i the admmis'rator distlnretl and his : hoiid.-tiMju rcleiscd. ' . , C. I IOHSLEY. 'iilOnH) Adminisirator. Administrator's ITotice- L the Comity Court f.r Grant Cun- Ity. Stito .f Oroiion. I In the matter or the estate ot I-rael lwiI?r",I1- , t NOlICKi- hi'reby riven that the ,mde.rsirued has been appointed :ul- l i . i -br.i t or ..f the Kstate of Israel I?;n. .. i 1 l.. .,C f. 4 ty, Oregon. All jier-ons havini: claims ajiaint. said Ks'He are required to pr sent, the s un ', with the proper vouchers, to the ii'id rsiiioed at Mount Vernon, Grant ( ''nutv, Sfaf- of Oregon, within six mo'iths from the date hereof. .Juh Sth, A. I). IS7D. JOSEPH JtOBRRTSON. 14-18 o. orEnnoiT. w. a JAcr.ns OYERHOLT k JACOBS, Wagon Making & Carpentering. On Main Street in renr of Poter Kuhl'a Blacksmith Shop, Canyon City, Oregon. Wagons and Buggies repaired at reas onahle. rates In a Workman-lite Manner. Building and Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Building Material, Doors, Sash, Etc., Constantly on hand and made to order. 1 it