General News. A New Haven special an nouces the arrival there last nighty of the iron steamer Nor man -Monarch, 2G days from Constantinople, bringing two handsomt gray Arabian stal lions given to Grant by the Sullan of Turkey. The- are in fine condition, and will probably be sent to the own er's farm in the West. The Norman Monarch will take back to Constantinople 59,000 stand of arms lor the Turkish government. The cargo will be worth about $1,000,000. The Cyclone. Irving, Kansas, June 1. Thirty deaths here uvo certain, and ?? people bably injured by the recent cyclone. People want money to get necessaries which are at hand. From 50 to GO families at Frank foit, Kansas, are houceh-s; and destitute of clotliinjr, provisions arid farming implements. The citizens of that place donated 700. More aid is i.cedod. Sahetha, June 2d, Seventy-five to 300 pes pons here are destitute of every thing: In the vicinity of Beattie, bed ding and clothing is in great deimJnd. St. Louis, June2-f-A report conies from RrookviMe, Kansas, at least 73 miles saithwest of Irving, the town where the most destruction took place, that a mo?.t terrific wind storm passed over th country r.otthwe.t of there on Friday afternoon, doing great damage to iarm property and killing several people. . A cyclone also struck the out-' er edge of Kirkville, Adair county. Mo. Friday evening and demolished about a dozen houses and badly dam aged several others and severely injur ed several persons, one woman being reported killed. A very high wind also prevailed north and nnithcast of St. Joseph. Mo. A grain elevator at Hopkins, No. was destroyed and sev eral small dwellings, barn. etc.. blown down, and an elevator at Urai' Stition on the K. C, St. Joe & Council Blufis railroad, was destroyed Coniderable damage was done to other buildings Trees were uprooted, fences and barns hlrnvn down, sr.d crcp.r damaged' all along the lino of the storm. Death of A. L. Stin.-qn. A private dispatch to Hon, I. R. Moores, received this morning, informed him that at 9 A. M. to-day his friend Stinson fell dead in the street, at Salem. Mr. Stinson had suffered from heart disease, and no doubt that caused his death. The deceased was widely known; had been a Grand Master of the T. O. O. F., and stood high in Masonry, having taken the Scottish Rite decree. He was also Grand Recorder of the newly instituted Order e f Unit ed Workingmen. We should suppose that he was between 45 and 50 years of age. About 1 SG0 he came to Albany, where he followed the printing business, and he probably was one of the best workmen at the art preservative in this state. In 1803 he was inter ested in the Albany Enquirer, a Democratic newspaper. In IS 65 he removed to Salem, where he carried on a job printing olhce, and for two years did the state printing by contract. In 1S6S he com menced the publication of the Willamette Farmer, which he sold in 1S72. After this he was proprietor of a hosiery knitting factory at Jeilerson; lived in Albany some years; returned to Salem to engage in job printing again in 1877, where he resided at the time of his death. These dates may not be exact, but are nearly so Mr. Stinson has many friends who will regret to hear of his death. He married an adopted daughter of Judge S. D. llaly, of Linn countv, and leaves a wife and four children v one being a son nearly grown. Bee, May 2S. OINBEXTER & ola: HAVE ON HAND A Large Assortment OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, shoes, groceries, provisions, tobacco & cigaks WALL PAPER, HOUSELINING. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES, ND thousand other articles too nu lucrous to mention, all laid in at An low figures, and for sale CHEAP FOR CASH. Our motto: "Large sales and small Profits." Highest Cash price paid for Furs. Pomdexter & Clark, jw in ii, CANYON CITY, OREGON. Dealer in ZE3I,x-:Ea.o&E eft; 3 rtci cl 2. oca - jjfAll kinds of Saddles and Harness marie to urricrjjgSfc EVTI use tlTe best brands of California- Leather. tTT turn out. no rough work,- ' satisfaction mtaranteod. JlFf0 Im pairing of all kinds dune at reasonable rates. Customers will ahvav-g-lind a well selected stock of whips, ihusites, collars, sixciies, bridles, ii alters, SPURS, And in fact everything that is needed in my line. , Call and see before sending below for your saddles. CITY BBEWEBY SALOON, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon F. C. SELS, - - Propt'r. Constantly on hand and for snlo, Xjftjjoi- 33 cor, Superior to any in the State. FINE WTNES, LIQUORS AND CIO All?. ALSO, MALT. MALT VINEGAR, AND CHOICE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAGER BEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LIQUORS AND WINKS, For Bale in quantities less than FIVE GAL LONS. STOVES AND TIN WARE RY MAX ft8ETSChnA, CANYON CITY, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand a goodas 4 sortinent of STOYES AND TINWARE And aucb other article? usually kept in a first- class Tin Establishment, AT MODERATE PRICES. Stkayed. From the ran Term Riley Creek, one bay mare, black mane anil tail; about, three years old; mnrkod and branded as follows: A and '2 on left shoulder; one hind foot white to above fetlock, white strip dowt! forehead or face. I will pay S10 to any one who will deliver said mare to me at my njilk ranch, near John Day City, or to the News Office at Canyon City. uolmo J. OLLIYER. T TT Jul $H1 TY Is Published every Saturday morning at Canyon City. Grant Co., Ogn, Is the Official Paper lor GRANT COUNTY- fMmi?i3j?ATmi?iTnn uivt MO OTOES? PAPER NEARER THAN III lit OUll MOTT ): fj KANT COUNTY F1KST, AN DTJ I E WOK ED A ETEll AYAPi OS. YEAR, Advance. t 9 1 IN THE LOWER FRONT room oi Hib Sterner House. OF oni NEWS Office OYBRHOLT & MUCK, Can von City, ' Oregon. A-o rccc;vin tboir Heavy Stock of Urniinrr v, ImmrnnTi Mnnrici m n i i n 7 -COMPRISING- DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HA RD AVAE E, REA L)Y MADE CLOT 1T- ING, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS A SHOES, ETC. ETC. OUR. F rck is coirpMr. rd inrxhonstoble. Miniig Chicp Supplies in endless qu- and at rcasoaablo prices. New Goods of Every de scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY, G LASS AY A RE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL LOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on ham!. We bnvo the best an'octed and Inrgest Stock of General Merchandise in Grant County. j5M5Call nnii seo for your?2lvcn...Q'r" OVERHOLT &. fVibuDRICK. W. J?. Gray & Etch. Canyon City Meat Market Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OUE(HJN, GRAY BROS., 'roprictora DE ALE RB ON FllESK MEATS, 'T r5 r r hrl Kit I . V iJy Vt'holesale nnd lietnil. Orders Filled on 23 3jl oi-t UMotico. Ffank Variety Store John Day City, Oregon. I) KALE It IN CIIOICK fiUOCKIUKS, TOHACCO, CK.'AIlS, STATIOXKIIY, Nl'TS A XI) COXKKCTIOXHK Y, KT('., 1TC. "ou'd re5j'CctftjWy a shnra of thn pr.- H r'nRj;o tf tlie t itiiuti of John Day aDd surrou'.djTj: country. MAIN ST., .loIIN DAY, - - CGN. L i tu: '5 Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, DKALKR IN FAMILY GROCEllTl', TOBACCO AND CLOAKS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GENT'S ETOKISHIHG GOODS, WITH A .MOST COMPLETI' ASSORTMENT OF T1IK Latest Styleats. Ak-o a well sclecti-d stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OIL, KAILS, AXES, ROPE AND CUTTLEUY, In fact a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. ALSO AGENT FOR THE Life Insurance Company CALIFORNIA. . OLIJVEB & 0' !5 Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furrish tho people of Jcbn Day ri d Can you Cities with mil by tbo Gallon or quart. 1 JSSf-Wo fell the best of uiilk, and cur charge? are reasonable 1: u HENRY JL SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise, Would most respectfully announco to the Pub lic in perioral, that bo hss just received and will keep constantly on band, a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Soots, Shoes, Clothing, Gents' fur Enishmg Coods, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT l&EDICINES? OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONEUl' AND NOTIONS. ALL orde-s for Goods wiM h as uual, filled prorou'Iv nr' ?nt'fctnrily. N. U' Store will be c'o?od hereuftor at tiooti on Sunday's. H.R.SsSs, Can von City, Orkron. BLACKSMITH SHOP Peter Kiilil, Propt'r Canyon Osty; Oregon. BUGGIES, WAGONS, PLOWS, aiul sill work in liis'line nurle and repaired in a workmanlike inaniuT. rarlicnlar attention paid to Hcrsrtoeii. FEED STABLE In (innnoction with the shop I have ;i commodious Feed Stable. Horses boarded at Heasunp.ble Prices. - PETER KUUlA C. W. DAGCETT, PKAI.KI IN ROOTS ANM) SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CRO CERIES, LIQUORS A . U Miners' Goods Jf Evprv DFo-pi'n . (rant County, Oregon. We also keep a Hotel, where the wcarv can find rest, and plenty to cat. U if E E 1 L2 -o- Kit Market, CANYON CITY, OGN. JOHN tiEREVRQER Dealer In Choice REEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, R A COtf. LARD, CORNED REEL-. POULTRY and GAME, In Season. BgrGoods promptly delivered ree o cnARGE'gsr A. HUPPRICH, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SH(E- MAKEE, CANYON CITY, OREGON. 5 fully prepared to turn out first-class work out of tho ?ery best material and Gnest fin ¬ ish. fj-Rcpairine neatly and cheaply donr