t i t iXCtt'S. VOL. 1. NO. 7. CANYON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2-1,1879. TERMS: 83. PER YEAR. Tie Grit Coity lews. PUIlLlSHI'D EVERY SATURDAY MORNING ' UY Si Hi SHEPHljRlJj Editou and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION: Per Year, : : : $3 00 Six Months, : : : $1 75 INVARIABLY IN ADVA NCI. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Notices in local Column, 20 cents per line, (vch insertion. Transient adveitisi-ments, prr square of 12 line?, 2 00 for first, and SI bl each subsequent insertion in advanck Legal advrrtiseiut nts charge 1 as transient, and must bo paid fur upon expiration. No ccitili- ate of publica tion given un'il the fee is paid. Yearly adviTti-ements on very liber terms. Professional Cards, ( one inch or less ) S15 per annum. Personal and Political Communication charg- d as advertisements. The above rates will be strictly adhered to. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. W. Parrhit. ATTORNEY AT LA AY Canyov City, Okikjon. M. L. OLMSTEAD, ; ATTORN BY AT LAW, Canyon City, Oukcon, Will attend to all LKCAL IJl'SlNKSS. Land and mining claims a speciality. Office on Washington Street. 1 ltf. Gi:o. bNci'uuky, Canyon City, Oukcon. M. Dust in, Attorney at Law, Canyon City, Oregon. F. C. HORSLEY,M. 1). Graduate of the university of iminn Bylvania, April 8, 1S7S. Canyon City, Oregon. Office in his Drug Store, Ma:n Street. Orders for Drugs prom try filled. No professional patronage solicited unless directions ate strictly followed J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oukcon. 0. M. BODSOff, M. D., Pxvx-o City, - Os;1.- N. H. BOLEY, 33 W T I S T, rDeotal Rooms, "Opposite tht Methodist Cksrcb. Canyon City, Oregon. G.I. IIAZELTINE, IPIxotograplaor, CANYON CITY, OREGON. J. II. FEUERBACH, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., opposite City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, AND RAZORS HONED With tbo utmost skill and caro. GEO. SOLLIIES. JST CI T "ST MILE-MAN. The best of Milk furnished to the citizens of Canyon City ev ery moiling, b7 tlie gallon or quartj at reasonable rates. John McOullouirh. r D.nisMc'Auliil' aor LIJ, 0FFKItI-:i 15 Y Phil. Motsclmn & Co. ,sr't"K?soiis tu M. S. OELLMAN. llaring purchased the entire and well assorted Stock of G en eral Merchandise of M: S. Ilel man, in Se)teniber last, and we bcinu' then desirous to wind up the business as speedily as posssible, we have, been selling m n 531 A'e arc now determined more than ever lo settle up our bus iness at once, and he rob' oiler Superior Sndiscements To our Pat reus and the Public Geni ally, which bo greatly tn their Interest to C nne, Mxamice and Price our Coods before purchasing eNewhoiv. PHI L. METSG1IAN & CO. Canyon City, Ogn., April 10, IS!). J UN WOO IS BY GEO. nOHSMAN. "WOOLSEY & HOUSMAX, CA3TY0N CITY, 0EEG02T. r?T"!K DA It is tin jipl tori with pur Wines ati(5 Liquors, Boor, Alo, Hitters and Cigar?. FINE BILLIARD TA15LES Id tho Ssloon. TaJ-flivo us a call. I. II. Troon. J W. CHURCH. AVOOD&CirURCU, LIVERY STABLE AND COPRA L, and STABLE. Good buggy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at till hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and irroominu; transient stock. KXTKASCE On Main and Washington Sts., Canyon City, Ohkgin. II I I .1 II I I llll II I II I III I I III II II II .U,.llMUf. BAICEH CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. A.B. ELMER Watchmaker and Jeweler, 15AKER CITY, OREGON- AH work dono protnptiy, nnd warronted to Kva iatiaf"',ti m. Iloa constantly ou hand m full Knd cortpleto stock of Watcho?, Clock and .lewelrj, for salo Cheap for Cash. AH good? warren tod as r"presented. WntcbeB and all other articles sent for rop'airB may bo left with S. II. Shepherd, ho will attend to forwarding tho game. A. B. 10LMER. WM. GOOS, JiAKKU CITY, OREGON, CIGAR MANUFACTORY, ALSO Wholesale and Pvctail Dealer in Tohaeoo ami Smoking Artie'es. T. C. HYDE, ATTOKXr.V AND (MfNSKLOlt AT LAW, Baker City, Oregon. Office cornev of Court Avenue and Liberty Street. Haines & Lawrence, Attorneys JLnxKysry UAKKK CITY, OKKOO.V. P WiM praotico at law iu all courts in Oacgon and Idaho. Phil, Melsehan. P. C. Sels. jjALiiiUiuiiituj muauuiuuui ft FAST TROTTERS, The following list includes the names of all American horses that, ever trotted in 2:22 or better: 2:13 Karus. 2:14 Goldsmith Maid. 2:14 : Hopeful. '2:15 Lulu. 2:1 o Smuggb'r. 2:10 Lu.-ille Golddust. 2 : 1 li A Ameri can Girl. 2:103 Occident. 2:17 Glo-U-r. 2:171 Dexter. 2:18 Judge Fullorton, Great East ern, Edwin Forrest, It. -d Cloud, Nettie 2:181 Midi.ight, Lady Maud, Lady Thornc, Lucy. 2:1 Col. Lewis, Slow Go. 2:10 Albomaile, Cuzitte, Edward; Dick Swivcllor. 2:1(,U Ciunee, Crnxi1, Hauuis, G orgc Palmer, ll-utine, Proteinc. 2:10 X Thomas L. Young. 2:103 Adelaide, Flora Temple, Cam- ors. 2:20 Fleet y Golddus', Frank, Little Fred, Nancy liackert, Mambriiio Gift, Prospero, May Queen, Honi'Srtter. 2:20 Henry, Martha Washington, Maze-Man ie. 2:20" ---Sam Purdy, Gov Spriguo. 2:20: Iluutreps, ilountain Boy, Ly- sindt-r Hoy. 2:21 Baiuiuo, Castle Boy, Clcmen- 'ine, G-i.'lle, Gen Gariiehl, Gen. Grant, Ivii: Philip, Indianadolis, 31 ay Bird? Scott's Thomas, White Stockings, Su sie, Lucilie. Powers. John H. 2:21 Kansas C'.iief, llamiltoniau M-Miibrino, Aroltaiie. 2:21 Ahho'sford, day Gould, il.u sic, J'icbard, Woodford Mambrino. 2:2 1 3 Molsey, Rosalind. 2:22 ComutoMwheaith, Bella, BlaeK- hird, George Wilkes, Joc Brown, Mys tie, iNLuliic Mnrris, Silversido.s, Little Gypsy, Oakland jltid, .Jennie llollon Qenera) Mews. The new and commodious steamship, State of California, arrived at San Krai -(.isco la-t evening, snya the Portland Standard. This pteimer sailed from Philadelphia March 10. She arrived at Valparaiso on the loth nf April and at San Francisco on May tfth, having been out 57 day. .1 ler exact steaming time from Philadelphia, o'J days. This boa's the Oregon's time, whn-h made the trip around the hrn in Go ibiys aiwl 4 hours steaming time 57 days, '1 hours an 1 30 minutes. Tito State of California will probably not sail for Portl md for several days, as she has some freight to discharge. II or ! pi-ton rod was disabled ou the trip out and will have to be repariod before pro ceeding to this nort. Chief 31 oses and the other Indians who went to Washington, 1). C, on a bust nt the government expense, return ed on the Ancon Saturday. Tho steam er Vancouver met tbo ship at the month of the Willamette and took them aboard for Fort Vancouver, where they will re main a few (biys before going to their rescna ion. The Daily Oregonian of a recent date say: Several tons of machinery for the Monumental mine is now on the steam ship companies' wlnrves, brought by sto uners Oregou and Ancon. Tho bal ance will arrive ly the next steamer. On its arrival the entire lot, about 100 ton", will be sent togthe mine. A largo force of mechanics left here a few days since to commence work in construction of foundation and getting out necessary timbers for tha mill. The enterprise will be forwarded to completion with all possible dispatch, and if the expecta tions of those engaged iu it arc realized, large shipments of silver bullion will be regularly seut to this city from" the Monumental and other mine-; of Gran ite creek district for years to come. The operation of a dividend paying sil ver mine iu this state will be an addi- tion to its many valuable resources, the importance of which cannot be too high ly estimated. The Like View Herald says copious rains have viitt-d Lake county. Stock meti are moving in to take up locations in that county, from distuit parts. Stock is doing well an'u are lawyer? apparently, as there is a heavy circuit court docket Immigration from Ne vada was pising thre igh that place. The I ndependent says: Messrs. Dix on snd Ad unson have started with 11. t r ' .j. l.i ..:.,... 4-.. ..1.. ' ' ouo a nan over uie- vjimjhuu -muuiiuiiua to connect, this valley with the plains of E istern Oreiron. The route is one discovered by Cavitt, and used by him a hundred timc, and will start from some point on the head Waters of Doer Creek. When the trail is finished, Mrssrs. Dixson and A damson will drive a large biind of sheep over the niouii tains, there to herd them during the summer. Mr. John Adam?, about 70 years old, of Douglas county, a pioneer, was found stricken with paralysis, in the field, where he was at work, and died that evening. The Poseburg Independent says: The parties who got excited some time ago over the miii"S at Olala, have re turned worn out, broke and utterly dis gusted, and report very poor diggings. Mr. Slimier has started for Fastern Oregon over Deer Creek trail, with live hundred head of cows and yearlings, 'aud twenty or more brood mares, all of which were purchased in Umpqua val" loy. Up to the 20th of April 8600 color ed emigrants from the south had bctn sent f tv in St. Louis to Kansa-. Of the whole numb:r only 2400 could pay their own fare. The others were fur nished with free transportation by the colored emigration lclief committee. jMI-s Maud Miller has goue to live with her relatives at Fugone City. Mi-s. Minnie M)rtle Miller is to ar rive at Portland soon. Watts' commission as Pegislerat Or- egon City has not yet boon reeeivell. Gen. Grant's trip around the world has hern dramatized. Home, Sweet Home is not complete without a boi tie of Plunder's jOregon Blood Purifier. Since the application of lho registra tion system to third-class matter tho reistrati ui of coin aud bullion has rrown to be a considerable item in the mails, snd the indications are that the registration of third-cla?s matter will exceed those of first-class matter hi tha t sec'ion. Numerous application have been made for additional facilities in the transportation ol coin and bullion in the ni'iils, such as special coin bags and coin boxes, to go inside the mail bags. The department is desirous of encour- u"in' this use of the mails, and with a view to perfect tho system, a number of officers wiU make a careful inspection of the registration system on tho Pacific coast and at intermediate points. Gen. V. S. Koseerans is manufactur ing safety powder in San Francisco. Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, receives a salary of 812,000. Col fix cleared $10,000 by his lectures last year. Senator Bruce is very busy at his study of law. Jefi Davis is 71 years of age. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, is f feet 11 inches. in height and weighs 171 pounds. Senator Paddock of Nebraska, is 5 feet OA inches in bight and weighs 1S2 poulids- Senator Morrill of Vermont is 6 feet inch iu bight and weigiisv19G pounds. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, is o feet 8 inches in bight and weighs lo. pounds. Congressmen Weaver and Gillette, of i0wa, room together at Washington.- Prominent People. Eisliop "Whittle, of the Epiaoopte dio cese of Virginia, has iasied pestomi letter forbidding the ue of f oweri iri chtireh decoratioo, eTtn at Defter, &od disapproving of 8Tergreea t Christ inas. Old Siniou Cameron has become ft thorough womeo-hater. All his trans actions with his washerwoman are now conducted through his attorney. He won't allow a hotel waiter to wear an apron m his presence Senator Don Cameron has leased for a term of years the handsome Ohio stone mansion of ex-Gor Shepherd, on Farragufc square, in Washington city is probably the most elegantly-furnished private house in Washington. it is s-iid young Napoleon permitted! himself to fall in love with the pretty Princess Beatrice, and went to South' Africa to liglrt the Zulus in order to win not only the girl's admiration but her hand. Joaquin Miller wears his trousers out side of his boots again, snd it is thought' that he is contemplating the idea of es caping back to his nafire wilds. Sitting Bull has seen Puck's picture' of Senator Burnside, and he is perfect ly crazy to get at the man he says " has a scalp on each side of his aoe." Field Marshal Ten Manteuffel will bo' made Governor Geooral of Alsace Lor rain, the idea of nominjfcting a Roya Prince hating boen abandoned. The Kansas City Time says that Gen James Shields, ex-Senator from Missouri Is very ill of bronchitis at tho Sisters Hospital iu that iity. Senator Matt Carpenter, irho has not been well for some timo, contemplates1 going to Colorado for the benefit of his1 health. George Bancroft, tfce historian, con tinues daily exercise for his health itf the opon air at Washington. Senator Thurman roads Bore forcigrr books than any olher Sunator m Wash ington. Senator McPhcrson of New Jersey is 5 feet 10 iucheu in hight and weiglis' 170 pounds. Senator Randolph, of New Jersey is' fi feet 2 inches in hight anh wyighs 185 pounds. A rcprescntatiTe of the Beo called on Senator Mitchell at his hofrol this morning stated bis object to be anin- terview. The ex Senator was m the bast of spiril.s,looking finely, racei Ted us gracefully but frowned Trhon the sub'. ject of au 'interTiew' was wetioned. Senator M I hate nothing to say.- I am a private? citizen now. Kep. But the people expocfc something.' from you. Hate you eom hotte to stay? Yes and shall derot mjaclt exclu sively to ray profewioi. What are our railroad proapottef I think they wer eTe Arc the capitalists at prevent in the' State with Mr. Tillard ia. earnest, and do they mean to bniJd ar railroad to Salt- Lake? I have no authority Jto speak foC them, but I bcIieTe that capitalists' dotT" bore mean to engage in enterprises of vcrygrcat importanco to the people of Portland and Oregon. "What is your opinion of the' future' for Portland? The immediate futuro for this city and for the whole S ate, L am positive, will be by far more prosperous than any previous time in its history. The Senator spoke with enthusiadtf and wo thought vsrc were on the right track notwithstanding his aversion to" an interview, but tho arrWal of some friends interrupted us, and wo "quietly withdrew, but carrying an impression that Mr. Mitchell is again : irosinesp man and enters into- the wor profession Avith the ol' thusiasur