I i 1 ft i v General news, . Awav out on the Texas fron tier, and on llio eastern margin of that vast desert expanse, the Llano Estaeado, sixty miles north of the little Uavu of Graham, there settled about u year ago a colony from Ore-1 u;on consisting ol nine families, .he locality was distant from market, and lumber scarcely to be had. The settlers, therfeore, as the cold northers of winter were "approaching, determined to .build habitations under ground. They selected a hill, in whose sides they excavated rooms, halls, kitchens and sleeping apartments, not un like the ancient dwellers in the rocks of Judea. A chim ney was formed by running a stovepipe up through the hill to the surface. The dwellings are perfectly dry and warm in the coldest and most freezing: norther. The little city of caves has been named Oregon Chy, and will be the capital of Baylor county, Washington, May 25. The following are the postal chang es on the Pacific coast for the past week: Established Cross Hollows, "Wasco county, Ogn, Augustus Scherncckan, P. M. P os t m as tc r s appointed M rs . Mary A. Hunsacker, Upper Ochoco, "Wasco count v, Oim. Tiie following nominations Tor Iowa State offices, at Coun cil Blurts: For Governor, Col. IT. 11. Trimble: for Lieut. Gov. Capt. J 0. Yeoman; Judge of Supreme Court, 11. D, No ble; .School Supt, Irwin Ba ker. A Great Liver and Kidney Regulator for this malarious climate is the Oregon Blood Purifier. Recently, a very modest young Bos ton lady, who wanted a pair of artcr., addressed the shopman thus: "It is my desire to obtain a pair of circular elas tic appendagos; capable of b?,inij con tracted or pxpnndcd by means of oscil lating burnished steel appliances that .sparkle like particles of gold leaf sot with Alaska diamonds, and which are utilized for retaining in proper position the habiliments of the lower extromi ties, which innate delicacy forbids me to mention." Indian Scare. From reliable sour ces we are informed, says the East On gonian, that several of the Umatilla have been snenking about the station and causing some excitement. Mis Carroll, who lives at the station, and her children, came down to Pen dleton last Sunday evening, and pro- pose to remain until further orders Tis an 111 Wind, Etc. Tt is said that the extensive shin owners of Cali fornia arc talking of having their ves sels registered in Washington Ten itory and paying the taxes on them there, thus avoiding the onerous taxation which ensues upon the adoption of the new constitution of that State. Stand ard. Mechanics jict 3G0 a day, and com mon laborers lo a day in Buenos Ay res. Book keepers get 820,000 a year, ami extra zeal as a manage! brings $75,000. The paper dollar is worth throe cents in gold. A loaf of bread costs $o. D;i'ton corres)onJenco: The woo crop in this vicinity is in butter condi tion that it h:i5 been for several years past, being more free from dirt .md voil. Seveal lots have been bought by the Davton Woolen Manufacturing Company at 12i and 13 cents a pound. There are 400 soldiers in tluJCitti tass valloy. Indians are quiet and peacefully disposed. Lie tit. Pickering was married at Fort Shucm. to Miss Kuvkendall, on the loth inst. The contract Ibr building a Sisters' school building at "Walla Walla hits been let to John J). Hurley for M.-900. El " M w I Ob vk HAVE ON HAND A Large Assortment -OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of DHY GOODS, CLOTHING, LOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, J'KOVISIONK. TOLACCO& CIGAU WALL TAPER, HOUSiaiNlNO. CUOCKKRV, (j LASS W AUK, LYMI'S 6 AND LAMP ELYTLRES, NM) a thousand o'hor artich's too mi H user urons to mention, all laid in ;it low figures, and for sale OlIKAI' FOR UAMJ. Uur motto: '"Largt s5:tios and small Profits." k Highest Caj-h rice paid for Emv. Poindexter & CSark, Jf All 8 11, CANYON CITY, OREGON. Beater in EtAll kinds of Saddles and Harness made to order. i-T use the best brands of California Leather. 1 ,uru out no ro,1Shi work' satisfaction mwraiitced. &frr Re.' pairing of all kinds done at reasonable! rates. Customers will always Unci a well selected stock of whips, bkusiies, COLLARS, S1NCIIKS, HRIDLES, IIALThKS, sruns, And in fact everything that is needed in my line. Call and see before sending below for your saddles. AND SALOON, Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon Fo Cu SELS, - - Propt'r. Coratnitly on hnd and.fnr snlo, Suporinr to any in tha State. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR: ALSO. MALT, MALT VINEGAR, AND CHOICE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND L A G E R B E E R WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINES, For E?lo in quantities less than FIVE GAL LONS. J lTl C IF t.i i U V JD i3 AND TIN WARE BY MAX PETSCHA53, CANYON ULTY, OltKUON, Keeps constantly cm hand a gootl as sortment of STOYS AND TINWARE, And such other articles usually kept in a first ,; class Till Establishment, ,i AT MODERATE PRICES. Joe. HUM'S Blacksmith Shop CANYON CITY, OHEGON. All Kind? of Black smithing done to der. HORSE SHOEING, a Specialty. Will 6RAHT OOUNTY Published evci I Saturday morning: at CaNYON OlTV, GkaNT Co., OCX. Is tbB Official Pajor for QRAT COUNTY- '!faTID5?AT117'7VTT ITCT Ill 'Ufli JUL! flJJLi JL ill mO OTHER PAPERS NEARER THAI as ii wh i in 4 z'i ri 17 n c. t OXTIi GIOTTO: CHANT COUNTY FIL'ST, AN.OT.I i 15 YOJJ L ) AVbTiilt AYAKDS. SyBSCRBPTSO PER ! YEAR, 83: Adyance. li IN THE LOWER FRONT room o: The Steinor House. PHI ITIPv tit NEWS i Can vox City, ' Okkgon. i Aro receiving thfir Hoavy Stnck of SMI & SMUT COfllS COMI'HLSIXC- DRY GOODS (. iiOC'ERHSS, I I A IM YA 1 MS, 1 i IS A 1 ) Y M A D IS C LOT 1 1 INC, MATS, OAPS, JMJOTS & SHOLSvS, ETC. ETC. OUU Stock is pomp'.etp ami irpxhsustablc. Minirj; Cnii) Supplies in t-niiiess iu Hud at reasonable rrioef. New Goods of Every De scription A full Stock o" (JKOCKISIJY, OLASSWARIS, PAT. JSNT HSDiClXF.S, 3' A I NTS, OILS, SCJHOOL .ROOKS, STATIONARY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. Vc have ho best Fnlcp.fc! rni lurep.st Stock n! Cjenoral Merchandise in Gnmt Coonty. jiv'-Call and sea for yonrselvcg..." OYERHCLT & rtiUi.DRlCK. V.r. P. Grnv & Brcp. Ganyon City Meat Market Washington St reel, CANYON CITY, OlMSGON, GRAY BROS., D- E A L E RS S fiHS 33Zi30.Cl33 of FRESH MEATS, "Tr3 TP 5 JJy Wholesale and iSctail. Orders Eillod on Frank EfflcCallum's' 'Variety Store, . John Bay City, -. - - Oregon. toi:a(to, STATIOXKIiV, Nrrs and irrc, mtc. ,H'X"'rnu5il fcjctfu!ly -olitit a ehnrnoftbo p-t VW roti.'o of ihn cittx. us of John Dcy ami surr;u.-iinir cnur.try. MAIN ST , JOHN DAV, - - OGN. E. E. TURK, Opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, DKALKR IN FAMILY G110CEH1KS TOKACCO AND CIGARS, ( Ul 0 C K K IvY, Qj A 8S W A HE , gent'Stukkishikg GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE A SSORTM ENT OF TUB Latest Style Hats. Al.-o a well si'lt'ctt-fl tffock of Ladies' and Gents' Eocts and Shoes. CANDIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, and oil, nails, axes, rope And cuttlery, In fuct a thousand other articles too numorous to mention. ALSO AOENTFORTIIE Life Insurance Company, CALIFORNIA. J. OLLIVER & r5 Proprietors of the Johrs Day MiikRanch Willj furnish the peep'.c of John Dy aod Can you Cities with mil by the Ualion or quart. jESf-Wo ecII tho bost of u:i!li, end our charges arc reasonable i W Vf Jil HENRY R. SELS, Dealer in General Merchandise j Would rao.et rs.pectfully innounco to tbo Pub lic in irenoral, bat be has just received and will kep constantly on hand, a fuil lino of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shces, Clothing, Gents' fur Lnishing Coeds, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATEMT mEBlCmES- OILS AND l'ATNTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATION E I! V AND NOTIONS. ALL nrOm for Goods will ha a3 usual, Gllcd proronMr anil .Ht;-f.ctorily. N. l. Stfro Avill be u'oFed bcrcafior at noon on Sunday's. CANYON ClTV, OrF.ROK. BLiGfflffl SHOP Peter Kulil, Propt'r Canyon City; .Oregon. BUGGlr'S, Vv'AGOXS, PLOWS,. jiiid work in liis line inafbi jind rcp;i;rc(l in a workmuiilike maimer. Panieu'.ar attention paid to FEED STABLE In connection with the sho have a commodious Feed Stable. Horses boarded at Reasonable Prices. PETKR KUIIL.. C. W. RAGGETT, DKAI.KI IN BOOTS AND SHOiSS, UAllDWAllF, CKOClvHUY, GRO CK1UKS, L1QUOUS AND ftlsners' Goods 3f Kvcrv D?.-r'iptirtn. GitANT County, Oukoon. We also keep a Hotel wliere the veary can find rest, and plenty to cat. i uv 0 18 y !l II .UU1 OiU Lj CANTON CITY, OGN. JOHN KERBURGER Dealer In Choice HEJSK, MUTTON, VEAL, POIIK, II A MS, BACON, LAUD, CORNED BEEl:. POULTRY and GAME, In Season. jfjSrGoods promptly delivered free o CIIAHG A. HUPPRIOH, FASHI0KAELE E00T AED SH(E MAKEE, CANYON CITY, OREGON. T Sfully prepared to turn out Cret-class work. out of tho 7ery best material aud Sucat .fin ish. jBST RtpairiDg ueatly and cheaply done. West MM 1I1UUI J OS 2&